
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 30, 2018

Dynamis. Volumen 38(2). 2018

DOSSIER ANTICONCEPCIÓN, SEXUALIDAD Y SALUD: CULTURAS DEL ACTIVISMO, PRÁCTICAS (NO) REPRODUCTIVAS Y FUENTES ORALES Editado por Teresa Ortiz Gómez y Agata Ignaciuk Historia de la anticoncepción e historia oral, una revisión bibliográfica Teresa Ortiz Gómez y Agata Ignaciuk . . .  293 ¿Una pequeña revolución sexual? Experiencias de sexualidad y anticoncepción de mujeres andaluzas entre los años cincuenta y ochenta del siglo XX    Agata Ignaciuk y Alba Villén Jiménez . . .  303 En sus propias palabras: Relatos de vida sexual y (no) reproductiva de mujeres jóvenes mexicanas durante las décadas de 1960 y 1970 Karina Alejandra Felitti .   .   .   333 Sexualidad y anticoncepción en la periferia española durante    la transición democrática: Los Centros Asesores de la Mujer y la Familia en la Región de Murcia (1980-1982) Ramón Castejón Bolea .   .   .   363 ARTÍCULOS Family, feud, and fertility in late Medieval Artois and Flanders

CfP: Handling the body, taking control: Technologies of the gendered body

10th European Spring School on History of Science and Popularization. Institut Menorquí d’Estudis, Maó (Balearic Islands, Spain). 23-25 May 2019.  Organized by the Catalan Society for the History of Science and Technology. Coordinated by Montserrat Cabré and Teresa Ortiz-Gómez The aim of the 10th European Spring School [ESS] “Handling the body, taking control: Technologies of the gendered body” is to encompass a diversity of themes around the axis of the historical construction of the gendered body as a locus of both empowerment and disempowerment and the place of the natural philosophical and biomedical disciplines in shaping the political and subjective dimensions of human experience. The School is particularly concerned with exploring how diverse intellectual and social movements have struggled to gain authority and cultural hegemony over women´s bodies by way of defining sexual difference and the gendered body. The ESS is envisaged as a space for junior scholar

CfP: Science and Spiritualism, 1750-1930

The Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies is pleased to announce a two-day conference, to take place at Leeds Trinity University on  30 and 31 May 2019 . We are delighted to have Professor  Christine Ferguson  (University of Stirling), and Professor  Roger Luckhurst  (Birkbeck, University of London) as our keynote speakers. Description : Since the emergence of modern mediumship in the middle of the nineteenth century, science and spiritualism have been interwoven. Sceptics and believers alike have investigated spirit and psychic phenomena to determine its legitimacy. This two-day interdisciplinary conference will explore the history of the intersection of science and spiritualism during the long nineteenth century. Key scholarship includes: Ferguson, Christine,  Determined Spirits:  Eugenics, Heredity and Racial Regeneration in Anglo-American Spiritualist Writings  1848-1930 , Edinburgh University Press, 2012. Lamont, Peter,  Extraordinary Beliefs: A Historical

CfP for MLA Meyerhoff Prize - Due Nov 1, 2018

The Erich Meyerhoff (formerly Murray Gottlieb) Prize is awarded annually by the Medical Library Association for the best unpublished scholarly paper about a topic in the history of the health sciences. The purpose of the prize is to recognize and stimulate interest in the history of the health sciences.  The author of the winning essay receives complimentary registration to the annual meeting, a certificate at the association’s annual meeting, and a cash award of $500, funded by the History of the Health Sciences Section, after the meeting. This prize was established in 1956 by Ralph and Jo Grimes of the Old Hickory Bookshop, Brinklow, MD, in memory of Murray Gottlieb, a New York antiquarian book dealer.  Since 2010, this award has been sponsored by the MLA History of the Health Sciences Section.  In 2016 it was renamed to honor longtime MLA member Erich Meyerhoff, AHIP, FMLA.  Meyerhoff was a legendary figure in medical librarianship with a great devotion to the his

Docent per curs d'història de la ciència i la medicina

A la Casa Golferichs comencem a programar el trimestre d’hivern (gener-març), i volem engegar un curs d’història de la ciència vertebrat pels avenços en medicina. Seria quelcom com “Ciència i medicina al segle XIX” Qui pugui estar interessat pot enviar-nos un mail a mi mateixa o a la responsable de formació, Andrea Balaguer : coordinacio@golferichs.org Els cursos són sessions d’una hora i mitja, durant 10 sessions. De caire divulgatiu, per a no experts. Públic adult i en horari de tardes.

DHST Prizes for Recent Ph.D.s in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

2019 DHST PRIZE COMPETITION FOR Young Scholars (Recent Ph.D.s) SCHEME The International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Division of History of Science and Technology (IUHPST/DHST), invites submissions for the fifth DHST Prize for Young Scholars (meaning recent Ph.D.s of any age), to be awarded in 2019 and presented in 2021. Initiated at the 22 nd International Congress of History of Science in 2005 held in Beijing, the DHST Young Scholar Prize is now awarded by the IUHPST/DHST every two years. Up to three awards for recent Ph.D. historians of science and technology will be awarded to recognize outstanding doctoral dissertations completed and filed between 1 September 2016 and 1 September 2018. The 2019 DHST Prize does not specify distinct categories, but submissions must be on the history of science or technology in any part of the world. The Award Committee endeavors to maintain the broadest coverage of subjects, geographical

Wellcome Medical Humanities Fellowships - University of Leeds

University of Leeds - Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund Mersenners might be particularly interested to note the latest call for the following funding scheme at the University of Leeds: Early Career Researcher Fellowships – to support promising individuals in basic science, humanities and clinical fields to enable them to realise their potential and position themselves for competitive external Fellowship applications at postdoctoral level. We especially welcome applications from researchers in medical humanities. These Fellowships can provide up to 12 months of support, including salary, and are particularly designed for those who have recently completed their doctorates. The application deadline is 12 noon on October 29 th 2018 , shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview on Friday December 14 th 2018 .  Applicants should ensure that they will be available to attend for interview on this date.  Application forms and guidance for applica

CfP: Critical Histories of Aging and Later Life, Radical History Review

Critical Histories of Aging and Later Life Issue number 139 (January 2021) Abstract Deadline:  June 1, 2019 Co-Edited  by Amanda Ciafone, Devin McGeehan Muchmore, and David Serlin In 2017, the United Nations estimated that the share of the world’s population over the age of sixty will have doubled between 2000 and 2050. Politicians, corporate executives, and popular commentators warn of a “crisis” produced by population aging, variously invoking concerns about slowed economic development in the global south, strained pensions and welfare systems, a shrinking labor force, and a care deficit.  Concomitantly, academic gerontologists have produced a paradigm of “active” and “successful” aging, conceiving of a physically “healthy,” socially enriched, and economically productive old age that is both a product of, and a solution to, human longevity. These narratives of a “New Old Age” rely upon an overly tidy and teleological account of aging’s history, decryin

Job: Principal Curator of Science, National Museums Scotland

Vacancy for Principal Curator of Science at National Museums Scotland. This is an exciting full-time, permanent opportunity to work with one of the best collections of its kind in the world, managing an expert curatorial team within the Science & Technology department. https://vacancies.nms.ac.uk/ VacancyDetails.aspx? FromSearch=True&MenuID=& VacancyID=204 .

CfP: Durham Early Modern Studies Conference 2019

22nd July 2019, 09:00 to 24th July 2019, 17:00, Durham University,  Durham Early Modern Studies Conference 2019.  Durham University, Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies.  Monday 22 July – Wednesday 24 July 2019 Call for Panel Proposals We welcome proposals both for Panels comprising three or four 20-minute papers. Panel proposals should comprise: A cover sheet, detailing the title of the panel, a short summary of its scope and purpose (no more than 200 words), the names of the participants, and the name and e-mail address of the panel organizer (who will be the contact with the conference committee) A 200 word synopsis of each of the three/four papers Short cvs (one page) of the 3/4 presenters, the panel chair and the commentator (the chair and commentator may be the same person) The conference committee encourages panels which include papers from participants at a range of career stages. We are open to the submission of panel proposals including pape

Maurice Daumas Prize – ICOHTEC’s Article Prize

The International Committee for the History of Technology , ICOHTEC, welcomes submissions for the Maurice Daumas Prize , which aims to encourage innovative scholarship in the history of technology. ICOHTEC is interested in the history of technological development as well as its relationship to science, society, economy, culture and the environment. There is no limitation as to theoretical or methodological approaches. The prize will be awarded to the author of the best article submitted which deals with the history of technology in any period of the past or in any part of the world and which was published in a journal or edited volume in 2017 or 2018. Eligible for the prize are original articles published in (or later translated into) any of the official ICOHTEC languages (English, French, German, Russian or Spanish). Submissions are welcomed from scholars of any country who are currently in graduate school or have received their doctorate within the last seven years . Please se

New York Academy of Medicine Job Listing: Digitization Consultant, p/t temp

Job Title:  Digitization Consultant Position Summary/Overview: The New York Academy of Medicine Library is currently looking for a consultant to work on our mass digitization project, Public Health in America, 1911-1968.  Collections in the project include the Committee on Public Health of the New York Academy of Medicine: Correspondence, Reports, and Documents, 1911 – 1968, the Library of Social and Economic Aspects of Medicine of Michael M. Davis, 1920-196 [1] , and selected publications from the Health Reports Collection.   The consultant will provide pre-digitization services for all collections, including creating a new finding aid for the Michael Davis collection, barcoding archival material for tracking, conducting condition assessment, packing and shipping material for digitization, and other tasks as necessary to prepare and send materials to the digitization vendor.  The consultant will also provide post-digitization services that include unpacking returned