
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 4, 2012

CfP: Undergraduate Conference - "Corpus: the Body in the Middle Ages and Renaissance"

Call for Papers: Undergraduate Conference Entitled “Corpus: the Body in the Middle Ages and Renaissance" April 19, 2013 Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of Tennessee, Knoxville The Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies is pleased to announce its Third Annual Undergraduate Conference entitled “Corpus: the Body in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.† The conference will take place on April 19, 2013 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. We are currently calling for abstracts from interested undergraduates. Medieval and Renaissance views of the body have come to us from a rich trove of sources, from poetic portrayals in texts to mappae mundi to figures sculpted from stone. This conference seeks to address the numerous and changing depictions of bodies during the early periods from a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives. Some potential topics include holy and unholy bodie

CFP deadline extended-- PAH History of Women's Health Conference

Call for Papers Extended to November 13, 2012 The Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, will host its eighth annual History of Women's Health Conference on Wednesday, April 17, 2013. We invite interested persons to send a one to two page proposal or abstract of your topic by Tuesday, November 13, 2012 for consideration.   The History of Women's Health Conference focuses on areas of women's health from the 18th century to the present.   This conference encourages interdisciplinary work.   Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, obstetrics and gynecology (fertility, infertility, birth control methods, menopause), adolescence (health, cultural influences, body image, puberty, eating disorders), mental health topics, aging concerns, women's health as consumer health, the female as conveyed in popular culture, overall women's health, access to health care, minority health, nursing, midwifery, female healers, and more. Jacqueline H. Wolf, PhD,

Pre-doctoral position: MPI Berlin, The Construction of Norms in 17th- to 19th-Century Europe and the USA

Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin Pre-doctoral position for one or two years (with possible extension) Starting date: between April 1, 2013 and September 1, 2013   (application deadline November 30, 2012) Outstanding junior scholars are invited to apply. The position is awarded in conjunction with the research project The Construction of Norms in 17th- to 19th-Century Europe and the United States . http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/MRGArnaud Research projects should fit with one of the project’s focal points, deafness or hysteria, or any medical category, and address any period between the early seventeenth century and the late nineteenth century and any European country or the United States. Comparative studies are welcome. Although projects must have a history of science component, this may be in either the natural or the human sciences, with relevant disciplinary perspectives including history of psychology,

Call for Papers: Launch of the International Network for Narrative Medicine

A Narrative Future for Health Care Launch of the International Network for Narrative Medicine Co-Sponsored by the Centre for the Humanities and Health at King’s College London and The Program in Narrative Medicine, Columbia University, New York June 19-21, 2013 At King’s Guy’s Hospital Campus, London Humanities scholars, social scientists and clinicians are learning to write and read clinical discourse in ways that take account of developing narratological thinking in literature, philosophy and ethics. They have started to recognize and describe narrative impulse, shape, and techniques in clinical conversations, observations and illness-related life-writings of patients, care-givers and writers. Narrative medicine has emerged from elements of literary theory, cultural studies, creative writing and artistic practice, disability studies, narrative ethics, and history of medicine, which intersect with the professional disciplines of nursing, social work, medic

Ph.D. position at the University of Groningen

PhD position in History of Science and Medicine at the University of Groningen (NL)Deadline for applications: 15 November The History Department is seeking a PhD candidate for the project ‘Blood, Sweat and Tears’. The project is part of the VIDI research program on ‘Vital Matters. Boerhaave’s Chemico-Medical Legacy and Dutch Enlightenment Culture’, funded by NWO, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research. The PhD candidate will be part of a research team investigating how the chemistry of Herman Boerhaave, the eighteenth-century medical ‘teacher of Europe’, became pivotal in Dutch Enlightenment medicine. The Ph.D. project focuses on the work of Boerhaave’s Dutch followers and seeks to analyse the chemical practices at the root of eighteenth-century medical theories on the bodily humours. At the same time it investigates the ‘Boerhaavian’ Enlightenment body as a series of problems and debates where social, cultural, medical and material concerns intersected and con