
Mostrando entradas de marzo 29, 2015

FOOD AND DRINK EXCESS: The 13th Summer School at IEHCA (the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food, François Rabelais University, Tours, France)

François Rabelais University, Tours, France and the European Institute for the History and Cultures of Food, Tours, France (IEHCA) are pleased to announce the Thirteenth Summer University in Tours, France the  3 0 A ugust  to 6 September, 2015: FOOD AND DRINK EXCESS The phenomenon of food and drink excess has always been of concern to human societies. In pre-modern Europe, the emphasis lay on controlling behaviour. Concerted attempts to secure subsistence, prevent famines, avoid God's wrath and halt moral decline have been conceptualized as social disciplining (Gerhard Oestreich) and a civilizing process (Norbert Elias), both perceived as key agents on the road to modernization. From the later twentieth century, in the wake of industrialized production and rising prosperity throughout the West, the focus shifted to the management of oversupply: what to do with butter mountains, supermarket waste, obesity, bulimia and binge-drinking (perceived as a

Call for Papers – ETE – v. 3, n. 1 (enero-junio 2016) – La Historia de la Educación ante sí misma

Estimados colegas de la SEDHE; Ya está disponible el Call for Papers del próximo número  (v. 3, n. 1, enero-junio 2016)  de la revista Espacio, Tiempo y Educación  ( www.espaciotiempoyeducacion.com ), que estará dedicado a La Historia de la Educación ante sí misma , y será editado por Simonetta Polenghi (Università Cattolica de Milano. Italia) y Gianfranco Bandini (Università degli Studi di Firenze. Italia). La f echa límite para la recepción de originales es el  10/09/2015 . Un saludo, José Luis Hernández Huerta Antonella Cagnolati http://www.espaciotiempoyeducacion.com

CfP: Workshop - Experiencing the Global Environment

Call for Papers (deadline June 1, 2015): Experiencing the Global Environment Workshop, February 4-6, 2016 Department II, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin The global environment is an idea that permeates the loosely connected cluster of disciplines referred to as the environmental or earth sciences. From the second half of the 19 th century onwards, geology, meteorology, climatology, oceanography, ecology, and seismography, among others, have shared a common commitment to obtaining images and representations of the earth at the supra-anthropic scale. It is the scale of global circulation models, systems ecology, the biosphere, Spaceship Earth, and “big data.” This workshop seeks to write the human scale back into the history of the global environment by looking at individual and collective ways of experiencing nature in the work of practitioners in the environmental sciences. There are at least two fundamental ways in which experiences of na

IV International Workshop “A Comparative Study of Nuclear Energy Programs from the 1940s until the 1970s"

Organized by the History of Science Unit, UPF Barcelona, May 7-8., 2015 Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Campus Ciutadella - Room 40.035 (Sala de Graus Albert Calsamiglia) Workshop Description The birth and diffusion of nuclear science and technology are probably  among the most far-reaching and significant changes in the  organizational forms, social and economic role, structure, and  contents of science and technology during the 20th century. The  complexity and demands of the nuclear energy option in terms of  technology, industry, economics and politics constitute strong enough  reasons to examine it from a wide variety of perspectives. The aim of  interdisciplinary historical reflection on the development of the  atomic programs which is proposed in this Conference is to make a  paradigmatic contribution to the generation of a framework of analysis  for the assessment of new policies of technological development in  general, and of that of energy in particular. F

Unique Course offered at University of Oxford (Scholarship available)

The History and Philosophy of Evidence-Based Health Care (HPEBHC) 15 th – 19 th June 2015 Rewley House , 1 Wellington Square, Oxford, UK Last Few Places Available Register HERE A   Scholarship is available to the course in 2015.   Apply for this scholarship by 17 April 2015 to be considered. This unique course will trace the historical development of evidence-based health care. Students will engage with researchers who have played key roles in defining the History, Philosophy and actual practice of Evidence-Based Healthcare. Many famous medical doctors, including Galen, Descartes and Locke, were also philosophers, and recent evidence suggests that studying humanities improves clinical skills. Medical professionals will learn to think critically about the assumptions of their profession while philosophers and historians will learn about the empirical foundations of the science they contemplate. Many past students have published their assignments for the course in pe