
Mostrando entradas de marzo 14, 2010

Politics and Practices: The History of Post-war Women's Health

Politics and Practices: The History of Post-war Women's Health 22nd-23rd October 2010 Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester Manchester UK This two-day conference will bring together researchers interested in the history of post-war women's health. In contrast to most histories of women's health which focus on the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, this conference aims to showcase research on the politics, policy and practice of women's health after 1945, a much less studied yet dynamic era for women as patients, providers, caregivers, policy-makers, and activists. We invite proposals for individual papers of 20 minutes in length. We especially look forward to receiving proposals on the following themes: - Women's formal health care work: medical and nursing professionals, allied health workers - Women's informal provision of health care: home care, voluntary work - Women as makers and o

Museums and the Exhibitionary Complex in Central Europe, 1850-1939

Museums and the Exhibitionary Complex in Central Europe, 1850-1939 The rise of the exhibitionary complex in nineteenth-century Germany, France and Britain has been the subject of substantial amounts of research. It has been rather less well explored in relation to central Europe. The journal Centropa will therefore be publishing a special issue on museums in Central Europe in 2012. The issue will be examining the development of museums between 1850 and 1939 and their contribution to processes of identity formation during the period in question. Questions to be addressed will include: 1) What ideological impulses gave rise to the foundation of museums across central Europe? 2) What were the ideological implications of their collecting and exhibition policies? 3) How did their functions and meanings change between 1850 and 1939? 4) How did individual museums position themselves in relation to other institutions? In particular, what was the impact of the major institut

Reseña libro Mut

La Conselleria d’Innovació, Interior i Justicia del Govern de les Illes Balears ha publicado recientemente el libro Vicenç Mut i Armengol(1614-1687) i l’Astronomia , en la colección “La ciència a les Illes Balears”. Vicenç Mut , bien conocido como autor del vol.II de la Historia del reino de Mallorca (1650), es una de las figuras más destacadas de la historia de la cultura y la actividad científico-técnica balear. Además de sus diversas actividades como cronista, ingeniero militar,  sargento mayor y jurado, se dedicó a la astronomía llegando a ser el mejor observador de la España del siglo XVII. Hizo numerosas observaciones de eclipses, planetas y estrellas, con algunas contribuciones destacadas, como las relativas al diámetro de Júpiter o las distancias entre las Pléyades, e intervino activamente en las cuestiones básicas que ocupaban a los astrónomos europeos de la época. Fue el primer español conocido que usó el micrómetro. Sus observaciones y técnicas fueron difundidas por Europ

La historiografia de la ciència a l’Amèrica Llatina

Workshop La historiografia de la ciència a l’Amèrica Llatina Sala de Vidre Facultat de Ciències Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Dimecres, 7 d’abril de 2010 Aunque poco visible en el ámbito europeo, la historia de la ciencia hecha en, y pensada desde América Latina tiene una larga tradición que, en algunos casos, ofrece aproximaciones novedosas y reflexiones pertinentes para el quehacer histórico global. Relacionadas con los estudios poscoloniales, categorías como raza, género y poder han permeado profundamente la historiografía de la ciencia latinoamericana, abriendo nuevas vías interpretativas y generando diálogos productivos con otros ámbitos de la historia y las ciencias sociales. El Workshop sobre historiografía de la ciencia en América Latina pretende reflexionar sobre sus particularidades y potencialidades y es una invitación a pensar la historia y la ciencia desde los complejos y ambiguos entramados entre Norte y Sur, centro y periferia. Algunas de las preguntas que, más q

NOVEDAD:Ensayos sobre la técnica en Ortega, Heidegger,García Bacca, Mayz

Ensayos sobre la técnica en Ortega, Heidegger, García Bacca, Mayz XXII+122 pp.   ISBN 978-84-7658-949-6    PVP: 11 euros Los ensayos sobre la técnica reunidos en este volumen fueron escritos en diversos tiempos y, seguramente, con distintas finalidades. Es evidente una diferencia de tono entre ellos. Lo cual, obviamente, no merma su utilidad mayor que es la de presentarnos la síntesis de estas cuatro versiones contemporáneas de un tema fundamental como es la técnica, el lugar y el sentido que tienen para el hombre de nuestra época. Tienen además, para nosotros, hispanoparlantes, la importancia adicional de que recogen la palabra de tres pensadores de nuestra lengua. Pero esta diversidad quizás nos permite acercarnos a esas dos maneras tan propias de Riu a que hemos hecho referencia…      Riu nos ha dejado testimonio de esos dos movimientos paradójicos de su temple intelectual: las más rigurosas, maceradas, acuciosas exposiciones de los que consideró como lo



*Seminario Internacional “Memoria y sexualidad de las mujeres bajo el franquismo*

Os envío el enlace del *Seminario Internacional “Memoria y sexualidad de las mujeres bajo el franquismo”* a celebrar en el Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía y el Centro de Escuelas Pías de la UNED en Lavapies: http://www.uned.es/madrid/actividad_ext_universitaria.htm * * *Entrada libre hasta completar aforo *Estudiantes que lo deseen: Matrícula para obtención de 2 créditos. * * En este enlace podéis ver un video sobre el tema http://www.canaluned.com/#frontaleID=F_RC&sectionID=S_TELUNE&videoID=4429 Saludos cordiales, Raquel Osborne UNED

Servicio de consulta de los catálogos de las Bibliotecas Públicas

Os comunicamos que esta disponible en Internet una versión actualizada del servicio de consulta de los catálogos de las Bibliotecas Públicas , servicio que se puso en marcha en mayo de 1996 a iniciativa de la Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, del Ministerio de Cultura y que se encuentra disponible en la siguiente dirección: http://www.mcu.es/bibliotecas/MC/CBPE/index.html Destacamos que en esta actualización hemos incorporado el catálogo de: La Red de Bibliotecas de Canarias (BICA): que contiene registros bibliográficos de un total de 59 bibliotecas. La red BICA principalmente la integran la Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, la Biblioteca Pública del Estado en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, el Sistema Bibliotecario Municipal de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, la Biblioteca Insular de Tenerife, la Red de Bibliotecas Municipales de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, y la  Red de Bibliotecas Administrativas del Gobierno de Canarias, compuesta po

Casa Alejandro de Humboldt

Nueva dirección donde pueden encontrar los humboldtianos información sobre la Ruta Cultural Alejandro de Humboldt en Cuba, colgada de la Web de Exterior XXI.: http://www.exterior21.org/publicaciones.htm Un saludo y los mejores deseos desde la Casa Alejandro de Humboldt.

Fully funded studentship – Philosophy of Scientific Practice

University of Cambridge Department of History and Philosophy of Science Fully funded studentship – Philosophy of Scientific Practice The Department of History and Philosophy of Science (HPS), University of Cambridge, invites applications for a Postgraduate Research Studentship to support three years of doctoral research at the University of Cambridge to start in October 2010. The project is funded by the University’s Rausing Fund for History and Philosophy of Science. This studentship will provide a stipend, and tuition fees at the UK/EU rate; overseas students are eligible to apply but will be required to pay additional fees. See http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/gradstud/funding/costs/courses/costs2010.doc “Philosophy of scientific practice” can be taken abstractly or concretely, though the best research would combine both dimensions.  Abstractly, it will be essential to pay philosophical attention to what constitutes a “practice” and how to characterize it, and to consider

Intra-European Fellowships for career development (IEF)

Dear STEP friends, Please, have a look a the Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships for career development (IEF): http://ec.europa.eu/research/fp7/understanding/marie-curieinbrief/research-d evelopment_en.html Our Centre in Barcelona will be happy to host some potential candidates, but it might be also an interesting opportunity for other STEP groups. Yours Agustí Nieto-Galan Centre d'Història de la Ciència (CEHIC) Facultat de Ciències Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona) http://www.uab.es/cehic/ Tel. +34 93 581 29 66 Fax. +34 93 581 20 03

Internships at Greenwich

This is just a quick reminder that the closing date for applications for 2010-11 History of Science and Technology internships at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, and the National Maritime Museum is 12 April 2010.  Full details can be found on the website www.nmm.ac.uk by typing "internship" into the search box.   Gloria Clifton   Dr G.C. Clifton, Head of Royal Observatory, Greenwich, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London SE10 9NF Tel. 020 8312 6758 Fax 020 8312 6734   Come to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, winner of the 2009 ' Visit London' gold award for the Best Tourism Experience .

Call for Papers for the Sixth ESEH Conference

Call for Papers for the Sixth ESEH Conference The European Society for Environmental History is pleased to invite proposals for sessions, papers and posters for its next international conference to be held Turku University and Åbo Akademi University, Finland, from 28 June to 2 July 2011. Home to Europe’s largest archipelago and Turku’s location on the Baltic Sea has inspired the main theme of the conference, “Encounters of Sea and Land”. We encourage proposals that explore this theme from multiple perspectives of environmental history, such as:     * The emergence of environmental crises of the seas     * Phases of conservation of inland waters, seas, and coasts     * Historical perspectives on marine biodiversity     * History of whaling, fishing and overfishing     * Exploitation of marine resources such as water, gas, oil, seaweeds     * History of marine pollution including material flows from land to sea     * History of maritime mobility     * Development of c

VIII Jornada Latinoamericana de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

V III Jornada Latinoamericana de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología “Ciencia y Tecnología para la Inclusión Social en América Latina” Buenos Aires, 20 a 23 de julio de 2010 www.esocite2010.escyt.org Ultima semana de Presentación de Trabajos Fecha límite para entrega de resumen: 20 de marzo de 2010 Quince años después de la primera de las Jornadas de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Buenos Aires vuelve a ser anfitrión de ESOCITE. La trayectoria acumulada en el campo de estudios y en sus instituciones, que fue reflejándose en las sucesivas Jornadas, es indicio de la creciente consolidación de los Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología a nivel regional. En este sentido, la VIII Jornada ESOCITE enfrenta dos desafíos importantes: afianzar definitivamente los Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en América Latina y tematizar públicamente el papel de los conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos en la Región, sus us

Knowledge and Colonialism: Eighteenth-century Travellers in South Africa Siegfried Huigen, Stellenbosch University

Knowledge and Colonialism: Eighteenth-century Travellers in South Africa Siegfried Huigen, Stellenbosch University   July 2009   ISBN 978 90 04 17743 7   Hardback (320 pp., 48 colour ill.)   List price EUR 99.- / US$ 147.-   Atlantic World Series, 18 The establishment of a settlement at the Cape of Good Hope in the seventeenth century and an expansion of the sphere of colonial influence in the eighteenth century made South Africa the only part of sub-Saharan Africa where Europeans could travel with relative ease deep into the interior. As a result individuals with scientific interests in Africa came to the Cape. This book examines writings and drawings of scientifically educated travellers, particularly in the field of ethnography, against the background of commercial and administrative discourses on the Cape. It is argued that the scientific travellers benefited more from their relationship with the colonial order than the other way around. Readership: All t


POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS AT THE CUNY GRADUATE CENTER, 2010-2011 The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, the Ph.D.-granting institution of CUNY, announces postdoctoral fellowships for the academic year 2010-2011 in three new interdisciplinary Committees in the following areas of inquiry: Science Studies, The Study of Religion, The Study of Globalization and Social Change. Positions will begin on September 1, 2010 and will be renewable for a second year. The Graduate Center is devoted to advancing original research and training graduate students in over 30 fields in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in one of the disciplines in the humanities or humanistic social sciences. Candidates who have received the Ph.D. in 2007 at the earliest, or who have completed the requirements for the Ph.D. by the application deadline of April 12, 2010 are eligible. The successful candidates will be housed in one of the Graduate Cen

Exposición virtual sobre cartografía histórica en la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla

Claudio Ptolomeo, Benedetto Bordone, Girolamo Porro, Tomasso Porcacchi, Abraham Ortelio, Georg Braun, Gerard Mercator, Johann Blaeu, Rigobert Bonne, Jacob Loots-Man, Jacques Nicolas Bellin, y un largo etcétera, son algunos de los nombres en torno a los que gira la exposición virtual sobre Cartografía Histórica (Siglos XV al XVIII) que se acaba de abrir al público en el Portal de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla. La exposición consta de doce salas temáticas, cada una coordinada por un especialista en el ámbito de la cartografía histórica. Cada sala consta de un estudio y una galería de imágenes, enriquecida con herramientas de zoom y, en muchos casos, acceso a los libros completos digitalizados. La exposición aspira a proporcionar aproximaciones diversas al mundo de la cartografía histórica: la cartografía en la Antigüedad y la Edad Media, vistas de ciudades, cartas náuticas, la creación artística en la cartografía, el viaje espiritual, fortificaciones, libros de viajes y


ARIT FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMS FOR 2010-2011 ARIT directly supports and administers a variety of programs of fellowships for scholarly research and for language study in Turkey. Programs for U.S. –based scholars and graduate students include the ARIT, Kenan T. Erim, National Endowment for the Humanities, and the ARIT-Princeton Summer Language Program at Bogazici University in Istanbul.  ARIT Fellows come from all regions of the country and represent many fields of the humanities and social sciences.  ARIT fellowships support individual research projects in ancient, historical, and modern times in all fields of the humanities and social sciences, that must be carried out in Turkey. Opportunities for Turkish students and scholars include the Hanfmann and Mellink Fellowships for advanced research in archaeology, the Coulson-Cross Aegean Exchange, and the Turkish Fellowship program. Please see the list of recent ARIT Fellows for a sample of supported research. http://ccat.sas.

Applications for desiguALdades.net Scholarships

Applications for desiguALdades.net Scholarships The desiguALdades.net is pleased to award doctoral and postdoctoral scholarships: (1) postdoctoral scholarships with a duration from 6 to 24 months depending on the scope of the research project (max. Euro 1,500 monthly). (2) short-term scholarships for doctoral students with a duration of six months (max. Euro 1,300 monthly). (3) long-term scholarships for doctoral students with a duration of three years (max. Euro 1,300 monthly). The initial scholarship will be awarded for one year with the possibility of extension for two times a year consecutively. Please be aware of our two-step application process: in a first step you will have to apply online (postdocs/doctoral students), in a second step you will have to send the required documents in one single PDF-file to contacto@desiguALdades.net. Only after receiving your documents in PDF-format, your application can be taken into consideration. desiguALdades.net is l

Aarhus University - Postdoc position for a historian of science and technology

Postdoc position for a historian of science and technology Department of Science Studies, Aarhus University Project “Exploring Greenland: Science and Technology in Cold War Settings” “Exploring Greenland” is a comprehensive research project funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. It has the goal to investigate the development of research activities in the geophysical sciences and in nuclear technology in Greenland in the Cold War period. Due to its utmost strategic importance, the US military as well as the Danish government funded new research efforts heavily. The project consist of a number of subprojects covering disciplines like geology, meteorology and climatology, glaciology, nuclear technology and others. The selected candidate will be responsible for the subproject “Measuring the heavens: Cold War and ionospheric research in Greenland”. In terms of manpower and economic resources ionospheric research was one of the largest ongoing scientific activities

Call for Submissions: SIGCIS Computer History Museum (book) Prize

*THE 2010 CHM PRIZE CALL* The Computer History Museum Prize is awarded to the author of an outstanding book in the history of computing broadly conceived, published during the prior three years. The prize of $1000 is awarded by SIGCIS, the Special Interest Group for Computers, Information and Society. It is established through the generosity of an anonymous donor who wishes to honor the Computer History Museum. SIGCIS is part of the Society for the History of Technology. Books published in 2007-2009 are now eligible for the 2010 award. Books in translation are eligible for three years following the date of their publication in English. Publishers, authors, and other interested members of the computer history community are invited to nominate books. Send one copy of the nominated title to each of the committee members listed below. To be considered, book submissions must be postmarked by 15 April 2010. For more information, please contact the prize committee chair. Cu

The ‘meaning’ and ‘doing’ of bodies and gender in medicine and healthcare

Last CfP EASST track anatomy (deadline extended by one week) The European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) Conference Sept. 2-4, 2010, Trento, Italy Track 28: The ‘meaning’ and ‘doing’ of bodies and gender in medicine and healthcare The conference track will follow the development of thinking of and talking about bodies doing things and creating meaning, through individual and historical lifecycles experienced in broad medical contexts. Thus, “bodily beings” are differently constituted in medical schools, hospitals and surgeries, research labs and everyday living environments, viewed through and connected to mechanical and electronic appliances, inscribed with biomedical discourses and socio-culturally based roles, such as gender, sex, race, impairment. The human body can be viewed simultaneously as a substrate for healthcare concerns and as an entity that acts and is enacted in the varied practices of medical research and clinical care. In
Estimados/as, me complace anunciaros la publicación de mi último libro The Problem of Nutrition. Experimental Science, Public Health and Economy in Europe 1914-1945. Bruxelles, PIE Peter Lang, 2010. 163 pp., que es fruto de los últimos años de investigación sobre las relaciones e interacciones entre ciencia experimental, salud pública, economía y política en torno a la nutrición y alimentación durante la Europa del Período entre-guerras. Cordialmente, Josep L. Barona

Representing contemporary medical science and technology in museums, Copenhagen, 16-18 September, 2010

Just a reminder about the forthcoming meeting in Copenhagen in September about the challenge to museums posed by contemporary developments in biomedical science and medical technology. How do museums today handle the material and visual heritage of contemporary medical and health science and technology? How do curators wield the increasing amount and kinds of more or less intangible and invisible scientific, medical and digital objects? Which intellectual, conceptual, and practical questions does this challenge give rise to? We're aiming for two intensive days with visually enhanced presentations, good discussions and excellent food in beautiful surroundings. Read the full call here: http://tinyurl.com/ylx5atx  or here: http://www.corporeality.net/museion/2009/12/09/contemporary-medical-science-and-technology-as-a-challenge-for-museums-copenhagen-16-19-september-2010   Further information here: http://www.mm.ku.dk/sker/eamhms.aspx . Send proposals for prese