
Mostrando entradas de octubre 26, 2014

Call for abstracts: Books as a Cause of Disease

I am organising a proposed special edition of Literature and Medicine and still need a few more contributions. The theme is the history of the idea of books causing sickness, novels causing hysteria, suicide, etc, etc. Please send an abstract to jgkennaway@yahoo.com before 20 November to be considered. Thanks. James Kennaway Dr James Kennaway School of History Newcastle University

Final program of the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Sciences in Archaeology

We are glad to inform you about the final program of the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Sciences in Archaeology that will be held in Bordeaux, France,  6-9 November 2014  in our web-page http://bioarchaeology-congress.com With kind regards, The Organizers Olivier Dutour, MD, PhD, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, FR Hélène Coqueugniot, PhD, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,FR Constantinos Trompoukis, MD,PhD, University of Crete, GR http://bioarchaeology-congress.com/ BMSA2014@u-bordeaux.fr

CfP: Knowing Things. Circulations and Transitions of Objects in Natural History

International Conference at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany March 23rd – 24th, 2015 With this call for papers we invite researchers and young scholars from different fields – including, but not limited to, the history and theory of collections, museum studies, cultural history, art history and aesthetics – to present exemplary moments of transition in the history of natural specimens and to explore the impact of spatial and disciplinary mobility on the history and theory of natural history objects. The goal of this conference is to contribute to the history and theory of these Wissensdinge (Objects of Knowledge) by reconstructing historical transitions and threshold areas within their institutional contexts, the collection and the museum. Can we identify different phases in the mobility of things of knowledge?  How do various spaces of knowledge, such as the laboratory, the collection and the exhibition, influence the ways of handling natural history objects? How do meanings

UB: Publicada la primera història de la geologia espanyola

Manuel Julivert acaba de publicar la primera síntesis de la historia de la geología española, del siglo XVIII hasta la actualidad. Enfocada sobre todo desde la perspectiva catalana, Una historia de la geología en España (Publicacions i Edicions de la UB, 2014) hace especial hincapié en el papel que desempeñaron a lo largo del siglo XX la Universidad de Barcelona y la llamada escuela geológica Barcelona. El libro se presenta en el Aula Magna de la Facultad de Geología de la UB /c/ Martí i Franquès, s/n ) el próximo miércoles 29 de octubre, a las 12 horas. En el acto intervendrán el Dr. Pere J. Quetglas, vicerrector de Comunicación y Proyección; el Dr. Lluís Cabrera, decano de la Facultad de Geología; Josep M. Camarasa, expresidente de la Sociedad Catalana de Historia de la Ciencia y de la Técnica (Instituto de Estudios Catalanes); el Dr. José Ramón Martínez Catalán, catedrático del Departamento de Geología de la Universidad de Salamanca, y Manuel Julivert, autor del libro y catedrático

2 Postdoctoral Fellowships "History of Science" (MPIWG Berlin)

MPI for the History of Science, Berlin, 01.09.2015-31.08.2018 Bewerbungsschluss: 30.01.2015 The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Department II (Director: Lorraine Daston), announces two three-year Postdoctoral Fellowships, starting date September 1, 2015. Outstanding scholars no more than three years past the award of their doctorates are invited to apply. The fellowships will be awarded in conjunction with the research projects of the Department: http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/research/projects/department2 Candidates should hold a doctorate in the history of science or a related field at the time the fellowship begins; the quality and relevance of the project rather than the discipline in which the doctoral degree was awarded will be decisive in the award of fellowships. The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG) is an international and interdisciplinary research institute (http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/index.html). It is expected that

New issue of Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal), Vol. 5 N° 1

Dear colleagues, We are glad to announce that the new issue of Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal), Vol. 5 N° 1, is now online. .:: Eä Journal, Vol. 5 N° 1. Table of contents: Click here to access Vol. 5 N° 1: http://bit.ly/1wydnao Articles: ["From alchemy to molecular biology". Technological frames at stake in a biotechnology company focused on human health in the 1980s] “De la alquimia a la biología molecular”. Marcos tecnológicos en tensión en una firma de biotecnología orientada a la salud humana en la década de 1980 Diego Aguiar & Hernán Thomas [Priests, psychologists and psychiatrists. Public treatments for addicts in Argentina, 1970-2005] Pastores, psicólogos y psiquiatras. Disputas en los tratamientos públicos para adictos en la Argentina, 1970-2005 Luciano Levin Greek and Roman ideas about healthy drinking-water Cornelis Van Tilburg    [The first advances in pediatrics in Puebla, Mexico: 1877-1900] Los pr

CFP: The Idea of Logic - Historical Perspectives

Call for Papers THE IDEA OF LOGIC: HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES Workshop at the 5th World Congress on Universal Logic 25-30 June 2015 - Istanbul, Turkey Workshop organized by: Juliette Lemaire (CNRS, Centre Léon Robin, France) & Amirouche Moktefi (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia) Logic as a discipline is not characterized by a stable scope throughout its history. True enough, the historical influence of Aristotelian logic over the centuries is something of a common denominator in Western philosophy. But Aristotelian logic certainly was not alone (see stoic logic for instance), not to mention non-western logics. Even within the Aristotelian tradition there is significant variability. Furthermore, as is well known, in the 19th century logic as a discipline underwent a radical modification, with the development of mathematical logic. The current situation is of logic having strong connections with multiple disciplines - philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics - whi

CFP Final Reminder: Scientiae 2015

27-29 May 2015, Victoria College, University of Toronto Keynotes: Anthony Grafton (Princeton) & Peter Dear (Cornell) The CFP deadline for Scientiae 2015 (Toronto, 27-29 May) is 17 November 2014. Paper, panel, and round-table proposals are invited for the fourth annual international conference on the emergent knowledge practices of the early-modern period (1450-1750). The major premise of this conference is that knowledge during the period of the Scientific Revolution was inherently interdisciplinary, involving complex mixtures of practices and objects which had yet to be separated into their modern “scientific” hierarchies. Our approach, therefore, needs to be equally wide-ranging, involving Biblical exegesis, art theory, logic, and literary humanism; as well as natural philosophy, alchemy, occult practices, and trade knowledge. Attention is also given to mapping intellectual geographies through the tools of the digital humanities. Always, our focus must be on the subject-matter at

Conference: "Mediterranean under Quarantine", Malta 7-8 November 2014

Dear all, this is the programme of the international conference " Mediterranean Under Quarantine ", the 1st International conference of the Quarantine Studies Network. 7- 8 November 2014. Hosted by the Mediterranean Institute University Of Malta. Old University Campus, Valletta. Friday, 7 November 9.00 – 9.30 : Registration  - Aula Magna -  Old University Building. 9.30: Opening Address :   John Chircop, Director,  Mediterranean Institute (UOM) ; International Quarantine Studies Network. 1st Session:  Quarantine Geopolitics and Diplomacy (First Part: 9.50 – 11.30 hrs) Chair: Francisco Javier Martinez-Antonio Alison Bashford (University of Cambridge), Quarantine and Oceanic Histories: reflections on the old world and the new. Alexander Chase-Levenson (Princeton University), Quarantine, Cooperation, and Antagonism in the Napoleonic Mediterranean. Raffaella Salvemini (CNR, Italian National Research Council; ISSM, Institute of Studies on Medi

WEHC2015: On-line Registration

The International Economic History Association (IEHA) and the Local Organizing Committee of the XVIIth World Economic History Congress (WEHC), Kyoto, are delighted to announce that the registration is now open at our website, http://www.wehc2015.org/registration-online_registraition.html KEY DATES: Early Registration: October 30, 2014 - April 30, 2015. Standard Registration: May 1 - June 30, 2015. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Secretariat at wehc2015@c-linkage.co.jp Best regards, Tetsuji Okazaki Chair, WEHC 2015 Local Organizing Committee Secretariat of WEHC2015 (Kyoto, Japan) c/o Convention Linkage, Inc. TEL:+81-6-6377-2188 FAX:+81-6-6377-2075     E-mail:wehc2015@c-linkage.co.jp

Intimate Economies Book Chapter - last chance for contributions

CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTER CONTRIBUTIONS Intimate Economies: Bodies, Emotions and Sexualities on the Global Market Edited by Susanne Hofmann and Adi Moreno Intimate economies, based on the commodification of bodies, emotions and sexualities, have become high value-producing forms of exchange in contemporary global capitalism. New technologies in the areas of communication, transport and medicine have allowed new types of commodification producing new subjects and social relations between different actors in the global economy. In various parts of the world commodified intimate exchanges have experienced not only a diversification, but also a ‘new respectability’ as a result of which a broader range of subjects from a variety of social backgrounds now participate in commercial transactions, trading body parts or bodily substances, intimacy and sexuality. Our book is interested in exploring the interrelatedness of individual practices of self-commodifica