
Mostrando entradas de enero 19, 2025

Ficcions de Ciència obre convocatòria per a la seva primera edició

Ficcions de Ciència obre convocatòria per a la seva primera edició. Ficcions de Ciència és un festival dedicat a explorar la connexió entre la ciència i la societat a través del cinema amb l’objectiu de fomentar la cultura científica i el debat públic. Aquest projecte, impulsat per l’ Associació Catalana de Comunicació Científica , tindrà com a seu principal els Cinemes Texas . A més, compta amb el suport de l’ Ajuntament de Barcelona i la col·laboració de l’ Institut d’Història de la Ciència de la UAB i el Centre de Cultura “ La Bonne ”, entre d’altres. Els interessats podran presentar les seves obres des del 15 de gener fins al 15 d’abril de 2025 a través de la plataforma Festhome . El festival accepta curtmetratges de ficció, animació i documentals en què la ciència sigui el fil conductor. A més, la primera edició, que tindrà lloc del 26 de maig al 7 de juny de 2025, comptarà amb una secció oficial dedicada a la interacció entre la ciència i la salut mental. D'entre les obres...

CfP: Society of Ancient Medicine and Pharmacology SCS/AIA 26, Individual and Communal Health and Identity

Health and Identity at the Personal and Communal Levels, organized by Aileen Das (University of Michigan), Calloway Scott (University of Cincinnati), and Michiel Meeusen (HU Berlin/KU Leuven) “Le malattie non esistono, esiste l’uomo malato ...” [1] What does it mean when one ‘is’ healthy or ill, pained or disabled? What defining impact does such a qualification have on one’s identity as a human being, individually or as part of a community? How are these states ‘recognized’ (socially and diagnostically), and what are the repercussions for concomitant life conditions and expectations? What historical, cultural, political dynamics help in shaping such identities, and how do they relate to personal and communal perceptions and experiences of illness? The publication of Homo Patiens: Approaches to the Patient in the Ancient World (ed. G. Petridou and C. Thumiger, Brill: Leiden, 2015) has been germinal for its attention to the individual, but recent events relating to the Covid-19 pandemic...

Call for Proposals for a volume on gender and environmental history

An editor at Taylor and Francis has invited the curation and editing of a collection of essays that illustrates the current state of scholarship at the intersection of gender and environmental history. This project welcomes proposals from historians and scholars in related fields working in any time period or geographical context. Essays should demonstrate the analytical insights offered by a gendered perspective on environmental history and, conversely, what environmental approaches can reveal about the history of women and men, gender, and sexuality. Submissions focusing on the ancient and medieval periods, as well as the long nineteenth century and/or the Industrial Revolution, are especially encouraged. Proposals addressing the early modern period (up to 1820) and the very late twentieth century have already been received, and further contributions are sought to help bridge and connect these different eras—specifically, the time “before the IR/after the Bomb.” Instructions for prop...

CfP: Histories of Aging and Elderly Lives

Process: A Blog for American History invites proposals and submissions for an upcoming series on the elderly in U.S. history. While there is a vast array of histories relating to youth culture, children, and young adults in the United States, there are fewer comparable studies on the history of elderly culture and their impact on American society. We are open to accepting articles on wide range of themes relating to the study of the elderly in U.S. history, which could include, but are not limited to: the elderly as a political voting bloc or as representatives in U.S. politics, the culture of retirement communities or Sunbelt cities, the purchasing power of elderly Americans or their broader economic impact in American industries, histories of health and medicine in relation to the elderly, or historical memory and interpretations advocated by elderly Americans. We are also interested in articles that explore historical research methodologies on this subject or that explore this subj...