
Mostrando entradas de julio 4, 2021

Nuevo número: História Ciência Saúde Manguinhos 2021

Se ha publicado el número más reciente de la revista História Ciência Saúde Manguinhos (el segundo del presente año de 2021) La carta del editor resume las actividades del año 2020 y los otros textos también espero que sean de su interés Url: http://www.revistahcsm.coc.fiocruz.br/hcs-manguinhos-traz-balanco-de-2020/?fbclid=IwAR2v10MXxn9W1oOmm2y8SMQWrO4SBveAfN660Aua7jLr6wUYhBqV-D74-gg Url: https://www.scielo.br/j/hcsm/i/2021.v28n2/

CfP: Frauds, Charlatans, and Impostors in the Early Modern World

 CfP for Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Dublin, 30 March 2022-2 April 2022 Inspired by our ongoing preoccupation with fake news in the present, recent scholarship has done much to elucidate the manufacture and discovery of fakes and forgeries in the early modern period. However, it was not only the identities of texts and objects that were constantly re-created at this time. People too practiced dissimulation and imposture, whether out of religious conviction, a desire for economic gain, or the simple need to survive. The means of detecting imposture developed in tandem with its practice, helping to shape the new state and ecclesiastical bureaucracies of the early modern period. Yet despite its inherent interest and historical significance, there is still much more that we have to learn about this topic. We therefore invite papers which explore any aspect of the theory and practice of dissimulation, imposture, or their detection in the early modern world. This set of pa

CfP: Scientiae Studies series at Amsterdam UP

“SCIENTIAE STUDIES” (AMSTERDAM UP) Call for Papers: Deadline 31 July, 2021 How to apply Please send an abstract of max. 250 words , along with your name, affiliation and title to Stefano Gulizia We are soliciting brief expressions of interest for a collection of papers that come out of our recent annual meeting in Amsterdam as well as full abstracts from scholars working on the two overarching themes underlined below. Our goal is to connect prospective authors with opportunities within our book series, which now has one title in print ( Making Truth in Early Modern Catholicism , 2021) and three more in production. We invite proposals for papers on the two following topics : “Scholarly Enclosures” (e.g. libraries as a space of knowledge; travel, indexing, and storage; self-fashioning and scholarly personae; note-taking; cross-cultural encounters) “Alchemical Boundaries” (e.g. corpuscular philosophies; paper and everyday knowledge; magic, medicine, and theology; natural observations; al

CfP: International Conference on History of Insurance in Global Perspective

University of Basel, Switzerland, 20–22 July 2022 Deadline for Proposals: 30th of September 2021 This international conference investigates insurance as a crucial element of the general globaliza­tion of finance and of capitalism. Since the early modern period, the geographical diffusion of insurance is closely linked to processes of globalization and de-globalization. The conference presents a broad picture of the multi-dimensional history of international insurance. This covers different periods, regions and branches of insurance: from late-medieval and early modern maritime insurance over the diffusion of life and non-life insurance in the Western hemisphere during the 19th century, the rise of non-Western markets and corporations in colonial and post-colonial contexts, to the effects of recent financial crises on global insurance markets. A global lens also invites a combination of a wider global perspective with local, micro-historical analyses. Sessions and papers are invited to

CfP: Social diversity and access to healthcare for minority groups in the context of hospital and clinical healthcare

 “Social diversity and access to healthcare for minority groups in the context of hospital and clinical healthcare” Healthcare, understood as a medical space, is an excellent example of a public space that models the processes of social integration and social equity. In a general sense, healthcare can connect diverse groups of a society under the common idea of health and illness. However, depending on its organization, it can also influence societal segregation of minority groups. The project “Healthcare as a Public Space: Social Integration and Social Diversity in the Context of Access to Healthcare in Europe” focuses on diversity in the general social context of healthcare as well as in the specific context of medical institutions. The aim of this project is to generate systematic and in-depth knowledge about how and to what degree the European norms and guidelines concerning diversity are implemented in national legal regulations in Germany, Slovenia, Croatia, and Poland and how th

CENTAURUS, vol. 63, issue 2, incl. The Material Culture and Politics of Artifacts in Nuclear Diplomacy

Volume 63, Issue 2 CENTAURUS The journal of the European Society for the History of Science —— The latest issue of Centaurus is now available online. Volume 63, Issue 2 CONTENTS: Special Issue: The Material Culture and Politics of Artifacts in Nuclear Diplomacy Guest editors: Maria Rentetzi and Kenji Ito Objects are considered powerful tokens of complexity in diplomatic encounters and of asymmetry in international relations. Focusing on the nuclear history of the second half of the twentieth century, this special issue stresses the importance of material culture in Diplomatic Studies of Science and Technology, a new research strand in Science and Technology Studies. We collectively theorize the role of objects in diplomatic exchanges and that of diplomacy in constituting the materiality of nuclear things.

Publication of Volume 30, Issue 2 of the journal Metascience

Publication of Volume 30, Issue 2 of the journal   Metascience.     Editors: K. Brad Wray and Jonathan Simon     https://link.springer.com/ journal/11016/volumes-and- issues/30-2       In this issue     EDITORIAL   1.        Jonathan Simon, The philosophers' stone     SYMPOSIUM: ON ALCHEMY   2.        William R. Newman, Rampling and the Ripley Corpus   3.        Anna Marie Roos, Alchemical exegesis   4.        Stephen Clucas, Playing with (experimental) fire   5.        Jennifer M. Rampling, Alchemical reading in action  

Call for chapters: Reinventing Presence: Museums and Emerging Technologies

Deadline: September 15th 2021 The last years have seen a rediscovery or re-articulation of the concept of ‘presence’, as a reaction to the dominance of the concepts of ‘meaning’ and ‘interpretation’. Based on Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht’s distinction between ‘meaning culture’ and ‘presence culture’ as defined in his book “Production of Presence: What Meaning Cannot Convey”, and the need to go beyond the layer of meaning and relate to the world in more complex, bodily and space-related ways, the dimension of ‘presence culture’ is brought to spotlight, and more particularly the relationship between human bodies and the world around them. This edited volume, with the working title “Reinventing Presence: Museums and Emerging Technologies” examines theoretical approaches and case studies that explore how this ‘presence culture’ can also be applied both in museum spaces and virtual experiences, where visitors engage with objects and virtual exhibitions in real time, multisensory, and embodied ways

Call for Papers & Illustrations: Voices from the Prairie

The Humanities Iowa literary magazine titled Voices from the Prairie (now published quarterly) will highlight in Fall 2021 the theme of “Graveled Roads & Resilience.”  This upcoming issue will explore the measured landscape of Iowa with its surveyed square miles of graveled roads as contrasted with the resiliency of the tall grass prairie.  Logos & pathos.  Rigid grids and wild creativity remain overlooked but complex, contemplative examples of landscape and the prairie personality, and certainly this past year has lent itself to personal transformation and reflection.  Toughness, survival, movement, change, growth.  This issue’s theme will recognize the longevity of the prairie with various voices that respectfully resonate from this natural and social landscape. This quarterly issue will highlight original essays, poetry, short stories, vignettes, sonnets, photographs, and illustrations—even garden designs and recipes--related to this theme within the many and varied aspects