
Mostrando entradas de mayo 9, 2021

Novedad: Secreto a voces. Una “enfermedad extraordinaria” y su tratamiento en el París del siglo XIX (Español)

 Autor: Luis Montiel En marzo de 1837 el Duque y la Duquesa de Hamilton, su hija Susan y el marido de esta, Lord Lincoln se instalan en París procedentes de Inglaterra en busca de la curación de la turbadora enfermedad de la joven. Se trata de una dolencia extraña, aparatosa, que algunos médicos ingleses han sospechado ficticia pero que angustia a los padres y al marido haciendo, además, imposible una vida familiar normal. Los médicos que, a petición de la enferma, se harán cargo de su tratamiento son practicantes convencidos del magnetismo animal, la teoría médica creada por Mesmer. El más relevante de ambos doctores es el judío prusiano David Ferdinand Koreff, personaje apasionante, aventurero intelectual, dotado de una habilidad sin parangón para cautivar psicológi camente a las damas de la alta sociedad. Tanto él como su compañero Wolowski considerarán que el magnetismo animal es la terapia apropiada para una “enfermedad extraordinaria” como la que aqueja a la Lady y la pondrán en

New open access book: Ageing with Smartphones in...

... Ireland: Pauline Garvey and Daniel Miller Free download:  https://bit.ly/3vALCRS ... Urban Italy Shireen Walton Download free: https://bit.ly/3xGw2Gx

CfP: Phenomenology and sociality. The 6th Conference of the Central and East European Society for Phenomenology Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2nd - 4th December 2021

Submission Deadline: May 31, 2021 The phenomenological movement, to which authors from extremely diverse traditions and of utmost heterogeneous provenances—directly or indirectly—can be counted, has since its foundation at the beginning of the 20th century developed into one of the central currents of contemporary philosophy that entails not only fundamental considerations regarding, for instance, epistemology or ontology, but also critically and crucially touches upon (all) other fields of human agency. Phenomenology has, from its initial predominantly methodological reflections, through constant confrontation with opposing standpoints, evolved into a stringent, comprehensive inter- and trans-disciplinary philosophical theory capable of offering invaluable insights into phenomena concerning both science as well as religion, both technology as well as arts, etc. However, it should not be overlooked that—beyond all the transformations—one of the principal problem realms of phenomenologi

CfP: Equality and Inequality in the Global World (1950-2020) - Deadline 30 November 2021

Description The concept of inequality has always been little practiced within the social sciences, especially due to the difficulty of answering questions such as: according to what aspects should we judge whether people are or are not equal? What criteria can be used to measure the implications of inequality with respect to well-being? After the 2008 crisis, the theme of inequality returned to the academic scene, mainly thanks to the publication of works such as Angus Deaton's  The Great Escape  and Thomas Piketty's  Capital in the 21st Century . In the wake of the renewed debate, the goals of this volume are mainly two. The first is to investigate the reasons that led to the marginalization of the issue of inequality: liberalism has never gone beyond the pursuit of equality of opportunity and a minimum level of equality of outcomes (in the form of a minimum social security); the socialism of Western democracies had as its purpose the reducing of inequality in the dist

CfP: Messiness in the production and operationalization of biomedical evidence (Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Special Issue)

We are soliciting papers for a special issue in Studies in History and Philosophy of Science on the topic “Messiness in the production and interpretation of biomedical evidence”. The special issue will be co-edited by Thomas Bonnin (Université Clermont-Auvergne) and Charlotte Brives (CNRS, Centre Emile Durkheim).  Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2021. The second half of the 20th century witnessed the rise of an experimental ideal in the production and interpretation of biomedical evidence. In this period, the emblematic randomized controlled trial rose to a hegemonic position. The practices and normative prescriptions of the Evidence-Based Medicine movement play an increasingly influential role beyond medicine, notably in policy evaluation. Social scientists (historians, sociologists, philosophers, STS scholars, anthropologists…) have documented the history, material and conceptual underpinnings, strengths and limits of these recent upheavals. This special issue is a novel contr

CfP: Diplomatic Studies of Science — Cain Conference 2021

Diplomatic Studies of Science: The Interplay of Science, Technology and International Affairs After the Second World War   Monday, November 8th, 2021 and Tuesday November 9th, 2021.  9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,  Maison de la Chimie, 28 Rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris VIEW THE CALL FOR PAPERS NOW The  Gordon Cain Conference 2021  focuses on the fascinating interplay of science, technology and international affairs after the Second World War. By doing so it marks the emergence of Diplomatic Studies of Science as a field at the intersection of Science and Technology Studies, History of Science, Diplomatic History, and International Politics. The Beckman Center for the History of Chemistry at the Science History Institute and the Gordon Cain Conference Fellow, Maria Rentetzi, invite contributions that explore the ways science and diplomacy have been co-produced throughout the second half of the 20 th  century reaching the present. Call for Abstracts To submit a paper to the 2021 Cain Conferen

Call for Book Chapters: Edited volume on Star Trek and Star Wars

 Edited by Emily Strand, MA and Amy H. Sturgis, PhD. Vernon Press The generations-spanning, multimedia franchises  Star Trek  and  Star Wars  will form the focus for this edited collection of scholarly essays. As venerable and evolving repositories of science fiction and fantasy storytelling, and as towering pillars of popular culture, both  Star Trek  and  Star Wars  inspire, transform, and even at times inflame their often overlapping fan bases. Together with the publisher, the editors seek proposals for essays exploring these franchises’ themes, narratives, characters, treatment of moral and philosophical dilemmas, religious or spiritual notions, and other aspects. (Abstracts for essays which compare or contrast the two franchises are also welcome.) Collected essays will offer insight — from a variety of disciplines and perspectives — on how these franchises contribute to popular culture and the tradition of speculative storytelling.  Abstracts and subsequent essays should be academ

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships in Early Modern Thought at the University of Bucharest - Expressions of Interest

The research group in Early Modern Thought at the University of Bucharest  invites expressions of interest from candidates wishing to apply for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship in Early Modern Science, Philosophy, and/ or Intellectual History. Information about the 2021 call will be soon available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/research/ mariecurieactions/node_en . The research group in Early Modern Thought is a very active interdisciplinary group of scholars working on a variety of aspects of the Renaissance and the early modern period (philosophy, literature, religion, science, etc.). Our members do research and teach in several faculties at the University of Bucharest (Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, the Research Institute of the University of Bucharest-ICUB. For more details, please visit:  https://icub.unibuc.ro/ 2021/04/19/early-modern- cluster-at-the-university-of- bucharest/ ). We coordinate various research projects, and we organize ea

Postdoctoral fellowships Sorbonne University / Ecole normale superieure, Paris, on Research Integrity

Two post-doc positions in philosophy of science on research integrity Sorbonne University and Ecole normale supérieure - Université PSL seek to recruit two postdoctoral researchers to join the interdisciplinary ANR-funded research project CRISP (Addressing the Challenge of Research Integrity in Scientific Practices).   Scientific context  The research project CRISP aims to explore the conditions at which institutional action and discourse on research integrity can improve research practices, to anticipate   their   impact   on   res earch   practices   and   organizati on   of   research,   and   to   propose recommendations. Inquiries carried out in the framework of the project are expected to be sensitive to the actual structure and dynamics   of   the   sciences,   acad emic   disciplines,   and   the   natu re   of   everyday   research   practi ces,   in   all their diversity. For more information about CRISP see  http://www.crisp.ens.psl. eu/    The CRISP project includes philoso