
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 25, 2011

Call for papers. Culture and History, Digital Journal

Culture & History Digital Journal features original scientific articles and review articles, aimed to contribute to the methodological debate among historians and other scholars specialized in the fields of Human and Social Sciences, at an international level. Using an interdisciplinary and transversal approach, this Journal poses a renovation of the studies on the past, relating them and dialoguing with the present, breaking the traditional forms of thinking based on chronology, diachronic analysis, and the classical facts and forms of thinking based exclusively on textual and documental analysis. By doing so, this Journal aims to promote not only new subjects of History, but also new forms of addressing its knowledge. All articles published in this Journal will undergo an exhaustive, double-blind, peer-review process. Culture & History Digital Journal is a half-yearly, online, full Open Access Journal, formally issued in June and December. Nevertheless, the final versio

Plenary Talk Abstracts of the Conference "Critique, Democracy, and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society" (Uppsala, 2-4 May 2012)

Critique, Democracy, and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society Towards Critical Theories of Social Media The Fourth ICTs and Society-Conference Uppsala University, May 2nd-4th, 2012. The collected abstracts of the plenary talks are now available: http://www.icts-and-society.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/abstracts.pdf Opening Plenary Vincent Mosco (Queen’s University, Canada): Marx is Back, but Will Knowledge Workers of the World Unite? On the Critical Study of Labour, Media, and Communication Today Graham Murdock (Loughborough University, UK): The Digital Lives of Commodities: Consumption, Ideology and Exploitation Today Featuring plenary talks by Andrew Feenberg, Catherine McKercher, Charles Ess, Christian Christensen, Christian Fuchs, Gunilla Bradley, Mark Andrejevic, Nick Dyer-Witheford, Peter Dahlgren, Tobias Olsson, Trebor Scholz, Ursula Huws, Wolfgang Hofkirchner. Abstract submission: open until February, 2012 29 (deadline) ATTENTION: We recommend EARLY submissi

Nicolas C. Mullins Award: 4S Student Essay Competition

*Nicholas C. Mullins Award*** *Student Essay Competition*** *Deadline for Submission: August 1, 2012*** The Nicholas C. Mullins Award is awarded each year by the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) for an outstanding piece of scholarship by a graduate student in the field of Science and Technology Studies. The prize consists of a check for US $1,000 and a plaque. Only currently enrolled graduate students are eligible to submit a paper for the 4S Mullins competition. If receipt of PhD (or other terminal graduate degree) is held by the submission deadline, those degree recipients are not eligible for the competition. The competition is for graduate student papers in the field of science and technology studies, including unpublished papers, published articles, and dissertation chapters. Dissertation chapters should be adapted so as to make them "stand-alone." The work may not be older than two years at the time of submission. A graduate student can only make one s

Call for Submissions: Society for the Social History of Medicine Roy Porter Student Essay Prize Competition

Call for Submissions: Society for the Social History of Medicine Roy Porter Student Essay Prize Competition The Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM) invites submissions to its Roy Porter Student Essay Prize Competition. This prize will be awarded to the best original, unpublished essay in the social history of medicine submitted to the competition as judged by the SSHM's assessment panel. It is named in honour of the late Professor Roy Porter, a great teacher and a generous scholar. The competition is open to undergraduate and post-graduate students in full or part-time education. The winner will be awarded £500.00, and his or her entry may also be published in the journal, Social History of Medicine.  http://sshm.org/content/roy-porter-student-essay-prize-competition The deadline for entries will be 1 February 2012. Any questions about the competition should be directed to our Membership Secretary: Dr Catherine Cox School of History and Archives Uni