
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 1, 2019


María Isabel Porras Gallo, Lourdes Mariño Gutiérrez y María Victoria Caballero Martínez (coords.) Esta monografía realiza un diagnóstico de la situación y la evolución de la sanidad durante el periodo franquista y la Transición. A lo largo de sus capítulos se abordan temas como la relación entre la psiquiatría oficial y la ideología del régimen en sus diferentes fases. Asimismo, se explora la relación entre España y la Organización Mundial de la Salud, mostrando el impacto del establecimiento de programas colaborativos en la atención a los prematuros y la lucha contra enfermedades infecciosas, y se presenta la evolución histórica de la estructura sanitaria española con el establecimiento de las zonas de demostración sanitaria y la creación de la Red Hospitalaria Nacional, así como la ideología tras el proceso de regionalización de la sanidad una vez promulgada la Constitución de 1978. El marco se amplía con un acercamiento a las crisis sanitarias del tardofranquismo y la Transició

Dynamis 39 (2)

Sumario MEDICINA DEL TRABAJO Y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL EN LATINOAMÉRICA Editado por Óscar Gallo y Karina Inés Ramacciotti Medicina del Trabajo y Seguridad Social: una mirada desde Latinoamérica Óscar Gallo y Karina Inés Ramacciotti 279 Médicos al servicio de los trabajadores en la ciudad de México, 1930-1944 Claudia Agostoni 289 ¿Mejor prevenir que indemnizar? Los accidentes de trabajo en Argentina, 1915-1955 Karina Inés Ramacciotti y Pablo 311 La Dirección de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo: tensiones en torno a la delimitación de su función en el Estado peronista María Paula Luciani 335 Maria, Ida e Dorací: acidentes de trabalho das mulheres nas minas de carvão de Criciúma (Brasil) na década de 1940 Bruno Mandelli 357 ARTÍCULOS Secundum Regulam: cuidados y asistencia a enfermos y ancianos en las reglas monásticas hispano-visigodas Francisco Salvador Ventura 381 Urban penalty y reforma sanitaria. El caso de una ciudad minera: La Unión (1870- 1913) Antonio Escudero,

Call for Abstracts: ESHS 2020 - Designing the Visitor Experience of Postwar Science Display

http://sites.google.com/view/ eshsbologna2020/call-for- symposia Designing the Visitor Experience of Postwar Science Display The evolution of science display in museums, at (world’s) fairs, and accompanying new institutions for involving the society with science and technology – such as the science centres – has brought about a major transformation. There occurred a turn away from the artefact, or historical object, towards the edufact, or educational object, which was designed to convey a particular scientific insight or phenomenon, rather than documenting the scientific endeavour. At the same time, the well-lit glass case gave way to set-ups of sensory and immersive experience, while the reach of the scientists and curators shrank and the exhibit and exhibition designers gained

CfP: ESHS 2020 Bologna, Hybrid Scientific Objects

Hybrid scientific objects: stories of visual cultures, gender and transnational expert communities A proposal for a symposium for the 2020 ESHS Meeting, Bologna María J. Santesmases, org. mariaj.santesmases@cchs.csic.e s Many materialities in the history of contemporary science has circulated between the industry, the clinic and the laboratory.This session proposal is aimed at studying hybrid objects for a plural epistemology that is composed of shared styles of representations such as images and facilities as components of a material culture of science and technology in which gender participates. Chromosomes are an example of such hybrid scientific objects, that circulated between biology and the clinic, the cytological laboratory and the clinical practice; and there would be many others, such as minerals that travel from mining to technological devices in the atomic era. Provided by the conceptual framework of the histories of scientific objects, this session proposal aims at

CfP: What counts as environment in biology and medicine? Historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives

We are calling for contributions to a special issue of Studies in History of Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences titled "What counts as environment in biology and medicine? Historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives".  The special issue builds on the panel "The concept of environment in biology: Historical, philosophical and sociological perspectives" that won the award for the best interdisciplinary panel at the 2019 ISHPSSB conference. We are seeking to complement the existing set of papers with new contributions across humanities (especially history and philosophy) and social sciences.  The "environment" is much invoked in contemporary biosciences and medicine, from the considerations of environmental impact to the frequently and prominently appearing notions such as early-life and food environment. Yet for all the visibility, the meaning of the (eve

CfP for ESHS Bologna 2020: Diplomacy and Images in Science

Symposium proposal in preparation for the ESHS 2020 bi-annual meeting in Bologna ( https://sites.google.com/ view/eshsbologna2020/home ) In recent years there has been a significant move towards better understanding the visual aspects of public diplomacy in an effort to demonstrate that international negotiations are   more than just a “logo-centric practice”(Constantinou, 2018). Given the growing emphasis on  the interaction between science, technology and international affairs, there is scope for  extending this inquiry on “visual diplomacy” to scientific images and/or images of scientists  and diplomats. The critical relevance of scientific images in diplomatic practice has been  recently captured by US President Trump’s controversial statements, supported by a crudely  assembled weather map, that Alabama lay in the path of Hurricane Dorian, a faux-pax that  echoed around the globe. This is just one example of how visualized scientific data can  convey messages and meanin

Call for contributions for a symposium on “Teaching science with light projection: regimes of vision in the classroom, 1880-1940”

Here is a call for contributions for a symposium on “Teaching science with light projection: regimes of vision in the classroom, 1880-1940” at the ESHS in Bologna , 31 August-3 September 2020. Organizers: Nelleke Teughels and Wouter Egelmeers In the early 19 th century, the ideas of reform pedagogues such as Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) gave rise to a didactic turn towards the visual that criticized an exclusive textual mediation of knowledge through books and lectures (Depaepe 1999). The pedagogues and policymakers who strove for a more child-centred approach to teaching were soon joined by media producers and marketers in their aim to transform the classroom into a multimodal space for learning. By the late 19 th century, photographic images had taken up an important role in facilitating this visual turn in educational theory and practice. They were seen as direct representations of reality, ‘evidence of a novel kind’ and, above all, as visual ‘f

CfP: Governing Science and Technology

The history of women in science and technology has witnessed a real renewal of historiography these past few years. Recent studies have notably shown that their presence in these fields, despite growing in strength from the late nineteenth century onwards, was far from being the result of a continuous and inevitable process: their accession has been difficult and reversible, and important forms of discrimination have been maintained to this day. This conference aims to contribute to this historiographical trend, but is perhaps less interested in women in science and technology as actresses of situated practices rather than in focusing upon a dimension that is nowadays increasingly under scrutiny: the place and role of women in the government of science and technology, and in government through science and technology. This conference thus seeks to understand and historicize the various and cumulative mechanisms that determined—that is to say blocked, delayed or promoted—the care

CfP: EENPS 2020, Belgrade, June 10-12, 2020

When: June 10-12, 2020 Where: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia   The East European Network for Philosophy of Science (EENPS), in co-operation with the  Department of Philosophy, University of Belgrade , announces the third conference of East European Network for Philosophy of Science in Belgrade.   Deadline for submissions  (same for papers and symposia) :   January 12, 2020 Submission website :  https://easychair. org/conferences/?conf= eenps2020   Keynote speakers -   Anna Alexandrova (University of Cambridge) -   Gerhard Schurz (Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf)   We invite submissions of contributed papers and symposia proposals related to any of the following areas:        a)  General Philosophy of Science      b) Philosophy of Natural Science      c)  Philosophy of Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences      d) Philosophy of Social Sciences      e) History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science      f)  Formal Ph

CfP: Third Workshop on Scientific Archives

Proposals are now being accepted for the Third Workshop on Scientific Archives. The aim of the workshop is to explore topics in the area of the contemporary archives of science and technology. Possible themes for papers include (but are not limited to): •    Collaborating with scientists to capture contemporary scientific material •    Using scientific archives for outreach and education •    Using and re-using archival resources in current science •    Enabling access to scientific records •    Describing technical and scientific archives •    Managing and archiving research data •    Exploring the role of archives and records in open science •    Capturing diversity in institutional archives •    Scientific archives in a “post-truth” world •    Diversity and inclusion in STEM // Diversity and inclusion in Archives The organizing committee welcomes proposals from (but not limited to) archivists,

CfP ESHS 2020 - Material knowledge and the ancient near east

The European Society for the History of Science is meeting at Bologna, 31 August - 3 September 2020, and the conference theme is 'Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science'. I am organising a symposium on material knowledge and the ancient near east, both of which can be interpreted broadly. I would welcome contributions from scholars working on any aspect of visual/material/sensory knowledge with a near-eastern aspect. Current contibutions are based on Egypt and the Levant, but we could expand this geographical focus slightly for the right paper. Abstracts should be sent by December 12th to s.mathieson@qub.ac.uk , and to conform with the submission requirements for panels should include: 1. Title 2. Author(s) (full name(s), academic title, institution, address, email and a short biographical note of max.150 words). In case of multiple authors the first author should be the presenting and corresponding author. 3. Abstract (max. 300 words, including possible refe