
Mostrando entradas de octubre 2, 2016

Osiris: Volume 31, Number 1 | 2016. History of Science and the Emotions

Introduction An Introduction to History of Science and the Emotions. Otniel E. Dror, Bettina Hitzer, Anja Laukötter, Pilar León-Sanz, pp. 1–18. Abstract | Full Text | PDF (587 KB) | Permissions   Situating Emotions Medieval Sciences of Emotions during the Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries: An Intellectual History. Damien Boquet, Piroska Nagy, pp. 21–45. Abstract | Full Text | PDF (586 KB) | Permissions   A Moving Soul: Emotions in Late Medieval Medicine. Naama Cohen-Hanegbi, pp. 46–66. Abstract | Full Text | PDF (1353 KB) | Permissions   The Feeling Body and Its Diseases: How Cancer Went Psychosomatic in Twentieth-Century Germany. Bettina Hitzer, Pilar León-Sanz, pp. 67–93. Abstract | Full Text | PDF (1434 KB) | Permissions   Mother Love and Mental Illness: An Emotional History. Anne Harrington, pp. 94–115. Abstract | Full Text | PDF (1399 KB) | P

CfP: Illness Narratives, Networked Subjects, and Intimate Publics

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  November 30, 2016 Subject Fields:  Anthropology, Communication, Health and Health Care, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Women's & Gender History / Studies Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience Illness Narratives, Networked Subjects, and Intimate Publics Edited by Tamara Kneese and Beza Merid We invite submissions to a peer-reviewed, themed section of Catalyst on the topic of “Illness Narratives, Networked Subjects, and Intimate Publics.” Illness, injury, dying, and death have been recent sites of scholarly investigation in fields like feminist critical theory, STS, and medical anthropology (Braidotti 2013, Fassin 2007, Jain 2006, Mialet 2012, Serlin 2010). Through the production and circulation of personal narratives about experiences with pain and loss, new publics are created while networked subjectivities are negotiated. Complex publics and subjectivities form through encounters between

EAMHMS newsletter No.3

The deadline for news contributions for the next newsletter for the European Association of Museums of the History of Medical Sciences is Wednesday 12th October. Please send me your news, forthcoming events and exhibitions etc in the format below . Images encouraged. The EAMHMS bienniel congress was held in Groningen University last week and had a good collection of papers, if anyone would like to find out more please don't hesitate to get in touch. The next congress will be held in 2018 in Barcelona. Please use the following basic format wherever feasible: EXHIBITION/CONFERENCE/SEMINAR/ WORKSHOP/LECTURE Title Venue Date A sentence description (optional) URL or contact PUBLICATION Author(s)/Editor(s) Title Place of publication/Publisher Date A sentence description (optional)  URL (optional) MUSEUMS AND COLLECTIONS Short (2-3 sentences) news items which do not fall into the other categories.  BLOG One or two sentences and url. Images Image

CfA: The interface between the study of cultural diversity in science and decision-making in science policy

The interface between the study of cultural diversity in science and decision-making in science policy  Symposium at ICHST 2017 Rio de Janeiro, July 23-29, 2017 C a l l   f o r   A b s t r a c t s The International Association for Science and Cultural Diversity (IASCUD) is  hosting a symposium titled "The interface between the study of cultural diversity in science and decision-making in science policy" at the 25th International Congress of History of Science and Technology to be held in Rio de Janeiro, July 23-29, 2017. The organizers of the symposium are Nina Atanasova (Toledo OH, U.S.A.) and Benedikt Loewe (Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Hamburg, Germany). The following speakers have tentatively accepted to present at the symposium:    Annamaria Carusi, University of Sheffield, England    Matthew Inglis, Loughborough University, England    Arun Sharma, Infinite Potentials Consulting, Germany A description of the aims and scope of the symposium can be found

CfP - Living with(in) digital technology

Deadline for manuscript submission: November 1 st , 2016 We invite research articles and notes that explore how we live with(in) digital technology, and we welcome texts from multiple disciplines and genres. Send manuscripts at  compaso@compaso.eu Our reality is visibly and invisibly transformed through digital technology. Digitally mediated information flows structure increasingly deeper and broader layers of daily and professional lives. We live with and within the omnipresence of Wikipedia, Google Maps and Facebook – to name just the tip of the iceberg. Computational power is mobile, but increasingly fixed on our persons, from bags and pockets, to wrists and, occasionally, glasses. Information technology has gradually become an infrastructure, an ambient and a part of our extended, distributed selves. We invite authors to reflect on the significance of digital technologies for our daily and professional lives, addressing questions such as the following –

Adrian Research Fellowship in The History of Science Technology and Medicine, Darwin College, Cambridge

https://www.darwin.cam.ac.uk/ content/adrian-research- fellowship-history-science- technology-and-medicine Darwin College is prepared, thanks to a generous original donation from Trinity College, Cambridge, to elect a stipendiary Adrian Research Fellow, if a suitable candidate applies. Eligibility Candidates should be at a relatively early stage in their research careers. The Fellowship is open to men and women from any university, irrespective of age.  Candidates should have been awarded the PhD or an equivalently recognised degree, and be able to present to the electors substantial amounts of written work of outstanding quality, published or unpublished.   No candidate should have completed in total more than seven years of postgraduate research by 1 October 2017. The function of the Fellowship is to provide a formal, supported starting point for an academic career. Candidates should be engaged in research within the field of The History of Science Technology

Graduate funding opportunities in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, 2017-18

The Department of History and Philosophy of Science at the University of Cambridge is the largest of its kind in the UK, and has an unrivalled reputation for teaching and research. Staff have expertise in the history, philosophy and sociology of a wide range of sciences and medicine. They run major research projects in association with the AHRC, Wellcome, the European Research Council and national museums. If you are interested in studying for an MPhil or PhD in History and Philosophy of Science at Cambridge, you will find everything you need to know about the Department, the courses, the academic staff ( http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/ people/staff.html ), and the application process on our website at  http://www.hps.cam. ac.uk/studying/graduate/ For those considering doing a PhD, the Department will be running a workshop at 2-3 pm on Wednesday 2 November 2016 as part of the University's Graduate Open Days. Led by the Director of Graduate Studies, this workshop wil

Senior CRC in Philosophy of Social and Historical Sciences at UBC

CANADA RESEARCH CHAIR IN PHILOSOPHY OF THE SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL SCIENCES Url:  http://philosophy.ubc.ca/2016/ 10/04/canada-research-chair- in-philosophy-of-the-social- and-historical-sciences/ The Department of Philosophy at The University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver Campus  invites applications for the position of Canada Research Chair (Tier I)  in Philosophy of the Social and Historical Sciences . The Chair position is expected to be a full-time tenured appointment made at the rank of Professor in the Department of Philosophy. The successful applicant will be a leading and internationally recognized scholar, whose profile and research proposal demonstrate an excellent fit with CRC program criteria and the aims of the position. The Chair will be expected to maintain an outstanding program of research, to teach at the undergraduate and graduate levels, to supervise undergraduates, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows, and to contribute to service a

CfP: Fourth Annual Conferene on The History of Recent Social Science

Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands June 9-10, 2017 This two-day conference of the Society for the History of Recent Social Science (HISRESS) will bring together researchers working on the history of post-World War II social science. It will provide a forum for the latest research on the cross-disciplinary history of the post-war social sciences, including but not limited to anthropology, economics, psychology, political science, and sociology as well as related fields like area studies, communication studies, history, international relations, law and linguistics. We are especially eager to receive submissions that treat themes, topics, and events that span the history of individual disciplines. The conference aims to build upon the recent emergence of work and conversation on cross-disciplinary themes in the postwar history of the social sciences. A number of monographs, edited collections, special journal issues, and gatherings at the École normale

CfP: CSHPS May2017 Ryerson U, Toronto

The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS) is holding its annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Toronto, Ontario, May 27-30, 2017 ( http://www.yorku.ca/cshps1/ meeting.html ). The Program Committee invites scholars working on the history and philosophy of science to submit abstracts for individual papers or proposals for sessions (3 and 4 papers). In the year of Canada’s sesquicentennial, we particularly encourage scholars to engage with the theme for Congress 2017 – “ From Far & Wide: The Next 150. ” Unrelated topics and themes are also welcome. ·   Meeting languages: The CSHPS is a bilingual society. Individual papers may be given in English or French, but efforts to broaden participation are appreciated (e.g. a presentation in English could be accompanied by a PowerPoint in French, and vice versa). Similarly, sessions can be presented in either English or French, but bilingual sessions

XX Simposio de la SEHM (Tercera circular)

«La investigación historicomédica en España, presente y futuro». Granada, 10-11 de noviembre de 2016 TERCERA CIRCULAR Se abre el plazo de inscripción. Los interesados deben rellenar el Boletín que se encuentra en el enlace adjunto y remitirlo a Viajes Genil ( ftapia@viajesgenil.es ) antes del día 3 de noviembre , junto con el abono correspondiente. Se han  dispuesto tres modalidades de inscripción, para socios (70 euros), personas en formación (35 euros) y otras personas que deseen asistir (100 euros). Esta cantidad incluye el derecho a la cena y los refrigerios contenidos en el programa. PROGRAMA JUEVES 10 Retirada de documentación e instalación de posters, a partir de las 14:30 h . (Torre B.- Planta 1, hall del Salón de Grados) PRIMERA SESIÓN , Salón de Grados B, 15:30 h. José Ramón Bertomeu. "Vivir en un mundo tóxico: expertos, regulaciones y controversias públicas en la España del siglo XIX". EXPOSICIÓN DE POSTERS y Café, 16:30 h. SEGU

Equality Emerging: The Field of Medical Humanities' Influence on Healthcare Access and Delivery

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  October 11, 2016 Location:  Ireland {Republic} Subject Fields:  Graduate Studies, Health and Health Care, Humanities, Public Health, Public Policy Papers on the topic of the influence of Medical Humanities on creating equality in healthcare access and delivery from various areas of study, including bioethics, literature, sociology, anthropology, public health, history, and medical education, are invited to be considered for Drew University’s Transatlantic Connections 4 Conference, an interdisciplinary conference with a dedicated track for Medical Humanities. The four-day conference will take place in Bundoran, Ireland  January 11-15, 2017 . We are especially interested in submissions for sessions on medical narrative, mental health, public policy, ethics, and the ethics of human- subject research. Proposals submitted by graduate students, scholars, faculty, and researchers for presentations, performances, and exhibits

Reflections and studies on environmental history

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  September 15, 2016 to November 15, 2016 Location:  Quebec, Canada Subject Fields:  Environmental History / Studies, Graduate Studies, Humanities, Rural History / Studies, Urban History / Studies Les Cahiers d’histoire journal is presently accepting proposals for its winter 2018 edition. ​La revue Les Cahiers d’histoire sollicite des propositions d’articles pour son numéro d’hiver 2018. Environmental history will be the topic for this upcoming edition, and it will be published under the supervision of co-directors  Michèle Dagenais (Full Professor, UdeM) and Catherine Paulin (M.A. student, UdeM). Ce numéro, qui porte sur l’histoire environnementale, sera publié sous la direction de Michèle Dagenais (Professeure titulaire, UdeM) et Catherine Paulin (étudiante à la maîtrise, UdeM). Please see the URL to download the announcement as a PDF file. Téléchargez l'appel en version PDF sur le site internet. URL: 

Hidden Persuaders Blog

Hidden Persuaders Blog  http://www.bbk.ac.uk/ hiddenpersuaders/blog/ The reputations of the ‘psy’ professions – and the status of their ideas – were altered by controversies, myths and testimonies about ‘brainwashing’ in its various guises during the Cold War. Our project uncovers new source materials and promotes original analyses of the involvement (real and perceived) of clinicians in brainwashing and its cognate practices of interrogation, psychological warfare, subliminal advertisement, and therapeutic experimentation. We consider what ethical guidelines and safeguards, past or present, have been formulated to deal with the dangers of mind control so powerfully articulated during the Cold War. By exploring these historical debates over mind control and their continuing legacies for psy expertise, Hidden Persuaders offers timely historical analysis of continuing present-day controversies. The language of ‘brainwashing’ continues to influence, in diverse

Job opportunity: Assistant Curator, Medicine, Science Museum, London

Job title: Assistant Curator - Medicine Job reference: SMG00051 Application closing date: 23/10/2016 Location: Science Museum - London Salary: £18,500 - £20,500 Job description Are you a motivated individual with a keen interest in medical history and current biomedical science? Would you like to work at the Science Museum, supporting and delivering collections-based content for the most ambitious element of our Masterplan? We are creating a suite of five new Medicine Galleries, opening in 2019, which will showcase our world-class Medicine collection in a new location at the heart of the Museum. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the intellectual development and the delivery of the Medicine Galleries project. Your role will include enabling and documenting the practical development of object displays. You will also conduct content research to inform object and digital interpretation, plus associated online and publication outputs. Enhancing col