
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 15, 2013

Hagley Prize for 2014

HAGLEY PRIZE IN BUSINESS HISTORY The Hagley Museum and Library and the Business History Conference offer an annual prize for the best book in business history, broadly defined.   The next Hagley Prize will be presented at the annual meeting of the Business History Conference in Frankfurt German, March 14-16, 2014. The prize committee encourages the submission of books from all methodological perspectives.   It is particularly interested in innovative studies that have the potential to expand the boundaries of the discipline.   Scholars, publishers, and other interested parties may submit nominations.   Eligible books can have either an American or an international focus.   They must be written in English and be published during the two years prior to the award (2012 or 2013). Four copies of a book must accompany a nomination and be submitted to the prize coordinator, Carol Ressler Lockman, Hagley Museum and Library, P.O. Box 3630 - Buck Rd. East, Wilmin

Call for papers: The Landscape of Occupations in Pre-Industrial Britain and Continental Europe, c.1400-1750

Two day workshop hosted by the University of Exeter Centre for Medical History, to be held Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th April 2014. Sponsor: The Wellcome Trust. Notes: The workshop designed to bring together papers addressing any of the following four themes: Individuals, Economic Activity, and Developments in the Early Modern Economy * How can demographic data capture the complexity of occupations? * Can we see realistic reflection of occupation, or a mark of status or aspiration? * Occupational specialisation is often seen as characteristic of the early modern economy, but is this reflected in occupational labels and sources available? * Historians also see the early modern economy as characterised the growing scale of businesses and workshops. How can this be reconciled with growing specialisation? Gender and Occupation * How can female economic activity be captured in the pre-modern period? * How can historians address the varied and variable e

CALL FOR PAPERS : New Directions in the History of Infrastructure

The Danish Post & Tele Museum and Aalborg University are organizing a conference on the history of infrastructure, to be held at the Post & Tele Museum in Copenhagen, from the 26th - 28th September 2014. The main theme is the role of infrastructure in the modernization of society, from about 1850 to the present day, viewed in the light of recent scholarship in history and the social sciences. Previous research on the history of infrastructure has been dominated by studies of so-called Large Technical Systems, focusing on technology and the point of view of the system-builders, but scholars today are giving increasing attention to how such infrastructure developments are experienced by end-users, with a clearer emphasis on political issues and social practice. There is also a growing awareness about the significance of various types of conflict for infrastructural change and development, from technical breakdowns and political struggles to the discrepancies betw

Osiris Vol. 28, No. 1, 01/01/2013 is now available online

Table of Contents Alert    The University of Chicago Press is happy to notify you that the new    issue of Osiris is now available. The online issues of this journal are    hosted on JSTOR on behalf of The University of Chicago Press.    Osiris    Vol. 28, No. 1, January 2013 Music, Sound, and the Laboratory from    1750–1980    http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/671232?origin=JSTOR-TextETOCAlert    Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History    of Science Society    Acknowledgments    DOI: 10.1086/671429    Osiris    Vol. 28, No. 1: iv.    http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/671429?origin=JSTOR-TextETOCAlert    ------------------------------------------------------------------------    Introduction     Music, Sound, and the Laboratory from 1750 to 1980    Alexandra Hui, Julia Kursell, and Myles W. Jackson    DOI: 10.1086/671360    Osiris    Vol. 28, No. 1: 1-11.    http://www.jstor.org/s