
Mostrando entradas de marzo 26, 2023

CfP: Gender Equity for Women in STEM

This book offers an analysis of the global gender gap in STEM. The volume also focuses on the advancement of women in STEM fields and the importance of managing the gender gap and training more women in STEM, including the rapidly increasing data science field, to “tackle the gender gap that might arise in the future.” (Patterson, Damodharan & Beena, 2021) According to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), women comprise 48 percent of the U.S. workforce but only 24 percent of STEM workers, with less than 10% being women of color (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021; Noonan, 2017b). Men are more likely than women to have a STEM job regardless of educational attainment (U.S. Department of Commerce Economics and Statistics Administration). Although more women than men are represented in college, women often remain excluded from STEM jobs. Although Black women comprise 14.1% of the female workforce and have historically maintained the highest level of female workforce parti

LLULL Vol. 45 (nº 91) 2022 distribuido y alojado en distintas plataformas

Transcurridos los dos años de embargo, se encuentra disponible a texto completo el  LLULL Vol. 43 (nº 87) 2020  en: RECYT [ http://recyt.fecyt.es/ index.php/LLUL/issue/archive ] DIALNET [ https://dialnet. unirioja.es/servlet/revista? codigo=1511 ] También en las plataformas indicadas se puede consultar un resumen de los artículos de  LLULL Vol. 45 (nº 91) 2022. El texto íntegro de dicho  LLULL de 2022 s e ha subido a las plataformas de EBSCO y SCOPUS.

CfA: Symposium “Feminist Epistemology in Philosophy of Science: Practical Contributions, Theoretical Problems”

We invite submissions of abstrats to the Symposium on "Feminist Epistemology in Philosophy of Science: Practical Contributions, Theoretical Problems" for the 4th Lisbon International Conference on Philosophy of science that will take place at the Univ. Lisbon next July (12th - 15th). “Feminist Epistemology in Philosophy of Science: Practical Contributions, Theoretical Problems” Coordinators: Silvia Di Marco (CFCUL), María de Paz (Univ. Sevilla) In a review paper of 2010, Sarah S. Richardson lamented the marginalization of feminist philosophy within mainstream philosophy of science, largely due to a hostile academic environment that is eager to trivialize feminist accounts of the non-neutrality of science as “anti-science” and “relativist” (Gross and Levitt, 1994; Kitcher, 2022). In the same article, on a more positive note, she examined the benefits and limitations of case-study-based research in feminist epistemology that explores gender bias in science, and suggested that “

Ayudas a jóvenes investigadores para la asistencia a congresos

La Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España, en  su esfuerzo por hacer visible la investigación de sus socios y promover la  presencia de jóvenes investigadores en foros de excelencia, convoca  nuevamente ayudas para la asistencia a congresos internacionales o  congresos nacionales auspiciados por la Sociedad. La convocatoria va  dirigida a investigadores que estén realizando su tesis doctoral o la hayan  finalizado durante los seis últimos años. Las ayudas consistirán en 500  euros. Serán concedidas 3 ayudas previo sorteo. Entre las condiciones para concurrir a estas ayudas se cuentan las  siguientes: 1. Estar haciendo el doctorado en la actualidad o haber defendido la tesis  en una fecha posterior al 1 de enero de 2017. 2. Pertenecer a la Sociedad. 3. Asistencia a un congreso que se haya celebrado en el año 2022 o 2023 o  tener aceptada la contribución a algún congreso que se celebre antes de 31  de diciembre de 2023. El congreso ha de ser internacional o u

Open access book: Being Modern: The Cultural Impact of Science in the Early Twentieth Century (UCL Press)

UCL Press is delighted to present an open access book that may be of interest to list subscribers:  Being Modern: The Cultural Impact of Science in the Early Twentieth Century .   Download it free from  http://bit.ly/3zcqN37 Being Modern: The Cultural Impact of Science in the Early Twentieth Century Edited by Robert Bud, Paul Greenhalgh, Frank James and Morag Shiach Download free:  http://bit.ly/3zcqN37   In the early decades of the twentieth century, engagement with science was commonly used as an emblem of modernity. This phenomenon is now attracting increasing attention in different historical specialities.  Being Modern  builds on this recent scholarly interest to explore engagement with science across culture from the end of the nineteenth century to approximately 1940.   Addressing the breadth of cultural forms in Britain and the western world from the architecture of Le Corbusier to working class British science fiction, Being Modern paints a rich picture. Seventeen distinguishe

CfP: Sixteenth Century Studies Conference (SCSC) 2023 Baltimore: Disability in the Early Modern Mediterranean World

“Disability in the Early Modern Mediterranean World”. Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, 2023 26 - 29 Octavar, Baltimore, MD, USA We are looking for papers for one or more sessions under the broad title, “Disability in the Early Modern Mediterranean World,” for the Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, to be held in Baltimore, MD in October, 2023.  For the past forty years or so, disability studies theories have suggested understanding of human bodies and minds and their place in histories and cultures. Studies by scholars such as Tobin Siebers, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, and David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder illuminate the importance of giving attention to varied human bodies, minds, and sensoria and to what Garland-Thomson has called “the social process of disablement”. Of course, the conditions of life in the early modern period led to a wide variety of impairments from birth; from accident, injury, or corporal punishment; from war, childbirth, illness, and hunger.. The impa

CfP: International Society of Military Sciences (ISMS) Conference 2023

The International Society for Military Sciences (ISMS) is pleased to send the first call for papers for the ISMS annual conference.  Venue:  DGI Byen, Copenhagen, Denmark . November 6-8 2023 Theme of the ISMS XIV conference: Defence Alliances and Partnerships Background: The Russian attack on Ukraine brought conventional war back to the European continent and changed the strategic and security outlook for defence and policymakers worldwide. The ripple effects of the conflict can be felt around the globe in the form of increasing energy prices, food shortages, inflation, and economic decline. Defence planners and strategists have since debated how to interpret this new security situation and how to structure and transform defence forces and industries to these new realities. Amongst NATO members, demands for increased defence spending have been met with bleak economic outlooks and the need for reduced spending on welfare services. Worldwide the double adverse effects of the Covi