
Mostrando entradas de mayo 19, 2019

Novedad editorial: “Una ciutat medieval en cerca de la salut (Xàtiva, 1250-1500)”

Autor: Carmel Ferragud Les flames que acabaren amb quasi tota la documentació històrica de Xàtiva no han impedit a l’autor fer una minuciosa tasca de recerca arxivística per a reconstruir la difusió i el paper social de la medicina a la capital de la Costera durant la tardor medieval. Dos segles i mig d’història xativina permet veure les transformacions de la pràctica mèdica. Des dels primers barbers fins als insignes metges formats a les universitats de fora de la Corona d’Aragó, al servei de papes i reis, com també de dones, ben considerades per la seua competència, o apotecaris que subministraven medicaments, aquest llibre presenta un ampli mosaic d’individus dedicats a prevenir malalties i guarir malalts. Així mateix, mostra l’esforç de les autoritats municipals per garantir-se una presència permanent de professionals de prestigi, i també d’aconseguir l’entorn urbà més saludable possible.  Perquè la utilitat de la medicina, fonamentada sobre el paradigma galenista, va anar

CfP: Fat and the Body in the Long 19th Century

In the 21 st century the “obesity epidemic” has come to be seen as a public health crisis in North America. But fat did not always have such negative connotations. In the 19 th and early 20 th centuries there was a lively and complex debate about the meaning of fat and its signalling of both health and beauty. On the one hand, for example, the fashionability of the corset celebrated a wasp-waisted feminine figure, while on the other a robust weight indicated a healthy body. This collection intends to animate discussion and analysis of fatness during the 19 th century, when the body was a key focus of discourse, by asking questions such as who should be fat? Who should be thin? Who sets these standards? What did these corporeal expectations say about larger social systems? How did these expectations shift over time? We invite submissions from scholars whose work takes a historical approach to addressing aspects of the body and fatness or thinness. We particularly invite work t

CfP: 'Er Indoors: Domesticity and Nature in Home and Garden, 23 Nov 2019

Url:  https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/hrc/confs/dnhg The domestic garden represents, for many, the closest and most significant contact that they have with the natural environment. The relationship of humans with this domestic outdoor space, in which nature can be ‘controlled’ by the householder, is often very different to that with ‘wild nature’, to be found in the countryside and national parks. Efforts to find a key to significant behavioural change leading to sustainable living are vital to the future health of both people and planet and grow more urgent with every new warning from scientists. Domesticity and Nature in Home and Garden seeks to provide a fresh, interdisciplinary perspective on the interaction of humans with the environment by focusing on the relationship between the house and the garden across time and place, on the ways in which family life occurs in the domestic space and how it moves between the indoors and the outdoors. This conference will, thro

CfP: Tilburg-Groningen Workshop on Women in the History of Analytic Philosophy

The history of philosophy is generally presented as a history of male thinkers, and the history of analytic philosophy is no exception. From the birth of analytic philosophy to its maturing well into the twentieth century, female contributors formed a small minority and their work did not always receive the attention it deserved. Although Susanne Langer, Susan Stebbing and Elizabeth Anscombe secured their place in the canon, more women played a significant role in the development of analytic philosophy. Recent studies have stressed the importance of for example Constance Jones, Janina Hosiasson, Maria Kokoszyńska, Margaret MacDonald, and Rose Rand for logic, philosophy of science, metaphysics and philosophy of language during the early twentieth century.   On October 27, 2019, a workshop on women philosophers in the history of the analytic tradition will take place in Tilburg, organized by the Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics, and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) together with the Fa

CfA: A New Culture of Truth? On the Transformation of Political Epistemologies since the 1960s in Central and Eastern Europe

Recent years have seen the alleged rise of a “post-truth era,” in close association with the destabilization of familiar epistemologies and the dismissal of their classical gatekeepers. New political epistemologies have emerged that follow the truth regimes of specific group attitudes which are often nationalist, chauvinist, and xenophobic. These epistemologies are produced by private, semi-official, and even governmental brokers, and spread via both traditional media (such as television and newspapers) and new media such as Facebook and Twitter. The deliberate use of “versions” of truth has become a very influential tactic, as political parties have begun restructuring the media landscape, promoting new politics of memory, and so forth. The consequences have become  manifest  in  nation  states  and  international organizations: for  a  long  time,  consensus-building stemmed from the integration of different interests on the basis of the same epistemological values (truthfulness,

CfP: “Public Research and Private Knowledge – Science in Times of Diverse Research Funding”

March 26-27, 2020 Center for Applied Philosophy of Science and Key Qualifications (ZiWiS) Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) Topic: The production and distribution of knowledge is a key process in scientific and scholarly inquiry. However, this process is not and has never been limited to universities and public research institutes alone, but extends to agents as diverse as the Research & Development Departments of companies, citizen scientists, and private non-profit research institutes. In recent years, these agents have shown an increased interest in basic ˗ as opposed to applied ˗ science, for example in fields of rising social significance such as AI or biomedical technology. These specific research interests in turn direct attention to the sources of funding, and, as a consequence, to the direction of inquiry and the accessibility of results. The main problem that arises from this development can be expressed in two questions: First, does

CfP: OZSW Autumn School ‘Beyond the Canon: Unexplored Topics and Forgotten Thinkers’

Textbooks on the history of philosophy deal with what are widely agreed to be the most important themes and thinkers of the past two-and-a-half thousand years. They discuss, among others, the views of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Spinoza, Locke, Hume, and Kant, as well as the major traditions and debates in epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics: rationalism vs. empiricism, essentialism vs. nominalism, realism vs. idealism, and consequentialism vs. deontology.   But how did the philosophical canon presented in the textbooks arise? To what extent does the canon give an accurate picture of the philosophical tradition? And are there thinkers, topics, themes or traditions that are worthy of note but that have not been taken up in the canon? Questions like these will be at the heart of the OZSW Autumn School of 2019 at Tilburg University, The Netherlands. Our lecturers Han Thomas Adriaenssen, Liam Kofi Bright, Gary Ostertag, and Marta Sznajder will discuss these questions, calling on a

CfP: VIEW Journal: Tele(visualising) health. A history of television and health

Special issue #18 of VIEW journal of European Television History and Culture We are presently accepting propositions for a special issue of  VIEW Journal  dedicated to the history of television and health. VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture is the first peer-reviewed, multimedia and open access e-journal in the field of European television history and culture. The special issue follows the thematic lines of the  Tele(visualising) Health conference  on the history of TV, public health, its enthusiasts and its publics. The special issue will include contributions from the authors who presented at the conference but is open to other authors who wish to explore these topics in writing. Televisions began to appear in homes in large numbers of the public in Europe and North America after World War II. This coincided with a period in which ideas about the public’s health, the problems that it faced and the solutions that could be offered, were changing. Threats po

CfP: Second Conference in Philosophy and Foundations of Physics, 2-3 September 2019 at the University of Salzburg

Url:  https://ilmpsnetwork. wordpress.com/ilmps-2019/ Over the past decades, important contributions to the mathematical and conceptual foundations of physical theories have been made within the philosophical community.  Conversely, critical analysis of the formal structures of our best physical theories inform central philosophical concerns, and in some cases new theorems have been proven and new lines of argument developed that are of philosophical significance.  This conference series aims to bring together philosophers, physicists, and mathematicians working on such issues.  This year's event will be held on September 2-3, 2019 at the University of Salzburg (Austria).  It will immediately precede a workshop on "Symmetry and Equivalence in Physics" taking place on September 3-4, 2019.  Speakers for that workshop include Adam Caulton (Oxford), Ben Feintzeig (Washington), Doreen Fraser (Waterloo), Laura Ruets

Postdoc Position at the Institute Vienna Circle in Vienna

The University of Vienna (20 faculties and centres, 178 fields of study, approx. 9.800 members of staff, about 90.000 students) seeks to fill the position as soon as possible of a University Assistant (post doc) at the Institute Vienna Circle Reference number: 9589 The advertised position is situated in the Institute Vienna Circle (IVC) in the Faculty of Philosophy and Education. The IVC stands in the tradition of the historical “Vienna Circle”. In this sense the IVC supports philosophical research projects that respond critically and constructively to issues arising in the special sciences. A further important agenda of the IVC is the integration of different disciplines focused on the sciences (philosophy, history, sociology). The IVC is also dedicated to the documentation, reconstruction and