
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 26, 2021

Novedad bibliográfica: POSEÍDO POR UN DIOS. La ciencia, el alma, la locura y la muerte en la obra de E.T.A. Hoffmann

 Autor: Luis Montiel “Después de muchos años trabajando con pasión y erudición la obra de E.T.A. Hoffmann sentí llegado el momento de realizar una aproximación más personal, en cierto sentido poética, al autor admirado y a aquellos de sus textos que más me habían emocionado, hecho pensar y en buena medida, transformado. Saldar una deuda, realizar un auténtico homenaje: esa era mi intención. Y hacerlo sin dejar de ser fiel a todo lo anteriormente realizado, es decir, a la inmersión en la profundidad de esos relatos cargados de sabiduría. Tenía que hacer comprender y  sentir  a otros, si es que no lo habían hecho por sí mismos, que Hoffmann fue un poeta en el sentido que a esa palabra dio el pensamiento clásico; que estaba, como habría dicho el Sócrates platónico, poseído por un dios”. Url:  https://www.amazon.es/POSE%C3%8DDO-ciencia-locura-muerte-Hoffmann/dp/B09BGPDXB9/ref=sr_1_3?__mk_es_ES=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=Luis+montiel&qid=1632642978&s=b

Inscripción al XX Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM: "Tecnología, ciencia y naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres"

La Asociación Española de Investigación de História de las Mujeres viene organizando, con carácter bienal, un Coloquio Internacional. Su XX edición está dedicada a la presencia de la tecnología, la ciencia y la naturaleza en la historia de las mujeres, con el objetivo de llevar a cabo una reflexión colectiva sobre la importancia de la relación entre la naturaleza y la feminidad. Este rasgo constituyente de muchas sociedades y civilizaciones históricas se ha construido a menudo en oposición a la idea de cultura, ciencia y tecnología. El feminismo ha sido pionero en el cuestionamiento de las visiones dicotómicas que asociaban a las mujeres con la naturaleza y a los hombres con la civilización. Por un lado, sabemos que las mujeres han contribuido a la cultura, al desarrollo de las ciencias, y que han dominado diversidad de tecnologías, tanto para alterar la naturaleza como para transformar el cuerpo por medio de diferentes prácticas y técnicas de representación de la feminidad. Por otro l

Travel grants for the Library and Museum of history of medicine and science, Valencia 2021-2022

Travel Fellowships for research at the Library and Museum of History of Science and Medicine at the López Piñero Interuniversity Institute for Science Studies (IILP). These fellowships are addressed to scholars in history of science, medicine and technology and related fields, aiming to conduct research at the library and museum collections of the López Piñero Interuniversity Institute ( www.uv.es/ihmc ).  Visiting scholars are also expected to present their research in the seminar series or other activities of the Institute and to participate in informal academic meetings with Institute members. The fellowships cover (up to a maximum of € 1500) lodging at the Rector Peset College (or a similar a similar accommodation) for a stay between one week (min.) and one month (max.) during the academic year 2021- 2022. The final amount will depend on the length of the stay, available financial resources and the number of accepted applications. The visiting fellows will also obtain library c

CfP: Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science

The Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science is seeking abstracts for its 2022 conference. The meeting is scheduled for March 10-12 at Emory University in Atlanta.  We welcome abstracts on a broad range of topics from any period in the history of science, medicine, and technology, and encourage submissions from graduate students, faculty, professionals, and independent scholars.  We especially invite submissions that address global histories, as well as those related to the histories of disability, race, gender, or the environment.  Topics do not need to be Southern in focus and presenters do not need to be affiliated with Southern institutions to submit a proposal. The conference currently is scheduled to be in-person, but the organizers will evaluate the situation closer to the conference date. Visit sahms.net for information and to submit. Contact Email:  sahmsconference@gmail.com  

Predoctoral Fellowship “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”

  For the Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”, led by Dr. Sietske Fransen, the Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max Planck Institute for Art History in Rome (Italy) seeks to appoint:     A Predoctoral Fellow  (m/f/d) (1-year appointment)  The Max Planck society is Germany’s premier research organization. The 86 Max Planck Institutes conduct research at highest levels, in the service of the general public, in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities. The Max Planck Research Group “Visualizing Science in Media Revolutions”, based at the Bibliotheca Hertziana in Rome, has been formed to examine how scientific practitioners visualize their ideas, illustrate their working methods, and communicate their observations, with a specific focus on the early modern period. We are especially interested in the impact that new media have had on processes of visualization and whether or not changes in these processes reflect new ways of thinking.

CfP : Escuela de primavera Pandemic Pasts, Maó 5-7 de mayo de 2022

Tenemos el placer de comunicaros que la escuela de primavera  “ Pandemic pasts, pandemic futures. Sources, histories, imaginations ” de la SCHCT tendrá finalmente lugar del 5 al 7 de mayo de 2022, en el antiguo Lazareto de Mahón, Baleares.  Con esta nueva (y definitiva) fecha, hemos decidido lanzar un segundo y último CfP. Estaremos encantados de recibir nuevas propuestas, tanto para los talleres como para la sesión de “poster”.  

CfA: "Time of Crisis/Temps de crise(s)"

  The journal Consecutio rerum ( http://www.consecutio.org ) selects original contributions for the issue n. 12 (2022/1), “Temps de crise(s)”. The term “crisis” is increasingly invoked to define very different phenomena. Contemporary times are characterized by generalized and permanent crises which seemingly do not spare any field. On the background of the financial and economic crisis of 2008 and of its lasting deleterious consequences, at least two different crises have recently come to the forefront of public debate: populations and States are now facing the health crisis triggered by the pandemic and the signs of an unprecedented climate crisis, i.e. extraordinary natural events such as megafires, torrential rains, abnormally high temperatures, etc.; moreover, contemporary societies witness political crises (which affect both democratic representation and the legitimacy of political decisions) as well as an individual and collective malaise, reflected in identity crises, or in the

Chamada para dossiês RBHC

A Revista Brasileira de História da Ciência (RBHC) convida pesquisadoras e pesquisadores a submeterem propostas de dossiês temáticos a serem publicados a partir do número 2 do volume 15 (publicação entre novembro e dezembro de 2022). Serão aprovadas, no mínimo,  2 (duas) propostas  de dossiês temáticos. Critérios gerais para as propostas: 1. O dossiê proposto deve abranger um tema relevante da História da Ciência, sendo também aceitas propostas interdisciplinares que com ela dialoguem; 2. O dossiê deve ser organizado por, no mínimo,  dois  e, no máximo,  quatro  pesquisadoras e/ou pesquisadores com título de doutor e vinculados a instituições diferentes de ensino ou pesquisa nacionais ou internacionais. Dar-se-á preferência a propostas com organizadores de instituições diferentes. 3. A apresentação da proposta de dossiê deve conter: 1. Título; 2. Resumo e justificativa (máximo de 3000 caracteres, com espaço), explorando a originalidade da proposta, sua relevância para o cam

CfP: The “Vichy parenthesis’’ ? Trajectories of academics and disciplinary reconfigurations during the Occupation and the immediate post-war period

This thematic issue aims to bring together contributions from specialists in the history of law, social sciences, economics, and exact sciences in order to complete or to question the historiography devoted to academic disciplines, universities, or scientific institutions during the Occupation of France and the immediate post-war period. Since the 1990s and the 2000s, global studies have been devoted to universities under the Vichy regime [Gueslin 1996], as well as to the purge of academics [Singer 1997] and [Rouquet 2010]. Monographs have also been devoted to universities or Grandes Écoles during the Second World War, as shown by the examples of the École polytechnique [Baruch, Guigeno 2000], the École normale supérieure [Israël 2005], the  Reichsuniversität   Strassburg  and the University of Strasbourg which was transferred to Clermont-Ferrand since September 1939 [Crawford and Olff-Nathan 2005], [Baechler, Irgesheim, Racine 2005] and [Möller 2020]. The historiography on academic di

CfP: IX Simposio Iberoamericano de Historia de la Cartografía: "Cartografías Iberoamericanas en un mundo globalizado"

The IX SIAHC will be held virtually -possible switch to a hybrid format to be confirmed- in Lima, at the Riva-Agüero Institute and the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú from April 18 to 21, 2022. Registration is free for speakers and attendees; the official languages ​​are Spanish and Portuguese. The deadline for submitting paper proposals is November 15. More information at: https://simposio-9siahc.pucp.edu.pe/

CfP: Rethinking Institutions and Deinstitutionalisation from a Disability Perspective

Université Saint-Louis, Brussels, July 7 and 8, 2022  Url:  https://alterconf2022.sciencesconf.org/   Click here to watch the video in International Signs :   https://youtu.be/K6_ij_cCyN4 Framework . Call for Papers for the annual meeting of Alter – European Society for Disability Research/Société Européenne de Recherche sur le Handicap ( http://alter-asso.org ). The conference will be held on 7 and 8 July 2022 at University Saint-Louis, Brussels, and will be hosted by the team of the interdisciplinary research project AutonomiCap ( https://autonomicap-usaintlouis.org/ ), which focuses on the intertwined notions of autonomy and disability.  The conference will result in the publication of a selection of contributions, notably in a peer-reviewed collection of essays. Submission . Is invited to submit an abstract any junior or senior researcher working on disability or related issues, such as mental health or loss of autonomy, in the humanities and social sciences. The main disci