
Mostrando entradas de junio 19, 2016

Vacancy for Curator of Scientific Collections at Cambridge University Library

Cambridge University Library has just advertised the following vacancy for a Curator of Scientific Collections, based in the Manuscripts Department, but with some responsibility for printed scientific material in the Rare Books Department. Further details are available from the link below, and list members are encouraged to share them with all potentially interested parties: http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/job/c urator-scientific-collections

Medical History - July 2016 Issue Out Now

The new issue of Medical History (Volume 60 - Issue 03 - July 2016) is out now. The issue features the following articles: ‘Soul Catchers: The Material Culture of the Mind Sciences’, Katja Guenther & Volker Hess ‘Animating Brains’, Cornelius Borck ‘Psychicones: Visual Traces of the Soul in Late Nineteenth-Century Fluidic Photography’, Nicolas Pethes ‘‘It’s All Done With Mirrors’: V.S. Ramachandran and the Material Culture of Phantom Limb Research’, Katja Guenther ‘Drawing as Instrument, Drawings as Evidence: Capturing Mental Processes with Pencil and Paper’, Alicia Puglionesi ‘Brain Ways: Meynert, Bachelard and the Material Imagination of the Inner Life’, Scott Phelps Further information is available via Medical History's website:  http://journals. cambridge.org/action/ displayJournal?jid=MDH

CFP: Matter and Perception (Early Science and Medicine)

Early Science and Medicine is seeking contributions for a special issue on “Matter and Perception”   Guest editors: Michael Deckard and Doina-Cristina Rusu Deadline: 1st of August 2016   The origins of thinking about matter in early modern Europe did not begin with Francis Bacon, René Descartes, or Anne Conway, but these thinkers formulated systems of matter that replaced Aristotelian form. The characteristics of matter began to be measured, studied, observed, anatomized, or imbued with life, essentially replacing form as an explanatory principle. This development in the history of philosophy, science and culture has been told in different ways, depending on from what perspective the story is based. One way of telling it is to look at the English experimental background starting with Bacon and continuing through Boyle, Newton, and the Royal Society. Another story could be told through the Cartesian development of causation, continuing through Malebranche and Hume. Still a

Premi Patxot 2016

Rafael Patxot i Jubert, meteoròleg, mecenes, bibliòfil i escriptor. Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 1872 - Ginebra, 1964 2a convocatòria. Premi instituït l’any 2015 pel Consell Assessor de la Masia Mariona de la Diputació de Barcelona. Ofert a un treball de recerca, bibliogràfic o d’assaig sobre algun dels aspectes afins a la trajectòria intel·lectual i científica de Rafael Patxot i Jubert. S’adjudica en tres torns per treballs dels temes següents: 1) Cultura popular catalana, particularment la conservació del patrimoni en tots els seus aspectes (etnografia, el rol de la dona, música, arquitectura), l’excursionisme en la descoberta del territori i llengua catalana (estudis filològics, di­dàctica de la llengua catalana, sociolingüística). 2) Història medieval catalana, història de les ciències a Catalunya, història local de Sant Feliu de Guíxols i dret internacional en la defensa dels drets i valors humans. 3) Astronomia i meteorologia. Ofert, en aquest torn

Book Reviews for the British Journal for the History of Science

Every quarter the British Journal for the History of Science posts a new list of books received on the journal’s website. This can be accessed, along with achieved lists from previous quarters, at http://journals.cambridge.org/ action/displaySpecialPage? pageId=7272 The journal is interested in commissioning reviews and essay reviews from established academics, emeriti, doctoral students and independent scholars. Prospective reviewers are encouraged to browse the books received list and contact the reviews editor. The reviews editor is also open to suggestions for reviews of books either not on the list, or forthcoming, provided they have been published within the past two calendar years. All enquiries should be directed to reviews.editor@BSHS.ORG.UK Books received for June 2016 Ackerknecht, Erwin H., A Short History of Medicine, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016. Pp. xxiii + 247. ISBN 978-1-4214-1954-1. $29.95 (paperback). Alexander, Amir, I

CFP: Interdisciplinary Wounds Workshop: Thackray Medical Museum, 20 Sept 2016

CFP: Exploring Histories and Futures of Innovation in Advanced Wound Care Workshop at the Thackray Medical Museum, Leeds 11am – 4pm, 20 September 2016 Advanced wound care deals with chronic, complex wounds, including leg ulcers, pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and dehisced surgical wounds. Most chronic wounds in the UK are managed by community nurses and the experience of wound care falls as much in the domain of the domestic and everyday as in that of professional medicine and healthcare. Although they are a fundamental part of everyday healthcare, the technologies associated with wounds are often considered mundane and overlooked by both researchers and practitioners, with important consequences for patients and service users. The workshop and wider project connects academics from a broad range of disciplines with health professionals, patients, carers, service users and industry representatives to explore what we can learn from current and past develop

CFCUL acting as host institution for the FCT 2016 DOC AND POS-DOC GRANTS

2016 DOC AND POS-DOC GRANTS OFFERED BY THE PORTUGUESE FOUNDATION FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (FCT) Philosophy of Science Center for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (CFCUL) The Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) opens the 2016 call for Doctoral and Post-Doctoral individual grants. Applications should be submitted electronically until July the 15 th , 2016 at FCT website .   CFCUL invites the submission of applications within its Research Groups (RG) and/or Thematic Lines (TL), acting as host institution.   Research Groups: - RG- Epistemology and Methodology - RG- Philosophy of Natural Sciences - RG- Philosophy of Life Sciences - RG- Philosophy of Human Sciences, Ethics and Politics - RG - Science and Art   Thematic Lines: - TL- Unity of Science and Interdisciplinarity - TL - Philosophy of Human Technologies - TL- Science-Art-Philosophy Lab Application submissions must include : - Curriculum

Call for papers: Teaching mathematics in the early modern world

Research workshop: Teaching mathematics in the early modern world Thursday and Friday 15 and 16 December 2016 All Souls College, Oxford Call for Papers Mathematics increased in both its status as a discipline and its social visibility in Europe during the early modern period. Increasing numbers of people across different social milieux acquired mathematical skills and made use of them in the workplace: seafarers, merchants, dialers, accountants, and architects, to name but a few. Some nations or regions acquired special reputations for producing mathematicians or numerate individuals. At the same time, a variety of reasons were advanced for the importance of learning mathematics and a similar variety of programmes were proposed to promote the practice of mathematics. While some institutions remained notoriously disengaged from the teaching and learning of mathematics, and it remained perfectly possible for young men and women to pass into adulthood – indeed,

MA Funding in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds

MA Funding in the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science, University of Leeds   This information can also be viewed at: http://bit.ly/28LuvTm .  The School of Philoso phy, Religion and History of Science (PRHS) at University of Leeds is pleased to announce it has available several full and partial funding opportunities for taught Masters and MA by Research students for 2016-17 entry.   For more information about postgraduate study in Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science at Leeds see the postgraduate section of the PRHS website .   For full, regularly updated information on upcoming awards and deadlines, including application procedures, see the University of Leeds Postgraduate Scholarships site .   Funding opportunities for full-time or part-time MA study include the following:   TAUGHT MASTERS FUNDING   ·        Up to two PRHS Taught Masters Scholarships – full UK/EU fees (partial fees at the UK/EU rate for internationa

TOC: Spontaneous Generations, vol. 8 (2016): Science and Technology Studies and Social Inequality

Volume 8 of Spontaneous Generations: A Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science, has been published.  The Editorial Board is pleased to announce the publication of the Journal's eighth issue, which features a Focused Discussion section devoted to the theme "Science and Technology Studies and Social Inequality."  The journal is available via our website: http://spontaneousgenerations. library.utoronto.ca/index.php/ SpontaneousGenerations TABLE OF CONTENTS FOCUSED DISCUSSION STS and Social Inequality: Editor's ‎ Introduction Christine V. Wood, Simon N. Williams ‎    Studying Science and Social Inequalities: Resurgences and ‎ Divergences Steven Epstein ‎ ‎ ‎ Colorblind Science?: Perceptions of the Importance of Racial Diversity in Science ‎ Research Kellie Owens ‎     ‎ ‎ Technology and Social ‎ Inequality Caroll Pursell ‎     ‎ ‎ ARTICLES “What They Think of the Causes of So Much Suffering”: S. Weir Mitc

PhD opportunity: Strategic Narratives in UK Climate Policy

PhD opportunity: Strategic Narratives in UK Climate Policy Science Communication Unit, Imperial College London The Science Communication Unit invites applications for a fully-funded PhD studentship examining narratives in UK climate policy. The studentship is offered in conjunction with Imperial's Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment. Project Description There is growing recognition that improved scientific understanding will not alone bring about action on climate change and that climate policies need to be articulated in ways that connect with existing value systems if the ‘action gap’ is to be closed. One possibility is to forge strategic narratives that help foster a coherent vision of policy futures. Narrative has the potential to play a key role because it provides a sense-making structure that defines problems, links disparate events into a coherent causally-connected whole, attributes agency and transformative actions, and anticip

New York Academy of Medicine Library accepting applications for 2017 History of Medicine fellowships

Applications for The New York Academy of Medicine Library’s two one-month residential fellowships, the Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine and the Audrey and William H. Helfand Fellowship in the History of Medicine and Public Health are being accepted through late August for fellowships that may be used at any time during 2017.  For information and current application forms, please visit the Library Fellowships page .