
Mostrando entradas de enero 14, 2018

Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico de la FCT de Portugal

La Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FCT) de Portugal ha abierto una convocatoria dirigida a doctores de cualquier área científica y nacionalidad que deseen desarrollar su actividad científica o tecnológica en Portugal. ( http://www.fct.pt/apoios/contratacaodoutorados/empregocientifico/ci_dez2017.phtml.pt ) Los candidatos a postularse identificarán previamente la institución de acogida donde desarrollar su plan de investigación. Los doctorados seleccionados son directamente contratados por la institución de acogida identificada, a través de financiamiento de la FCT. Se considerarán las siguientes categorías de referencia: Investigador junior : Doctor con una menor experiencia en investigación post-doctoral o programa de estudios científicos después del doctorado en el área científica que este solicitando. Investigador ayudar : doctorados de más de cinco años, con un plan de estudios relevantes en el área científica que este solicitando y sin exigencia de demostración

Call for applications: ERC project EarlyModernCosmology at Ca' Foscari University of Venice

The ERC research endeavor, “Institutions and Metaphysics of Cosmology in the Epistemic Networks of Seventeenth-Century Europe,” at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice is presently looking for Two Assistant Professors (Non-Tenure Track)  / Ricercatori (RTD-A) with an outstanding scholarly profile in one of the following research areas of the ERC endeavor: 1.        Early-Modern History of Science : Cosmology and related sciences in the context of the confessionalization of European knowledge institutions; 2.        Early-Modern Institutional History : Early-modern institutional history of ideas and/or epistemic webs in their socio-cultural and political entanglements; 3.        Political Epistemology : Perspectives in historical epistemology on science, religion and ideology.  The positions will also be connected with part-time teaching duties in the history, philosophy and logic of science ( one module of 30 hours per year ).

CfP: The Postgraduate Journal of Medical Humanities 2018

The Postgraduate Journal of Medical Humanities 2018: Call for Papers The PJMH: The Postgraduate Journal of Medical Humanities, based at the University of Exeter’s Centre for Medical History is now accepting submissions for articles and book reviews for its fifth edition. The journal, an online interdisciplinary publication authored and edited by postgraduate students, will be publishing professional peer-reviewed research and book reviews on all topics relating to the medical humanities. Original articles should be between 5000 and 8000 words, including footnotes and bibliography, and book reviews should be between 500 and 1000 words. Please refer to the MRHA Style Guide for style requirements and use British spelling in all cases except for direct quotations which use alternative spellings. Please email all submissions as Word attachments to   pgmedhums@gmail.com Please ensure that your name is not written anywhere on your document in order to ensure a fair peer review proc

2018 fellowship grant deadlineupcoming 1 March 2018

The ACM History Committee will fund up to   four research projects   in the amount of   $4,000  (each) for research that relates to ACM’s activities — that is interpreted broadly to be organizational activities as well as activities of its membership, award winners, and SIGs.  Deadline is   1 March   with decisions in 6-8 weeks. Please see the full announcement here: http://history.acm.org/public/ public_documents/acm_history_ fellowship_announce.php   ACM HC has supported 25 projects, including these: http://history.acm.org/public/ public_documents/acm_history_ fellows.php

3rd International Conference History of Physics of EPS and 4th Young Scholars (AIP)

http://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/ hopdss2018/ 2018 marks the 50 th  anniversary of the creation of the European Physical Society (EPS). In this context, and following the success of two previous meetings in Cambridge (United Kingdom) and Pöllau (Austria), we are happy to announce the Third International Conference on the History of Physics, under the auspices of the EPS, which will take place in Donostia/San Sebastian (Spain) in October 17-21, 2018. The main goal of the conference is to provide a forum where historians of physics and physicists meet to reflect on the importance of the history of science for the development of contemporary physics, not only in its conceptual evolution but also at the institutional, organizational and educational levels; as well as to promote the contribution of practicing physicists to the highly professionalised discipline of the history of physics. On this occasion, this exchange will be enhanced by the joint celebration of the conference of early-ca

Collaborative ESRC PhD Studentship

University of Manchester and the Royal Meteorological Society WORKING ATMOSPHERES: INDUSTRIAL METEOROLOGY IN BRITAIN, 1950 - PRESENT We are inviting applications for a fully funded ESRC-NWDTC PhD fellowship on the modern history of applied and industrial meteorology and climate sciences in Britain since the 1950s. The award, which is made by the ESRC funded North West Doctoral Training Centre, will be managed in collaboration between the University of Manchester (Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine and Centre for Atmospheric Science) and the Royal Meteorological Society. The studentship, which is funded for four years, will start in September 2018 and will be supervised by Dr Vladimir Jankovic (CHSTM), Professor David Schultz (CAS) and Professor Liz Bentley (RMetS). The eligible candidate will be required to complete the Masters course in the History of Science, Technology and Medicne before proceeding to the 3-year PhD research. The Studentship: During the last

Research travel grant for Yale University's Cushing/Whitney Medical Historical Library

The Medical Historical Library of the Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library at Yale University is pleased to announce its eleventh annual Research Travel Award for use of the Historical Library. The Ferenc Gyorgyey Research Travel Grant is available to historians, medical practitioners, and other researchers who wish to use the collections of the   Harvey Cushing/John Hay Whitney Medical Library . In any given year the award is up to $1,500 for one week of research.  Funds may be used for transportation, housing, food, and photographic reproductions. The award is limited to residents of the United States and Canada.  The   Medical Historical Library   holds one of the country’s largest collections of rare medical books, journals, prints, photographs, and pamphlets. It was founded in 1941 by the donations of the extensive collections of   Harvey Cushing ,   John F. Fulton , and   Arnold C. Klebs . Special strengths are the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Vesalius, Boyle, H