
Mostrando entradas de julio 10, 2022

OBERTA CONVOCATÒRIA Premis Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica per a treballs de màster d'història de la ciència

S'han convocat i ja es poden presentar candidatures als premis de la Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència per a treballs de màster en història de la ciència en modalitat professional i acadèmica. El termini de presentació acaba el 2 de desembre de 2022. Si teniu dubtes sobre en quina categoria, professional o acadèmica, pertany el vostre treball, ens ho dieu ( schct@iec.cat ) i us assesorarem. Per presentar candidatures: Orientació Professional: https://premis.iec.cat/premis/premis_un.asp?id=23 Orientació Acadèmica: https://premis.iec.cat/premis/premis_un.asp?id=85 Premi Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica per a treballs de màster d’història de la ciència amb una orientació professional.   8a convocatòria.  Premi instituït l’any 2015. Els objectius del premi són donar suport als estudiants de postgrau d’història de la ciència, de la tècnica i de la medicina, que en el futur constituiran el col·lectiu professional d’aquesta disciplina, i fomentar la

CfP: 'Renaissance Care' at 2023 San Juan meeting of the Renaissance Society of America

The Lise Meitner Research Group “Decay, Loss, and Conservation in Art History” at the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History solicits abstracts for a paper session to be held at the 2023 Renaissance Society of America (RSA) Annual Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico. RENAISSANCE CARE This session looks at how people and communities in early modernity cared for objects that mattered to them. It aims at moving beyond restoration and treatment, examining instead a broader set of material and immaterial practices aimed at securing and maintaining the object’s well-being. These might include (but are not limited to) acts of physical or symbolic protection and repair; rites of consecration, inauguration, and restitution; as well as what we nowadays describe as preventive conservation, risk management, environment control, and boundary maintenance. Our attention therefore extends to spaces of deposit, storage, and concealment, away from those sites of display (the gallery,

Science History Institute Welcomes 2022–2023 Beckman Center Fellows

Incoming class includes scholars in our new two-year curatorial fellowship program. The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at the Science History Institute is pleased to announce our 2022–2023 class of fellows. Hailing from a diverse list of local, national, and international institutions, our incoming fellows will use our collections to study a wide range of topics in the history and social studies of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences. In addition to our postdoctoral, dissertation, distinguished, and short-term research fellows, this year’s class also includes a cohort of two-year curatorial fellows, the first of its kind at the Institute. Scholars from this new fellowship program will assist with ongoing projects as staff members, expanding and exploring interpretive programs for our library and museum. The Science History Institute is home to the largest private fellowship program in the historical study of science, medicine, and technology in the Uni

FEM ciència? Propostes de la SCHCT per conèixer quin paper juguen les dones a la història de la ciència

FEM ciència? és una iniciativa d’entrevistes online a historiadores de la ciència a nivell internacional que pretén conèixer i reflexionar quotidiana i col·lectivament sobre el paper de les dones a la ciència i la tècnica i a la seva història. La seva motivació naix de la necessitat de reflexionar col·lectivament sobre la construcció d’una història de la dones, especialment en el context científic-tècnic. El resultat de FEM ciència? és de 17 entrevistes en vídeo, amb les  corresponents notes de premsa i publicacions per les xarxes socials. Tot el  material conforma una font historiogràfica molt rica i que es capbussa cap a  temes inexplorats, mostra la necessitat, però també les dificultats d’una història  de la ciència de les dones i transmet una mirada molt transparent de com  s’entrellaça la ciència, la seva història i la societat.  Acabar convidant totes les lectores i lectors a visualitzar les entrevistes de FEM  ciència?, emprar-les a les classes o com a tasques investigadores o

CfP: 17th Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST)

University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24-29 July 2023 https://clmpst2023.dc.uba.ar/ Submission deadline: 15 December 2022 The International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology (CLMPST) is organized every four years under the auspices of the Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (DLMPST/IUHPST). The 2023  edition will take place in Buenos Aires. The theme of the Congress is “Science and Values in an Uncertain World”. CLMPST 2023 will host three plenary lectures, delivered by Philip Kitcher (Columbia  University, USA), Helen Longino (Stanford University, USA), and Itala d’Ottaviano  (University of Campinas, Brazil), and over twenty invited lectures. Confirmed invited  speakers include María Caamaño (University of Valladolid, Spain), Matteo Colombo  (University of Tilburg, The Netherlands), David Danks (University of California

CfP: Poincarean studies, edited by Archives Henri-Poincaré

Special issue of Philosophia Scientiae 27/3 & 28/1 (November 2023 & February 2024) Editors: Archives Henri-Poincaré Submission Deadline: October 1st 2022 Acceptance Notification: : January 1st 2023 Final version due: May 1st 2023 Address for submission: phscientiae-poincare-contact@univ-lorraine.fr The Henri Poincaré Archives were created in 1992 by Gerhard Heinzmann around the project of publishing the scientific, academic and private correspondence of Henri Poincaré. A bibliographic brochure produced by Laurent Rollet then objectified the intensity and diversity of Poincarean studies throughout the 20th century in epistemology, philosophy, history of science and history of mathematics; two new bibliographical compilations published in 2000 and 2005 largely confirmed this observation. On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, the Archives Henri-Poincaré proposes to publish a thematic dossier of the journal Philosophia Scientiae on the recent directions taken by Poincarean stud

CfP: Actual Philosophy. Critical Thinking at the Crossroads of Technology, Aesthetics and Politics, and the History of Culture

Azimuth invites contributions in English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Authors, whose papers will be accepted, will be asked to edit their contributions according to the editorial rules of the journal (available at:  http://www.azimuthjournal.com/call-for-papers/ ). Contributions should not exceed 34.000 characters (spaces and footnotes included). All articles are subjected to blind review process. Please send your complete papers to:  editorial@azimuthjournal.com  by January 10th, 2023. More info at:  http://www.azimuthjournal.com/call-for-papers/ From 2013, the year of its founding, to the present, Azimuth has played a role in mapping the contemporary philosophical debate on a variety of topics, mainly focusing on three key thematic areas: the philosophy of technology, aesthetics and politics, and the history of ideas and cultures. Our editorial work was intended to explore the ways in which the philosophical reflection intersects and confronts other forms of know

CfP: “Human-machine communication cultures: Artificial intelligence, media and cultures in a global context”

Proposals are invited for articles to be published in a special issue of the journal Global Media and China entitled “Human machine communication cultures: Artificial intelligence, media and cultures in a global context,” guest-edited by Simone Natale (University of Turin, Italy) and Deqiang Ji (Communication University of China). Traditionally, communication studies investigate the social, cultural and political dimensions of human communication, especially but not exclusively when mediated by technology. Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) pose a new challenge to existing frameworks: technologies such as voice assistants, social media bots, and the application of automatic text generators to news media not only play the role of the channel through which communication is achieved, as in traditional definitions of the term medium (McLuhan, 1964), but also the role of the communicator (Natale, 2021) or moderator (Gillespie, 2018), since they are programmed to produce commun

Newcastle: NUACT Early Career Fellowships

Newcastle University Academic Track Fellowships (NUACT) NUACT fellowships are 5-year fellowships, potentially leading to a permanent post. They are aimed at probably those people who are already making a mark, or clearly have the potential to do so. So probably a couple of years beyond their PhD, perhaps have done a post-doc of some kind, with some publications and other recognition under their belt. I am attaching here what the blurb from this page: What We Offer - NUAcT (NU Academic Track Fellowships) - Newcastle University (ncl.ac.uk) Initial fixed-term appointment for five years (or five years’ full-time equivalent if working part-time) with progression to an open-ended contract subject to successful review. Research expenses up to £50k, subject to research programme needs and partner organisation. Funding for a 3-year PhD student (UKRI rate for Fee and Stipend, Home (UK) level) associated with the research. Relocation expenses up to £3000 Dedicated mentors with extensive researc