
Mostrando entradas de octubre 28, 2018

Seminario on line: Presentación del libro "El discurso psicopatológico de la modernidad"

Autor: Enric Novella Presentación a cargo del profesor Fernando Vidal (ICREA) Fecha: Miércoles 7 de noviembre de 2018 a las 18:00 horas Lugar de realización: Salón de actos del Palacio Cerveró. Instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero. Plataforma online:    http://reunion.uv.es/hcc2 "El discurso psicopatológico de la modernidad" Inspirados en la historia de la subjetividad cultivada por autores como Michel Foucault o Charles Taylor, los ensayos reunidos en este libro exploran la constitución y la proyección cultural de la psiquiatría y la psicopatología como uno de los ámbitos discursivos más emblemáticos y característicos de la modernidad. De este modo, se examina su cristalización histórica y su desenvolvimiento ini­cial como una empresa dirigida primariamente a adentrarse en la subjetividad del loco y como una (novedosa) herramienta de análisis histórico, diag­nóstico social y crítica cultural en la que se ma­nifiesta de un modo ej

Recurso on line: Ciutats en xarxes transurbanes: cap a una síntesi entre història urbana, història de la ciencia i història global?

aula rodona amb motiu de la presentació del libre  "Saberes transatlánticos. Barcelona y Buenos Aires: conexiones, confluencias, comparaciones (1850-1940)" Oliver Hochadel (IMF-CSIC), José Pardo-Tomás (IMF-CSIC), Álvaro Girón (IMF-CSIC), Mònica Balltronde (CEHIC-UAB) i Agustí Nieto-Galan (CEHIC-UAB) Dilluns 29 d’octubre, 18.30h. Sala d'Actes de la Residència d’Investigadors, C/Hospital 64 (Barcelona).

CfP: Simplicities and Complexities International Conference

Deadline: 15 January 2019 https://www.lhc-epistemologie. uni-wuppertal.de/complexities https://easychair.org/cfp/simp lecomplex1 Simplicities and Complexities" will take place from 22 to 24 May 2019 at the University of Bonn, Germany. It aims to bring together scientists and scholars from a spectrum of disciplines such as physics, biology, ecology, chemistry, and computational science, as well as from philosophy, sociology, and history of science. This conference is organized by the interdisciplinary, DFG- and FWF-funded research unit "Epistemology of the LHC". Philosophers and scientists alike have often assumed simplicity to be an epistemic ideal. Some examples of theories taken as successful realizations of this ideal include General Relativity and Darwin's theory of Natural Selection. These theories influenced early and mid-20th century philosophers' understanding of the criteria successful scientific theories and practices had to mee

CfP: Silencing: experiences, materiality, powers

The Silencing . Ex periences, materiality and powers international conference aims at considering silence in its practical dimension, as an object, a conduct, an aesthetic or political hold. In welcoming and confronting viewpoints from several academic fields – acoustics, anthropology, history, linguistics, literature, museology, musicology, sociology – and artistic practices – notably music, poetry, cinema – this conference will study how the existence of a creation of silence manifests, through the material, symbolic and political modalities of silence.  Conditions for submission The paper proposals, of maximum 500 words, with a provisional title and a bibliography, should be sent to Stéphanie Fonvielle ( stephanie.fonvielle@univ.amu. fr ) and Christelle Rabier ( christelle.rabier@ehess.fr ), with “ CFP Silencing”  in the subject line. They should be written in French or in English, and should include the following information: Last name First name Affiliation(s)

CfP: Global Knowledge, Global Legitimacy? Transatlantic Biomedicine since 1970

When the French pharmaceutical company Roussell Uclaff, a subsidiary of the German chemical giant Hoechst AG, was ready to introduce an abortion pill in 1988, American activists flooded the company’s headquarters near Frankfurt with protest letters. In response, the company’s German CEO mandated to stop the project. But the French state – a Hoechst minority shareholder – took the idea across the border, patented it, and embarked on medical trials for the new product in France.  Ten years later, scientists in the United States successfully isolated human embryonic stem cells. The country’s regulatory framework had left them free to let the cells proliferate indefinitely. But researchers adopted concepts implemented in Britain to limit the cells’ growth to 13 days after gestation. Such examples illustrate the transnational implications of controversies arising from scientific research and therapies evolving in academic settings and in companies coordinating their e

CfP: The Roots of Empire: Botanical Knowledge and the (Post)colonial Caribbean

Panel Title: The Roots of Empire: Botanical Knowledge and the (Post)colonial Caribbean Organizer: Michael Reyes (Assistant Professor of Francophone Literature, Queen’s University) In their edited volume Colonial Botany , Londa Schiebinger and Claudia Swan argue that early modern European colonialism and the science of botany were deeply interconnected.  Colonial projects profited from botany’s ability to effectively identify commercially viable plants, just as botany benefitted from access to the great diversity of plants made available by colonialism’s global reach.  Using this insight as a starting point, I am looking for scholars, from a wide range of disciplines, to join me in a panel, at the 2019 Caribbean Studies Association Annual Conference in Columbia, on the relationship between a knowledge of plants and colonial and postcolonial Caribbean contexts.  Broad areas of investigation could include: The appropriation, transculturation, or commodification

Moving the Social Vol. 60 (2018): Social Movements, Protest, and Academic Knowledge Formation. Interactions since the 1960s

URL:  https://moving-the-social.ub.rub.de/index.php/Moving_the_social/index The Institute for Social Movements of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany, is pleased to announce publication of the issue 60 (2018) of its journal Moving the Social - Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements . This issue on "Social Movements, Protest, and Academic Knowledge Formation. Interactions since the 1960s" has been guest edited by Susanne Schregel. It contains the following contributions: Editor's Introduction: Susanne Schregel: Social Movements, Protest, and Academic Knowledge Formation. Interactions since the 1960s Articles: Theresa Nisters: Fictional Academies as Strategy of Artists’ Institutional Critique: Jörg Immendorff’s LIDL-academy (1968–1970) and Gérard Gasiorowski’s Académie Worosis Kiga (1976–1982) Wilfried Rudloff: ‘Project studies!’ Reform Experiments in Academic Learning and Teaching in the 1960s and 1970s Anna Wellner: Service

Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellowship in the History of Cartography

The Newberry Library's long-standing fellowship program provides outstanding scholars with the time, space, and community required to pursue innovative and ground-breaking scholarship. In addition to the Library’s collections, fellows are supported by a collegial interdisciplinary community of researchers, curators, and librarians. An array of scholarly and public programs also contributes to an engaging intellectual environment. The Arthur and Janet Holzheimer Fellowship in the History of Cartography supports work by PhD candidates or postdoctoral scholars related to the history of cartography, or which focus on cartographic materials in the Newberry’s collection. Short-Term Fellowships are available to postdoctoral scholars, PhD candidates, and those who hold other terminal degrees. Short-Term Fellowships are generally awarded for 1 to 2 months; unless otherwise noted the stipend is $2,500 per month. These fellowships support individual scholarly rese

METASCIENCE new issue alert

Volume 27, Issue 3 of the journal Metascience   Editors:  K. Brad Wray and Luciano Boschiero   https://link.springer.com/ journal/11016/27/3/page/1   In this issue: 1.        Editorial Four years, and 12 issues later K. Brad Wray , Luciano Boschiero Page 355   2.        Symposium:  Chakravartty’s Scientific ontology: integrating naturalized metaphysics and voluntarist epistemology   Inferring particles Peter J. Lewis Pages 357-364   Cautious realism and middle range ontology P. D. Magnus Pages 365-370   Explanation and reality: comment on Chakravartty Michael Strevens Pages 371-378   Feelings in Guts and Bones: Reply to Lewis, Magnus, and Strevens Anjan Chakravartty Pages 379-387   3.        Symposium:  Richards’ Darwin and the making of sexual selection   The aesthetics of evolution Erika Lorraine Milam Pages 389-394   Putting sex and gender at the center of sexual selection theory Kimberly A. Hamlin Pages 39