
Mostrando entradas de febrero 14, 2010

UNIVERSEUM NETWORK MEETING University Heritage: Present and Future Museum Gustavianum University of Uppsala, Sweden, 17-20 June 2010

UNIVERSEUM NETWORK MEETING University Heritage: Present and Future Museum Gustavianum University of Uppsala, Sweden, 17-20 June 2010 SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS TheEuropean Academic Heritage Network UNIVERSEUM would like to announceits 11th annual meeting. UNIVERSEUM invites submissions of papersdevoted to academic heritage in its broadest sense, tangible andintangible, namely the preservation, study, access and promotion ofuniversity collections, museums, archives, libraries, and buildings ofhistorical and scientific significance. Graduate students are especially encouraged to attend. The main theme of the conference is 'University Heritage: Present and Future', however papers on other topics are welcomed too. 'University Heritage: Present and Future' Academicheritage institutions' traditional roles are collecting, preservation,research and teaching. Increasingly, they are expected to developpublic programs and exhibitions as well

Pre-doctoral Position (3 Years) -- Philosophy-Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science

Pre-doctoral Position (3 Years) -- Philosophy-Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science Job Title:      Pre-doctoral Position (3 Years) -- Philosophy Department:     Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science Department Website:     http://www.ub.edu/logica/Dpt-a.html Institution:    University of Barcelona (Ub.Es) Barcelona, Barcelona Spain Application Deadline:   Mar. 19, 2010 Position Start Date:    Oct. 1, 2010 Job Categories:         Graduate Student Academic Field(s):      Philosophy Humanities - General Job Website:    http://www.ub.edu/petaf/ Apply Online Here:  http://www.ub.edu/petaf/?q=content/calls Apply By E-mail:        petaf.management@gmail.com Apply online for this job Download PDF E-mail me this higher education job! Save For Later Print This Refer a Friend of Colleague

Crisis and Resolution: Imagination and the Transformation of Psychiatric Care

Bonjour, Appel à communication pour une session"Crisis and Resolution: Imagination and the Transformation of Psychiatric Care"(W106), EASA 2010 Conference in Maynooth, Ireland (24-27 Aug 2010). Date limite de soumission : 1er mars 2010 Crisis and Resolution: Imagination and the Transformation of Psychiatric Care Psychiatry represents an institution at the intersection of social solidarity and exclusion, with the specific configuration of these two elements differing in various historical and cultural contexts. Looking at the history of psychiatric care, one could argue that its evolutions were achieved through various crises (the crisis of the asylum and the anti-psychiatry movement, psychiatry's inability to care for mentally ill living in the streets, human rights abuses.). For various reasons, the resolutions of these crises often relied on the creativity of groups or individuals with very practical consequences for introducing new forms of care - B

"Medicina e letteratura"

La editorial italiana Zadig ha publicado, bajo la coordinación de sandro Spinsanti, una colección de textos sobre "Medicina e letteratura" publicados a lo largo de varios años por diversos autores, entre los que me cuento, en "L'arco di Giano. Rivista de Medical Humanities" y "Janus". Espero poder introducir ien breve nformación más detallada en mi blog "medicina y literatura" ( http://luismontielllorente.blogspot.com/ ) Prof. Dr. Luis Montiel Historia de la Medicina Facultad de Medicina Universidad Complutense 28040 Madrid- España https://sites.google.com/site/montielllorente/


THINGS AND SPIRITS: NEW APPROACHES TO MATERIALITY AND IMMATERIALITY Venue: Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon Date: 15, 16 and 17 September 2010 CALL FOR PAPERS NOW OPEN DEADLINE: 17 May 2010 Please submit a 500 words abstract and a brief bio by email to: Ricardo Roque: ricardo.roque@ics.ul.pt Joao Vasconcelos: vasconcelos.joao@gmail.com THINGS AND SPIRITS: MATERIALITY AND IMMATERIALITY RECONSIDERED This conference is aimed at exploring new ways of approaching the tensional and intimate connections between 'things' and 'spirits' across distinct practices and epistemologies. In recent decades, the theme of materiality has gained wider currency and centrality in social sciences and anthropological theory. A growing number of scholars in the anthropology of religion, material culture studies, and history and sociology of science and technology have been reexamining the partition between humans, material objects, and immaterial entities, along

Global South Scholar-In-Residence programme

The Global South Scholar-In-Residence programme is a programme which aims at developing an intellectual exchange between academics from Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Graduate Institute's faculty. Three candidates per semester will be selected to spend one semester at the Institute in order to take advantage of the programme to update their teaching curricula, participate in teaching courses, further their research projects and contribute to enriching the intellectual life of the Institute. Priority will be given to university teachers - with a preference for women and junior academics - who will seek to apply the benefits of their stay at the Institute upon returning to their own institution. Conditions for application: - PhD holder working as a university teacher; - Specialization in one of the domains or disciplines of the Institute: International Affairs, Development Studies, International Law, International Economics, International Relations, International History

Fabricating the Body: Textiles and human health in historical perspective Pasold Research Fund Conference

Call for Papers      Fabricating the Body: Textiles and human health in historical perspective Pasold Research Fund Conference   Centre for Medical History, University of Exeter 6 – 8 April, 2011 This conference aims to bring together historians of textiles and clothing, and of health, with scholars of social, medical, cultural, and economic history to examine the rich connections between textiles, human health and welfare, environmental issues, and self expression (including ‘sunlight seekers’ and ‘body culture’ movements of the past 150 years). The conference welcomes papers that will address f ive main themes: • Early modern and modern textiles manufacturing and the association of benign and malign influences in the growth of industry and the impact on the labour force, land and water use. • The modern environmental costs of textiles production, from soil utilisation (and erosion) to the chemical manufacture of man-made fibres and the consequences of toxic min

BODIES, GENDER AND MEDICINE A workshop sponsored by GENCAS and the Research Institute for the Arts and Humanities, School of Arts and Humanities, Swansea University

BODIES, GENDER AND MEDICINE A workshop sponsored by GENCAS and the Research Institute for the Arts and Humanities, School of Arts and Humanities, Swansea University FRIDAY 5 MARCH 2010, 09.00 – 15.30 Arts & Humanities Conference room, James Callaghan Building 09.00-10.30 Welcome & Session 1: Literature, Medical Practice, and the Gendered Body Dr Alison Williams Department of Modern Languages Swansea University THE MONK’S GUIDE TO BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD: OBSTETRICS AND PAEDIATRICS IN RABELAIS. Dr Dan Healey Department of History & Classics Swansea University THE BODY OF THE GULAG PATIENT: GULAG MEDICINE, SIMULATION AND “DRAMATOLOGICAL” CONTESTS 10.30-10.45: Coffee 10.45-12.15 Session 2: Everything You Wanted to Know about Sex* (And How Knowing Will Change You) Julia Cutmore School of Medicine SEXUALITY IN PHILIP ROTH’S NOVELS ABOUT AGEING AND DEATH. Dr Lutz Sauerteig Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease Durham University  ‘PUBERTY AND THE MAKING OF GE

Two-Year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship 2010-12: Science, Medicine and Society in Africa

Two-Year Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship 2010-12: Science, Medicine and Society in Africa The study of the role of science and medicine in contemporary Africa is a growing field. Undoubtedly some of the current attention to this subject has been produced by the HIV/AIDS epidemic, but the issues go beyond this to include fundamental questions about the definition and role of science in African societies, the history and role of African science professionals and scientific education, the ethics, popular perceptions and interpretations of medical and scientific research in African communities, and expectations of (and disappointments with) medical provision. This two-year postdoctoral fellowship will be held jointly at the Centre of African Studies and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science. The Fellow will be housed in the Centre and the post administered from there. He/she will report to the Director and Management Committee. The stated aims of the Mellon Postdoctoral

University of Aberdeen Global Empires Post-Graduate Research Project

University of Aberdeen Global Empires Post-Graduate Research Project In recent years across a range of disciplines, empire has become a paradigm for rethinking a globalized world. In this context, the University of Aberdeen is pleased to advertise a number of Masters (fees only) and Doctoral (fees and partial maintenance) Studentships within a broader interdisciplinary project on the 'Ideas, Practices, and Impacts of Global Empires'. This brings together a supervisory team drawn from History, Anthropology, Hispanic Studies, International Relations, and the University's Museums. Within the project, we are interested in a number of themes: cross cultural encounters and collecting; material culture and visual representations of encounters; trade, migration, and empire; the ideologies of empires; and resistance and the ends of empires. Our areas of focus include: the British and American empires (especially Canada , the American South, South Asia, South Africa and the Antipo

(German) Stip: 10 Promotionsstip. "Laboratorium Aufklaerung" (Univ. Jena) (Jahnavi Phalkey)

Doktorandenschule "Laboratorium Aufkl?rung" der Friedrich-Schiller-Universit?t Jena, Jena Bewerbungsschluss: 31.03.2010 Die interdisziplin?re Doktorandenschule "Laboratorium Aufkl?rung" der Friedrich-Schiller-Universit?t Jena vergibt bis zu 10 Promotionsstipendien im Bereich der Geistes-, Sozial-, Rechts-, Kommunikations- und Kulturwissenschaften sowie der Ev. Theologie. In der Doktoranden?schule werden schwerpunktm??ig Probleme der Moderne im langen 18. Jahrhundert und in der Gegenwart sowie im Vergleich der beiden Zeitr?ume untersucht. Die Doktorandenschule wird vom Land Th?ringen im Programm "ProExzellenz" gef?rdert. Sie bietet neben einem Stipendium (1000,- Euro zzgl. Sachkosten) ein interdisziplin?res Netzwerk, eine fachlich einschl?gige Betreuung, ein Coaching-Programm (nach individuellem Bedarf) und einen historisch wie gegenw?rtig anregenden Lebensort. Erwartet werden ?berdurchschnittliche Studienleistungen und das Interesse, sic

The New York Academy of Medicine’s Section on the History of Medicine and Public Health is pleased to announce the next talk in its 2009-2010 public lecture series is pleased to announce the next talk in its 2009-2010 public lecture series.

The New York Academy of Medicine’s Section on the History of Medicine and Public Health is pleased to announce the next talk in its 2009-2010 public lecture series. The Iago Galdston Lecture:? “Bleed or Not Bleed Mrs. Camac? A 19th Century Medical Decision” Steven J. Peitzman, M.D., Drexel University College of Medicine Wednesday, March 17, 2010 6:00 PM, with a public reception starting at 5:30 PM In 1862, a busy Philadelphia physician named Owen J. Wister stayed overnight at the home of the Camacs. Mrs. Camac was pregnant and dangerously ill, giving rise to the conundrum expressed in this lecture's title. For several years Dr. Peitzman has been working with a fascinating set of letters between Wister and his wife, who often was off traveling for her own health. As this talk will make clear, the Wisters' letters from the 1850s-1880s contain vivid descriptions of Owen's daily practice, or at least some of the more dramatic events, as well as reflections on the emotion

Health and socio-demographic conditions as determinants of marriage and social mobility. Male partner choice in Italy, late 19th-early 20th century

Madrid, 17 de febrero  de 2010, Estimados colegas y alumnos, Tenemos el placer de anunciaros la siguiente sesión del  VII Curso de Postgrado del CSIC: La salud de la población: análisis demográfico y estadístico. La sesión cuyo título será: Health and socio-demographic conditions as determinants of marriage and social mobility. Male partner choice in Italy, late 19th-early 20th century Tendrá lugar el miércoles  24 de febrero de 2010, a las 11 horas de la mañana y estará impartida por: Matteo Manfredini Department of Genetics Anthropology Evolution, University of Parma, Parma, Italy. El lugar de celebración será la sala Manuel de Terán del Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC (Sala 3F8 y 3F23), c/ Albasanz, 26-28. Madrid. Metro: Línea 5. Ciudad Lineal o Suanzes. Autobuses: 77, 104, 105, 4, 38, 48 y 70. Está previsto que la sesión  finalice a las 13 horas. *Se ruega confirmación de asistencia escribiendo un correo electrónico a la dirección de e-mai

Cicle de lectures 2010: còmic, ciència i tecnologia

La Societat Catalana de Tecnologia i la Càtedra UNESCO de Tècnica i Cultura de la UPC coorganitzen al llarg d’aquest any el « Cicle de lectures 2010: còmic, ciència i tecnologia ». L’objectiu del cicle és divulgar la ciència i la tecnologia a la societat utilitzant l’art com a instrument pedagògic, aproximant dos àmbits —l’artístic, per un costat, i el científic i el tecnològic, per l’altre—. És una activitat adreçada a un auditori ampli i interdisciplinari. Us passem a continuació la informació de la primera sessió. DIJOUS 18 DE FEBRER DE 2010 Ramon Llull, la controvèrsia jueva , d’Eduard Torrents L’acte se celebrarà a les 19 hores, a l’Aula Capella de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona (avinguda Diagonal, 647, de Barcelona). Més informació: Web de la SCT > activitats > 18/02/2010

Pierre Bourdieu & Roger Chartier *Le Sociologue et l'historien*

Pierre Bourdieu & Roger Chartier * Le Sociologue et l'historien * Preface de Roger Chartier En co-edition avec Raisons d'Agir et l'Ina editions En 1988, l'historien Roger Chartier recoit le sociologue Pierre Bourdieu à France-Culture pour une serie de cinq entretiens. Ce livre les reprend intégralement, avec une préface de Roger Chartier qui en restitue le contexte intellectuel et politique. Dans un dialogue où se manifestent à la fois leur complicité et une claire conscience de leurs différences, le sociologue et l'historien confrontent les avancées et les problèmes de leurs deux disciplines, et leurs rôles respectifs dans la société. Pierre Bourdieu était sociologue et professeur au College de France. Ses livres et ses interventions ont joue un role majeur dans la vie intellectuelle et politique en France. Roger Chartier, historien et professeur au College de France, est un des fondateurs de l'histoire du livre et de la lecture.

A new regular junior post has opened up in my department. Steve Fuller Professor of Sociology University of Warwick

A new regular junior post has opened up in my department. Some people on this list may be interested in applying. I should say that while you will be working in a sociology department, you need not have a Ph.D. in sociology. Relevance to the research area of science, politics and society is essential, however. Here are the details: https://secure.admin.warwick.ac.uk/webjobs/jobs/academic/job20446.html Steve Fuller Professor of Sociology University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL United Kingdom Phone +44 2476 523 940 http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/sociology/staff/academicstaff/sfuller/fullers_index http://www.warwick.ac.uk/~sysdt/Index.html BLOG: http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/swfuller/ NEW BOOK: Science: The Art of Living (Acumen, May 2010). http://www.acumenpublishing.co.uk/display.asp?K=e2009012713293172&sf1=author&st1=Steve%20Fuller&sort=sort_title&m=2&dc=2 OUT NOW: The Sociology of Intellectual Life (Sage). E-book for US$34.50. http://www.ebooks.com/ebooks/book


2-YEAR RESEARCH AND TEACHING ASSOCIATE IN HISTORY OF MEDICINE 1500-1850 Department of History and Philosophy of Science University of Cambridge Salary: £27,319-£35,646 pa As part of a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award on the theme 'Generation to Reproduction', with additional support from the Isaac Newton Trust, the Department seeks to appoint a two-year Research and Teaching Associate in the History of Medicine, 1500-1850. Candidates must propose research in the history of generation and/or reproduction, broadly understood, and be able to teach history of early modern medicine. The first year will be primarily devoted to research within the theme 'Generation to Reproduction' and to securing funding beyond the end of the second year. In the second year the successful candidate will take on greater teaching, examining and administrative duties, to cover the research leave of Dr Lauren Kassell. The post is available from 1 September 2010 and candidates shoul

Antonio González Bueno y Alberto Gomis Blanco, "Los Territorios Olvidados. Naturalistas españoles en el África hispana (1860-1936)"

La Editorial Doce Calles publicó en 2009 el libro de Antonio González Bueno y Alberto Gomis Blanco, "Los Territorios Olvidados. Naturalistas españoles en el África hispana (1860-1936)". Informes: http://www.docecalles.com/b2c/index.php?page=pp_producto.php&md=0&codp=1034 Sinopsis: Resulta llamativo el desconocimiento generalizado que tenemos de todo lo que concierne a nuestro más próximo vecino, el norte de África; en particular, sabemos muy poco de la historia de la presencia española en esos territorios, tan justamente denominados “olvidados”. Los autores han recogido la actividad de más de doscientos cuarenta naturalistas y exploradores españoles quienes, durante más de tres cuartos de siglo en estas tierras nada estables, quisieron conocer el atractivo que estos territorios encerraban, ya fuese de manera individual o mediante un esfuerzo colectivo. El libro incluye un diccionario biográfico y bibliográfico de dichos naturalistas, así como un álbum

Thackray Museum Education Officer

Thackray Museum Education Officer Salary £15,500 p.a. The award winning Thackray Museum in Leeds is the leading museum of the history of medicine in the North of England. This is an exciting opportunity to become part of our dynamic education team. You will play a key role in the development of the museum's education offer and audience development initiatives. You will be dynamic and have a sound knowledge of education in schools, and informal education in a museum or heritage context, able to work both on your own initiative and as part of team, with excellent management skill and a proven interest in developing audiences and delivering events & activities. Post available for Job Share. For further details contact: Delphi Scott Learning and Outreach Manager Thackray Museum, Beckett Street, Leeds. LS9 7LN Telephone: 0113 2444343 E-mail: info@thackraymuseum.org Pack available via e-mail, post or download from www.thackraymuseum.org Closing date for applicatio

"Progress in Medicine" Bristol, 13-15 April 2010

"Progress in Medicine" Bristol, 13-15 April 2010 An interdisciplinary conference on the nature of progress in medicine, combining perspectives from philosophy, history, medical science, and clinical practice. Conference homepage: < http://www.bristol.ac.uk/philosophy/department/events/ progress_in_medicine/index.html > Principal Speakers: • Derek Bolton (KCL) - “Defining illness in psychiatry and in general medicine” • Matthew Broome (Warwick) - "Medicine as applied physiology, psychiatry as applied neuroscience" • Raffaella Campaner and Maria Carla Galavotti (Bologna) - "Evidence and the assessment of causal relations in the health sciences" • K. Codell Carter (Brigham Young University) - “What progress are we now to expect in medicine?” • Nancy Cartwright (LSE and UC San Diego) - "The long road from 'it works somewhere' to 'it will work for us'” • Sir Iain Chalmers (UK Cochrane Centre) and Ulrich Tröhler

"Progress in Medicine"

"Progress in Medicine" Bristol, 13-15 April 2010 An interdisciplinary conference on the nature of progress in medicine, combining perspectives from philosophy, history, medical science, and clinical practice. Conference homepage: Principal Speakers: • Derek Bolton (KCL) - “Defining illness in psychiatry and in general medicine” • Matthew Broome (Warwick) - "Medicine as applied physiology, psychiatry as applied neuroscience" • Raffaella Campaner and Maria Carla Galavotti (Bologna) - "Evidence and the assessment of causal relations in the health sciences" • K. Codell Carter (Brigham Young University) - “What progress are we now to expect in medicine?” • Nancy Cartwright (LSE and UC San Diego) - "The long road from 'it works somewhere' to 'it will work for us'” • Sir Iain Chalmers (UK Cochrane Centre) and Ulrich Tröhler (Bern) - “Medical historical textbooks and review articles fail to take account of progress in

Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits

From: Alex Magoun I'd like to alert interested parties in the museum field to submit nominations for the Society for the History of Technology's Dibner Award for Excellence in Museum Exhibits. To qualify they must have opened to the public in the last 24 months an exhibit that interprets "the history of technology, industry, and engineering to the general public." The deadline is April 1. Please visit SHOT's Dibner Award webpage for more information and the link to the PDF nomination form: http://www.historyoftechnology.org/awards/dibner.html I will be out of the country until the end of the month; if you have any questions please email me at alexmagoun@gmail.com, which I will be checking. With best wishes, Alexander B. Magoun, Ph.D. 39 Humbert Street Princeton, NJ 08542-3312 h 609 497-2423 c 609 240-1320 amagoun@davidsarnoff.org www.davidsarnoff.org

"Maquinismo Ibérico"

La Editorial Doce Calles publicó la obra editada por Antonio Lafuente, Ana María Cardoso y Tiago Saraiva con el título: . Informes: http://www.docecalles.com/b2c/index.php?page=pp_producto.php&md=0&codp=1015 Sinopsis: La presente obra reconoce la existencia de una cultura científica y tecnológica entre unas poblaciones que se caracterizaron por sus elevadas tasas de analfabetismo. Pero no sólo existió en Portugal un público para la Ciencia, sino que ésta fue un elemento central en la creación de la esfera pública. El desarrollo de la Historia reciente de la Ciencia y de la Técnica nos permite percibir una Iberia poblada de máquinas, ingenieros, sociedades o exposiciones industriales que contrasta con los campos de Castilla y el provinciano Portugal. Todos esos actores son esenciales para entender la construcción de los imperios, la evolución de las dos capitales o la formación de espacios nacionales.

Leon Sanz, P., ed., Health Institutions at the Origin of the Welfare Systems in Europe. Pamplona, Eunsa, 2010

Leon Sanz, P., ed., Health Institutions at the Origin of the Welfare Systems in Europe . Pamplona , Eunsa, 2010. Breve reseña The book gathers studies on the contributions of non-governmental and non-profit institutions to social and sanitary assistance during the 19 th and 20 th centuries in Europe . The non-profit corporations possessed a sense of mission to the community, a sense supported by their close ties to other sanitary infrastructures, hospitals and physicians’ organisations. Their role is within the framework of medical philanthropy, charitable organizations and voluntary social agencies which had been developed since the mid-nineteenth century, and which operated alongside a growing state involvement in health care and social services. The relationship with other agencies and with the public authorities had been changing over the years, from rivalry to partnership. In some cases, like the Red Cross, they have contributed to the development of the health professions,
Benvolguts, benvolgudes, Després de la bona acollida de la primera i segona edicions, ens plau convidar-vos a les Terceres Jornades Catalanes de Revistes Científiques (3JCRC) , que se celebraran els dies 4 i 5 de març de 2010, a la sala Prat de la Riba de l’IEC (carrer del Carme, 47, de Barcelona). Enguany, el programa de les 3JCRC s’organitza en tres sessions: «Univers digital», «Experiència de revistes» i «Gestió dels continguts». El primer dia, comptarem amb la presència de Luis Collado, responsable de Google Books España, que ens parlarà sobre la visibilitat de la producció editorial espanyola a Internet. En aquesta primera sessió (dia 4 de març, al matí), també es valorarà el funcionament de l’Hemeroteca Científica Catalana i s’analitzarà la presència de les revistes científiques catalanes en el context internacional. En la segona sessió (dia 4 de març, a la tarda), s’examinaran les experiències de les revistes Educació Química - EduQ , Enseñanza de las Ciencias , Geologic

Call for Papers ‘British Nuclear Culture: Themes, Approaches and Perspectives’

Call for Papers ‘British Nuclear Culture: Themes, Approaches and Perspectives’ Conference School of History, University of Liverpool, 17 -18 June 2010 Since the publication of Paul Boyer’s seminal study By the Bomb’s Early Light: American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age in 1985, the examination of nuclear culture has mainly been conducted within the context of the United States. In spite of the fact that nuclear culture in Britain was, and still is, pervasive and powerful, scholars have largely neglected the topic, and it remains unclear how the term 'nuclear culture' should be understood. British authors imagined the advent of nuclear weapons and nuclear power following the discovery of radioactivity in 1896, and the pivotal role of British scientists in the development of nuclear science was communicated to the public through the print media, radio and newsreels in the opening decades of the twentieth century. In the years following 1945, the knowle
Benvolguts/des, Als arxius adjunts hi trobareu la informació sobre els propers seminaris dedicats a "La ciència i els seus públics", que tindran lloc el proper dimarts dia 23 i dimecres dia 24 de febrer. Aquesta vegada reflexionarem sobre el paper dels museus de ciència interactius (Science Centres) i la seva relació amb la història de la ciència. Hi  sou tots convidats Cordialment Agustí Nieto Galan Centre d'Història de la Ciència (CEHIC) Facultat de Ciències Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 08193 Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona) http://www.uab.es/cehic/ Tel. +34 93 581 29 66 Fax. +34 93 581 20 03 Seminari “La ciència i els seus públics” Els museus de ciència (III): Science Centres   Dimarts 23 de febrer (Sala de Vidre-Facultat de Ciències-UAB)   10:30-10:45          Oliver Hochadel (UAB/CEHIC) : Introduction 10:45-11:30                  Christian Sichau (Experimenta, Heilbronn): Hands-on? Minds-On? Understanding “understanding” in mu