
Mostrando entradas de febrero 7, 2016

Web of Knowledge: Encounters, Spaces, Actors and Scientific Culture in the Making of the Contemporary World

3rd HetSci International Meeting | 14-15 April 2016 |Évora, Portugal https://hetscimeeting2016. wordpress.com/call-for-papers/ Organised by : IHC-CEHFCi Universidade de Évora (Ciência, Estudos de História, Filosofia e Cultura Científica). Deadline for submission of abstracts: 4 th March, 2016 Themes : 1 – Networks, Scientific Production, Circulation and Reception of Knowledge 2 – Collections, Museums, Exhibitions and Material Culture 3 – Invisible Actors (preparers, women, etc.) versus Visible Actors (explorers and scientists) 4 – Cross-cultural Encounters and the Appropriation of Local Knowledge 5 – Spaces, Intermediaries, Expeditions and Geographies of Knowledge 6 – Science and Diplomacy

CfP: Guerrer@s sin armas: Acción humanitaria durante la Guerra civil española y el exilio republicano

27 y 28 de octubre, 2016. Auditorio de la Fundación Louis Jeantet, Ginebra Organizadores: Sébastien Farré (Maison de l’histoire), Dolores Martín Moruno (iEH2) En 1947, el doctor suizo Marcel Junod (1904-1961) publicaba Le troisième combattant, un libro que sería traducido al inglés bajo el título Warrior without Weapons (1951), en el que recopilaba sus experiencias como delegado del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja desde los bombardeos con gas mostaza sobre la población civil etíope durante la invasión italiana (1935-1936) hasta las trágicas consecuencias provocadas tras el lanzamiento de la bomba atómica en la ciudad de Hiroshima en agosto de 1945, sin olvidar su paso por la Guerra civil en España (1936-1939). Para Junod, ese tercer combatiente representaba todos aquellos actores humanitarios que no luchaban implicados en alguna de las partes beligerantes -que no eran ni “caballeros” ni “camaradas”-, sino que libraban una batalla para socorrer a las víctimas de la guerr

CFP: Early Modern History Workshop on “Networks of Knowledge.” NACBS, Washington DC, Nov. 2016.

Type: Call for Papers Subject Fields: Atlantic History / Studies, British History / Studies Early Modern History Workshop on “Networks of Knowledge.” NACBS, Washington DC, Nov. 2016. Abstracts (1 pg.) and short (1-2 pg.) CV due Wednesday, Mar. 2, 2016 Participants in this workshop will explore the meaning, scope, and utility of early modern networks.  How and why did Britons in this period form alliances for the purpose of sharing spiritual counsel, geopolitical intelligence, medical and scientific expertise, social and cultural dicta, and practical advice that would allow people to better thrive – or even survive – in an early modern world marked by violence, colonial exploitation and expansion, political and religious upheaval, and radical changes to gendered, racial, and sexual norms?  And as scholars of this period, how do we define and problematize early modern networks, alliances, and partnerships?  Papers on these issues – or on related topics th

Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability: Historical and Contemporary Narratives

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  February 29, 2016 Location:  Portugal Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Environmental History / Studies, Intellectual History Deadline extended to 29 February 2016   http://icohtec2016.ciuhct.org/ Call for papers for the International Committee for the History of Technology’s 43 rd  Annual Meeting in Porto, Portugal, 26-30 July 2016 Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability: Historical and Contemporary Narratives Innovation and sustainability have become key words of our everyday life, extending from political and economic discourse to teaching curricula and from the lay public to academia. However, the use of these terms is often abstract and simplistic, ignoring the density of their interrelationships in different geographic, historical and civilizational contexts, and the boomerang character of today’s world. The 43 rd ICOHTEC meeting aims at addressing this complex relationship b

Call for papers for the 10th anniversary of Muséologies Research Journal

Type:  Call for Publications Date:  March 30, 2016 Subject Fields: Cultural History / Studies, Architecture and Architectural History, Art, Art History & Visual Studies, Communication, Humanities Call for papers for the 10th anniversary of Muséologies Research Journal 10 years of museology: taking stock of concepts and emerging paradigms The Editor and Editorial Committee of Muséologies invite submissions for the 10th anniversary special edition, which will focus on the last decade’s most significant developments in the museum field. Muséologies is a peer-reviewed publication cutting across the arts production and the arts scene, the humanities and the social sciences. Its mandate is to publish and promote interdisciplinary research centered on the contemporary museum’s multiple functions. This non-thematic (open) issue will bring together contributions that report the emergence of new museological concepts or develop a reflection on the fol

CFP: psychosomatic illness in popular culture - edited collection

Type: Call for Publications Date: February 29, 2016 Subject Fields: Cultural History / Studies, Health and Health Care, Humanities, Popular Culture Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies Medically unexplained symptoms, hysteria, neurasthenia, hypochondria, psychogenic illness, somatic symptoms, functional illness, malingering—there is ongoing debate amongst specialists in medicine, psychology, sociology, and the medical humanities about how to classify, diagnose, treat, and  explain  disorders affecting body and mind. Meanwhile, in popular culture, these terms are misunderstood, unknown, or rejected outright—what was once called “psychosomatic” illness is heavily stigmatized amongst lay people, while the associated syndromes have become the site of controversy and antipathy in the provider-patient relationship. The DSM-5 outlines diagnostic criteria for illness anxiety and somatic symptoms disorder; medically unexplained symptoms acc

CHSTM, Manchester: graduate studentship in the history or biology or medicine

The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM) at the University of Manchester offers a fully funded studentship (including maintenance allowance) for graduate study in the history of the biological sciences or medicine after 1800. The position is supported by the Williamson Fund, which was established to further the study of these subjects at the University. Candidates may apply for a studentship in either of two schemes: (a) Master’s plus PhD study. This scheme is open to students with an undergraduate qualification. It covers, initially, full course fees and a living allowance for our one-year taught Master’s (MSc) in History of Science, Technology and Medicine, which will provide training for doctoral research study. If the student shows satisfactory progress on the MSc, it will then be extended to cover three years o

Call for papers for the International Committee for the History of Technology’s 43rd Annual Meeting in Porto, Portugal, 26-30 July 2016

Technology, Innovation, and Sustainability: Historical and Contemporary Narratives Deadline for proposals is 29 February 2016 Innovation and sustainability have become key words of our everyday life, extending from political and economic discourse to teaching curricula and from the lay public to academia. However, the use of these terms is often abstract and simplistic, ignoring the density of their interrelationships in different geographic, historical and civilizational contexts, and the  boomerang  character of today’s world. The 43 rd  ICOHTEC meeting  aims at addressing this complex relationship by encouraging papers that contribute to a deeper understanding of the multilayer cultural and material built meaning of innovation and sustainability and on the various roles played by technology in enabling or preventing such interplay. The symposium covers all periods and areas of the globe. We invite submissions of new, original and unpublished work that off

ICOHTEC Symposium on the History of Technology

Type: Call for Papers Date:  July 23, 2016 to July 29, 2016 Location: Brazil Subject Fields: American History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Local History, Modern European History / Studies, Social History / Studies The International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC) will hold its 44 th Symposium in Rio de Janeiro Brazil, on 23-29 July 2017. This meeting will take place in conjunction with the 25 th International Congress of the History of Science and Technology ( http://www.ichst2017.sbhc.org.br ). The general theme of the Congress is Science, Technology and Medicine between the Global and the Local. The Program Committee of ICOHTEC suggests interpreting this theme broadly and encourages studies of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at global, national and local levels, across all periods, and from a variety of methodo­logical and historiographical approaches. The Program Committee has defined some

The Center for Urban History invites to apply for the 2016-2017 RESIDENCE GRANT

Type: Grant Date: March 13, 2016 Location: Ukraine Subject Fields: Eastern Europe History / Studies, Urban History / Studies, Cultural History / Studies, Anthropology The Residence Grants are offered to researchers of various fields in the humanities from different countries. Historians, culture studies scholars, and anthropologists are especially encouraged. Applications are accepted for studies that promote a broader interpretation of urban history as a discipline where different approaches interconnect humanities and social sciences. The chronological and geographical frames of the proposed research are limited to the 19 th  and 20 th -century history of East and Central Europe. The Center offers: - accommodation in the guest rooms of the Centre for a period of one month; - place for research; - shares access to its library resources, media archive, researches, academic contacts; - provides an opportunity to present and discuss the prelimina

Panace@, número 42 (Monográfico: Periodismo científico y biosanitario)

Estimados colegas: en nombre de la redacción y del equipo técnico de  Panace@  tengo el gusto de anunciar que el número 42 de la revista, monográfico dedicado al "Periodismo científico y biosanitario", ya se puede consultar en la dirección:  http://www. tremedica.org/panacea/ PanaceaActual.htm  (Copio el índice debajo). Esperamos que disfrutéis de su contenido y de las ilustraciones que lo adornan. Aprovecho la ocasión para informar sobre la posición de  Panace@  en el SJR  (SCImago Journal Ranking):  ha pasado del Q4 en 2013 al Q3 en 2014. Por otro lado, anuncio que ya está abierta la recepción de contribuciones para el próximo monográfico (diciembre 2016), que estará dedicado al tema "La comunicación escrita para pacientes". (Encontraréis toda la información en una nota en el interior del número de la revista que acabamos de publicar). EDITORIAL Reflexionar sobre el oficio Gonzalo Casino, Antonio Calvo Roy y Santiago Graiño Knobel TRIBUNA Tra

CfP: Function and Malfunction in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and the Social Sciences

Fourth European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS) Function and Malfunction in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, and the Social Sciences Klosterneuburg, September 5–9, 2016 Directors: Jean Gayon (Paris) – Alvaro Moreno (San Sebastian) Co-organizing institutions * Centre for the Study of Life Sciences, University of Exeter * IAS-Research Center for Life, Mind & Society, University of the Basque   Country, San Sebastian * Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology   (IHPST), Paris-1 Sorbonne * Institute of Philosophy, Leibniz University Hannover * Faculty of Sciences and Department of Philosophy/Faculty of   Humanities, University of Geneva * KLI, Klosterneuburg/Vienna     Call for papers   The European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences (EASPLS) will hold its fourth meeting on September 5–9, 2016 at the KLI in Klosterneuburg near Vienna, Austria, on the topic: “Function and Mal

Post-doc position "Democratization of science" opening in Grenoble, France

A postdoc position will be available at PPL ( Philosophie, pratiques & langages , Grenoble, France - http://ppl.upmf-grenoble.fr ) for one year, starting September or October 2016, renewable for a second year, within the French ANR funded project DEMOCRASCI: Epistemological foundations and principles for the democratization of the governance of science. For more details see   http://ppl.upmf-grenoble. fr/presentation/projets- collectifs/projets-collectifs- 220115.htm?RH=1417784461075 All the best Stéphanie Ruphy

History of Conventional and Unconventional Oil Technologies - 44th ICOHTEC Meeting @ the 25th ICHSTM, Brazil 2017

History of Conventional and Unconventional Oil Technologies 44th ICOHTEC Meeting @ the 25th ICHSTM, Brazil 2017 Scholars are invited to contribute to the panel sessions on the history of the oil & gas industry organized for the 44 th ICOHTEC meeting that will be part of the 25 th International Congress on the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 23-29 July 2017 The call for papers is issued on behalf of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC). 1. Unconventional History: Sixty Years of Science and Technology in Hydraulic Fracturing The goal of this session is bringing together practitioners from academia and industry, as well as experts from the civil society to present and discuss the historical development and application of technologies for unconventional gas and oil projects during the past sixty years. Humankind has used petroleum for centuries, but modern oil society started only in the 186

Chair in Phil of Science at Univ. of Vienna

The Faculty of Philosophy and Education of the University of Vienna announces the position of a Full Professor of Philosophy of Science (full time, permanent position under private law). The Department of Philosophy has two professorial chairs in the area of philosophy of science: the chair for philosophy of science advertised here and the chair for applied philosophy of science and epistemology. Both positions are linked to a number of interdisciplinary activities that have been established in the faculty over the past few years: the "Institute Vienna Circle" (a subunit of the Faculty of Philosophy and Education since 2011), the Master-Programme "History and Philosophy of Science" (in cooperation with the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies), the Doctoral Program "The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts" (in cooperation with the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies and the Faculties of Physics, Mathematics and t

CFP: Conceptual Change in History

Conceptual Change in History Conference at the University of Helsinki September 22-24, 2016 Organised by   The Oulu Centre for Theoretical and Philosophical Studies of History http://www.oulu.fi/ centreforphilosophyofhistory/ The research project ‘Reinventing the foundations of the European Legal Culture 1934-1964’ foundlaw.org Keynote speakers Theodore Arabatzis (University of Athens) Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki) Sinai Rusinek ( Van Leer Jerusalem Institute) Benjamin Straumann (New York University) Paul Thagard (University of Waterloo) It is often suggested that historiography deals with change in time. If nothing ever changed, it would hardly make sense to do historical research. The nature of conceptual change has been an object of acute interest in recent years in the history and philosophy of science, cognitive science, Begriffsgeschichte , the history of ideas, legal history and other fields. Although a seemingly simple notio

CfP: 21st EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference

21st EURAS Annual Standardisation Conference 'Co-opetition and Open Innovation' 29 June - 1 July 2016 Montpellier, France Organised by The European Academy for Standardisation (EURAS) University of Montpellier ***Submission Deadline: 21 February 2016*** To survive and to create value in today's hypercompetitive and turbulent international business environment firms have to develop new approaches. Some of these approaches involve a certain level of co-operation with competitors. Even otherwise fierce competitors such as Samsung and Sony collaborated on a new LCD television standard and for some time the Symbian Foundation had Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola among its members. Today, companies like Airbus, Dassault and Safran Thales use collaboration platforms to foster innovation based on the contributions of the individual partners. Scholars have developed new concepts to describe, analyse and optimize these strategic inter-firm relations.