
Mostrando entradas de mayo 6, 2018

CfP: Living Well: Histories of Emotions, Wellness & Human Flourishing

A special issue of the Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Submission deadline: November 1, 2018 Organized by the Forum for the History of the Human Sciences in honor of historian John C. Burnham (1929-2017) , this special issue will bring together historical studies that analyze how the social and behavioral sciences have attended to the meanings and conditions of living well and human flourishing. We are interested in accounts that consider what these sciences, as well as popular works that draw on them, have said about living well, in its spiritual, psychological, cultural, social, economic, and/or political dimensions. We welcome article-length submissions that explore the development, implementation, and critique of social and behavioral science research and theoretical frameworks in this area. In addition, we are interested in studies that consider the uptake of such work in the broader society, at the level of ideas, social practices, popular cu

Call for Contributions: IHR Transport & Mobility History Seminar Series

Transport and mobility has played a pivotal role in history, transforming and shaping communities, societies, economies and nations. Military and merchant navies were the basis upon which empires were built from the fifteenth century to the twentieth, while canals stimulated the expansion of industries and trade, and became popular leisure activities decades later. The railways of the nineteenth century connected previously isolated individuals to the wider world, pushed through cities to re-configure urban living, while the companies themselves became the largest industrial enterprises of the age. The internal combustion engine allowed more flexible distribution of goods and commodities, facilitated the growth of consumerism, while car ownership changed personal mobility and people’s perceptions of their own social status. The aeroplane allowed new forms of military reconnaissance to be conducted, transformed the nature of war, and revolutionised the holiday as well as

CfP: Plastics Heritage Conference, May 2019 - Lisbon, Portugal

Url:  http://ciuhct.org/plasticsheritage2019/ We are living in a time of increasing dependence on and encounters with synthetic materials, such as plastics, in our day-to-day life. The Plastics Heritage Congress 2019, which general theme is "Plastics Heritage: History, Limits and Possibilities” intends to emphasize the synthetic material’s "plasticity" that makes them crucial in today’s globalized world and to understand the chameleon capability of plastics, their limits and possibilities. The Plastics Heritage Congress 2019 is organized by Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia/Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology (CIUHCT) in Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal, at Museu da Farmácia. It will be the fifth conference in a series which was founded by the German Society of Plastics History, having now the patronage of the recently founded Plastics Heritage European Association (PHEA). This con

IDTC grants to XI ICHSSE in Brazil and IDTC Symposium in ESHS 2018 Conference in UK

The Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission (IDTC) will provide a grant of € 300 to individuals which intend to participate as audience at the Co-IDTC XI ICHSSE (Brazil) or at the IDTC Symposium in the European Society for the History of Science Biennial Conference, UK.  Please see details below. Only one (1) Grant as 300 euros una tantum, for each event. We encourage the participation of PhD students at all stages of their research and young Scholars and/or PhD candidates. Apply to the grant at https://www.idtc-iuhps.com/   Deadline 2018, 23h59, June 25th Announcement, via email to the Winner only 2018, 30th, June 30th

CfP: Water History Conference 2019

The Water History conference of the International Water History Association (IWHA) in Florianópolis, Brazil, July 2019 will once again provide a platform to exchange and develop insights about the history of our most precious resource. Our IWHA conference will feature in the  3rd World Congress of Environmental History , co-organized by the Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina and the International Consortium of Environmental History Organizations ( ICEHO ), of which the IWHA is a proud member. Joining forces with the World Congress offers the opportunity for water historians to share their research with scholars working on environmental history more broadly, and to find new and productive intersections for further work. The theme of the World Congress is  Convergences: The Global South and the Global North in the Era of Great Acceleration , and we encourage past, present and potential IWHA members to submit proposals for panels or individual papers that speak

CfP: Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reform

Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reform: 21st Century Solutions for 20th Century Problems On October 5, the Prison University Project will host an academic conference at San Quentin State Prison in which incarcerated students and outside scholars will exchange ideas about “Corrections, Rehabilitation, and Reform.” We welcome proposals for individual papers (20 minutes in length) and full panels. As far as we know, this will be the first-ever academic conference located inside a prison in the U.S., and we are eager to broker a dialogue in which academic scholarship and those within the sphere of the criminal justice system support and improve one another. In an era in which “rehabilitation” is increasingly rewarded but nevertheless difficult to quantify, in which prison populations increase at the same time as abolitionist movements intensify, and in which racial and economic injustice are prime contributors to prison overpopulation, it is urgent to generate new