
Mostrando entradas de febrero 4, 2018

CfP: Risk and the Insurance Business in History An International Conference, Seville 2019

The International Conference on Risk and the Insurance Business in History will be held in June 11th to 14th 2019 on the historic city of Seville.  The Scientific Committee has accepted a set of 23 parallel sessions to shape the program of the conference.   Now we are opening the call for participation in these sessions. Please feel free to consider the most suitable session for your paper. Proposals should include names and affiliations of the author/s; title and abstract. Please note that session organisers have the final decision to accept paper proposals for their sessions. Session organisers are requested to forward to the conference organisers any proposals for papers that they cannot include in their session, so that the conference organisers, with the assistance of the Scientific Committee, have an opportunity of placing the papers elsewhere in the conference if that proves possible. The definite list of accepted papers will be announced in September 30th 2018.  Pr

Convocatoria: Transferencias técnicas y culturales en la historia rural de Europa y América (siglos XVII-XX)

Coloquio Internacional organizado por el seminario de historia agraria mexicana (SEHAM)  y el GDRI-AAA (Groupe de Recherches International-Agriculture, Approvisionnement, Alimentation) Instituciones sede: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Iztapalapa (UAMI), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (IISUE-UNAM) y El Colegio de Michoacán 15 y 16 de octubre de 2018 Recepción de propuestas: 5 de abril de 2018 El panel se interesa en discutir la internacionalización del conocimiento agrícola, centrándose, principalmente en la creación, transmisión y circulación de saberes y experiencias en el universo rural de Europa y latinoamérica, pero también de las antiguas colonial iberoamericanas a la historia rural europea entre los siglos XVII y XX. Observación, experiencia, transmisión y difusión del conocimiento se entremezclan en la circulación de saberes. Sabemos que algunos contextos resultan más o menos permeables a la innovación, o necesidades concretas que pueden fac

CfP: Self-Fashioning Scientific Identities in the Long Nineteenth Century

University of Leicester, 15th June 2018 Keynote: Dr Patricia Fara, University of Cambridge At the beginning of the nineteenth century, there was no such thing as a scientist. While professional careers in science were gradually formalised, many scientific practitioners aspired to none at all. Lacking blueprints to guide their behaviour, practitioners of all descriptions had to carve out their own identities to demonstrate expertise, prestige, taste, authority. How did one comport oneself? How should one write, and where? Who should be included in the community and who excluded? Were you a natural philosopher, a savant, a man of science, a scientist, or none of the above? Scholars of nineteenth-century science and culture have revealed diverse scientific identities, including romantic geologists, chemical-wielding showmen, and poetic physicists, alongside artisan botanists, unpaid draughtswomen, and husband-and-wife collaborations. Recent scholarship complicate

JOB: Postdoctoral researcher (16 months), History and Philosophy of Sciences and Ideas Open position at the Oulu University

Postdoctoral researcher (16 months), History and Philosophy of Sciences and Ideas Open position at the Oulu University funded by the EUDAIMONIA research institute Postdoctoral researcher (16 months), History and Philosophy of Sciences and Ideas The University of Oulu is an international scientific community, with 16 000 students and approximately  3 000 employees. The strengths of the University are wide multidisciplinary study/research interests and modern research and study environment and good cooperation with international educational and research institutes. The following job is open in the University of Oulu: Postdoctoral researcher (16 months) The principal duty of the postdoctoral researcher is to pursue research within the remit of research project “Microhistorical epistemology.” The candidate is expected to publish her or his research in relevant international journals, collaborate with other members of the research group and assume some li

Book announcement: Landscapes of Collectivity in the Life Sciences

Edited by Snait B. Gissis , Ehud Lamm and Ayelet Shavit Url:  https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/landscapes-collectivity-life-sciences Many researchers and scholars in the life sciences have become increasin gly critical of the traditional methodological focus on the individual. This volume counters such methodological individualism by exploring recent and influential work in the life sciences that utilizes notions of collectivity, sociality, rich interactions, and emergent phenomena as essential explanatory tools to handle numerous persistent scientific questions in the life sciences. The contributors consider case studies of collectivity that range from microorganisms to human consensus, discussing theoretical and empirical challenges and the innovative methods and solutions scientists have devised. The contributors offer historical, philosophical, and biological perspectives on collectivit

CfP: Publics and their Health: Historical Perspectives, Future Directions

28-29 June 2018 Institute of Historical Research, London Who or what is the public within public health?  How have publics and their health changed over time and place?  What makes ‘public health’, public?  Surprisingly little attention has been devoted to these crucial questions.  At this conference, we aim to explore the changing nature of public health, and the public which it serves, at different times and in various locations.  We welcome contributions from any discipline that takes a historical perspective to thinking about publics and public health in the past, present and future. Please submit proposals, including a 300-word abstract and speaker’s contact details to placingthepublic@gmail.com  by 9 February 2018 . The conference will be free to attend and reasonable travel expenses for speakers will be covered. This conference is part of the Wellcome Trust funded project Placing the Public in Public Health: Public Health in Britain, 1948-2010 .  The project i

PhD Studentship: Florence Nightingale Comes Home for 2020: an Historico-Literary Analysis of her Family Life

University of Nottingham Url:  http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BGQ658/phd-studentship-florence-nightingale-comes-home-for-2020-an-historico-literary-analysis-of-her-family-life/ Applications are invited for a Faculty of Arts funded PhD studentship granted in connection to a recent AHRC Standard Grant: 'Florence Nightingale Comes Home for 2020: an Historico-Literary Analysis of her Family Life’ awarded to Professor Paul Crawford (Health Sciences) and Dr Anna Greenwood (History).  The successful candidate will be given latitude as to the scope and approach of their doctorate, but their central research question should be associated with one, or more, of the following historical themes: nursing, midwifery, gender, caring, domesticity and health post 1800. Applicants should show they have developed an original research question around one of these themes, have scoped the availability of

Fellow in the History of Medicine - Cedars-Sinai Program in the History of Medicine

The Program in the History of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center seeks an outstanding candidate for a two-year fellow in the history of medicine to start July 1st, 2018 . The appointee will be proposed for an academic title of Instructor on Biomedical Sciences. This is expected to be a joint venture with the History Department at the University of California Los Angeles. Applications from individuals who study questions relevant to the history of medicine in the modern period are welcome, with preference for deeply researched projects that address why this field matters today. (The PhD must be in hand before the fellowship’s start date.) The appointee, with the expectation of a concurrent appointment as Visiting Faculty in UCLA’s Department of History, will enjoy substantial time to pursue research, and will have teaching assignments in both institutions.  The Program in the History of Medicine at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center is a new research unit within the Department of

Position available at Emory University

Director of the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library Full time Permanent Application Deadline: Open until Filled Emory Libraries seeks a dynamic professional to provide vision and leadership in the development, promotion, and advancement of its extraordinary Rose Library and all associated collections and operations. The director will work with Rose Library staff, Emory students, faculty, and administrators, as well as friends and researchers from the Emory community and beyond to expand its impact and advance its mission, “ to collect and connect stories of human experience, promote access and learning, and offer opportunities for dialogue for all wise hearts who seek knowledge ”. The Rose Library is a University treasure enthusiastically endorsed, supported, and valued for its esteemed collections. To view full position announcement and to apply, please click on the link: https://sjobs.brassring.com/ TGnewUI/Search/Home/Home? partnerid=250

CfP: 4th International Workshop on Historical Epistemology (Paris, 24-26 May 2017)

L’épistémologie historique et les désunités des sciences.  Historical epistemology and the disunities of the sciences Paris, 24-26 mai 2018. École doctorale de Philosophie ED 280. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne                                                                                                                      Confirmed Keynotes : Andrew Arana  (Paris 1, Fr) Hasok Chang  (Cambridge, Uk) Stéphanie Ruphy  (Lyon 3, Fr) Léna Soler   (Lorraine, Fr) [ENGLISH BELOW]             A l’échelle internationale, la seconde moitié du XXe siècle a vu émerger différentes tentatives pour penser la « désunité » des sciences. Celles-ci se sont constituées en réponse au monisme méthodologique issu du Cercle de Vienne, stipulant l’unité de la science et donc la validité du projet d’une philosophie de « la » science. Ainsi, dès la fin des années 1960, la philosophie de la biologie a voulu affirmer la spécificité des sciences du vivant et donc l’obliga

CfP: “Humans and Nature”

The History of Philosophy curriculum of the North-Western Italian Philosophy Consortium (FINO) and the Collegio Giasone del Maino di Pavia are pleased to announce the 5th edition of the International Graduate Conference in History of Philosophy, which will take place on Sept. 17-18, 2018, in Pavia. The topic of the 2018 edition is “Humans and Nature”. Submissions are invited that engage with the philosophical question of naturalism, in particular with the attempts, and refusals of a naturalistic explanation of the human realm from antiquity to the mid 19th-Century. Both the metaphysical and the methodological meaning of naturalism will be taken into account; special attention will be paid to its materialistic developments, to the criticisms of supernaturalistic issues, and of teleological investigations. The invited presenters include Sabrina Ebbersmeyer (University of Copenhagen),  Ann Thomson (European University Institute, Florence), and Stéphane Toussaint (CNRS-LEM-PSL, Paris)