
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 1, 2024

Novedad bibliográfica: Horrores cercanos. Guerra e innovación humanitaria en la España contemporánea

Horrores cercanos. Guerra e innovación humanitaria en la España contemporánea, 1860-1939 Javier Martínez Antonio, Jon Arrizabalaga, Alejandra de Leiva Pérez, Manuel Galindo Dobón, Xavier Garcia Ferrandis, Juan Carlos García Reyes, Carlos Hervás Puyal, Anna La Torre, Pablo Larraz Andía, Àlvar Martínez-Vidal, Guillermo Sánchez-Martínez Este libro ofrece un profundo y detallado análisis sobre la relación entre guerra, humanitarismo e innovación médica en la España contemporánea, que abarca desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta la guerra civil española (1936-1939). En sus páginas se examinan las complejas dinámicas entre los avances en la medicina humanitaria y las terribles consecuencias de los conflictos bélicos, mostrando cómo las guerras modernas no solo transformaron las formas de combatir, sino también de atender a las víctimas, mortales o no, ya fueran soldados, prisioneros, desplazados o civiles. Aborda así el humanitarismo de guerra desde múltiples aspectos: la identificación y g...

Novedad bibliográfica: Ciencia, técnica y libertad en España

El libro Ciencia, técnica y libertad en España , obra colectiva coordinada por Miguel Ángel Puig-Samper, José María López Sánchez, Marcos Prados Martín y Alba Lérida Jiménez, publicada por la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas, recoge más de una cincuentena de contribuciones presentadas al XIV Congreso de la SEHCYT.  Url: https://books.google.es/books?id=yaw0EQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=es#v=onepage&q&f=false

CfA: Who knows what in mental health care? Philosophical perspectives on lived experience, experiential knowledge and epistemic injustice

In many Western countries, mental health care practice and research is increasingly valuing the participation and contributions of (former) service users. A variety of motivations (ethical, epistemological, socio-political, …) is driving the trend of including (the views of) people with lived experience into various forms of care, research and policy-making. Philosophers are picking up on this trend, and are addressing various elements of this complex phenomenon by drawing on a range of theoretical fields and empirical frameworks. The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers who work on similar, adjacent fields, such as lived experience research, experiential knowledge and expertise, and epistemic injustice. We invite contributions (for oral, in-person presentations) that address the following, or related, questions: How may we further substantiate the various motivations (e.g. socio-political, ethical, epistemological, …) to include people with lived experience into me...

CfP: Volume 4 Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

https://historyofwomenphilosophers.org/call-for-papers-volume-4-journal-of-the-history-of-women-philosophers-and-scientists/ The Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (JHWPS) is pleased to invite submissions for a special issue spotlighting the remarkable contributions of Latin American women philosophers and other intellectuals amidst the backdrop of profound social transformation spanning the 16th to the 20th centuries. This edition aims to illuminate the multifaceted methodologies and distinctive writing styles employed by these thinkers, which are intricately woven with their engagements in intersectional, decolonial, feminist, and ethical discourses. The works of Latin American women philosophers as well as theorists from related disciplines stand as a testament to the rich scenario of philosophical inquiry emerging from their diverse cultural, historical, and political contexts. Their scholarship not only offers penetrating insights into enduring philosophic...

CfP: Truth and Falsity in Feminist Epistemology, Workshop in Freiburg, 6-7 August 2025

CFP: “Is that so? Truth and Falsity in Feminist Epistemologies”, Workshop at the Professorship for Epistemology & Theory of Science, UCF, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 6–7 August 2025 Confirmed participants include Linda Martín Alcoff (CUNY), Nadja El Kassar (University of Luzern) and Daniel Loick (University of Amsterdam). “Situated knowledges” (Haraway 1988) and “strong objectivity” (Harding 1991: 138–163) are but two well-known conceptual innovations from feminist epistemologies. In fact, researchers in this field have not just submitted the basic concepts of knowledge and objectivity to ruthless criticism but have advanced innovative re-conceptualizations, Haraway’s and Harding’s among them. However, the closely related concept of truth has received less attention. There are important criticisms of sovereign conceptions of truth, i.e., of conceptions that rely on the infamous “god trick” of a view from nowhere and thereby presuppose the existence of a sovereign epi...

CfP: “Landscapes of Repair: The Role of Photography and Film in Documenting the Legacy of Modern and Contemporary Architecture and Public Spaces”

Fourth thematic cycle "Landscapes of Repair" Guest Editor Félix Solaguren Editors Cristina Gaston Guirão, Jaime Ferrer, LLuís Angel Domínguez, Maria Neto, Andrea Parga Editorial Collaborator Judit Taberna Torres A bstract deadline:   31 December 2024 Deadline for 1st manuscript:  11 March 2025 Deadline for presentation at the conference: International Conference (dtbc):  Deadline for 3rd Manuscript (Journal): Publication date (tbc):  by December 2025 Sophia Journal  is currently accepting submissions for its fourth thematic cycle  “Landscapes of Repair”,  encouraging a humanist approach to urban transformation that transcends purely economic considerations. By exploring the impactful realms of photography, film, and various visual practices, we aim to highlight their significant contributions to the discourse surrounding architectural programs. Our goal is to draw urgent attention to the necessity of repairing our fractured planet. In doing so, we also...

CfA: Necessity and Possibility in Science

Necessity and Possibility in Science is the theme of the 5th workshop of the OLOFOS group. It will take place on May 8-10, 2025 in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) at the Institut supérieur de philosophie (ISP) of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain). The primary objective of this workshop is to explore the concept of possibility in the natural sciences by closely examining related notions of necessity, including laws, constraints, and dispositions. Our goal is to cultivate a diverse and inclusive environment that welcomes a wide range of perspectives and approaches. We invite contributions from fields such as metaphysics, philosophy of science, philosophy of practice, logic, and beyond. Invited speakers Nina EMERY, Mount Holyoke college Alastair WILSON, University of Leeds Submission of abstracts Deadline All contributions should be submitted before January 20, 2025 Contributions format All submissions must include an abstract (max 1000 words) entered directly on the submission ...

CfA: Special Issue 'Prospects for the Science of Enaction' - Adaptive Behavior

We are pleased to invite abstracts for contributions to the Special Issue 'Prospects for the Science of Enaction', to be published in Adaptive Behavior. Invited Contributions: Prof. Randall Beer (Indiana University Bloomington) Dr. Nick Brancazio (University of Adelaide) Prof. Jimena Clavel Vázquez (Tilburg University) Dr. Kate Nave (University of Edinburgh) Prof. Pasquale Stano (University of Salento) Dr. Dave Ward (University of Edinburgh) Description:  Enactive ideas and principles about the nature of life and mind have historically informed and inspired influential work in artificial intelligence and robotics, the psychology of development, and the study of basic principles of biology and cognition. Yet enactivism as a theoretical framework has experienced comparatively little uptake in cognitive science. Scientists have opted to pick and choose commitments, integrating some enactive concepts into their investigations but without embracing an enactive philosophy of nature. ...

CfP: London Ancient Science Conference 2025

This is a call for papers for the 18th London Ancient Science Conference, 2025. The conference will be held at the Department of Greek and Latin, University College London from Wednesday 2nd April to Friday 4th April. Please send abstracts for papers to Prof. Andrew Gregory, max. 200 words, by 31st December. Decisions Early January. Papers can be on any aspect of ancient science, philosophical, historical, technological, social and can be on ancient science in any culture. Science is construed quite broadly and may include epistemology, metaphysics and ontology relating to the natural world. Prof. Andrew Gregory will chair a session on Leucippus and Democritus. Paper proposals are welcomed for this session. Papers generally will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes for discussion though some papers may be invited to give longer presentations. There is a website for this conference at: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/sts/sts-people/sts-academics/gregory-andrew/london-ancient-science-conference The webs...