
Mostrando entradas de enero 13, 2013

X Foro Internacional sobre la evaluación de la calidad de la investigación y de la educación superior

Apuntamos información que nos ha sido remitida sobre esta reunión científica, incluimos enlaces: Se informa sobre la próxima celebración del X FORO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE LA EVALUACIÓN DE LA CALIDAD DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN Y DE LA EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR. El Foro se celebrará del 25 al 28 de junio de 2013 en Granada (España). Para más información véase el avance del programa: http://www.ugr.es/~aepc/XFORO/ PROGRAMA CIENTÍFICO: http://www.ugr.es/~aepc/XFORO/programacientifico.html CONFERENCIAS: http://www.ugr.es/~aepc/XFORO/conferencias.html SESIONES APLICADAS: http://www.ugr.es/~aepc/XFORO/sesionesaplicadas.html SESIONES DE DEBATE: http://www.ugr.es/~aepc/XFORO/sesionesdebate.html Se pueden presentar comunicaciones sobre las temáticas que trata el Foro. IMPORTANTE: Fecha límite de presentación de trabajos: 21 de marzo Normas para las presentaciones de comunicaciones: http://www.ugr.es/~aepc/XFORO/presentaciontrabajos.html El número de plazas es limitado.

Pam Laird Research Grant

The Mercurians, a Special Interest Group of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT), is offering the Pam Laird Research Grant, a grant of US$1,000 to defray the cost of travel and housing to use a research collection. The Mercurians began meeting in 1986 for the purpose of generating networks between people who share work and interests in the history of communication technologies, defining the field broadly. Our activities include publishing a semi-annual newsletter, Antenna, meeting during annual SHOT conferences, organizing paper sessions for SHOT meetings, and pursuing contacts between meetings via our Google Groups list. The newsletter serves both as a clearing house for readers and an informal forum for their ideas. We have added this new initiative to encourage and reward high-caliber research in the history of communication technologies. One of the Mercurians' missions is to encourage scholarship in the history of communication technologies. There i

CFP "Knowing practices" : 2nd international conference Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV

For the 2nd International Conference for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV we invite papers that address the theme of /'*KNOWING PRACTICES'*. /This dual concept poses questions about the multiple practices that comprise the dynamics of the epidemic and how the practice of knowing itself, is engaged and operationalised. /'*KNOWING PRACTICES' */refers to:   1. The practices that produce, reproduce and transform the social     worlds in which people live. This includes what knowledge we have of     the forces shaping the epidemic - whether social, structural,     geographic, historical, political or economic - and their connection     to practice; and   2. The different ways of 'doing science' or knowing (and unknowing),     that is, on the ways in which we as scientists claim to have evidence. We hope this theme will be sufficiently broad and, at the same time, nuanced in reference to the work of the social sciences and humanitie

CfP: Medical expertise in the 20th and 21st century

Call for papers Medical expertise in the 20th and 21st century Medizinische Expertise im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert Annual conference of the Swiss Society for the History of Medicine and Sciences Bern, Switzerland Currently we experience a crisis of expertise. It is true, experts are called for in all areas of life and on all levels of knowledge, their judgements and advice fill our talk shows, newspapers and bookshelves. But they do not provide the clarity, unambiguity and safety we long for. The statements of the acknowledged or self-proclaimed experts are to contradictory, our own standards of expertise to blurred, our desire for a democratization of expertise to strong. Does this diagnosis hold true for medicine, too? And if so, how did this happen? Some attention has been paid to the "birth" of the medical expert in the 18th century, the establishment of his professional status in the 19th century as well as to the sociology and epistemology of

JOB: University of Melbourne, Lecturer in Social Studies of Science

Dear colleagues, the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies of the University of Melbourne seeks to appoint a Lecturer in Social Studies of Science to be located in the History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) program. The HPS program offers an undergraduate major (including honours) and a range of subjects at postgraduate level. It is also involved in teaching interdisciplinary subjects, has a strong research higher degree culture, and an internationally recognised research profile. The program is committed to a practice of HPS that integrates historical, philosophical, and sociological approaches. The current staff profile has strong research expertise in the history of science and medicine. The School now seeks to appoint a Lecturer in the field of Science Studies, with  research strength in sociology of science and/or philosophy of science. The successful candidate will also bring a demonstrated expertise in teaching Science and Technology Studies. The appointee m

Aarhus Summer University: Integrated History and Philosophy of Science

Aarhus Summer University: Integrated History and Philosophy of Science How are history and philosophy of science related to each other? How can historical studies of science be brought to bear on the philosophical interpretation of scientific practice? Conversely, how can philosophical reflection on science enrich the historical understanding of scientific development? In this course, we will discuss these questions and examine various possibilities of blending history and philosophy of science, by exploring topics such as the dynamics of scientific change, the function of experimentation and measurement, and the structure of scientific discovery. Lecturer: Theodore Arabatzis, University of Athens Dates: 3-31 July 2013 Application deadline: 15 March 2013 http://kursuskatalog.au.dk/en/coursecatalog/Course/show/34725/ ------- Kristian H. Nielsen, associate professor Centre for Science Studies, Aarhus University Ny Munkegade 120, 1520-328 DK-8000 Aarhus C