
Mostrando entradas de febrero 16, 2014

CFP: 'Interpreting the Information Age': new avenues for research and display

Call for contributions ‘Interpreting the Information Age’: new avenues for research and display November 24 th – 26 th 2014 Science Museum, London Dear colleagues, In autumn 2014, the Science Museum will open a ground-breaking new permanent gallery, Information Age . The gallery will expose, examine and celebrate how information and communication technologies have transformed our lives over the last 200 years . To mark this launch, the Museum is hosting a three day conference which will discuss how the history and material culture of information can be made relevant for today’s audiences, and celebrate the participation projects which have supported the gallery’s development. We would welcome contributions from peers across the sector and beyond, to support this exciting conference. The details of the call can be found at the web address below – please send all proposals to research@sciencemuseum.ac.uk by Friday 28 th March 2014. http://www.scienc

Darwin Trust scholarships for PhD students in history or philosophy of science and technology

The Darwin Trust of Edinburgh: Postgraduate Research Scholarship in the History or Philosophy of Science and Technology The Darwin Trust of Edinburgh: A Charitable Trust for the promotion of research and education in natural science Postgraduate Research Scholarship in the History or Philosophy of Science and Technology The Darwin Trust invites applications for a postgraduate research scholarship tenable at any UK University from graduates, of any nationality, who wish to study for a PhD in the history or philosophy of science and technology. The scholarship will provide a maintenance grant of £10,000 per annum for up to three years, a travel grant where appropriate, and the necessary University fees. Candidates, who should not normally be more than 30 years of age, should hold, or be expected to obtain, academic qualifications equivalent to a First Class Honours degree from a British University and must have an application confirmed or pending for a postgraduate pos

Call for Papers: JAS Med 2014

Announcing the 12th Annual Joint Atlantic Seminar in the History of Medicine, hosted by the Johns Hopkins History of Medicine Department. The conference will be held October 3-4, 2014 in Baltimore, Maryland. JAS Med is an annual gathering of early career historians of medicine and public health, coordinated by graduate students. Our mission is to foster a collegial intellectual community and provide a forum for sharing and critiquing graduate research among peers. We welcome all participants and encourage interdisciplinary conversations. CALL FOR PAPERS: We are currently calling for abstracts from scholars working on problems in health and medicine in all allied fields, as well as the traditional fields of history of medicine and public health. The problems addressed may fall within the history of health and healing; medical ideas, practices, and institutions; illness, disease, and bodies, from all eras and regions of the world. If interested, please submit an abstract of

Call for Papers: 2014 History of Science Society Annual Meeting

HSS 2014 Annual Meeting: Call for Papers Chicago, Illinois, USA 6-9 November 2014 The History of Science Society will hold its 2014 Annual Meeting in the Westin, Michigan Avenue in Chicago, the "Stormy, husky, brawling, City of the Big Shoulders." As we do in every even-numbered year, we will also be with our colleagues from the Philosophy of Science Association. The HSS encourages submissions on all topics. All proposals must be submitted on the HSS Web site ( http://www.hssonline.org ) or on the annual meeting proposal forms that are available from the HSS Executive Office: info@hssonline.org . Participants do not need to be members of the HSS, but all participants must register for the meeting (organizers who invite speakers are responsible for making sure that registration fees are paid). Appli cants are encouraged to propose sessions that include diverse participants: a mix of men and women, and/or a balance of professional ranks (i.e., mixing senior scholar

Ofertas de trabajo y becas

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - three junior andsenior visiting residential fellowships for up to three months < http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=48429 > Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - one postdoctoral fellowship for three months< http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=48430 > Michigan State University - Fixed-Term Instructor for History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science (HPS)< http://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=48455 >