
Mostrando entradas de julio 1, 2018

CfP: Cold War and Environmental Sciences

Workshop: Cold War and Environmental Sciences: Circulations, exchanges and cooperation between the USSR and the West, 1950s-1990s Venue: Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, Kensington, London SW7 2AR Date: 18 December 2018 International scientific collaboration during the Cold War has attracted increased attention during the last decade not least for its ability to further insight into the evident contradictory trends of knowledge production and secrecy, cooperation and conflict. At the same time, much of the analysis has been on research activities in Western settings, or else from a Western perspective. Inspired in part by the 1972 US-USSR Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, this workshop seeks to explore the specifics of collaboration between the East and the West in the broad area of the environmental sciences moving beyond the high-level political discussions between superpowers in order to explore the perspectiv

XXI Simposio de la Sociedad de Historia de la Medicina. Granada 22-23 de noviembre de 2018

La Junta Directiva de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina se complace en anunciar la convocatoria de su próximo Simposio, que se celebrará en Granada los días 29 y 30 de noviembre próximo. La organización del acto corre a cargo de nuestro compañero Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña, en nombre del Departamento de Historia de la Ciencia de la Universidad de Granada. El tema al que estará dedicada la reunión se ha acordado que sea “Sobre libros y tareas”; esto es, una presentación dialogada de publicaciones recientes de la disciplina por sus autores o autoras. El formato se compondrá de sesiones de 40 minutos en las que se presentarán/ discutirán sendos libros por sus respectivos autores o autoras, de manera cruzada. A semejanza del anterior simposio celebrado en Granada, la reunión comenzará a primera hora de la tarde del jueves 22 para acabar a la hora de comer del vie

Appel à candidatures pour la Chaire EHESS-IMéRA en "Etudes transrégionales" 2019-2020

Url:  https://www.ehess.fr/fr/appel-recherche/appel-candidatures-pour-chaire-ehess-im%C3%A9ra-en-etudes-transr%C3%A9gionales-2019-2020 L’IMéRA est un institut d'études avancées , membre du RFIEA (Réseau Français des Instituts d’Etudes Avancées) au niveau national, de NETIAS (Network of European Institutes for Advanced Study) au niveau européen, et d'UBIAS (University - Based Institutes for Advanced Studies) au niveau mondial.  Chaque année, l’institut accueille une vingtaine de chercheurs et d’artistes (résidents), tous internationaux . Ces chercheurs et artistes résidents sont sélectionnés à l'issue d'une procédure d’évaluation aux normes internationales les plus strictes, avec présélection des dossiers et évaluateurs externes. L’IMéRA promeut les approches interdisciplinaires expérimentales innovantes dans tous les domaines du savoir . Depuis septembre 2016, l’activité de recherche au sein de l’institut e st articulée autour de trois programm

CfP: Production and circulation of knowledge on Gender: Perspectives from the Global South

Production and circulation of knowledge on Gender: Perspectives from the Global South Workshop – 17-18 December 2018 – CEIAS (CNRS/EHESS), Paris The aim of this workshop is to analyze the conditions of production of knowledge on gender, from the perspective of countries based in the Global South. We wish both to highlight the local, regional and global dynamics of knowledge production on gender, as well as analyze the type of knowledge that is produced, from a theoretical as well as an epistemic perspective. While much emphasis has been placed on knowledge produced about countries of the Global South, these countries are rarely considered as sites of knowledge production and theoretical debate. For instance, women’s, feminist and gender studies are now well documented in the case of Western Europe and the United States, from both a historical and theoretical perspective (Lagrave 1990, Brown 1997, Bereni et al. 2008, Clair & Heinen 2013). This is less true for

Jornada retransmitida on line: "Más allá del sarcoma: personas, palabras y proyectos con alma"

JORNADA MUNDIAL DEL SARCOMA EN ESPAÑA.  “Más allá del sarcoma: personas, palabras y proyectos con alma” Barcelona, 9 de julio de 2018.  de las 16h a las 20h de la tarde Emisión en streaming: http://www.streamingbarcelona. com/plataforma/ residenciainvestigadors/ Programa 16.00- BIENVENIDA a cargo de María José Ruiz (Presidenta AEAS) y Jon Arrizabalaga (IMF-CSIC) 16.10- 17.50- PRIMERA MESA REDONDA “Palabras con alma: los pacientes y sus historias”   Presenta: Natalia Fernández Díaz-Cabal (vicepresidenta AEAS, autora de Polifemo y la mujer barbuda. Crónica (des)enfadada de un cáncer atípico ) Intervienen: Ainhoa Castro (paciente de sarcoma de Ewing, diseñadora, creadora de cosas bonitas hechas con alma; autora del blog https://menosmiedosymasganas. wordpress.com/ ) Daniel Infante (paciente de sarcoma de Ewing, ingeniero, investigador; autor del blog https://miluchacontraewing. wordpress.com/ ) Marta Paredes (paciente de linfoma Hodkin

CfP. Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History invites contributions to its Autumn 2018 volume

Rachel Carson Center's  Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History , a short-format online journal on the Environment & Society Portal , invites submissions for its Autumn 2018 volume.  Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History  is an open-access, peer-reviewed publication platform for short, illustrated, and engaging environmental histories. Embedded in a particular time and place, each story focuses on a site, event, person, organization, or species as it relates to nature and human society. By publishing digitally on the Environment & Society Portal,  Arcadia  promotes accessibility and visibility of original research in global environmental history and cognate disciplines. Each peer-reviewed article includes a profile of the researcher, links, and suggested readings. For full consideration for the autumn volume, please submit your draft by 1 August 2018 . Guidelines and the full call for contributions are available at http://www.environmentands

CfP: RSA 2019 Toronto - Early Modern Technologies of Art

Can technologies of art enable us to reconsider the early modern interactions between “local” and the “global?” Seeking to answer this question, the proposed panel takes up art technology as a hermeneutic tool toanalyze production of art in the early modern world. In this period, technologies of art involved specialized and often localized practices that required systematicapplication of techniques, materials, andtools that did not travel as readily as the objects they helped to generate. Although embedded in cultural objects, artworks and materials exchanged across the Silk Road and the Oceanic networks of trade, art technologies were seldom known to those who acquired these objects of cross-cultural exchange. In contrast to the mobility of inimitable artifacts and imagesart technologies were often intangible and unknown, which heightened the foreignness and desirability of objects produced with their application. Attempting to recreate foreign objects using local t

CfP: 'Exploratory Models and Exploratory Modelling in Science', Special Issue of Perspectives on Science

 THEME: Exploratory Models and Exploratory Modelling in Science   GUEST EDITORS: Axel Gelfert, Grant Fisher, Friedrich Steinle   Unlike scientific experimentation, whose frequent exploratory uses have garnered considerable attention from historians and philosophers of science over the past two decades (cf. Steinle 1997, Burian 1997), the exploratory character of scientific models and scientific modelling has only recently begun to receive systematic treatment. (See references below.) Over the last couple of years, a number of case studies have deployed the labels ‘exploratory models’ or ‘exploratory modelling’ (e.g. Fisher 2017, Shech & Gelfert 2017, Gelfert 2018, Carrier & Gölzhäuser 2018, Massimi 2018) to describe episodes of scientific modelling during which the existence of an accepted body of theoretical knowledge cannot be assumed, or is itself at issue. In addition, there have been attempts to distinguish between, and classify, different explorato

2-year post-doctoral position in the history of Alfonsine astronomy in Europe

Url:  https://alfa.hypotheses.org/job-opportunities/call-for-applications-2-year-post-doctoral-position-in-the-history-of-alfonsine-astronomy-in-europe ALFA invites application for a 2-year post-doctoral position in the history of Alfonsine astronomy in Europe The position is expected to start on January 1, 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter Applications should be sent no later than September 22, 2018 to Matthieu Husson ( matthieu.husson@obspm.fr ). Review of applications will start on September 25, 2018 and the result will be published on October 26, 2018 . For the detailed call for application , see below For further information please contact: admin.alfa@obspm.fr Text of the call ALFA is an ERC funded project (2017-2022, 60 month, Consolidator grant 2016 agreement 723085) dedicated to the study of Alfonsine astronomy which flourished in Europe from the second half of the 13th to the mid-16th century. Employing approaches from the history of astronomy

Announcement from the Royal Society: The Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme

The Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme is designed to offer the opportunity for early career scholars to exploit history of science collections, including the Royal Society’s own, in support of their research in the field of intellectual history. The Scheme is named in memory of the eminent British historian Professor Lisa Jardine CBE FRS. It is intended to encourage junior researchers in the humanities and arts to seek to expand their interests in history of science and related interdisciplinary studies by travelling in order to use archival resources and to build relationships with the Royal Society and other institutions. Grants are intended to encourage the free movement of researchers across disciplines and countries and to stimulate academics studying intellectual history to consider science in their research.   Applicants are encouraged to look at the Royal Society’s strategic objectives, in order to be able to demonstrate how their research might further these g

Job: Keeper of Technologies and Engineering, Science Museum

Keeper of Technologies and Engineering, Science Museum Deadline: 16/07/2018 Job Type: Permanent, Full-time Based at the Science Museum, London, we are looking for an exceptional individual to work at a senior level to provide strategic direction, content leadership and team management to our Technologies and Engineering curatorial team. You will manage the Technologies and Engineering curatorial team to nurture and grow talent, ensuring that curatorial and research work is fully integrated into the Collections Department and Museum as a whole. You will promote curatorial excellence in galleries and exhibitions, collections development and review, inputting into our Collections Online and National Collections Centre projects. You will lead the team to work closely with other key departments throughout the Museum to ensure the seamless delivery of outstanding galleries, temporary exhibitions, publications and research. You will be a recognised authority and e

Job: Technology Curator/Senior Curator at National Museums Scotland

Curator/Senior Curator, Technology Deadline: 03/08/2018 23:59 Job Type: Permanent, Full-time Based at the National Museum of Scotland, this permanent, full-time post is an exciting opportunity to work at the heart of the Science & Technology Department, which is responsible for one of the most important collections of its kind in Europe. The Technology Section is a dynamic team that cares for and promotes a wide range of engineering, industry, office and domestic technology, from beam engines to smart meters.  You will be involved in for caring, documenting, interpreting, researching and displaying these collections, and for delivering STEM engagement around them. Responding to queries, researching and publishing about them will also be part of your role. Building on the major suite of new galleries in the National Museum of Scotland you will develop the collections further, especially with technologies of energy generation and consumption. You s