
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 6, 2015

Cambridge Philosophical Society archive

The Whipple Library has recently become the temporary home of the archive of the Cambridge Philosophical Society until the Society is able to return to permanent premises following the current building works on the New Museums Site. The Society was founded in 1819, and has functioned as an important forum for scientific debate and as an influential publisher over the intervening two centuries (the history of the first 150 years was written up by A. Rupert Hall in 1969). Its archive bears witness to much of that activity, and more, and will be an important resource as the Society prepares to celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2019. A full catalogue and description is available to consult via the University's archive portal Janus: http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/ node.xsp?id=EAD%2FGBR%2F0279 The archive is available for consultation while it's at the Whipple by those with a bona fide interest. Please contact us via the Library email address ( hps

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Deadline: January 31, 2016 Inquiries: For questions concerning the Berlin Center for the History of Knowledge, please contact Dr. Hansjakob Ziemer ( hjziemer@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de ). Questions on the application process may be addressed to Tanja Neuendorf ( tneuendorf@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de ). As part of the enhanced cooperation on the history of knowledge between the Freie Universität Berlin, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Technische Universität Berlin, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, we are advertising several Postdoctoral Research Fellowships starting September 1, 2016 (or earlier), for up to three years each. The postdoctoral fellows will contribute to the further development of the Berlin Center for the History of Knowledge—the network through which the partner institutions anchor the history of knowledge in teaching and research in Berlin—and to reflection on the foundations of the research field. Alongs

China sets up database for Tibetan medicine books

XINING, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- China's largest database for ancient Tibetan medicine books has been set up in northwest China's Qinghai Province, according to the provincial Tibetan medicine research institute. The database, which began to catalogue and digitalize ancient Tibetan medicine books in 2003, features 638 categories on medicinal literature, according to database head Drakpa http://news.xinhuanet.com/ english/2015-12/07/c_ 134893508.htm Barbara J. Niss Director, Archives & Records Management Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Box 1102 - One Gustave L. Levy Pl. New York, NY 10029-6574 (o) 212-241-7239 (f)  212-241-7864 (e) barbara.niss@mssm.edu

Contrato FPU para la realización de tesis doctoral. Departamento de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad del CSIC

El Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte ha convocado ayudas destinadas a la formación investigadora en programas de doctorado para la consecución del título de Doctor/ra y la adquisición de competencias docentes universitarias (Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario, FPU). El Grupo de Investigación en Evaluación y Transferencia Científica (Departamento de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) [ http://investigacion.cchs. csic.es/etc ] selecciona candidatos/as para realizar una tesis doctoral en el marco del proyecto “Cultura científica, percepción y actitudes ante la ciencia y la innovación en el sector empresarial español ( CSO2014-53293-R)” [ http://investigacion.cchs. csic.es/etc/es/projects ], financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. El proyect

Two postdoctoral fellowships in history and, or philosophy of science, University of Notre Dame

The University of Notre Dame History and Philosophy of Science Graduate Program seeks to appoint two Postdoctoral Fellows in history and/or philosophy of science. Appointments begin August 2016 for one year, and are renewable for a second year. Applications are welcome from scholars working in any area of history and/or philosophy of science, technology and/or medicine, including the human, physical and social sciences. In addition to pursuing their research and participating actively in the intellectual life of the program, the ND HPS Postdoctoral Fellows teach one course per semester, which may be either graduate or undergraduate. ND HPS Postdoctoral Fellows are strongly encouraged to teach a graduate seminar in their area of specialization. The annual stipend is $48,000 in the first year, rising to $50,000 in the second year. In addition to the stipend, the package includes health insurance, $4000 per year of research and conference travel funds, and up

Business and Environment in History: Dealing in Nature and Ecology, Pasts and Futures

Type: Call for Papers Date: April 28, 2016 Location: Oregon, United States Subject Fields: African History / Studies, Asian History / Studies, Russian or Soviet History / Studies CALL FOR PAPERS (proposal submission deadline extended) Business and Environment in History: Dealing in Nature and Ecology, Pasts and Futures 2 nd Biennial Richard Robinson Workshop on Business History Portland State University April 28-April 30, 2016, Portland OR Even as the ecological crises of the present have forced scholars to ponder the future of our current economic growth models, so too have these crises highlighted the deep connections between our environment and our ways of doing business throughout history. Indeed, the contemporary emphasis on “sustainable development” as key to our planet’s survival indicates a highly problematic relationship between understandings of our economic pasts and the shifting ecologies of places inhabited by humans over time. This probl

Journal of Science Fiction CFP (rolling deadline)

Type: Call for Papers Location: District Of Columbia, United States Subject Fields: Film and Film History, Popular Culture Studies, Social Sciences, Humanities, Literature Call for Papers: MOSF Journal of Science Fiction Submission Deadline: Rolling Editorial Team: Monica Louzon, M.L.S. (Managing Editor), Rachel Lazarus, Ph.D. (Co-Editor), Heather McHale, Ph.D. (Co-Editor), Ben Bova, Ph.D. (Editorial Board Member), Nancy Kress, M.S, M.A. (Editorial Board Member) Details: We are soliciting manuscripts to be featured in the Museum of Science Fiction’s Journal of Science Fiction (MOSF Journal of Science Fiction , http://publish.lib.umd.edu/scifi/index ) . The inaugural issue will be released in January 2016. The MOSF Journal of Science Fiction is completely Open Access—there are no submission or subscription fees required. We are particularly interested in works that offer insight into the myriad facets of science fiction in all its different manifestations as


Type: Conference Date:  April 28, 2016 to May 1, 2016 Location: Italy Subject Fields: Humanities, Social Sciences, Area Studies, Diplomacy and International Relations, Fine Arts CALL FOR PROPOSALS-INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEW TRENDS IN SOCIAL AND LIBERAL SCIENCES, APRIL 28-May 1, 2016, Milan, Italy University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, and Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University are pleased to call for proposals for an international and interdisciplinary symposium to be held in Milan, Italy on April 21-24, 2016. The specialist as we know in the modern age is a creation of modernity. Up until the modern age, scholars were known for their expertise in multiple areas. From Avicenna (Ibn-i Sina) and Hazerfen Ahmet Celebi to Leonardo da Vinci and Galileo many Medieval, Renaissance and Enlightenment scholars were polymath, mastering knowledge from several fields. The needs of the modern age created specialists focusing deeply on one

2015 WHO Global Health Histories Events Now Available Online

If you missed any of the live WHO Global Health Histories events ( www.who.int/global_health_ histories/en/ ) this year you are now able to catch up with them via CGHH’s YouTube channel. You can listen to the presentations, view the powerpoints, and hear the Q & A sessions afterwards. Just visit  www.youtube.com/CGHHYork . Events included are: ‘Traditional Medicine & Ayurveda’ with Professor Madhulika Banerjee (University of Delhi) & Dr Zhang Qi (WHO) ‘Universal Healthcare & Missionary Medicine’ with Dr. Shane Doyle (University of Leeds), Dr. Ian Smith (WHO), Mrs Sally Smith (UNAIDS) ‘The Decline of Public Sector Vaccine Production’ with Professor Stuart Blume, (University of Amsterdam) & Jan Hendriks (WHO), & Martin Friede (WHO) ‘Climate Change & Health’ with Professor Merrill Singer (University of Connecticut) & Dr Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum (WHO) ‘Ebola: exploring the cultural contexts of an epidemic’ with Professor Jeremy

Science, Technology and Innovation Studies Seminar Series, Semester Two 2015-16

http://www.stis.ed.ac.uk/ events/stis_seminars   All seminars are held in the Staff Room, 6 th floor, Crystal Macmillan Building (University of Edinburgh, George Square).     MONDAY, 11 TH JANUARY, 3.30-5.00pm Dr Tiago Moreira (Durham University) Assembling the ‘ageing society’ https://www.dur.ac.uk/sass/ staff/profile/?id=4292   MONDAY, 18 TH JANUARY, 3.30-5.00pm Dr Duncan Wilson (University of Manchester) Roadmaps and Pipelines, Hurdles and Obstacles: Translational Medicine and the Bioethics Backlash http://www.manchester.ac.uk/ research/duncan.wilson/ personaldetails   MONDAY, 25 TH JANUARY, 3.30-5.00pm Dr Lara Marks (King’s College, London) History on-line: The case of monoclonal antibodies http://www.kcl.ac.uk/sspp/ departments/sshm/people/ academic/Dr-Lara-Marks.aspx   MONDAY, 1 ST FEBRUARY, 3.30-5.00pm Dr Marisa Wilson (GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh) Cuban Exceptionalism? Openings and Closures for Alternative Food Network

10 i 11 de desembre: Seminaris de Nélia Dias i Fernando Vidal

Benvolguts/des, Em plau recordar-vos que, els propres dies 10 i 11 de desembre , tindrem a Barcelona a la professora Nélia Dias . Nélia Dias is Associate Professor at the Department of Anthropology (ISCTE-IUL and CRIA), Lisbon ( Portugal ). She is author of Le Musée d’Ethnograp hie du Trocadéro (1878-1908): Anthropologie et Muséologie en France (CNRS 1991) and La Mesure des Sens: Les Anthropologues et le corps humain (Aubier 2004), and has written widely on the history of French anthropology, museums and collecting practices, and the measurement of sense data.   Together with Fernando Vidal, she has edited Endangerment, Biodiversity and Culture (Routledge 2015) . D ijous, 10 de desembre, a la Institució Milà i Fontanals (IMF/CSIC)

Postgraduate funding opportunities at University of Kent

Dear all, The following funding opportunities are now available at the School of History, University of Kent, which are open to applications for history of science, technology and medicine. See details of the  Centre for the History of the Sciences  for more details of current research, staff and students. MA/MSc funding There is one scholarship ​​ of £5000 available for a student applying to either the  MA in Science, Medicine, Environment and Technology  or the  MSc in Science, Communication and Society There are full MA scholarships for taught or research degrees open to all fields. See the Schools  Postgraduate Funding webpage  for more details. PhD funding ​There are several AHRC, University and School-funded full PhD scholarships open to all fields. See the Schools  Postgraduate Funding webpage  for more details and check back as further scholarships  will be advertised shortly.  Postdoctoral funding ​The School is calling for applications for Lev

CfP: Environment, Society, and the Making of the Modern World (DEADLINE Dec. 14, 2015)

Environment, Society, and the Making of the Modern World The history and legacy of the UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, June 1972 WORKSHOP: Stockholm, 14-16 December, 2016 In 1972 the Swedish government took the initiative in organizing what proved to be a landmark event – the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. The approach of the fiftieth anniversary of this conference offers a timely opportunity to consider the role of international institutions in tackling the reciprocal impact of humans and the environment, as well as the history of the discourses of economic inequality, debates over rights to natural resources, and more. As an event that brought together activists and indigenous peoples as well as policy-makers and experts, the Stockholm Conference raised fundamental questions regarding the global governance of environmental challenges. Some of the themes to be addressed include: • the rise of environmental NGOs • the

Call for applications: Cities and Science: Urban History and the History of Science in the Study of Early Modern and Modern Europe

The CEU Summer University invites applications from graduate and doctoral students as well as early-career researchers to the course  " Cities and Science: Urban History and the History of Science in the Study of Early Modern and Modern Europe "  to take place in Budapest, 18-27 July 2016 .  Application deadline: 14 February 2016 This interdisciplinary summer course will bring together senior and junior scholars of urban history, the history of science, and other related fields in order to exchange ideas in developing new research agendas with an aim to expand the “urban variable” in the history of science and to designate a space for the sciences in urban history from the early modern period to the early 20th century. While the summer school will have a distinct interdisciplinary and trans-epochal character, and encourages practitioners of other fields, such as environmental studies, gender studies, literature, science and technology stu

Metascience-new issue alert

We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 24, Issue 3 of the journal,  Metascience. Editors: Luciano Boschiero and K. Brad Wray http://link.springer.com/journal/11016/24/3/page/1 In this issue: Supporting the “metascientific” community Luciano Boschiero ,  K. Brad Wray Pages 341-342 Book Review What’s so great about Feyerabend?  Against Method , forty years on Ian James Kidd Pages 343-349 Book Symposium Metaphysics, prescription and methodological disagreement Alexander Reutlinger Pages 351-372 Book Review From the basics to the advanced: Your guide through ontology Elina Pechlivanidi Pages 373-376 Book Review Is there real emergence? Javier Cumpa Pages 377-379 Book Review A pluralist account of causality Federica Russo Pages 381-384 Essay Review Immunology seen through the dark glass of autoimmunity Alfred I. Tauber Pages 385-391 Book Review Biology textbooks and the decentering of the Scopes Trial William Vance Trollinger Jr. Page