
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 8, 2009

Vigència actual de Darwin

Hola a tothom, Us passo l'adreça de dos llocs on trobareu dos videos que tracten sobre la vigència actual de Darwin: http://www.sies.tv/?utm_source=butlleti&utm_medium=email http://www.vilaweb.cat/www/noticia?p_idcmp=3654252 Salutacions cordials, Pasqual Bernat.


V COLOQUIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE LA HISTORIA DE LOS LENGUAJES IBERORROMÁNICOS DE ESPECIALIDAD: Comunicación y transmisión del saber entre lenguas y culturas Fechas: 27 a 30 de mayo de 2010 Lugar: Leipzig Más información: http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~ialt/JOOMLA/content/view/293/189/ -- Lluís Cifuentes i Comamala Centre de Documentació Ramon Llull Facultat de Filologia Universitat de Barcelona Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585 08007 Barcelona tel +34 93 403 56 29 (dt dj) / +34 93 412 49 42 lluiscifuentes@ub.edu http://www.sciencia.cat

Jornades sobre història i ensenyament

Benvolguts/des, Encara us podeu inscriure a les jornades sobre història i ensenyament que organitza la Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica els propers 20 i 21 de Novembre. La pàgina web amb tota la informació és: http://vijornadahcie.weebly.com/ Cordialment, Mª Rosa

HQ-3 Third International Conference on the History of Quantum Physics

Aplogies for the repeat, but it turned out that the web address we sent out in our announcement last week does not work reliably. Here is the announcement again with a functioning address. HQ-3 Third International Conference on the History of Quantum Physics HQ-3 Third International Conference on the History of Quantum Physics June 28–July 2, 2010 Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin HQ-3 Third International Conference on the History of Quantum Physics   Building upon the momentum generated by two previous conferences in Berlin (2007) and in Utrecht (2008), this meeting will bring together historians, philosophers, and scientists who work on the emergence and the development of quantum physics and related disciplines from the days of the old quantum theory until the present. The conference aims at combining a genuinely historical perspective with a broader understanding of the foundations and implications of quantum physics. The thematic horizon exte
International Conference: History of Science in Practice We are pleased to announce the International Conference "History of Science in Practice", organized by the Programme of History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science and Technology (National Hellenic Research Foundation and University of Athens) and the Hellenic Society of History, Philosophy and Didactics of Sciences. The Conference will be held in Athens, Greece from 6th to 9th May 2010 and updated info will be available at http://www.hpdst.gr/events/conferences/history-of-science-in-practice As its title suggests, the Conference will explore the possibilities of putting history of science into practice, both in teaching and in communication with the public. The Conference will focus on the following themes: - Exploring the creation of a common European textbook of History of Science - Using History of Science in formal and informal teaching of science - Examining epistemological problems in the

Call for national correspondents

Call for national correspondents We are looking for correspondents with residence in: United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Russia, India, China, Japan, Israel and Australia (not exclusive). Profile: we are looking for people 25 years or older, university graduates working on research in Medical Humanities and/or Social Studies of Science and Technology. High English level and good command in the basic tools of Microsoft Office, Internet and social networks (Blogs, Facebook, Twitter and/or simmilars). Task description: selected candidates are to search for the main distribution lists of information (i.e. listerv) about the different medical humanities and social studies of science and technology that are used by teachers, researchers, students, professionals and scholars of their countries. They should identify the main scientific societies, networks and other associations of researchers of the diffe


Thursday 10 December - Saturday 12 December 2009 Interdisciplinary conference HISTORICAL EPISTEMOLOGY Institute of Philosophy, Leuven University Kard. Mercierplein 2, BE-3000 Leuven, BELGIUM Participation is free and open to all, but please rsvp to historicalepistemology@gmail.com Thursday 10 December 14.00-19.00: 14.00 – 14.30: - Koen Vermeir: ‘Introduction: reflections on historical epistemology’ 14.30 – 16.30: - Ursula Klein ‘Historical Ontology’ - Daniela Monaldi 'Making, probing, and understanding' in the laboratory: the case of Bose-Einstein Condensation" 16.30 – 17.00: coffee break 17.00 – 19.00: - Karine Chemla ‘Contextualizing and Historicizing Generality as an Epistemological Value’ - Emily Grosholz ‘Abstract and Concrete: The Importance of Method in Population Genetics’ Friday 11 December 10.00-18.30: 10.00 – 13.30: - Martin Kusch ‘Genealogy, Metrology, Historical Epistemology’ - David Hyder ‘What Ar

Workshop ‘Iberian-Netherlandish Knowledge Exchanges’

Workshop ‘Iberian-Netherlandish Knowledge Exchanges’   Barcelona , 27-28 November 2009   Institut d’Estudis Catalans. Carrer del Carme, 47. 08001 Barcelona   co-organitzat per la Universitat de Ghent, la Institució Milà i Fontanals i la Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica.   La inscripció és gratuïta. Només cal enviar un missatge amb les vostres dades a mcamps@iec.cat  o a pppardo@imf.csic.es Salutacions cordials, Comissió de Col·loquis de la SCHCT.

Progress in Medicine

Conference announcement and call for papers Progress in Medicine 13 - 15 April 2010 University of Bristol The aims of this conference are: • To examine the nature, scope, causes, and grounds of progress in medicine. • To provide a forum for developing the unified study of the history and philosophy of medicine, and in particular raising the profile of the philosophy of medicine in the UK and its engagement with the history of medicine. • To create interdisciplinary bridges between the medical, philosophical, and historical professions, enabling medical professionals to become more theoretically engaged, while philosophers and philosophically-minded historians of medicine engage with the actual practice of medical professionals, so that their research reflects the realities and needs of modern medicine. • To facilitate the wider dissemination of research in the philosophy and history of medicine beyond the boundaries of those disciplines, and especially in medic

50th anniversary of CP Snow's 'Two Cultures'

Recently I gave a public lecture in Baltimore commemorating the 50th anniversary of CP Snow's 'Two Cultures' lecture at Cambridge. You may find it interesting, since I cover both historical and contemporary issues regarding to the legitimisation of science in society. In any case, I do not mean to launch a discussion here. The website has a place for comments, and you are welcome to contact me personally. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVZgNfDQR2A Yours in discourse Steve Steve Fuller Professor of Sociology University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL United Kingdom Phone +44 2476 523 940

Fitting for Health: the Economy of Medical Technology in Europe and its Colonies, 1600–1850

Dear colleagues, please find below a call for papers for a conference to be held in Paris in early September 2010, in which I hope to gather historians of medicine and technology. Do not hesitate to forward the following link to anybody you think would be interested: http://calenda.revues.org/nouvelle14995.html http://calenda.revues.org/nouvelle14995.html With kindest regards, Christelle Rabier Fitting for Health: the Economy of Medical Technology in Europe and its Colonies, 1600–1850 Équiper la santé: l’économie de l’instrumentation médicale en Europe et dans ses colonies, 1600–1850 Paris, 2-3 September 2010. Call for papers Is the history of medicine “that of its instruments?” (Henri Sigerist). In spite of the importance of material tools for diagnosis and therapeutic practices since Antiquity, we have insufficient knowledge of medical equipment, its uses or production. Yet, recent studies have emphasized the importance of the forc

Announcement of a symposium on university museums and collections: Tasks, concepts, and perspectives

Announcement of a symposium on university museums and collections: Tasks, concepts, and perspectives Humboldt University, Berlin, 18 - 20 February 2010. The conference language will be German. Please read the complete announcement in German: Universitaetsmuseen und -sammlungen im Hochschulalltag Aufgaben - Konzepte - Perspektiven Symposium des Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrums fuer Kulturtechnik der Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Berliner Medizinhistorischen Museum der Charité Gefoerdert von der VolkswagenStiftung Berlin, Humboldt-Universitaet, 18.-20. Februar 2010 Wissenschaftliche Leitung: Dr. Cornelia Weber, Humboldt-Universitaet, Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum fuer Kulturtechnik, Dr.-Ing. Klaus Mauersberger, TU Dresden, Kustodie Das Symposium setzt sich u.a. zum Ziel, gemeinsam nach neuen Aufgaben fuer Universitaetsmuseen und -sammlungen zu suchen, Strategien zu entwickeln, um den Fortbestand der Sammlungen sicherzustellen und Zuk


Envio abaixo a url para localização de todas as newsletters "BVS HPCS EN RED" publicadas. http://hpcs.bvsalud.org/enred/ Atenciosamente Luciene Paes Comunicação/COC/FIOCRUZ

Fitting for Health: the Economy of Medical Technology in Europe and its Colonies, 1600-1850

Dear colleagues, please find below a call for papers for a conference to be held in Paris in early September 2010, in which I hope to gather historians of medicine and technology. Do not hesitate to forward the following link to anybody you think would be interested:    http://calenda.revues.org/nouvelle14995.html With kindest regards, Christelle Rabier *Fitting for Health: the Economy of Medical Technology in Europe and its Colonies, 1600-1850* *Équiper la santé: l'économie de l'instrumentation médicale en Europe et dans ses colonies, 1600-1850* *Paris, 2-3 September 2010**.* *Call for papers* Is the history of medicine "that of its instruments?" (Henri Sigerist). In spite of the importance of material tools for diagnosis and therapeutic practices since Antiquity, we have insufficient knowledge of medical equipment, its uses or production. Yet, recent studies have emphasized the importance of the forceps in the successful management of d

atálogo en línea de la biblioteca de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina,

Estimados amigos: Ponemos a disposición de todos los investigadores el catálogo en línea de la biblioteca de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina, alojado en la página web www.ranm.es < http://www.ranm.es/ > . Es el primer hito de un proyecto a gran escala que tiene como objetivo ofrecer a todo aquel que le interese la riqueza bibliográfica y archivística atesorada por esta institución desde 1733. Agradecemos enormemente todo tipo de sugerencias orientadas a la mejora de este servicio, y rogamos sepan disculpar las deficiencias que puedan identificar en el mismo. Reciban un cordial saludo. Ignacio Díaz-Delgado Peñas Biblioteca-Archivo de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina Arrieta, 12 28013 Madrid Tel. .91 547 91 90 www.ranm.es < http://www.ranm.es/ >

Conferència de la ESHS de Barcelona 2010

En la pàgina de la Conferència de la ESHS de Barcelona 2010 * http://4eshs.iec.cat *trobareu la crida a participar-hi. El primer termini és el 30 de novembre, data límit per presentar propostes de simpòsiums. Salutacions cordials, Antoni


Announcement and call for submissions: EUROPEAN JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (EJPS) The European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA) is pleased to announce the launch of its new journal: the European Journal for Philosophy of Science (EJPS). Editor-in-Chief: Carl Hoefer (ICREA/Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain) Deputy Editor: Mauro Dorato (University of Rome III, Italy) Associate Editors: Franz Huber (Konstanz, Germany), Edouard Machery (Pittsburgh, USA), Michela Massimi (London, UK), Samir Okasha (Bristol, UK) and Jesús Zamora (UNED, Spain). The Editorial Team will be assisted in its work by an Editorial Board of highly reputed philosophers of science from around the world. EJPS is the official journal of EPSA and will appear three times a year, beginning in January 2011. EJPS intends to publish first-rate research in all areas of philosophy of science, and now welcomes submissions via the on-line portal: http://www.editorialmanage

Màster Erasmus Mundus

S'ha obert el termini per sol·licitar beques al Màster Erasmus Mundus que organitzen les universitats de París, Évora i Pàdua sobre patrimoni i paisatges industrials. La novetat d'aquest any és que s'ofereixen 8 beques per estudiants procedents a l'Unió Europea. http://www.univ-paris1.fr/diplomes/tpti/comment-sinscrire-pour-la-promotion-2009-2011-enrolment-process-for-20092011/

HQ-3 Third International Conference on the History of Quantum Physics June 28–July 2, 2010 Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

HQ-3 Third International Conference on the History of Quantum Physics June 28–July 2, 2010 Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Building upon the momentum generated by two previous conferences in Berlin (2007) and in Utrecht (2008), this meeting will bring together historians, philosophers, and scientists who work on the emergence and the development of quantum physics and related disciplines from the days of the old quantum theory until the present. The conference aims at combining a genuinely historical perspective with a broader understanding of the foundations and implications of quantum physics. The thematic horizon extends from the classical traditions that quantum physics is rooted in, through the genesis of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, to the history of its appropriation in newly-emerging fields of research up to the present day. We invite contributions with a historical focus, dealing with aspects such as: • the theoretical, mathe

Film Literature Index

Film Literature Index http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/fli/index.jsp This very ambitious project from Indiana University was funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, and it continues to be updated on a regular basis. The Film Literature Index (FLI) annually indexes 150 film and television periodicals from 30 countries in their entirety, along with 200 other periodicals selectively for articles on film and television. The FLI database can be searched by subject headings, names, production titles, or by corporate names. Visitors can browse around, or perform advanced searches as their needs require. More information about the project can be found in the "About FLI" section, which can be accessed at the top of the homepage. Here visitors can learn about the history of the FLI, and also read about various papers and presentations that document the creation of the FLI Online site. [KMG]

"Los miedos en la historia"

El Centro de Estudios Históricos de El Colegio de México y el Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas de la UNAM publicaron el libro "Los miedos en la historia", coordinación de Elisa Speckman Guerra, Claudia Agostoni y Pilar Gonzalbo Aizpuru. Informes: www.historicas.unam.mx CONTENIDO EL ORIGEN DE NUESTROS MIEDOS MIEDOS NATURALES Y MIEDOS CULTURALES Pecadores y tormentas: la didáctica del miedo, Flor Trejo Rivera Si no por amor.por miedo: violencia conyugal y temor al deshonor en el México colonial, Teresa Lozano Armendares La costumbre al miedo. la muerte en el parto en la ciudad de México, 1870- 1898, Milada Bazant y David Domínguez Herbón Entre el miedo y la esperanza: la peste de 1737 y la mujer hechicera de San Pablo del Monte, Puebla, América Molina del Villar Del miedo a la enfermedad al miedo a los pobres: la lucha contra el tifo en el México porfirista, Ana María Carrillo Entre la persuasión, la compulsión y el temor: la

Exilio republicano universitario

http://www.dsp.umh.es/conectadistribución/Exili.pdf adjunto el programa del Seminario que se celebra en la Universitat de Barcelona sobre el exilio republicano universitario por si es de vuestro interés. Salomo Marquès Sureda Departament de pedagogia c/ Emili Grahit 77 17071 Girona salomo.marques@udg.edu