
Mostrando entradas de enero 10, 2016

Sociología Histórica. Revista de investigación acerca de la dimensión histórica de los fenómenos sociales

Publicación del número monográfico de Sociología Histórica, coordinado por Salvador Cayuela,  dedicado a Biopolítica y Ciencias Sociales. Accesible en: http://revistas.um.es/sh/issue/view/13861/showToc   Tabla de contenidos Biopolítica y ciencias sociales: Presentación Artículos Biopolítica, totalitarismo y globalización, Antonio Campillo Les origines théologico-politiques du biopouvoir. Pastorale et généalogie de l’État, Arnault Skornircki Los orígenes teológico-políticos del biopoder. Pastoral y genealogía del Estado, Arnault Skornicki Georges Canguilhem y la biopolítica de las discapacidades, Francisco Vázquez El poder psiquiátrico y la sociología de la enfermedad mental: un balance, José Luis Moreno Pestaña El Efecto Malthus: población y gobierno liberal de la vida, Mitchell Dean Biopower, food and space, Hilda E Kurtz Biopoder, alimento y espacio, Hilda E. Kurtz Jesuitismo y biopolítica en las misiones del Paraguay, Alejandro Ruidrejo Gubernamental

Last Call (extended deadline: February 15, 2016): Science, Values, and Democracy?

 Last Call for Application   USS univie: summer school   SWC Scientific World Conceptions   Science, Values, and Democracy?   Vienna, July 4-15, 2016   Science and democracy are key features of modern societies, but there have always been tensions between them, with implications for a wide range of public issues. This two-week course will examine historical, philosophical, and political perspectives on the relation of science, values, and democracy.   

ESHHS & CHEIRON. Second call for abstracts and extension of the deadline for abstract submission

JOINT MEETING ESHHS (European Society for the History of Human Sciences) &  CHEIRON (International Society for the History of Behavioural and Social Sciences) Barcelona, Spain, June 27-July 1, 2016 ESHHS and CHEIRON invite submissions to their joint conference to be held from June 27 to July 1, 2016, at the Centre for History of Science (CEHIC), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Sessions, papers, workshops, round-tables and posters may deal with any aspect of the history of the human, behavioural or social sciences. However, this year’s conference will devote particular interest in topics such as: historiography history and philosophy of science popularization of science and the role of experts in modern society the circulation of science and technology in the European periphery Submissions : must be received by January 25 , 2016 . Please send yo

Claiming authority producing standards. Call for papers

Claiming authority, producing standards: The IAEA and the history of radiation protection Organizers: Martin Kusch, Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna Maria Rentetzi, Lise Meitner Fellow (FWF), Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna conference website: http://rentetzi.weebly.com/ Venue: University of Vienna, Institute for Philosophy Dates: 3-4 June 2016 Keynote speakers: Angela Creager , Thomas M. Siebel Professor in the History of Science, Department of History, Princeton University Soraya de Chadarevian, Professor, Department of History and the Institute for Society and Genetics, University of California, Los Angeles. Jacob Darwin Hamblin , Professor of History, Department of History, Oregon State University Deadline for submission: 31 January 2016 This workshop seeks to bring together scholars working on the history of radiation protection and the role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in shaping, standardizin

2nd Workshop Historical Epistemology - Paris 2016

CALL FOR PAPERS /  APPEL À CONTRIBUTIONS 2nd Workshop /  Deuxièmes Journées d’études  Historical Epistemology: a history of the present Epistémologie Historique: une histoire du présent 19-20-21 May 2016 Ecole doctorale de Philosophie ED 280, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Institut des sciences Juridique & Philosophique de la Sorbonne – UMR 8130 Centre de Philosophie Contemporaine de la Sorbonne, Equipe EXeCO https://episthist.hypotheses.org *** [ English ] The working domain of this workshop corresponds to the domain of historical epistemology (HEP), broadly understood both as a “tradition” and as a method in philosophy and history of science. On this occasion we would like to investigate one of the most distinctive traits of HEP, that is, the  permanent tension between past and present  it instantiates. As testified by many of its practitioners, HEP is an inquiry which is present-oriented, or, alternatively, it is written using the present

Dissertations in the history of science and medicine

Type: Online Digital Resources Subject Fields: Area Studies, Graduate Studies December 21, 2015 You can view the latest batch of recent doctoral dissertations harvested from the issues 76-03 A and B of Dissertation Abstracts pertaining to aspects of the broad scope of the history of medicine and science at the following URL:  http://www.hsls.pitt.edu/histmed/dissertations ProQuest has altered how they put out their individual issues.  No longer do they correlate to one month, so the dating is more random.  Thus titles will range from 2015-yes they have some 2015 dates-back into the1930’s. Because ProQuest has begun downloading a large number of earlier dissertations from many institutions a decision has been made to only include titles going back to 2010 in this database.  Anyone who wants the complete list of titles on this topic should email me directly at erlen@pitt.edu and I will email you the full list. Please share this information with your colle

2 Leverhulme Trust funded PhD studentships at Glasgow

As part of 'Collections', the University of Glasgow's Leverhulme Trust Doctoral Award, two PhD scholarships are currently available in the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, for studies to commence 1st October 2016:    1. Collecting worlds, dissertating geography: disciplinary history and knowledge production in the undergraduate geography dissertation 2. Lord Kelvin, geographer: Considering the life and work of Lord Kelvin from the perspective of the history of the earth sciences Fuller outlines for both scholarship projects appear further below. Details of the University of Glasgow Leverhulme Trust 'Collections' award can be found here: http://www.gla.ac.uk/colleges/ arts/graduateschool/ fundingopportunities/ leverhulmetrustscholarships/ Each PhD scholarship provides 3 years of maintenance (c. £14,100 in academic session 2016-17), and covers University tuition fees (Home/EU rate only). Applicants should hold, or currently

Second Call: First Principles in Science, June 10-11, 2016 at LMU Munich

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy invites papers for the following event: FIRST PRINCIPLES IN SCIENCE: THEIR EPISTEMIC STATUS AND JUSTIFICATION MCMP, LMU Munich 10-11 June 2016 http://www. firstprinciples2016. philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/ index.html ****************************** *************** What is the epistemic status of first principles in science and how do scientists justify them accordingly? These are the central questions that will be discussed at this workshop. So far, discussions about first principles and their justification in science have focused largely on the natural sciences. For example, philosophical debates around Poincaré’s conventionalism or the relativized a priori are usually grounded in concrete case studies from physics. Yet, first principles occupy an equally important, yet controversial, role in other natural and as well i

History of Medicine in medieval Islam project - part-time education post

Dear Colleagues, The Museum of the History of Science in Oxford are looking for a part-time (approx 9 hours a week) education officer post for 18 month project on history of medicine in medieval Islam in collaboration with the Oriental Institute - see advert and JD attached or link below.  I should be grateful if you would forward this to anyone with relevant schools teaching and museum learning experience who might be interested and in striking distance of Oxford.  Link to vacancy on the website and online application: http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/about/ staff-vacancies/ Closing date is 12.00 on Tuesday 2nd February.

XIV Trobada d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica. Castelló de la Plana, 27, 28 i 29 d'octubre de 2016

La Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (SCHCT) convoca la XIV Trobada, la reunió científica general que, cada dos anys, té per objectiu acollir els treballs de recerca i les activitats que duen a terme les seves sòcies i els seus socis, així com els treballs de totes les historiadores i historiadors de la ciència i de la tècnica i disciplines afins que hi vulguen participar. En aquesta ocasió, la Trobada tindrà lloc a la Universitat Jaume I, de Castelló de la Plana, ciutat que acull per primera vegada aquesta reunió científica. Àmbits científics proposats 1. Ciència i Tècnica 2. Cultura material, instruments científics i museus de la ciència 3. Història de la Ciència i ensenyament 4. Medicina i salut 5. Comunicació científica 6. La llengua de la ciència: terminologia, llengua

Minds and Brains in Everyday Life. Embedding and Negotiating Scientific Concepts in Popular Discourses

Type: Call for Papers Date: March 6, 2016 Location: United Kingdom Subject Fields: British History / Studies, Health and Health Care, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Psychology, Childhood and Education Minds and Brains in Everyday Life:  Embedding and Negotiating Scientific Concepts in Popular Discourses Symposium, to be held on 8 and 9 June 2016. The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities Hope Park Square. Edinburgh. EH8 9NW The aim of this 2-day symposium is to enable an interdisciplinary discussion of how the mind and brain have, historically and in contemporary society, figured in everyday understandings of ourselves. The symposium will address questions such as: How are the mind and brain conceptualized, imagined and quantified in everyday life? How do (neuro)psychological discourses influence the understanding of the mind and brain outside of expert circles? How do these inform concepts of the self, social practice

'Feeding on the nectar of the gods': Appropriations of Isaac Newton's thought, ca. 1700-1750

Type: Call for Papers Date:  July 5, 2016 to July 6, 2016 Subject Fields:  Early Modern History and Period Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Humanities, Intellectual History, Religious Studies and Theology CFP: 'Feeding on the nectar of the gods': Appropriations of Isaac Newton's thought, ca. 1700-1750 Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium. Meeting Dates: 5-6 July 2016.  Call For Papers Deadline: April 24, 2016 CONFERENCE THEME The conference theme is the diffusion of Newton’s thought during the first half of the eighteenth century across Europe. The seeming ease with which Newton’s ideas were diffused has long been described as self-evident. State-of-the-art research has, however, shown that the spread and success of Newton’s corpus was far from obvious. More particularly, it has been suggested that the successful diffusion of Newton’s ideas was not merely determined by the obvious merits of the scientific claims

HOPOS 2018 letters of interest

HOPOS 2018 The 12th Biennial Meeting of the International Society of the History of Philosophy of Science Call for Expressions of Interest to Host The HOPOS Steering Committee invites expressions of interest to host HOPOS 2018, the 12th biennial meeting of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science.  Traditionally, HOPOS meetings have alternated between Europe and North America but other expressions of interest have not thereby been precluded from consideration.  We thus invite expressions of interest from potential hosts in Europe and other suitable locations outside of North America for HOPOS 2018. HOPOS biennial meetings are held in late June or early July, from Wednesday or Thursday through Sunday, and are sponsored by one or more academic institutions. HOPOS meetings attract a thriving international community eager to hear each meeting’s approximately one hundred and twenty scholarly talks, including plenary talks from the field’

Programa Congrés Leibniz 21-22 Gener 2016

INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS.  300 ANNIVERSARY GOTTFRIED WILHELM LEIBNIZ (Leipzig,1646 - Hannover,1716)   21 - 22th January 2016 Organization Grup de Recerca d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (Proyecto HAR2013-44643-R)  Departament de Matemàtiques de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Organization Committee Joaquim Berenguer,  Mónica Blanco,  Guillermo Lusa,  Mª Rosa Massa,  Mary Sol de Mora,  Carles Puig-Pla,  Antoni Roca-Rosell,  Fàtima Romero Aims -To commemorate the 300th anniversary of the death of Leibniz from a mathematical point of view and from the area of history of science, analyzing his work and its impact. -To complete and / or expand the scientific training of future professionals in engineering and mathematics. -To

Jobs at MHS Oxford

Dear all,  Please do forward this job to anyone that may be interested.  The Museum of the History of Science, Oxford is looking to recruit a part-time exhibition curator to help with our 2016/17 exhibition 'Back from the Dead'. We're looking at the history of antibiotics and the future of antibiotic resistance.  We also have positions to help with moving our stores this year. Please do see the Museum's job pages for further details of both positions: http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/about/ staff-vacancies/ All best wishes, Sophie Waring Modern Collections Curator, MHS, Oxford sophie.waring@mhs.ox.ac.uk

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Department II (Lorraine Daston), announces a Postdoctoral Fellowship, starting date September 1, 2016 – ending date: June 30, 2019. Outstanding scholars no more than three years past the award of their doctorates are invited to apply. The fellowships will be awarded in conjunction with the research projects of the Department: http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg. de/en/research/projects/ department2 Candidates should hold a doctorate in the history of science or a related field at the time the fellowship begins. The quality and relevance of the project rather than the discipline in which the doctoral degree was awarded will be decisive in the award of fellowships. Priority will be given to applicants whose projects complement the research initiatives of the department. However, postdoctoral fellows are expected to carry out their own individual research programs. The Max Planck Institute for the History of S

University of Cambridge: Lectureship in STM before 1800

Department of History and Philosophy of Science University of Cambridge UL in Science, Technology and Medicine before 1800 Applications are invited for a permanent University Lectureship in Science, Technology and Medicine before 1800, to start on 1 September 2016 or as soon as possible thereafter. Responsibilities will include contributing to all aspects of undergraduate and graduate teaching, supervising and examining, leading research work in early science, medicine and technology, and various administrative duties for the Department. Applicants must hold a PhD (or equivalent) and have an outstanding record of excellence in teaching, research and publication in this area. The Department offers an exceptionally stimulating and supportive interdisciplinary research environment and the opportunity to develop undergraduate and graduate teaching in the post-holder's areas of expertise. Further particulars and information on how to apply are available at

Para una historia de la interactividad en los museos de ciencia. Anunci de conferencia y entrevista al ponente

Parlem amb Jaume Sastre-Juan sobre la genealogia de la interactivitat als museus de ciència. Reproduïm aquí una conversa informal (entrevista feta per Alfons Zarzoso en el trànsit al 2016, a la xarxa) que hem mantingut amb Jaume Sastre-Juan a propòsit de la conferència ( La innocència de prémer un botó: algunes claus per a una història de la interactivitat ) que impartirà el proper divendres 15 de gener a la Sala XXX de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans ( Sala Nicolau d'Olwer, carrer del Carme, 47, Barcelona). La xerrada, gratuïta i oberta a tothom, forma part del cicle ( Objectes perduts: explicar i exposar ciència a museus i altres llocs públics ) de col·loquis de la Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica. Les grans corporacions empresarials. Aquesta és una de les gran sorpreses que el lector es troba en veure la relació que fas en la teva recerca sobre els museus de ciència i la museografia coneguda aquí com el "toca-toca". Potser no era tan e

Summer Seminar in History and Statecraft, Clements Center for National Security

Type:  Seminar Date:  July 24, 2016 to July 29, 2016 Location:  Colorado, United States Subject Fields:  Ancient History, Diplomacy and International Relations, Military History, Political Science Makers of foreign and defense policy frequently attempt to draw on historical knowledge to gain perspective on contemporary national security issues. Meanwhile, historians and other scholars frequently comment on present-day decision-making problems and sometimes aspire to influence policy debates. Yet policymakers and scholars generally occupy separate intellectual and institutional universes. Especially in recent years, they have had little to say to one another. The result, arguably, has been the impoverishment of both communities. From July 24-29, 2016, the Clements Center for National Security at the University of Texas at Austin will convene a weeklong seminar for doctoral students focused on the connections between statecraft and history. Several se

Private actors in politics and policy-making: Trespassers producing norms?

Type:  Workshop Date:  February 29, 2016 Location:  Czech Republic Subject Fields:  Political Science, Public Policy, Social Sciences, Sociology, Law and Legal History Workshop for young researchers,  CEFRES Research area “Norms and transgressions” Deadline for Submission : 29 February 2016. Decision notification due : 14 March 2016. Date & Place : 12 May 2016, at CEFRES on Národní 18, conference room on the 7th floor. Organizers : Jana Vargovčíková (CEFRES & FF UK) and Kateřina Merklová (FF UK) Please send your CV, paper title and a 500 words-long abstract to: jana.vargovcikova@cefres.cz . The workshop will include among its discussants Hélène Michel (SAGE, Institut d´Études Politiques in Strasbourg) and Michael Smith (CERGE-EI, Czech Academy of Sciences). For non-Czech participants, accommodation in Prague can be provided by the organizers.

Calls for postdoctoral fellowships - Barcelona HPS Group

From the Barcelona HPS (History and Philosophy of Science) Research Group at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Dear all, we encourage postdoctoral  researchers at the interfaces of philosophy and history of science to apply for one of the following positions: Juan de la Cierva fellowships A. Junior postdoctoral fellowship:  The Spanish ministry for research and education (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad/MINECO) has published a call for a number of 2-year postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva fellowships, for candidates who have obtained their PhD between 01/01/2014 and 31/12/2015 (for persons with 50% disabilities or more: 01/01/2013 and 31/12/2015).  Period of application: 13/01/2016 - 03/02/2016. Applications by candidates must be included in a matching application to be submitted by some member of a Spanish institution willing to incorporate the applicant. See: http://www.idi.mineco.gob.es/ portal/site/MICINN/menuitem. dbc68b34d11ccbd5d52ffeb80

Method, Science, and Mathematics: Neo-Kantianism and Early Analytic Philosophy

Call for submissions to a special issue of the  Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy A widely held view is that the late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s revolutions in logic, mathematics, and physics decisively overturned the Kantian theory of knowledge and provided the most significant intellectual motivations for early analytic philosophy. But neo-Kantian philosophers at the time defended philosophical positions in response to early analytic philosophy and the revolutionary developments that inspired it. Some neo-Kantians were partly responsible for those developments in mathematics and physics, while others took the developments on board and defended versions of Kantian philosophy that were consistent with them. The issue focuses on the work and influence of Hermann von Helmholtz and Ernst Cassirer. Helmholtz’s engagement with the analytic tradition turns on his thought concerning the foundations of geometry, including his theory of measurement, and t