
Mostrando entradas de febrero 2, 2020

1era Circular XVI Trobada, Alacant, novembre 2020

Ya está disponible la primera circular de la XVI Trobada de la Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica. El congreso se celebrará entre el 12 y el 14 de noviembre en Alicante, la información completa se encuentra en:  https://16-thct.iec.cat/ El plazo de envío de propuestas está abierto hasta el  31 de mayo . El congreso pretende abordar un amplio abanico de cuestiones históricas, tales como: Salud, enfermedad y medicina Expertos, ciencia y guerra Espacios museos e instrumentos científicos Salud pública y riesgos (químicos, nucleares, ambientales, etc.) Gobernanza y financiación de la ciencia y tecnología Enseñanza, didáctica y comunicación de la ciencia Cualquier otra cuestión relacionada con la historia de la ciencia y de la técnica.

XX Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM Tecnología, ciencia y naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres

Queremos invitaros a participar en el  XX Coloquio Internacional de la AEIHM  que celebraremos el 21-22 y 23 de Octubre en Granada. Con el título  “Tecnología, ciencia y naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres” , queremos realizar una reflexión colectiva sobre la relación entre la naturaleza y la feminidad. Además, el Coloquio quiere ofrecer un homenaje a  Dona Haraway  cuando se cumplen 35 años de la publicación de su célebre  “Manifiesto para Cyborgs” . En el siguiente adjunto podéis leer las bases de la convocatoria. https://aeihm.org/sites/default/files/actividades/adjuntos/xx_coloquio_internacional_aeihm._primera_circular.docx

Making Climate History: Three RA and TA positions in the Departments of Geography and History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge

Making Climate History   A new Leverhulme-funded project in the Departments of History and Philosophy of Science and Geography, University of Cambridge Two centuries after the emergence of steam technologies and 170 years after initial suggestions that the atmosphere keeps Earth warm, scientists proved human disturbance of the Earth's carbon budget changes the world's climate. The work and timescales of making and knowing are decisively interrelated, yet still too little is understood about critical links between how imperial and global energy infrastructures have re-made climate and how scientists have known climate. Funded by the Leverhulme Trust from 2019 to 2024,  Making Climate History  will map largely unexamined connexions between histories of places, personnel, materials and power during the period that made and recognised both a global physics and a global climate. Led by Dr Sarah Dry, Prof. Mike Hulme, Prof. Simon Schaffer and Dr Richard Staley (PI), the project

Call for contributors: Archival Elements

Archival Elements , the annual newsletter of the Society of American Archivists’ Science, Technology and Health Care Section, is now accepting contributions for its 2020 issue. We want to hear about: The archival processes, practices, and innovations used in the management of your science, technology, and health care-related collections. Your upcoming events, awards and grants received, new exhibits and collections Completed and in-progress projects or initiatives The challenges of administering science, technology, and health care-related collections How you demonstrate the value of your work as an archivist and your collections to your constituents and stakeholders. Collaborations with other institutions or professions The newsletter's scope is flexible; past subjects of contributions have included: ·            A collaborative project to preserve software ·            A Google Maps project created using a WWII-era hospital collection ·            Making a marin

CfP: New Horizons for Medical Museums, Leiden 2020

Conference: New Horizons for Medical Museums Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Leiden / the Netherlands, 23-26 September 2020 Medical museums are always in flux. Collections containing objects related to the history of medicine and health played a role in teaching, research and learning in the broadest sense. From small scale local collections to national medical heritage entities, ways of dealing with these collections continue to change. The topic of this conference is the role of medical museums (collections) in the past, present and future. To explore this topic, an international and interdisciplinary conference will be held at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave in Leiden, the Netherlands between 23 and 26 September 2020. The conference aims to bring curators, scholars, students and medical professionals together to discuss ways of making and keeping medical collections relevant. What could be the place for medical heritage within the new museological landscape? How can we explore new horizons

Wellcome funded PhD studentships

Addressing Health: Morbidity, Mortality and Occupational Health in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office This a three year research project funded by the Wellcome and focuses on understanding the health outcomes of workers in service sector employments in nineteenth and early-twentieth century UK. The project involves collaboration between King’s College London, Kingston University, University of Derby and UCL. There are two fully funded PhD positions attached to this research project. Details of the studentships are set out below. The closing date for both studentships is  16 March 2020 .  For further information please contact the named supervisors below. Occupational health and welfare in the Victorian and Edwardian Post Office: comparative perspectives (King’s College London) This PhD focuses specifically on developing a clearer understanding of the policies relating to medical provision and the responses by the Post Office workforce. It will identify the key as

Special issue on experimental philosophy of medicine: call for abstracts

Experimental Philosophy of Medicine    This special issue wants to explore a new subfield:  the experimental philosophy of medicine . While experimental philosophy of science is already quite established, attempts to tackle issues in philosophy of medicine from an experimental angle have been very scarce. This is all the more remarkable, given the quite outspoken naturalistic inclinations of many philosophers of medicine, their general willingness to set up interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists, also with scientists whose research is primarily experimental. Moreover, much of mainstream bioethics is empirical, and is based on interviews or surveys. It should be noted that, for this issue, we construe ‘experimental philosophy’ rather widely, including many sorts of empirical research with a clear philosophical focus, and methodological considerations on an experimental/naturalistic philosophy of medicine. Even though we would like to leave the choice of topic open

PostDoc (3 years): History and Philosophy of Gravitational Wave Physics

The University of Bonn, Germany, invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in history and philosophy of physics. The position will provide an outstanding early-career scholar with a unique opportunity to pursue research in collaboration with the other members of the Lichtenberg group in integrated history and philosophy of physics at the University of Bonn. The advertised position is part of the project on “The role of inference to the best explanation in the discovery of gravitational waves”(PI: Prof Dennis Lehmkuhl) in the DFG-funded research unit "Inductive Metaphysics" ( https://indmet.weebly.com/ ). Applications from candidates with a suitable background in philosophy of physics, history of physics or indeed gravitational physics itself, would be particularly welcome. The deadline for application is 29 February 2020. For the official job ad including details on how to apply, and for more details on the Lichtenberg group, please see:  https://www.history-a

CfP: RGS-IBG 2020: Historical geographies of environmental futures

Historical geographies of environmental futures   (sponsored by   the Historical Geography Research Group (HGRG) of the RGS-IBG ) Call for papers: Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual Conference, London, 1-4 September 2020 Elliot Honeybun-Arnolda (University of East Anglia) and Martin Mahony (University of East Anglia) ‘The future’ has recently risen to new prominence in geographical, historical and cultural inquiry. In geography, attention has focused on how threats to liberal-democratic forms of life are anticipated and acted upon (Anderson 2010), on the politics of expertise in the construction and definition of knowable futures (Derrickson and MacKinnon 2015; Lave 2015; Kurniawan and Kundurpi 2019), and on the role of geographical scholarship in richly imagining alternative futures in a period of environmental crisis (Braun 2015; Kama 2019). In this session we are interested in building on recent conversations (e.g. Hodder et al. 2016) about the role that hist

JOB: Lecturer in History of Science, University College London, working with Royal Institution

Lecturer in History of Science, - Ref:1858196 ,  UCL Department / Division,  Science & Technology Studies,  Location of position,  London,  Grade  8,  Hours  Full Time,  Salary  (inclusive of London allowance)  £44,674 - £52,701 per annum Duties and Responsibilities UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies seeks to appoint one Lecturer in History of Science and Technology to undertake teaching, research and related academic duties to work between the department and the Royal Institution of Great Britain.  The post holder will be responsible for liaising with a nominated appropriate member of staff at the Ri on matters relating to the historical resources of the Institution.  They will undertake research when appropriate and work with the Head of Collections to ensure that the historical and heritage resources of the Institution are utilized to best advantage. Further Information on the 19th century archival collection can be found  here. Key Requirements

Social History of Medicine co-Editors sought

Social History of Medicine : Co-Editor Vacancies Social History of Medicine  ( SHM ) seeks  two new editors  to join Professor Christoph Gradmann (co-editor) and Dr Dora Vargha (co-editor).  One new editor will succeed Professor Patricia Skinner (current co-editor), who will stand down in 2020, and the other is an expansion of the editorial team. For full details and how to apply (closing 1 April 2020),  please email  sshmexecsec@gmail.com Further details about the journal and the Society for the Social History of Medicine can be found at  http://www.sshm.org/

CfA: New Directions in the Historiography of Genetics

The historiography of genetics has radically changed in the past few decades. Gregor Mendel’s   Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden   is no longer simply regarded as a study of the problem of heredity   (e.g., Olby 1979; Gliboff 1999; Müller-Wille and Orel 2007) . The so-called “great rediscovery” story has been greatly reshaped   (e.g., Meijer 1985; Rheinberger 1995; Simunek, Hoßfeld, and Breidbach 2011) . The Mendelian-Biometrician controversy has been and is being re-examined   (e.g., Sloan 2000; Radick 2005; Pence 2011; Radick forthcoming) . The gene-centric narrative of the history of genetics has been seriously challenged   (e.g., Keller 2000; Oyama 2000; Harman 2004; Waters 2006) . The significance and role of women in the history of genetics is being reassessed (e.g., Dietrich and Tambasco 2007, Richmond 2007, 2010, 2017). The history of developmental biology has been retold (e.g., Crowe et al 2015). The role of non-Western geneticists and the networks they created is being establ

CfA: Indeterminate Futures / The Future of Indeterminacy, 13-15 November 2020

Indeterminate Futures / The Future of Indeterminacy Transdisciplinary Conference 13 – 15 November 2020, University of Dundee, Scotland Keynotes: Karen Barad, Franco Berardi, Xin Wei Sha, Vladimir Tasić The future is no longer seen as open. It’s seen as precarious on the one hand, and technologically over-determined on the other. Economic uncertainty, the rise of the risk society, the culture of fear and neoliberal necropolitics are seen as a serious threat. The risk society attributes all hazards to human decisions; the culture of fear cultivates the tendency to catastrophise; neoliberal necropolitics welds technology to the exploitation of natural and social reserves in an irreversible way. Amidst the general climate of ‘instrumentarianism’ (Zuboff 2019), paradoxes like ‘the cancelled future’ (Berardi 2014) or ‘automated deregulation’ (Steyerl 2019) are synonymous with permanent crisis, disorder, and the 'end of free will' (Han 2017). Indeterminacy – often

CfA: Kant and the Improper Natural Sciences

Deadline: March 15th, 2020 Notification of Acceptance: April 1st, 2020 Kant and the Improper Natural Sciences Conference Seminar für Philosophie Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg June 18th-20th, 2020 Description: The preponderance of scholarship on Kant’s philosophy of science has focused on his conception of physics — especially expressed in his  Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science  — and its grounding in the Critical metaphysics of the  Critique of Pure Reason . This emphasis appears warranted by Kant’s assertion that physics is the sole “properly so-called natural science” and his explicit dismissal of chemistry and psychology from this rank of natural science. However, recent comprehensive investigations of Kant’s theories of psychology (in both its rational and empirical manifestations), anthropology, and biology have revealed him to have detailed, informed conceptions of these “improperly so-called natural sciences.” This conference seeks t

CfP: Teaching Anatomy from Classical to Modern Times

Submission of abstracts for 15 minute oral papers and for posters remains open and will close on 1 March 2020. SYMPOSIUM - TEACHING ANATOMY FROM CLASSICAL TO MODERN TIMES Friday 26th and Saturday 27th June 2020 at the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. This major symposium is  organised by the Scottish Society of the History of Medicine  in association with the British Society for the History of Medicine, Worshipful Society of Apothecaries and the History Society of the Royal Society of Medicine. Members of these societies will qualify for a reduced delegate rate. The aim is to explore the development of anatomy teaching from the earliest times to the present day and its relevance not only to surgery and medicine, but also to art and society in general. The programme includes keynote lectures, invited speakers and free papers Free papers and posters on any of the topics below are welcome. Submission of abstracts for 15 minute oral papers and for posters is now open and will close