
Mostrando entradas de julio 7, 2019

CfP: Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference

On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are very pleased to invite you to attend the eleventh edition of “Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference” (ABDD11), which will take place, as always, at the “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania, between 26 th  and 28 th  September 2019. With its unique friendly atmosphere, our interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary conference offers an excellent opportunity for academics, experts and practitioners from diverse fields such as history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, medicine, literary studies, theology, or architecture to network and to share knowledge, experiences and research findings on a variety of themes concerning death and dying, such as the followings: challenges of grieving in a digital age old and contemporary meanings of the ‘good’ death  ageing well, dying well and their reverses  death, dying and the postmodern search for meaning  the great equaliser and

CfP: The Red Cross Movement, Voluntary Organisations and Reconstruction in Western Europe in the 20th century

This one-day symposium will be held at the Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po (Paris, France) on Friday 12 June 2020. This symposium intends to explore the ways in which non-government organisations have contributed to the reconstruction, and care for populations, in Western European countries such as France, the UK, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. It seeks to investigate how the Red Cross movement – the League of Red Cross Societies/International Federation of Red Cross/Red Crescent, the International Committee of Red Cross and individual national societies – alongside other voluntary organisations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, Save the Children and a range of other international and local non-government bodies, have contributed to reconstruction in these countries at both national and local levels following times of crises such as wars, civilian upheavals and natural disasters. Please submit a 300-word abstract and a short biography

CfP: Mountain Aesthetics and Ecology: The Conceptual Heritage of Alexander von Humboldt in the Americas (UNAM, Mexico City, Sept. 18-20, 2019)

Call for Proposals Travel Grants for PhD students and recent PhDs Mountain Aesthetics and Ecology: The Conceptual Heritage of Alexander von Humboldt in the Americas , an international, transdisciplinary colloquium, will take place in Mexico City at the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) September 18-20, 2019 (plus an optional, half-day thematic excursion to museums and sites). Co-organized by the Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas and the Terra Foundation for American Art, this colloquium will convene academics and curators, as well as geologists, artists, and philosophers to share recent work and analytic models for engaging with the legacy of Alexander von Humboldt. For a brief description of the concept, format, and a list of confirmed speakers see below. As part of this project, funding is available to offset the costs of travel for advanced PhD students and recent PhDs working in this field of art history, f

CfP: NeMLA 2020: Psychoanalysis and Laughter: Unconscious Meanings and Political Subversions

In his famous study on “Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious," Freud argues that jokes, and the laughter they elicit, allow a kind of access to the unconscious. They permit, among other things, the fulfillment of repressed desires, the channeling of aggression into an acceptable social form, and polysemic satisfaction. As the structure of a joke operates similarly to the structure of a dream (by condensation and displacement, metaphor and metonymy), it also enables the revelation of contemporary ideology and its ambiguities. Further, for Lacan, with the child’s “jubilant assumption of his [sic] specular image” in the mirror, laughter coincides with the ego's coming-into-being. Laughter is also connected to the phallus—and therefore castration—which easily produces laughter, for instance in the constant failure of male courting and adultery in the French Vaudeville, or in the laughter by which we cope with the failure of the sexual relation. Laughter is both imaginar

CfP: The History of Bureaucratic Knowledge: Global Comparisons, c.1200- c.1900

We are delighted to announce that The History of Bureaucratic Knowledge: Global Comparisons, c. 1200 - c. 1900 has been selected as the inaugural special theme issue of the Journal for the History of Knowledge . Edited by Sebastian Felten and Christine von Oertzen, it will appear in 2020. To quote from the proposal: "This collective publication makes the claim that the history of bureaucracy is, at its core, a history of bureaucratic knowledge. It is therefore best studied with the methods developed to historicize scientific practices. We follow knowledge-making practices as they moved across company headquarters, government bureaus, the study, and the field. In fact, fundamental practices such as writing, calculation, and record-keeping flourished first to administer states before they were used to study nature. The entwined history of science and bureaucracy is

CfP: Museum Media(ting): Emerging Technologies and Difficult Heritage

This edited volume with the working title “Museum Media(ting): Emerging Technologies and Difficult Heritage” examines theoretical approaches and case studies that demonstrate how emerging technologies can display, reveal and negotiate difficult, dissonant, negative or undesirable heritage. We are particularly interested in how emerging technologies in museums have the potential to reveal unheard or silenced stories, challenge preconceptions, encourage emotional responses, introduce the unexpected, and overall provide alternative experiences. By emerging technologies, we refer to contemporary advances and innovations in technology such as virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, holograms, artificial intelligence, gamification, smart systems, etc. How can museums, with the help of technology, manage to tell unheard stories, touch upon issues of difficult heritage, and narrate stories of unprivileged groups of people such as minorities, women, LBTG, immigrants, etc.? How

TEN 1-year Post-doctoral offers at EHESS - deadlin: July 26, 2019

https://www.ehess.fr/fr/ recrutement/recrutement-10- post-doctorantes-lehess-en- 2019 The job description is in French, but applicatons may be made in English, as long as you are ready to spend a year in a French-speaking environment.  10 research topics have been suggested: 1- L’environnement en Asie orientale et septentrionale 2- Droit et catégories coloniales 3- Le tournant numérique dans les mobilités et l’aménagement urbain 4- Penser avec le droit : philosophie et sciences sociales 5- Enjeux sociaux et politiques de la santé 6- Techniques, objets, matérialités 7- Politiques, institutions et organisations scientifiques dans le monde socialiste et post-socialiste 8- Données environnementales : infrastructures, marchés, régulations et contestations 9- Mobilisations collectives et groupes d’intérêt 10- Discriminations et inégalités au travail 

CfP: The World and Other Worlds: Imagining the Universe in the Eighteenth Century

Panel Description:  As we may note from René Descartes’s  Discours de la méthode  and Isaac Newton’s  Principia  and  Opticks , scientific discoveries have had a profound impact on the culture and writings of the long eighteenth century. Though much has been written on the scientific popularization of these texts within the Republic of Letters, with exception of Steven J. Dick, Michael Crowe, and more recently, Frédérique Aït-Touati, comparably little has been remarked on a notable by-product of scientific writing and revolutionary thought: the plurality of worlds. Since Galileo’s discovery of lunar craters and mountains in 1609, writers and scientists such as Johannes Kepler, Cyrano de Bergerac, Voltaire, and Daniel Jost de Villeneuve de Listonai have imagined life on other planets as well as the societies that exist on them. In certain cases, speculation on extraterrestrial life, such as those of Descartes and Fontenelle, have merely explored an expected universal order. In other

Royal Society Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme open for applications

The Lisa Jardine Grant of the Royal Society is currently open for applications and there is still a month left to apply (applications close 8 Aug 2019, 3pm) The grant is available to PhD students and early career researchers in history of science, and other interdisciplinary studies combining humanities and the natural sciences. The scheme offers funding for: ·           Extended research trips for UK and overseas-based researchers to use the Royal Society’s own rich historical collections (up to £8,000 available for travel and subsistence costs depending on length and destination of research, 1 - 3 months) ·           UK-based students wishing to travel overseas to carry out short, exploratory archival research trips (up to £2,000 available for trips up to 1 month) ·           International travel and expenses for UK based students to attend conferences and networking or training events (up to £2,000 available for trips up to 1 month) The grant is open to research

Santorio Award for Excellence in Research

This award is designed to support scholarly excellence in intellectual history and to promote the best PhD theses in the history of medicine and science with a focus on European and the Western traditions ( widely construed,  including interactions with, and borrowings from, other cultures/traditions/practices around the Mediterranean, especially Arabic and Hebrew) throughout the period 1100-1800.  It is named after the Italian physician and philosopher  Santorio Santori  (1561-1636), who is considered the father of quantitative experimental physiology. Nature of the Award The award consists of a cash prize (for the first position) plus a medal and a publication for the two first selected works with the series Palgrave Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Medicine  (editors: J. Barry and F. Bigotti). 1st  Place:       € 1.500 + medal + publication 2nd Place:                       medal + publication Publication is agreed separately by the editors of the series upon