
Mostrando entradas de octubre 8, 2017

CfP-Rewrite Conflicts: The Role of Losers, Heretics, and Outsiders in the History of Medicine

Website:  CFP - Academia Society and Politics Due dates for submission: December 15, 2017 Lenght: 8000 words Email contact:  fabrizio.baldassarri@ gmail.com CFP: A multifaceted narration characterizes the contrapositions between schools, factions, theories, and practices in the history of medicine. Yet, studying these conflicts helps to shed light on those actorstraditional historiographies usually relegate to secondary roles: surgeons, practitioners, apothecaries,botanists, astronomers, chymists, men and women devoted to the knowledge of simples. Especially when following losers, outsiders, heretics, and marginalized scholars, medical conflicts revealepistemologically fruitful paths that help to track the changes buttressing early modern bio-medicalrevolution. While academic physicians required the support of theologians to rule out these practices asresponsible for heresies, errors, and charlatanisms, kings frequently credited such outsiders as courtphy

MOOC: The Scientific Revolution

The  Groningen Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Thought  is happy to announce the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC):  The Scientific Revolution: Understanding the Roots of Modern Science . This free online course explores the emergence of early modern scientific methods, approaches and world views. It aims to enable learners to read, understand and critically engage with historical texts and concepts. The course is primarily addressed to early career students and to the general public.  Registration is now open on  FutureLearn.com . The course begins on October 30 .

CfP: Thinking Sex after the Great War

URL:  http://www.avg-carhif.be/cms/nouvellesforumfr.php International Conference, Brussels, 17-19 October 2018 The last few decades, the multifaceted relations between gender and the First World War have been explored in various historical studies. Historians have analysed the role of gender in the run-up to the outbreak of the war and in the war propaganda, they have depicted the gendered experience of the war by soldiers and civilians, and probed the ways in which the war challenged and blurred existing gender roles. Yet they have also described how the war in the end often seemed to reinforce gender stereotypes. Throughout this rich literature, the question of the impact of the war on gender relations often resurfaces, although most scholars seem to agree that a definitive and general answer on the ‘net result’ of the war in terms of increasing or decreasing equality, is hard to reach and probably beside the point. The organizers of this conference inv

3 year history postdoctoral position based at University of Nottingham to work on Nightingale project

Url:  http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/jobs/currentvacancies/ref/ART361417 Applications are invited for the above post based at the Department of History in the School of Humanities. The successful applicant will be joining the AHRC-funded ‘Florence Nightingale Comes Home for 2020: An Historico-Literary Analysis of her Family Life’Project led by Dr Anna Greenwood (History) and Professor Paul Crawford (Health Sciences). The project will investigate Florence Nightingale’s roots in, and enduring life long connection to, the East Midlands and will work with a network of partners to deliver high quality academic outputs as well as a vibrant programme of engagement events, timed to bring regional representation to the 2020 celebrations of the bicentennial of Nightingale’s birth. Duties will include literature searches, extensive archival scoping, the organisation of 3 workshops (2018, 2019, 2020), the co-development of a website (alongside the other postdoctoral assistant)

Witness seminar-inspired event about Dolly the sheep

As part of a project funded by the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Dmitriy Myelnikov and I have completed the edition of the volume "Dolly at Roslin: A Collective Memory Event." This volume is the edited transcript of a four-hour conversation we had with 11 people directly or indirectly involved in the cloning of Dolly the sheep, from scientists to other stakeholders. It is inspired by the excellent Witness Seminar Series that our colleague Tilli Tansey produces. The volume may thus be useful for researchers and students interested in historical and social aspects surrounding Dolly, science communication, animal biotechnology, agricultural genetics and regenerative medicine. It can be downloaded for free by following the link below: http://www.research.ed.ac.uk/ portal/en/publications/dolly- at-roslin-a-collective-memory- event(59056ace-04a4-4019-b033- 936cd7297f71).html For more information about the research project withi

CfP: Historians without Borders: Writing Histories of International Organizations

Leiden University – 22-23 March 2018   This workshop is organized by the ERC project ‘Rethinking Disability’. It is intended to bring together early-career researchers from different fields working on international organizations, to discuss methodological challenges together with peers and established scholars. A combination of a master class, keynote lectures, and roundtable discussions aims at providing an informal and interactive setting for the exchange of ideas and perspectives. Confirmed speakers include: Davide Rodogno  (The Graduate Institute, Geneva) Corinne Pernet  (University of Geneva) Kiran Patel  (Maastricht University) Call for abstracts Ever since the paradigm of ‘globalization’ has found its way into the field of history, ways of writing histories beyond borders have proliferated. Today, historians no longer need to justify enlarging their geographical scope beyond the national, but it can nonetheless be a daunting task to decide on how to

Free online course: A History of Public Health in Post-War Britain starting 6th November 2017

A History of Public Health in Post-War Britain Understand where public health has come from, why it looks the way it does today and where it might go next. After a successful first run there will be another opportunity to participate in our free online course on the history of public health in post-war Britain which will start on the 6 th November 2017 . The course is run by the Centre for History in Public Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and FutureLearn. Why join the course? History can offer us a unique insight into the public health problems, policies, and practices of the past, and is of critical importance to our understanding of healthcare in the contemporary world. This online course will offer you an opportunity to bring the past into conversation with the present, enabling you to set the changing nature of public health in post-war Britain in context with changes seen today. What will you achieve? Explore the different definiti

CfP Being Well Together: human-animal collaboration, companionship and the promotion of health and wellbeing

Call for Papers - Workshop Being Well Together: human-animal collaboration, companionship and the promotion of health and wellbeing (19th-21st September 2018). Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM). University of Manchester (UK). Being Well Together will critically examine the myriad ways humans have formed partnerships with nonhuman species to improve health across time and place. The late twentieth century witnessed the simultaneous rise and diversification of varied entanglements of humans and animals in the pursuit of health and wellbeing. Clinical examples include the use of maggots to treat chronic wounds and the post-surgical use of leeches to aid healing. In wider society we might consider service animals, such as guide dogs, diabetes alert dogs, and emotional support animals. In the home pets are increasingly recognized to contribute to emotional wellbeing, with companion animals particularly important to those who are

Doctoral-position in history and philosophy of the social sciences or sociology of science - University of Zurich

The chair of Social Theory and Philosophy of the Social Sciences held by Ass.-Prof. Dr. Catherine Herfeld at the University of Zurich invites applications for a doctoral position, starting as soon as possible and no later than December 1st, 2017 . We are especially interested in candidates who want to work in the field of philosophy of the social sciences, sociology of science, or history of economics. Ideally, the candidate plans to work on a topic closely related to the research projects undertaken at the chair (projects concerning the conceptual, historical, and sociological study of knowledge transfer in general and of the diffusion of scientific innovations in particular; conflicts of interest in science; scientific realism and explanation in economics; empirical studies of the gender gap in philosophy; the history of rational choice theories, among others). The position is funded until December 2018. The candidate will then have to apply for external funding. Swi