
Mostrando entradas de enero 17, 2010

Wellcome Ph.D Studentship at the Queen Mary Centre for the History of the Emotions

Dear Colleagues, The Centre for the History of the Emotions at Queen Mary, University of London is pleased to announce a Wellcome-funded PhD studentship to cover fees and maintenance between 2010 – 2013 on the theme of 'Medicine, Emotion, and Disease in History'. For details please see:  http://www.qmul.ac.uk/emotions/Medicine%20and%20Emotion%20PhD%202010.pdf Please forward this announcement to any potential candidates. Note that the deadline for applications is 12 February 2010. With best wishes Thomas Dixon   Centre for the History of the Emotions http://www.qmul.ac.uk/emotions

"University history, university collections and university practices"

Third conference on the history of science in Norway "University history, university collections and university practices" Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 14-17 October 2010 First Announcement and Call for Papers After very successful meetings in Oslo in 2008 and Tromsø/Lofoten in 2009 we are pleased to announce the Third conference on the history of science in Norway, which will take place from 14 to 17 October 2010 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. The conference is being hosted in collaboration between the Forum for Kunnskapshistorie and the NTNU Anniversary History Project. The theme of the conference will be “University history, university collections and university practices”. In 2010 the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the city of Trondheim will be celebrating the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences

McGill-Queen's University Press Alain Ehrenberg The Weariness of the Self Diagnosing the History of Depression in the Contemporary Age

Alain Ehrenberg is a sociologist, the director of CESAMES (Research Center on Mental Health, Psychotropics and Society, Paris Descartes University), senior researcher at CNRS, and the author of several books on contemporary individualism. McGill-Queen's University Press Alain Ehrenberg The Weariness of the Self Diagnosing the History of Depression in the Contemporary Age Depression, once a subfield of neurosis, has become the most diagnosed mental disorder in the world. Why and how has depression become such a topical illness and what does it tell us about changing ideas of the individual and society? Alain Ehrenberg investigates the history of depression and depressive symptoms across twentieth-century psychiatry, showing that identifying depression is far more difficult than a simple diagnostic distinction between normal and pathological sadness - the one constant in the history of depression is its changing definition. Drawing on the accumulated knowledge o

Primeras Jornadas de Estudiantes de Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia,la Tecnología y la Medicina Mexicanas

Los textos completos de las ponencias presentadas en las Primeras Jornadas de Estudiantes de Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia,la Tecnología y la Medicina Mexicanas (agosto de 2009, Museo Tezozómoc) ya pueden ser consultadas en la siguiente dirección electrónica: http://www.cedicyt.ipn.mx/ponencias_x.htm .

"La circulación del conocimiento y las redes del poder: en la búqueda de nuevas perspectivas historiográficas sobre la ciencia"

Apreciados colegas, La revista Memoria y Sociedad del Departamento de Historia de la Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá-Colombia, acaba de publicar su último número dedicado a la historia de la ciencia. El dossier, titulado "La circulación del conocimiento y las redes del poder: en la búqueda de nuevas perspectivas historiográficas sobre la ciencia", refleja el gran dinamismo que está viviendo la historia de la ciencia en Iberoamérica, centrándose en uno de los temas más candentes en la historiografí­a de la ciencia actual: la manera en que el conocimiento se transforma y moldea en su tránsito entre diferentes espacios geográficos y disciplinares. Al mismo tiempo, este monográfico pretende establecer un diálogo entre la historia de la ciencia y el ámbito general de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades, integrando la ciencia como objeto de análisis en estos campos. Debido a que la página web de la revista se encuentra en este momento en construcción, el número en

18th Sociology of Health and Illness Monograph 'Sociology of Screening'

Reminder - Deadline: January 31st 2010. Call for abstracts - 18th Sociology of Health and Illness Monograph 'Sociology of Screening' Editors: Natalie Armstrong & Helen Eborall (University of Leicester) For the 18th monograph in the series, the Sociology of Health and Illness invites submissions of proposals for papers on the sociology of medical screening. The reach of medical screening is ever-growing, and screening programmes are social interventions as much as they are medical interventions and as such they pose challenging ethical, legal and social dilemmas. This monograph will bring together papers which identify and refine the salient sociological questions around screening, reflect on and integrate the existing literature, and identify the key areas for future sociological work in this area. We seek submissions that focus on large scale population-based screening programmes, and welcome abstracts covering a range of conditions and contexts (including different

Six PhD Studentship in HPS/Philosophy 2010-11

Department of Philosophy University of Leeds Six PhD Studentship in HPS /Philosophy   2010-11 The Department of Philosophy intends to offer up to six studentships in  History and Philosophy of Science and Philosophy  to suitably qualified candidates for its full-time or part-time PhD programmes. Two studentships are associated with the AHRC Block Grant Partnership and will pay full Home/EU fees (currently £3,390 p.a. ft) and the standard maintenance component for AHRC doctoral awards (currently £13,290 p.a. ft). Up to four additional departmental studentships will be offered paying full Home/EU fees and substantial maintenance awards. Applications for studentships are welcome from all areas of research in which the Department can provide PhD supervision. For information about research at the Department see http://www.philosophy.leeds.ac.uk/Research/index.htm . In addition, the Department will be offering two AHRC Research Preparation Masters awards in support of


POSTGRADUATE STUDY IN  HPS AT LEEDS http://www . hps . leeds.ac.uk/ Those interested in postgraduate study in H istory and Philosophy of Science or Philosophy at the University of Leeds are warmly invited to attend an Open Day on the afternoon of Wednesday 10   February 2010.      (A number of travel bursaries will be available for those visitors who have applied for admission to our programmes). Find out about our MA courses in: History and Philosophy of Science Science Communication Philosophy (PhD track) Philosophy of Religion   Meet potential PhD supervisors in a wide range of research areas covering: History and Philosophy of Science   Philosophy Applied Ethics Learn about our Research Centres: Centre for History and Philosophy of Science   Centre for Aesthetics Centre for Ethics and Meta-Ethics Centre for Metaphysics and Mind Learn about application procedures and funding options (up to 6 PhD Studentships and at least 2 MA St

University of Kent seeks a post-doctoral Research Associate

The School of History,  whose research interests centre on the history of science and/or technology in the 19th and/or 20th centuries. In offering the Associateship, our aim is to facilitate the initial career trajectory of a young scholar making the often-difficult transition from doctoral student to postdoctoral researcher and university teacher. Applicants should therefore have been awarded their PhDs within the last two years, in other words no earlier than January 2008. Key Accountabilities / Primary Responsibilities The successful applicant will be a stellar early career researcher, with clear plans for publishing research already completed, and willing to play a full part in the research culture of the school as well as on wider national and international stages of conferences and symposia. S/he will be expected to collaborate with a permanent member of staff in framing and submitting a major grant for external funding, perhaps in collaboration with the museum sec

Health, Culture and the Human Body

Subject: CfP (reminder): Health, Culture and the Human Body Reminder and final call for abstracts An international and interdisciplinary conference on Health, Culture and the Human Body Epidemiology, ethics and history of medicine, perspectives from Central Europe and Turkey Mainz, Germany, 17-19 September 2010 New developments in medicine, preventive and therapeutic interventions are raising novel ethical questions in societies undergoing fast demographic change at home while participating in global interactions through travel and migration. Diverse value-cultures may affect the responses to well-established themes in medicine, giving rise to complex ethical debates and different legal regulations. This conference will focus on selected cases from Turkey, Germany, and other countries closely connected by substantial migration processes, and previously by medical sciences and clinical practice. These interactions will be analysed jointly from historical, epidemiolog

Novedades en Theoria

Estimados amigos, Me es grato comunicarles algunas novedades en nuestra revista: 1) Nuevo equipo editorial Hemos renovado el equipo editorial de THEORIA, al que se incorporan como editores de área Gabriel Uzquiano (Oxford), Genoveva Martí (ICREA & Universitat de Barcelona), Josefa Toribio (ICREA & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), José Antonio Díez Calzada (Universitat de Barcelona), Marga Vicedo (University of Toronto) y Javier Moscoso (CSIC). David Teira (UNED) es el nuevo editor asociado de la revista. Pueden encontrar más detalles en: http://www.ehu.es/ojs/index.php/THEORIA/about/editorialTeam 2) Activación de la nuestra plataforma OJS: nuevo sistema de envío de artículos Hemos incorporado THEORIA a la plataforma de Open Journals Systems. Esto permite a los autores enviar sus artículos a través de la plataforma y seguir el curso de su evaluación en todo momento.  Pueden encontrar las nuevas instrucciones para el envío de artículos aquí: http://www.

Ojeo virtual de libros antiguos de medicina

A la digitalización iniciada hace años del fondo antiguo, en el caso español una de las primeras iniciativas creo recordar que fue la  Biblioteca Digital Diocórides http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/atencion/24063.php , se le van sumando nuevas propuestas tecnológicas  como la del ojeo virtual, que nos permite consultar la obra pasando de manera virtual página a página. La Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de EEUU  dispone de algunos de medicina. La interesante obra de Vesalio "De humani corporis fabrica" , creo recordar que publicada hacia 1543, es una de ellas, pero también podemos ojear las preciosas ilustraciones de "Historiae animalium". Ojeo virtual de libros antiguos de medicina http://archive.nlm.nih.gov/proj/ttp/books.htm En España la Biblioteca Nacional (BNE), que va ampliando progresivamente los servicios y prestaciones virtuales, dispone de otros interesantísimos libros interactivos, algunos de ellos habíamos tenido la fortuna de haberlos contemplado en alguna

X Jornadas de Historia del Trabajo

El grupo de investigación “TIG” organiza las X Jornadas de Historia del Trabajo 27 y 28 de Abril 2010 Facultad de Geografía e Historia de la Universidad de Barcelona La “formación” de las clases trabajadoras. Organización del trabajo y políticas educativas n      La información será actualizada puntualmente en www. ub.es/tig

Ayudas para becas y contratos del Programa "Salvador de Madariaga" en el Instituto Univeristario Europeo de Florencia,

B envolguts/des, Us enviem informació sobre la convocatòria de Ayudas para becas y contratos del Programa "Salvador de Madariaga" en el Instituto Univeristario Europeo de Florencia, en el marco del estatuto del personal investigador en formación del Programa Nacional de Formación de Recursos Humanos de investigación, del PN I+D+i 2008-2011 , per si és del vostre interès. Si desitgeu més informació podeu adreçar les vostres preguntes a l'apartat preguntes més freqüents que trobareu al final de la informació d'aquesta convocatòria. Aquest text s'envia en HTML. Si no veieu l'enllaç a la  informació, reviseu la configuració del vostre navegador per visualitzar les adjuncions en línia, o bé adreceu-vos a la següent URL:   http://www.recerca.uab.cat/convocatories/index.php?Cont=2916 La data límit oficial per a  presentar les sol·licituds a l´Entitat organitzadora, és el dia 31 de gener de 2010 Per canviar les vostres subscripcions a les llistes

*Conference: Mathematics meets physics - General and local aspects*

*Conference: Mathematics meets physics - General and local aspects* / *Mathematik und Physik in Wechselbeziehungen - Allgemeines und Lokales* Leipzig (Germany), March 22-25, 2010 To conclude the project "Interrelationships between mathematics and physics at the universities of Leipzig, Halle-Wittenberg and Jena from about 1830 to 1945" (directors: Hans Wussing, Menso Folkerts), the working group for the history of natural sciences and mathematics at the Saxonian Academy of Sciences in Leipzig (SAW) would like to invite you to this conference. Its aim is to capture and analyse the complex changes of this interrelationship in the 19th and the first half of the 20th century and to place them in a larger international context. -------------------------- *Programme*** *Monday, March 22, **2010* 9.00 Introduction * *Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (President of the Saxonian Academy of Sciences): Welcome *Section 1: Allgemeine Entwicklungen / General developments*

UK Consultation on the Preservation of Online Publications

In the UK the DCMS is currently running a consultation on the 'collection and preservation of UK offline and microform publications and UK online publications available free of charge and without access restrictions'- or in simpler terms the legal deposit of 'born digital' material, without which writing history in the future is going to be tricky! Readers of this list who are concerned about this issue may want to respond.  The document is at http://www.culture.gov.uk/images/consultations/Digital_legal_deposit.pdf Apologies to those who have spotted this already, but I'd missed it and thought others might have as well. Best wishes, Sally Horrocks Sally Horrocks (Dr) School of Historical Studies University of Leicester LE1 7RH 0116 252 5070

Portal de la Revista Complutense de Historia de América

Hola para consultar los artículos completos aunque el 35 no está actualizado esta es la pagina del web: http://revistas.ucm.es/portal/modulos.php?name=Revistas2_Historico&id=RCHA&num=RCHA090911 Saludos Mtra. Victoria Ramiro Esteban


REMINDER: CALL FOR PAPERS CIRCULATION OF MATHEMATICAL KNOWLEDGE IN 18TH-CENTURY BRITAIN: NEW PERSPECTIVES Symposium reference: 22 Dear colleagues, This is a call for the organization of a symposium on Circulation of Mathematical Knowledge in 18th-century Britain at the 4th International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Barcelona, 18-20 November 2010) Background and Aims Mainly as a consequence of British unconditional adherence to Newtonian methods, the mathematical activity in eighteenth-century Britain has traditionally been regarded as “in decline”. This picture, mostly moulded by early nineteenth-century English scientists, exaggerated in the way the so-called “British mathematical isolation.” In addition, the fact that the mathematical sciences were banned from the Royal Society in the second half of the century - under the presidency of Joseph Banks - cannot be overlooked. Several authors have already made a call for revision of this picture.