
Mostrando entradas de mayo 28, 2017

Convocatoria de dos puestos en historia de la medecina. Institut Ethique Histoire Humanités

Información relativa a la convocatoria de dos puestos (doctorando-a e investigador-a post-doctoral) en el programa de historia de la medicina de l'Institut Ethique Histoire Humanités (Université de Genève) en el marco del proyecto Professeurs Boursiers financiado por el Fonds national suisse pour la recherche scientifique: "Ces femmes qui ont fait l'humanitaire : une histoire genrée de la compassion de la Guerre Franco-Prussienne à la Seconde Guerre mondiale" Los formularios de solicitud deben ser enviados haciendo clic en el enlace  Postuler/Apply now  que aparece en los vínculos indicados más abajo.   Puede obtenerse más información sobre estos puestos, contactándome  Dolores. MartinMoruno@unige.ch   Candidat-e au doctorat FNS  https://jobs.unige.ch/www/wd_portal.show_job?p_web_site_id=1&p_web_page_id=27761   Chercheur-euse postdoc FNS  https://jobs.unige.ch/www/wd_portal.show_job?p_web_site_id=1&p_web_page_id=27762

New York Academy of Medicine Library fellowship applications open

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2018 cycle of The New York Academy of Medicine Library’s two history of medicine fellowships: the Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine and the Audrey and William H. Helfand Fellowship in the History of Medicine and Public Health.  Information about the two residential fellowships, along with application materials and instructions for applying, can be found here:  https://www.nyam.org/awards- grants/library-fellowships/

At the intersection of disciplines: History of Science and Environmental History

At the intersection of disciplines: History of Science and Environmental History International workshop Centre d’Història de la Ciència (CEHIC) Univeristat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Barcelona, 8-9 de June 2017 How to write an ‘environmental’ history of science today? To what extend environmental historians and historians of science can establish a fruitful collaboration? What kind of narratives could emerge at the intersection of both disciplines? In order to find new answers to these questions, the Centre d’Història de la Ciència (CEHIC), at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), has organized a 2-day workshop on 8-9 June 2017. Environmental historians and historians of science will explore common topics such as militant history, expertise, scientific authority, popular knowledge, scientific controversies, among other issues, to raise common questions and share methodological reflections. The workshop also aims to become a starting point for further academi

Florence Nightingale Museum is looking for touring partners for their Influenza exhibition

The Florence Nightingale Museum in London has secured Wellcome Trust funding for an exhibition and events programme commemorating the 1918-19 Influenza Pandemic, and we are looking for partners who would be interested in hosting a touring exhibition from Spring 2019 onwards. If any list members are interested and would like an informal discussion, please get in touch with either myself, or my colleague Emma Shepley emmas@florence-nightingale.co. uk    Url:  www.florence-nightingale.co.uk

Exposició: "La computació, de l'àbac al PC"

La Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) compleix quaranta anys el 2017. Per celebrar-ho, hem organitzat una sèrie d'activitats que volem compartir amb tothom, especialment amb la gran comunitat que envolta la nostra facultat i la nostra universitat, estudiantat, professorat, personal d'administració i serveis, titulats, titulades, companys i amics en general. Entre les diverses activitats la FIB té el plaer de presentar l'exposició històrica "La computació, de l'àbac al PC," que del 29 de maig al 29 de juny a la Biblioteca Rector Gabriel Ferraté de la UPC. Amb aquestes ubicacions volem apropar la FIB i l'exposició tant al públic general com a la nostra comunitat més pròxima. A més de la formació i recerca universitària que duem a terme, els darrers anys la FIB ha volgut compartir amb la societat catalana tant els avenços i novetats que constantment ens ofereixen les tecnologies de la

PhD post, 2017-2020, Strasbourg, deadline June 25, 2017

Object: Call for applications for a vacant PhD post, to study the “History of the Medical Faculty at the Reichsuniversität Strassburg 1941-1944”. Duration: 2017-2020 PhD post: Gross annual salary: 27,150 Euros Title of thesis project: Between the laboratory and the clinic: Clinical research at the Medical Faculty of the Reichsuniversität Strassburg in connection with the hôpital civil (civil hospital) Summary: The need to pursue academic and historical research focusing on the Medizinische Fakultät of the Reichsuniversität Strassburg resurfaced in 2015 following the discovery of remains of a Jewish concentration camp victim in a University of Strasbourg collection. In response, from September 27, 2016 onwards , the Université de Strasbourg established an independent historical commission for a four-year period to undertake scientific work, so as to shed new light on the unknown history of the institution. This project includes a three-year PhD contract at the

Novedad bibliográfica: Ciencias y traducción en el mundo hispánico

Ciencias y traducción en el mundo hispánico (ed. de Matteo De Beni) , Mantua, Universitas Studiorum (Col. «Pliegos Hispánicos», n. 3), 2016 (ISBN 9788899459543). Índice Introducción Matteo De Beni: Ciencias y traducción en el candelero: una presentación Saberes científicos y patrimonio bibliográfico antiguo Paola Calef: «Las cosas aromaticas que son para el coraçon». La ricetta medica del codice dantesco di Santillana Alejandra Ulla Lorenzo: Iberian Book Project (1472-1650): sobre los usos del catálogo en el estudio del impreso científico antiguo Luis Pablo Núñez: Tradición y traducción de los textos botánicos: la difusión y recepción del Tractado de las drogas (1578) de Cristóbal de Acosta Traducción, léxico y vocabularios (siglos XVI-XVIII) Teresa Gil García: A propósito de los tecnicismos en los primeros vocabularios bilingües español-italiano: el ejemplo de la botànica Oreste Trabucco: Scienza della natura e vocabolari tra Cinqu

CfP: "Natures and Spaces of Enlightenment"

CALL FOR PAPERS Natures and Spaces of Enlightenment The Sixteenth David Nichol Smith Seminar in Eighteenth-Century Studies Griffith University and the University of Queensland Brisbane, 13-15 December 2017 The Australian and New Zealand Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is pleased to announce that the sixteenth David Nichol Smith Seminar,  Natures and Spaces of Enlightenment , will be held in Brisbane, Australia, at Griffith University and the University of Queensland on the 13th to 15th December 2017. The following keynote speakers will be presenting at the conference: Deidre Lynch (Harvard University) Jan Golinski (University of New Hampshire) Georgia Cowart (Case Western Reserve University) Sujit Sivasundaram (University of Cambridge) The Call for Papers is available to view on the ANZSECS website: https://anzsecs.com/conference/natures-and-spaces-of-enlightenmentcall-for-papers/ We look forward to receiving proposals on any aspect o

Fundació Josep Irla : Beca Postodoctoral Irla

Ajut a la investigació per a investigadors/es que hagin obtingut recentment el títol de doctor/a, i que disposin d'un projecte de recerca en Ciències Socials o Filosofia política recolzat per un grup de recerca registrat en una universitat dels Països Catalans. Es tracta d'una beca postdoctoral dirigida a finançar un investigador/a per desenvolupar un projecte emmarcat en les següents disciplines: Ciències Polítiques, Economia, Ciències de la Comunicació, Pedagogia, Filosofia política i Sociologia. També es tindran en consideració aquells projectes que, des de l'àmbit de l'Antropologia, la Història, la Demografia, la Geografia o la Psicologia, tinguin relació amb alguna d'aquelles disciplines. Totes les propostes de recerca han de tenir com a objecte d'estudi alguna temàtica que sigui rellevant pels principis de democràcia, llibertat, justícia social i/o el dret a l'autodeterminació dels pobles. L'enfocament teòric de la recerca ha de ser,

CfP: Meta-Philosophy of Science

The journal Philosophies (ISSN 2409-9287, http://bit.ly/Philosophies ) invites contributions to the Special Issue entitled "Meta-Philosophy of Science", edited by Prof. Robert Rynasiewicz (Department of Philosophy, Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Johns Hopkins University). The deadline for manuscripts submission is 1 September 2017 . The goal of this peer-reviewed Special Issue is to shed light on the following questions: How should we conceive of science as an historical entity over time? Is it typically a cumulative, progressive process, as various forms of scientific realism might suggest? Does it display cyclic developmental patterns with radical discontinuities, as Kuhn famously argued? Is it just one thing after another subject to historical contingency and perhaps methodological anarchy, as Feyerabend appears to have advocated? What categories are proper and adequate to describe its development? Or is the very idea of theoretical histor

CfP: Learning by the Book: Manuals and Handbooks in the History of Knowledge, Conference, Princeton University, 7–10 June 2018

Call for Papers: Learning by the Book: Manuals and Handbooks in the History of Knowledge, Conference, Princeton University, 7–10 June 2018 Organized by Angela Creager (Princeton University), Mathias Grote (Humboldt University Berlin), Elaine Leong (MPI for the History of Science, Berlin) Supported by German Historical Institute, Washington, D.C. and Princeton University (the Center for Collaborative History, the International Fund, and the David A. Gardner ’69 Magic Project in the Humanities Council) Often overlooked, handbooks, protocols, and manuals are key tools in the making, preserving, and sharing of knowledge. Across editorial offices, artisanal workshops, religious schools, culinary institutes, and biomedical laboratories, instructional and reference texts codify the knowledge of a working community, with an eye to communicating what a new practitioner needs to know. This conference will address how handbooks, protocols, manuals, catalogues and related instructional or r

Logic PhDs first volume: Haskell Curry

It is with pleasure that we announce the launch of the first volume of the book series Logic PhDs (College Publication). It is the PhD of Haskell Curry (1900-1982), one of the greatest logicians of the 20th century, co-founder of the Association for Symbolic Logic.   Curry  was the last PhD student of David Hilbert. The PhD  was written in German. The present volume contains the original version in German as well as an English translation and presentation by Fairouz Kamareddine and Jonathan Seldin  http://www.collegepublications .co.uk/lphd/?00001