
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 8, 2019

XVIII Congreso de la SEHM. Medicina, Ciencia y Ley. Valencia 29-30 junio y 1 de julio 2020

El XVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina (SEHM) “Medicina, Ciencia y Ley”,  tendrá como objetivo principal reflexionar desde una perspectiva histórica sobre las relaciones entre la medicina y otras disciplinas científicas y la ley. Se celebrará en Valencia durante los días 29 y 30 de junio y 1 de julio de 2020 en el Palau de Cerveró, sede del instituto Interuniversitario López Piñero, y en el Col·legi Major Rector Peset. Está abierta a la participación de sus socias y socios, así como de las historiadoras e historiadores de la medicina, la ciencia, la técnica y disciplinas afines, abriéndose a diferentes tipos de contribuciones (comunicaciones, mesas temáticas, pósteres y videos). Se pueden presentar propuestas de Comunicaciones y de Mesas Temáticas (ibntegradas por 4-6 comunicantes). Ambos tipos de propuesta podrán estar dedica

Musas, núm. 5.2: llamada para artículos sobre vulnerabilidad

MUSAS: revista de Investigación en mujer, salud y sociedad Se abre la llamada a artículos para el número 5.2 de Musas : revista de Investigación en mujer , salud y sociedad , que abordará cuestiones sobre la vulnerabilidad , las mujeres , la salud y la sociedad en el sentido más amplio. El contexto actual que rodea los procesos de maternidad invita a reflexionar a partir de las precarias condiciones en las que las mujeres tienen que enfrentarse a esta experiencia . Se aceptan artículos originales , revisión bibliográfica y trabajos de investigación desde una perspectiva histórica, ética, social o antropológica . El plazo para el envío de propuestas es el 15 de abril de 2020 mediante el website de la revista:  http://revistes.ub.edu/index.php/MUSAS/announcement/view/449

Novedad bibliográfica: "Emotional bodies. The historical performativity of emotions"

Edited by Dolores Martín-Moruno & Beatriz Pichel What do emotions actually do? Recent work in the history of emotions and its intersections with cultural studies and new materialism has produced groundbreaking revelations around this fundamental question. In Emotional Bodies , contributors pick up these threads of inquiry to propose a much-needed theoretical framework for further study of materiality of emotions, with an emphasis on emotions' performative nature. Drawing on diverse sources and wide-ranging theoretical approaches, they illuminate how various persons and groups—patients, criminals, medieval religious communities, revolutionary crowds, and humanitarian agencies—perform emotional practices. A section devoted to medical history examines individual bodies while a section on social and political histories studies the emergence of collective bodies. Contributors: Jon Arrizabalaga, Rob Boddice, Leticia Fernández-Fontecha, Emma Hutchison, Dolores

CfP: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Special Issue

In the last few years, humanities scholars and social scientists studying medicine and healthcare have paid increasing attention to affect theory and the history of emotions. Indeed, emotions and affect are key to many of the fundamental themes in the history of medicine. Historians are attuned to the emotions of suffering patients, they have attended to the role feelings play in the construction of pre-modern clinical stereotypes, and they have addressed the emotional intensity of healthcare activism and the political deployment of public feeling. However, less attention has been paid to the feelings of healthcare practitioners and the efforts on behalf of governments, administrators, managers, and policymakers to manage the emotional landscape of twentieth-century healthcare.  These concerns are timely. Anxieties about the emotional health and ‘wellbeing’ of healthcare professionals have gained increased public attention in both Britain and the United States of Am

CfP: Pedagogy, Popularization, and the Public Understanding of Science, ECR conference, May 28-29, 2020

The Fellows of the Beckman Center at the Science History Institute are pleased to invite proposals for a two-day graduate and early-career conference on science education, science popularization, and their histories. The conference will be held at the Science History Institute in Philadelphia, PA on May 28–29, 2020. We are interested in the interactions between science education and science popularization from the perspective of history and social science. For more than a decade now, scholarship in these fields has recognized the central role of pedagogy and training in creating new scientists and structuring research practice. It has also expanded enquiry to encompass the impact of science and technology upon diverse publics in a range of popular media, including print publications, the Internet, and entertainment programs. While formal professional training is one segment of science education, the informal educational opportunities offered in these media, together with K-12 scien

Publicación nº11 DE Historia y Memoria de la Educación

Url:  http://revistas.uned.es/index.php/HMe/issue/view/1347/showToc Núm. 11 (2020) Historia de la educación matemática en Iberoamérica DOI:  https://doi.org/10.5944/ hme.11.2020 Número completo Ver o descargar el número completo PDF Tabla de contenidos Presentación La historia de la educación matemática en Iberoamérica Dolores Carrillo Gallego, José Manuel Matos, Encarna Sánchez Jiménez, Wagner Rodrigues Valente

CfP: STEMM & Belief in Diverse Contexts, 1-3 July, 2020, Stellenbosch, South Africa

Please note: bursaries to support attendance are available, including (but not limited to) specific funds for early career researchers and researchers who are based in Africa. Organised by the International Research Network for the Study of Science and Belief in Society (IRNSSBS) in association with the  Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology  (CREST), Stellenbosch University, South Africa. In the last decade, there has been significant growth in social scientific and humanities research focusing on science, religion and belief in society. Greater attention is being paid to the varied ways in which perceptions of different aspects of STEMM subjects (science, technology, engineering, medicine, and mathematics) have been, or are, influenced by religious and non-religious belief, identity, community and conflict in different geographical, cultural and historical contexts. As this field of research has grown it has engaged in myth busting popular pe

Picturing health using tropical medicine (20th and 21th centuries

The Symposium here proposed deals with the history of tropical medicine from the point of view of the  social, political and environmental determinants of  diseases now considered “neglected” . Illustrations on these diseases, the people who suffer from them and the people who study and confront them require cross perspectives combining not only disciplines such as entomology, parasitology, ecology, geography etc., but also visual and written testimonies and physical  devices or tools used for the study and representation of natural, social and medical phenomena. Conventional narratives about the history of tropical medicine emphasize the North Atlantic axis, in other words, contributions pertaining mainly to Great Britain, France, Germany and the United States. The Symposium hopes to stress the importance of South-South interactions or what nowadays is called the Global South, still underestimated in narratives that consider countries of the northern hemisphere as “centres” of kno

Cfp ESHS 2020: Popular representation/misrepresentation of modern physical theories

The Commission for the History of Physics calls for contributions to a symposium at the ESHS conference, Bologna (31 August-3 September 2020).   http://www.eshs.org/Bologna- ESHS-Conference.html Popular representation/ misrepresentation of modern physical theories The first decades of the twentieth century saw a plethora of reactions to the theories of relativity and the quanta. Much has been said about the reception of such theories in different cultural, philosophical and scientific geographies but more often than not, these have been presented in terms of the consistency of the theories and their philosophical implications. Earlier "reception" studies prioritized mostly professionals in the field, physicists and to some degree mathematicians and philosophers, but we want to expand the focus to the general public and media, and also to various other kinds of intellectuals in science, medicine, humanities, religious thinkers, artists, etc. beyond physics per se. In t

CFP: “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Zoological Gardens” (for ESHS conference, Bologna, Aug/Sept 2020)

The European Society for the History of Science will meet in Bologna, 31 August - 3 September 2020. Given that the conference theme is “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science” we would like to propose a session on   “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Zoological Gardens”   In the last twenty years or so, the history of zoological gardens has been the topic of a considerable number of innovate studies, including the history of science, cultural studies, human-animal-studies and adjoining fields. Nevertheless, many questions have only been addressed in a very tentative manner. Leaving behind a rather institutional historiography we would like to get to the nitty-gritty details of the zoo. This session would like to focus for example on issues such as the experiences of visitors in all its sensory richness. How are the exotic animals “seen” and how do the displays change over time? Yet it is also interested in the concrete make-up and functioning of

Climate Futures for ESHS: call for contributions

Historicizing climate futures: representational politics and public imaginaries During the last fifty years, scientific representations of climate futures have become uni-directional in nature, eclipsing the static or cyclical views of climate evolution. Current views heavily lean towards scenarios of continuous, positive radiative forcing in which anthropogenic drivers override the natural variability and all but eliminate the likelihood of alternative outcomes until at least 2100 (IPCC 2013). Historically, however, directional representations competed with alternatives, most notably with the steady-state (or oscillatory) ideas associated with geographic latitudes or physiognomies of regional lands. Even within the directional framework, varieties of outcomes and mechanisms of change have been proposed: terminal glaciations ceded to terminal meltdowns, benign variability to apocalyptic extremes, floods to deserts. And arguments were raised as to whether particular trend

Long- and short-term fellowships at the Science History Institute, Philadelphia, USA

The Beckman Center at the Science History Institute offers fellowships on an annual cycle for scholars doing research on our collections or in the history and social studies of chemistry, chemical engineering, and the life sciences. Fellows are expected to participate in biweekly informal writing groups and give at least one Lunchtime Lecture . They also have the opportunity to take part in a variety of outreach activities while in residence at the Institute. About 20 fellowships are given out annually, making the Beckman Center the largest private fellowship program in the history of science in the United States. Researchers travel from all over the world to use our collections and take part in a vibrant scholarly community. The research collections at the Institute range chronologically from the 15th century to the present and include 6,000 rare books; significant archival holdings; thousands of images and other graphic materials; memorabilia of various kinds; oral h