
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 5, 2021

CfP: Tenth Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS2022)

The Tenth Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) will take place in Brussels (Belgium), from 7 to 10 September 2022. The theme will be Science Policy and the Politics of Science. The venue in and of itself supports the theme of the conference. Since the foundation of the Royal Academy of Science, Letters, and Fine Arts of Belgium in 1772, Brussels has been the home and venue of significant scientific institutions, from the Solvay Conferences in Physics and Chemistry to the European Commission and Research Council, which have shaped the present state of the sciences as well as their impact on our world. From a historiographical perspective, this will be an opportunity to showcase new histories of scientific institutions and modes of knowledge, networks, and nodes. Url:  https://eshsbrussels2022.com/

CfP: Poverty, Poor Relief and Policy in Britain and Beyond c. 1600-1900

Canterbury Christ Church University (in-person and online) , 11 and 12 April 2022. Supported by the Royal Historical Society and the Social History Society. Call for Papers deadline: 7 February 2022 Co-organised by : Dr Samantha A. Shave, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy, University of Lincoln. Dr David Hitchcock, Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History, Canterbury Christ Church University Due to a number of impoverishing calamities in the first decades of the 21 st century, including the financial crisis, accelerated climate breakdown, and the COVID-19 pandemic, ideas about how to eliminate poverty, provide support and transform welfare policies, have become pressing once again. At the same time, there has been a resurgence in interest in understanding poverty and poor relief during the first three centuries of organised social welfare in Britain. Literature has examined the development of ideas about poverty and poor relief, and how the policies and practices these ideas ins

CFCUL & CIUHCT Call for abstracts: Hi-Phi International Conference

Hi-Phi International Conference.  History & Philosophy of Science,  Lisbon, June 23-24, 2022 The   Hi-Phi International Conference   aims at fostering the debate between the History of Science and the Philosophy of Science communities by integrating not only independent studies of both disciplines, but also those that stand at the interface of History and Philosophy of Science. The idea for this conference stems from the joint forces of the two research units – the  Centre for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL)  and the  Interuniversity Centre for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT)  – associated to the Department of History and Philosophy of Science of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Ciências ULisboa). This conference will be held in  Lisbon on June 23-24, 2022 . The goal of this meeting is to re-link different communities and facilitate the dialogue between senior and junior researchers, but also between historians and philo

CfP: 'Livestock as Global and Imperial Commodities: Economies, Ecologies and Knowledge Regimes, c. 1500 – present' Berlin, 14-15 July 2022

Commodities of Empire International Workshop, Free University Berlin, 14-15 July 2022 Livestock has played a crucial role in imperial politics, economies and societies over the past centuries. The expansion of animal raising often went hand in hand with settler colonialist land expropriation, and various animals were in many places crucial to colonial conquest and exploitation. Moreover, livestock and livestock commodities, such as meat, wool, hides and tallow were traded and consumed within and across boundaries, both imperial and non-imperial. Such commodification processes not only relied on settler livestock frontiers, but also on the transformation of indigenous livestock economies, knowledge regimes and local ecologies. They were closely tied to the global expansion of capitalism and, as such, also affected non-colonial and post-imperial spaces across the world in many similar, yet sometimes also diverging ways. However, compared to agricultural cash crops and minerals, imperia

CfP: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in Society- Theory and Practice. Conference 2022

The theme of this year’s OCD in Society conference is “Theory and Practice”. The goal of the event is to explore how the humanities, social sciences, activism, and the arts can offer ways to conceptualise, understand, and raise awareness about obsessive-compulsive symptoms. The theme of the conference invites contributors to think about how obsessions and/or compulsions are constituted by, embedded within, and regulated through forms of practice. We interpret ‘practice’ to include practices of care for the body, regulatory practices, creative practices, and modes of performativity. We also welcome presentations that explore how diverse theoretical frameworks can intersect with, and contribute to, contemporary clinical practice. We hope to create a space which brings together scholars, creatives, activists, clinicians, those with lived experience, and anyone else with an interest in OCD symptoms.   Suitable topics for presentations include, but are not limited to: ·          Spatial

CfP: Decision, Uncertainty, and the History of Philosophy

Special Issue of  Rivista di Filosofia  on  Decision, uncertainty, and the history of philosophy Editors: Vincenzo Crupi and Malvina Ongaro From the perspective of intellectual history, decision theory is a very recent discipline. While having some notable antecedents, its main developments come from the Twentieth Century. Since then, theories about rational decision-making have had an enormous impact on economics, psychology, and philosophy.  Even though concepts like decision and uncertainty may have a short philosophical lineage, reflections on them can be found throughout the history of Western philosophy. In Protagoras, Plato claims that wisdom can be sufficient for virtue, if it takes into full account future sensations – in contemporary terms, this would support a utility calculus with no discount rates for the future. Framed in this way, Plato’s view can enter into modern debates about inter-temporal decisions and biases, just as these debates can help the scholar who wants to

CfP: Chemistry Outside the Laboratory

The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (SHAC) invites proposals for its 13th annual postgraduate workshop, “Chemistry Outside the Laboratory.” This two-day virtual workshop follows the (al)chemical sciences beyond their traditional laboratory remit (which has long been a productive object of historical inquiry) and focuses instead on less archetypal locations of chemical substance and practice: mines, libraries, courtrooms, ecosystems, hospitals, domestic spaces, classrooms, and so forth. What happens to our understanding of alchemy, chemistry, and (al)chemical practitioners once we highlight these (secondary) spaces? How might key insights from laboratory studies, such as the attention to apparatus and other chemical materialities, inform historical work on alchemy and chemistry once they exit laboratory walls? How have chemical practitioners adjudicated the boundary between laboratory and not-laboratory at different times and places, with what consequences for the disci

CfP: SPSP - 9th Biennial Conference (2-4 July 2022); Ghent, Belgium

Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice (SPSP) Ninth Biennial Conference 2–4 July 2022 (pre-conference workshop on 1 July),  Ghent University, Ghent, BELGIUM https://www.philosophy- science-practice.org/events/ spsp2022-ghent   On-line submission site for paper or session proposals https://easychair.org/ conferences/?conf=spsp2022   Abstract submission deadline: 1 February 2022 Notification of acceptance: 1 March 2022 Main Contact: Alan C. Love,  aclove@umn.edu   SPSP is an interdisciplinary community of scholars who approach the philosophy of science with a focus on scientific practice and the practical uses of scientific knowledge. For further details on our objectives, see our mission statement:  https://www.philosophy- science-practice.org/mission- statement/ .      The SPSP conferences provide a broad forum for scholars committed to making detailed and systematic studies of scientific practices — neither dismissing concerns about truth and rationality, nor ignoring contextua

CfP: Mathematical Practice and Social Ontology. TOPOI Special Issue

Guest Editors:  Paola Cantù (CNRS and Université Aix-Marseille) Italo Testa (Università di Parma) Deadline for Submission: December 31, 2021 Overview: The relationship between mathematics and social ontology is often guided by the question of the possibility of applying mathematics to social sciences, especially economy. As interesting as these questions may be, they neglect the inverse possibility of applying a conceptual analysis derived from social ontology to mathematics. The issue will be devoted to the question whether the distinction between social object and social fact, on the one hand, and between different theoretical approaches to the notion of social fact, can be successfully applied to mathematical practice. There is a well-established tendency in recent philosophy of mathematics to emphasize the importance of scientific practice in answering certain epistemological questions such as visualization, the use of diagrams, reasoning, explanation, purity of evidence, concept f