
Mostrando entradas de febrero 17, 2019

CfP: IET Conference on the History of Technology of Ireland, Dublin, 21 September 2019

IET Conference on the History of Technology of Ireland, Dublin, 21 September 2019 This one day conference, to be held at the Clayton Hotel, Bullsbridge, Dublin on Saturday 21st September 2019, will explore, by means of presentations in response to this Call for Papers, the many historical engineering and technological innovations, in all disciplines, created on and from the island of Ireland. Some examples of the wide range of these historical engineering achievements are the gateway of transatlantic cables in the west coast of Ireland in the 19th and early 20th century, Harry Ferguson's original tractor design, John Boyd Dunlop's invention of the pneumatic tyre, Ulster's maritime and heavy engineering heritage, the more recent evolution of Ireland as one of Europe's leading research centres in ICT hardware, the centenary in 2019 of Marconi's first east-west radio call from Ballybunion, Co. Kerry and the first transatlantic flight by Alcock and Brown landi

CfP: Science in the City 1500-1800

Call for Papers – Science in the City, 1500-1800  Institute of Historical Research/ Science Museum, London – 6-7 April 2020 This conference marks the end of Metropolitan Science: Places, Objects, and Cultures of Knowledge and Practice in Early Modern London, 1600-1800 research project, and the opening of a permanent gallery, London Science City, at the Science Museum. We are delighted to welcome Professor Pamela H. Smith of Colombia University, and leader of the Making and Knowing Project, as a keynote speaker. Recent historical scholarship has helped uncover the variety and vitality of the scientific activity of mercantile, artisanal, and official communities. That breadth and richness represent a very important part of the total scientific activity of early modern London, and it follows that they must be accounted for in any effort to grasp the overall scientific culture of the metropole. This conference is an opportunity to consider the mutual impact of science and the c

CfA: ‘Born Yesterday: Cross-Disciplinary Investigations into Birth, Midwifery and Childhood'

An interdisciplinary conference welcoming abstracts covering all historic and contemporary aspects of childbearing and child rearing. Held in conjunction with  De Partu , History of Childbirth and Midwifery Research Group.   Topics are expected to include, but not be limited to, the following subject areas: History :  investigations into witchcraft; bastardy; contraception; the framing of childbirth in the hospital and the home; free-birthing; parenthood; the changing role of doctors, midwives and carers; the history of birth in local, national and international contexts Medicine : insights into birth trends, the rise of obstetrics, fertility, infertility, assisted fertility, miscarriage, abnormalities, still-birth Art History : the varied depiction of childbirth, parenting and reproduction across the ages Literature and Anthropology : literary representations of midwives, births, babies, mothers and fathers in different socio-cultural spheres, as well as within different

CfA: Journal for the History of Knowledge, new international review

We invite contributions to the  Journal for the History of Knowledge,  which will be launched at the beginning of 2020. Scope The  Journal for the History of Knowledge  is an open access, peer-reviewed journal devoted to the history of knowledge in its broadest sense. This includes the study of science, but also of indigenous, artisanal, and other types of knowledge as well as the history of knowledge developed in the humanities and social sciences. Special attention is paid to interactions and processes of demarcation between science and other forms of knowledge.  Contributions may deal with the history of concepts of knowledge, the study of knowledge making practices and institutions and sites of knowledge production, adjudication, and legitimation (including  universities). Contributions which highlight the relevance of the history of knowledge to current policy concerns (for example, by historicizing and problematizing concepts such as the “knowledge society”) are par

PhD candidate “Convention Conventions. Routines and Rituals in International Scientific Conferences, 1910-1960”

Url:  https://www.academictransfer.com/nl/52955/phd-candidate-convention-conventions-routines-and-rituals-in-international-scientific-conferences-1910-1960-at-the-faculty-of-arts-and-social-sciences-department-of-history-sts-programme-maastricht-university-10-fte-3-years/ The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) is looking for a PhD candidate on the project “Convention Conventions. Routines and Rituals in International Scientific Conferences, 1910-1960” at the Department of History & STS Programme, Maastricht University (1,0 fte, 3 years). The project is part of the European research collaboration “The Scientific Conference: A Social, Cultural, and Political History”, involving several international partners.

Call for contributions (ESHHS, 2019): historical perspectives on mental capacities and psychological traits

Call for contributions: European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, 4-6 July 2019, Budapest.   Panel: Giftedness and feebleness under scrutiny: historical perspectives on the examination of mental capacities and psychological traits The sessions seeks to understand how and why humans were classified into certain psychological categories such as “mentally abnormal”, “gifted”, “feeble” etc. Physicians, psychologists and pedagogues designed techniques to register psychological differences among schoolchildren and (young) adults to rank and classify them. This was done for several reasons, often to undertake groupings and to guide their education and professional training while adducing reasons of mental hygiene, eugenics, industrial and educational efficiency.  In this context the concept of “abnormality”, be this feebleness or giftedness, gained prominence. Although there was no scholarly agreement on how to define these terms, there was a consensus on why it was

CfP: British Society for the History of Medicine, 14th September 2019, Bristol

BSHM Congress 11th - 14th September 2019 at the M Shed in Bristol, UK.   All interested are welcome to attend and to submit abstracts for 15-minute oral presentations and posters. The Congress has 4 themes: ·           History of Medicine at Sea, ·           History of Medicine in the West of Britain ·           History of Health Care Education ·           History of Mental Illness and Mental Disability These themes are not exclusive. Papers and posters on any aspect of the history of medicine are also welcome. Abstract submission will close on 31st May. It is hoped that a publisher, specialising in maritime history, will support a monograph of presentations given in the ‘History of Medicine at Sea’ sessions. Further details are on our website  https://bshm.org.uk/   where you can find information on how to register an interest, register as a delegate and submit abstracts. Our dedicated booking tool is at   https://www.conftool.org/ bshm2019/

Fully funded PhD in Animal/Veterinary Medical History

A fully funded PhD in Animal/Veterinary History is available at the Centre for the History of the Sciences, University of Kent. Professionalising animal medicine: the RCVS and Veterinary Surgeons Act, 1881 AHRC-CHASE CDA PhD studentship with University of Kent and RCVS Knowledge (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Trust) The Scholarship provides Home/EU fees plus a maintenance stipend at the 2019/20 Research Council rate of £14,009  plus an additional £550 for Collaborative Doctoral Students. This enhanced stipend is to cover additional travel costs relating to the project. ·           This collaborative doctoral award is jointly supervised between RCVS Knowledge (operating as RCVS Knowledge) and the University of Kent’s School of History. ·           Located at the intersection of history of science and medicine and history of animals, this project seeks to understand the reasons for and effects of the Veterinary Surgeons Act, 1881. It examines how and why the medic

CfP: Durham: The Body & the Built Environment

The Body & the Built Environment in the Long Nineteenth Century Tuesday 25 June 2019 Durham University The period between 1750 and 1918 is widely acknowledged to have been one of dramatic societal and cultural change, not least in terms of people’s experience of the spaces in which they lived. The unparalleled urbanisation that took place over the course of the long nineteenth century necessitated new ways of existing in increasingly built up environments. The move to such locations demanded new habits, routines, and modes of movement, all of which had a discernible impact on the body. As Elizabeth Grosz points out, ‘through exercise and habitual patterns of movement, through negotiating its environment whether this be rural or urban […] [that] the body is more or less marked, constituted as appropriate, or, as the case may be, an inappropriate body for its cultural requirements’ (1994). Where, for example, the navigation of uneven rural terrain would have strengthened

Symposium CfP: Stars, Pyramids & Photographs: Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1819-1900

Call for Papers – Stars, Pyramids & Photographs: Charles Piazzi Smyth, 1819-1900 A symposium to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Piazzi Smyth The Royal Society of Edinburgh, 3-4 September 2019 Charles Piazzi Smyth, second Astronomer Royal for Scotland (1846-1888), had a career that took him to the Cape of Good Hope, Tenerife and Egypt and encompassed interests spanning mountaintop observation, photography, spectroscopy, meteorology, metrology and pyramidology. He was responsible for developing a time service for Edinburgh, with a time ball on Calton Hill and time gun fired from Edinburgh Castle. He was in close correspondence with many of the leading scientific figures of the day, including John Herschel, who encouraged his early experiments in photography, and was a fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh. In this bicentennial meeting we invite speakers to explore the life, work and legacy of Smyth. We aim to bring together histo

CfP: European Social Science History Conference 2020

Chairs: Tim Soens (University of Antwerp, Belgium), Dulce Freire (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal), 18–21 March 2020, Leiden, The Netherlands Deadline for abstract submission: 15 April 2019 Call for Papers: Rural History Network of the ESSHC 2020 Session and paper proposals can be submitted through the conference website. Deadline for session and paper proposals is   15 April 2019 . Please note that the network chairs are especially eager to see complete session proposals, as we find that this is conducive to intellectual coherence in sessions. However, promising single paper submissions will be given every consideration, and each edition the Rural History Network manages to merge single paper submissions into coherent and innovative panels. Why not use the ESSHC 2020 conference as the follow-up for successful sessions organized at the 2018 World Economic History Conference in Boston; the 2019 Rural History Conference (Paris) or the 2019 En