
Mostrando entradas de marzo 6, 2016

II Col·loqui Medical Anthropology Research Center (MARC)

In the contemporary world, medicines occupy a central place, both in governmental and international agendas, and in the daily management of processes of health, disease, care and prevention.  Government and non-governmental organizations have identified large population groups of population whose access to essential medicines is greatly limited due to different economic, political and cultural motives, among them Intellectual Property clauses and socioeconomic and gender inequality stand out. There is growing evidence that the social determinants of health can explain most of the health inequities, including access and use of medicines. From the sociocultural perspective in this field it can be pointed out that medicines are objects and symbols at the same time; such that the entire chain of production, distribution, sale, prescription, use and consumption of the medicine is influenced by both dimensions, the material and the symbolic. The combination of all these questions, invit

Beques “López Piñero” per a estudis històrics al voltant de la ciència, la medicina i la tecnologia

Aquestes beques apareixen anualment i estan adreçades als estudiants interessats pels estudis d’història de la ciència, la medicina i la tecnologia. Poden demanar-les els estudiants predoctorals i també els doctors dels primers anys postdoctorals, i molt particularment tots els estudiants de màster i doctorat del programa interuniversitari (UV-UA-UMH) en el que participa l'Institut López Piñero. Aquest any l’objectiu és fomentar la participació d’aquest col·lectiu d’estudiants a la Trobada de la Societat Catalana d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica (IEC) que es desenvoluparan a la Universitat Jaume I (Castelló de la Plana), els dies 27, 28 i 29 d’octubre de 2016, on hi haurà una secció dedicada especialment a joves investigadors. Les beques es faran servir per obtenir la gratuïtat de les inscripcions a aquest congrés. La quantitat de beques dependrà de la disponibilitat econòmica i de la llista de candidats presentats. Criteris de selecció: 1.- Situació socioeconòm

Call for papers: Artefacts Meeting, 2-4 October 2016

Understanding Use: Science and Technology Objects and Users Just as transport has passengers, ovens have cooks, compasses have mariners and hikers, lawnmowers have gardeners, instruments have experimenters, Davy lamps have miners, radio has listeners, books have readers, television and film have audiences  … and museums have visitors. Objects in science and technology museum collections have all, before their museum ‘lives’, been involved in many histories of consumption and use. The turn towards studies of use in technology studies, notably demonstrated by Oudshoorn and Pinch’s How Users Matter (2003), Edgerton’s Shock of the Old (2006) and Oldenziel and Hård’s Consumers, Tinkerers, Rebels (2013) is therefore congenial to curators and exhibition makers in science museums. This can manifest itself in social history displays, object biographies, and some close readings of wear and experience; in other words both object-centred research and display practice

NEW BOOK / NOVEDAD BIBLIOGRÁFICA / NOU LLIBRE: Geophysics, Realism, and Industry

Geophysics, Realism, and Industry How Commercial Interests Shaped Geophysical Conceptions, 1900-1960 Aitor Anduaga Oxford University Press, January 2016, 339 p. ISBN: 9780198755159   https://global.oup.com/ academic/product/geophysics- realism-and-industry- 9780198755159?cc=us&lang=en& Did industry and commerce affect the concepts, values and epistemic foundations of different sciences? If so, how and to what extent? This book suggests that the most significant influence of industry on science in the two case studies treated here had to do with the issue of realism. Using wave propagation as the common thread, this is the first book to simultaneously analyse the emergence of realist attitudes towards the entities of the ionosphere and of the earth's crust. However, what led physicists and engineers to adopt realist attitudes? This book suggests that a new kind of realism --a realism of social and cultural origins- is the answer: a preliminary, entity

CFP: Coloquio Internacional Ciencia y ciudad en Barcelona y BuenosAires: conexiones, confluencias, comparaciones (1850-1940): 13-14 octubre de2016, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina

13/14 octubre de 2016, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Argentina En los últimos años la cultura urbana ha adquirido especial preeminencia como objeto de investigación en historia de la ciencia. La ciudad es, a la vez, creadora, incubadora y facilitadora de prácticas de producción y circulación del conocimiento, pero también es un objeto sustancialmente transformado por dichas prácticas. La historiografía reciente revela significativos avances en el tratamiento de las grandes metrópolis europeas, especialmente París y Londres, y en su capacidad de irradiar valores civilizatorios sobre otras realidades urbanas. A su vez, problematizaciones de aquella mirada provinieron de vínculos buscados, por ejemplo, entre ciudades latinoamericanas. Sin embargo, ha sido menos frecuente el abordaje de la cultura científica urbana de las “no-metrópolis”, cuando éstas integran relaciones entre marcos geográficos más distantes. En este sentido, el presente Coloquio pretende contribuir en esa dir


To Fix or To Heal Patient Care, Public Health, and the Limits of Biomedicine Edited by Joseph E. Davis and Ana Marta Gonzalez Do doctors fix patients? Or do they heal them? For all of modern medicine’s many successes, discontent with the quality of patient care has combined with a host of new developments, from aging populations to the resurgence of infectious diseases, which challenge medicine’s overreliance on narrowly mechanistic and technical methods of explanation and intervention, or “fixing’ patients. The need for a better balance, for more humane “healing” rationales and practices that attend to the social and environmental aspects of health and illness and the experiencing person, is more urgent than ever. Yet, in public health and bioethics, the fields best positioned to offer countervailing values and orientations, the dominant approaches largely extend and reinforce the reductionism and individualism of biomedicine.   The collected essays in To Fix or To

CFP - Special Issue Journal of Early Modern Studies: Gardens as Laboratories. The History of Botany through the History of Gardens

Special Issue for: Journal of Early Modern Studies (ZetaBooks), vol. 6/1 (Spring, 2017) http://www.zetabooks.com/ journals/journal-of-early- modern-studies.html Title of the volume: Gardens as Laboratories. The History of Botany through the History of Gardens Deadline: October 1, 2016 CFP: After having undergone the undeserved condition of third excluded during the Middle Ages, the studies of flora experienced a new crucial consideration during the Renaissance, when the discovery of the New World brought in Europe an amount of new items (and especially anomalies and ambiguities), which undermined the accepted systematization of nature. Along the development of a crisis in the traditional systems of classifications, a new effort in collecting and disseminating knowledge flourished, resulting in a few important cultural achievements. Botanical practices developed as a central subject through both the request of collecting and the reproduction of plants, ultimately cont

International Conference on Space and Cinema

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 31, 2016 Location:  Portugal Subject Fields:  Film and Film History, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology The Conference will focus on Space and Cinema in order to examine the ways through which cinema deals with spatiality, in its bodily and geographical materiality, as well as in its symbolic and theoretical frameworks.   Heterotopic as it is, screen space juxtaposes several different spaces pertaining to different dimensions (Michael Chanan, The Documentary Chronotope, 2000): both mise en scène and cinematic dispositifs spatialize the gaze, the vanishing point where the filmic and the pro-filmic intersect. Space is therefore represented, conveyed and appropriated by the cinematic apparatus, calling into question the historical, political and philosophical aspects of an aesthetics of spatiality in a broad sense.   All of these distinct categories point to a fundamental idea: by definition, the movin

AHRC PhD studentship: University of York (History dept.)/Science Museum

APPLICATIONS INVITED "Instruments and their makers: A study of experiment, collaboration and identity in seventeenth-century London" An AHRC-funded PhD Studentship at the University of York (History dept.) in collaboration with the Science Museum ********** In collaboration with the Science Museum, London, the University of York announces a fully-funded 3-year PhD studentship on the topic of ‘Instruments and their makers: A study of experiment, collaboration and identity in seventeenth-century London’. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), this PhD project offers an excellent opportunity for the successful candidate to pursue doctoral research in history while gaining first-hand experience of work within a museum setting, and to contribute to bringing the two sectors into fruitful interaction. The PhD will be jointly supervised by Dr Sophie Weeks (Department of History, University of York) and Jane Desborough (Science Museum). The p

Summer School Academic Collecting and the Knowledge of Objects, 1700-1900, September 2016, Göttingen

Göttingen Spirit Summer School:   Academic Collecting and the Knowledge of Objects, 1700-1900     Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Historic Observatory, University of Göttingen, Germany, 05 th -10 th  September 2016 Convenors: Dr. Marie Luisa Allemeyer (Zentrale Kustodie, University of Göttingen) Dr. Dominik Hünniger (Lichtenberg-Kolleg, University of Göttingen) Christian Vogel (Zentrale Kustodie, University of Göttingen) Experts/Speakers: Dr. Anne Mariss, University of Tuebingen Professor Maria Rentetzi, National Technical University of Athens, Lise Meitner fellow, University of Vienna Dr. Kim Sloan, British Museum London Dr. Emma Spary, University of Cambridge Topic and Purpose Early modern cabinets of curiosities/Wunderkammern can be considered as an important space especially for those developing sciences that wanted to transcend text based scholasticism and base their knowledge solely on experience. Scholarly engagement with collections laid t

William Nicholson website

Especially for those interested in the 18th and the 19th centuries, there is a very useful and impressive new resource. It is a gateway to the whole set of  A Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and the Arts , edited by William Nicholson (affectionately known, then and now, as “Nicholson’s Journal”), gathered together in one convenient place: http://www.nicholsonsjournal. co.uk/index.html All of the 3,000 articles have also been indexed, so you can search by author, subject, keyword, and time period from the “Index” tab. You can also find a complete list of authors on the same website, and bibliographies of works by and about Nicholson. All of this is the work of Sue Bramall, amateur historian and a descendant of William Nicholson. Sue is also in the process of completing a biography of Nicholson, which will fill an important gap in the literature. Information about the forthcoming book can also be found on the website.


Alcalá de Henares, Facultad de Medicina (UAH) 21-23 de Junio de 2017 Primera Circular Presentación En el año 2017 se cumple el quinto centenario del fallecimiento del  fundador de la Universidad Cisneriana, Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, acaecido en Roa el 8 de noviembre de 1517, y el 40 aniversario de la creación, por R. D. de 10 de junio de 1977 (BOE 30-06-1977) de la actual Universidad de Alcalá. La Junta Directiva de la SEHCYT y el Comité Organizador del XIII Congreso han considerado que ambas efemérides ofrecen una buena ocasión para profundizar y reflexionar sobre el desarrollo histórico de la ciencia y la técnica en la Universidad y, de ahí, que convoquen la celebración del XIII Congreso de la SEHCYT, con dichos objetivos. Áreas temáticas 1. Ciencia y Técnica en la Universidad. 2. Temas libres: las comunicaciones enviadas como temas libres serán organizadas en mesas afines. Comunicaciones  Cada persona inscrita podrá presentar un máximo de

Periodisme científic excel·lent: busquem lectors voluntaris / Periodismo científico excelente: buscamos lectores voluntarios

Benvolguts/des, Voleu participar en un projecte col·laboratiu d'anàlisis crític dels mitjans de comunicació, el qual aspira a tenir un impacte beneficiós per a la qualitat del periodisme científic a Espanya? La Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) ha atorgat a l’Associació Catalana de Comunicació Científica (ACCC) un ajut per a desenvolupar un projecte de recerca pel qual necessitem la vostra ajuda. El projecte que s’acaba d’engegar es diu “ Excelencia e innovación en el periodismo científico en España. Periodismo investigativo, periodismo narrativo, nuevas narrativas y periodismo de datos ”, i pretén estudiar exemples de bones pràctiques en periodisme científic a la premsa espanyola. Per fer-ho, analitzarem les notícies sobre ciència, tecnologia, medi ambient i salut publicades en una selecció de mitjans de comunicació digitals en castellà, català, gallec i eusquera. Què us demanem? Necessitem lectors i lectores que, de manera v

Recent Wellcome Witnesses publication: 'Medical Genetics: Development of Ethical Dimensions in Clinical Practice and Research'

A recent volume of Wellcome Witnesses to Contemporary Medicine is freely available to download at the History of Modern Biomedicine Research Group website: Medical Genetics: Development of Ethical Dimensions in Clinical Practice and Research http://www.histmodbiomed.org/ witsem/vol57 '… most of us going in as clinicians and coming out as clinical geneticists had absolutely zero grounding in philosophy, psychology, or any other kind of ‘ology’ really.' Professor Peter Harper A Witness Seminar on the emergence of complex ethical issues in clinical genetics practice, the evolution of these issues over several decades of advances in medical genetics research and social change, and the professionalization of this field. Chaired by Professor Anneke Lucassen (Southampton) with an introduction by Professor Richard Ashcroft (QMUL). Jones E M and Tansey E M. (eds) (2016) Wellcome Witnesses to Contemporary Medicine, vol. 57. London: Queen Mary University