
Mostrando entradas de diciembre 10, 2023

FEM ciència? 3ª temporada Propostes de la SCHCT per conèixer quin paper juguen les dones a la història de la ciència

Donem per acabada la tercera temporada de FEM ciència?, una iniciativa d’entrevistes a historiadores de la ciència sobre el paper que ocupen les dones a la cultura científica, a càrrec de Mar Rivera Colomer. Seguidament teniu un llistat de les entrevistes i taules rodones segons els blocs temàtics: Bloc 1: cultura material Gaye Danışan (lstanbul Üniversitesi, Turquia): https://youtu.be/CS1E1vDyYdM “I like to see processes where failures are emphasized as much as successes” Anna Giatti (Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica de Firenze, Itàlia): https://youtu.be/H-65aCXr6mw “Io credo nel restaure abbia a che fare con i mestieri di cura, ed è per questo che è meno apprezzata e ci sono più donne che si dedicano a questo tipo di attività” Fatemeh Ahmadi (TUMS National Museum of Medical Sciences History, Iran): https://youtu.be/YDTZETogT8g “We have practically had no women with a name in medical science history” Marta Lourenço (Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência de Lisboa, Portugal):

Publicado el vol 75 (2), 2023 de Asclepio

Se ha publicado el Vol. 75 Núm. 2 (2023) de Asclepio. El número incluye el dosier sobre "Salud e integración en Brasil: apropiarse de las políticas públicas para existir (final del siglo XIX-años 1960)”, ocho estudios, una nota de investigación, un ensayo reseña y varias reseñas El numero completo en: https://asclepio.revistas.csic.es/index.php/asclepio/issue/view/79 Por artículos: Dosier: "Salud e integración en Brasil: apropiarse de las políticas públicas para existir (final del siglo XIX-años 1960)": Mercier, Valentine; Martins, Ygor (2023), “Introducción. Salud e integración en Brasil: apropiarse de las políticas públicas para existir (final del siglo XIX-años 1960)”, Asclepio, 75(2): e22. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2023.22 Azevedo, Nara; Rossi, Daiane Silveira (2023), “De normalistas a naturalistas: la especialización de las mujeres en salud pública en Brasil (1920-1960)”, Asclepio, 75(2): e23. https://doi.org/10.3989/asclepio.2023.23 Ferreira, Luiz Otávio (2

História Ciência Saúde Manguinhos Vol.: 30 Suppl. 1, 2023

El número especial de "Covid-19 en América Latina: conflictos, resistencias y desigualdades" de la revista História Ciencia Saude Manguinho está completamente accesible en la plataforma Scielo https://www.scielo.br/j/hcsm/i/2023.v30suppl1/

CfP: New Perspectives, New Beginnings Menopause Symposium

Menopause has long been understood and portrayed in Western culture as an ending: of fertility, femininity, and visibility. Yet testimony from women is often contradictory, positioning it as the beginning of a new phase of freedom in women’s lives. Recent years have seen increased popular interest in menopause and menopausal women and greater public discourse around issues of women, ageing and representation. Menopause has become a category of cultural production and menopausal women a target for the marketing of a huge range of ‘menopause’ products and services. In many ways ‘menopause’ as a concept has seen a new beginning. This symposium aims to bring together researchers and stakeholders from a range of disciplines within the arts and humanities to ignite conversations about menopause and build a network of interest to develop and pursue both academic and practice-based work. It is the second event organised by the Scholarly Association of Menopausal Studies, established in 20

CfP: Health and Nature. Special issue of the journal "Histoire, médecine et santé"

This thematic issue of the journal Histoire, médecine et santé examines the various uses of and relations to nature in the field of health. The historically and culturally situated concept of “nature” can of course take on several meanings and be subject to debate. Regarding its relationship to health, the many “natural” medicine currents that emerged in Europe from the last third of the nineteenth century spontaneously come to mind. Through their practices, these currents have sought to oppose a form of medicine deemed increasingly artificial and chemical, particularly as a result of the industrialisation of drug production. Nevertheless, in the wake of calls to “put an end to parallel medicine” (Guillemain, Faure, 2019), this issue neither seeks to restrict itself to the margins of medicine, nor to disconnect their history from more general scientific and cultural movements. While paying renewed attention to these margins, it thus adopts a broad definition of “nature”, encompassing a

LLULL Vol. 46 (nº 92) 2023

El día 10-11-2023 se distribuyó desde Zaragoza por correo postal el primer número del año 2023: LLULL Vol. 46 (nº 92). El texto íntegro de dicho LLULL se ha subido a las plataformas de EBSCO y SCOPUS. Un resumen de sus artículos se encuentra disponible en: RECYT [ http://recyt.fecyt.es/index.php/LLUL/issue/archive ] DIALNET [ https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=1511 ]

PhD Studentship Intersections in Medical and Environmental History

Applications are currently open for a PhD studentship researching Intersections in Medical and Environmental History at Newcastle University starting in September 2024 100% of home tuition fees paid and an annual stipend starting at £18,873. Additional funding is available to cover research costs, conference fees, and engagement activities. Interested in the intersection between medical and environmental history after 1700? This PhD will allow the successful candidate the opportunity to develop a project which can help us understand current issues in environmental and health using the lens of the past. Themes which may shape this PhD could include, but are not limited to, green urban infrastructure and health; conceptions of the rural as ‘healthy’; hospital design; atmospheres; travel for health; sport and exercise; explorations of changing ideas of ‘nature’ in relation to health; sensory interactions between the body and the environment. This is an exciting opportunity to work with Dr

Call for Abstracts: Circulating Knowledge conference in 2024

In August 2004, the Circulation of Knowledge conference—jointly organized in Halifax, Nova Scotia by the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Science, the British Society for History of Science, and the History of Science Society—set out challenges to the then-dominant centre-periphery models of the origins and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Jim Secord’s keynote address, “Knowledge in Transit”, outlined the issues at stake. Scholarship on the circulation of knowledge has since exploded and it is time not only to take stock, but to open new research avenues in globalised History/Philosophy of Science and Science and Technology Studies. Circulating Knowledge – 20 Years On proposes to revisit the circulation of knowledge, 20 years after this pioneering conference, through a series of plenary presentations, individual talks, roundtables, and special events. The goal of the conference is to foster international collaborative exchange along the axes of research, translation