
Mostrando entradas de marzo 16, 2014

CFP: Greek Medical Texts and their Audience: Perception, Transmission, Reception

Greek Medical Texts and their Audience: Perception, Transmission, Reception 12-13 December 2014 Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgium Sponsored by the A.G. Leventis Foundation. Organised by Sophia Xenophontos (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and Petros Bouras-Vallianatos (King’s College London) Call for papers The idea that every text is meant to appeal to a certain audience is not a new one, but it is only recently that it has engaged much scholarly discussion, especially in light of the application of reception theory to literary works. This conference seeks to examine the interplay between Greek medical texts (e.g. Hippocratic corpus, Dioscorides, Galen, Rufus of Ephesus) and their contemporary readers. Papers concentrating on the reception of these texts in later periods (e.g. Late Antiquity, Byzantium), including the Syriac and Islamic tradition, are a lso welcome. We are interested in contemplating, inter alia , the following questions/subj

Conference: Science for the People: The 1970s and Today. 11-13 April 2014, UMass Amherst

Conference Science for the People: The 1970s and Today 11-13 April 2014, UMass Amherst This three-day conference brings together former members of the 1970s-1980s organization Science for the People (SftP), STS scholars, students, and activists in an exploration of the history of SftP and the significance of its approach to issues of science and power. Full program and registration information is available at http://science-for-the-people.org . Thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation and many local co-sponsors, all conference events will be filmed and archived on the website together with written and oral history narratives and primary source documents relevant to the history of Science for the People. Please bookmark the site: materials will be added throughout the spring and summer, and it will be maintained as a resource for future scholars. -- Sigrid Schmalzer sigrid@history.umass.edu Associate Professor, History Department Director, Social Thought

Dissertation Reviews - February 2014 Posts

Dissertation Reviews Dissertation Reviews ( http://dissertationreviews.org/ ) is a window to recently defended and unpublished dissertations, as well as articles on archives and libraries around the world. The following is a list of the February 2014 posts for the Science Studies, Medical Anthropology, and Bioethics series. [Science Studies]  Giuditta Parolini, "'Making Sense of Figures:' Statistics, Computing and Information Technologies in Agriculture and Biology in Britain, 1920s-1960s," (University of Bologna, 2013), reviewed by Dominic Berry (University of Leeds) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/7247 [Science Studies]  Imogen Clarke, "Negotiating Progress: Promoting "Modern" Phy sics in Britain, 1900-1940," (University of Manchester, 2012), reviewed by Vivien Hamilton (Harvey Mudd College) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/7256 [Science Studies]  Lisa Ann Robertson, "The Embodied Imagination: Britis

IHPST March Newsletter

Dear Colleagues, The March IHPST newsletter is now available on the web at: http://ihpst.net/newsletters / CONTENTS 1.         Science & Education Journal, Volume 23 Number 3 Thematic Issue: Literature, Science and Science Education Guest Editors: George N. Vlahakis, Kostas Skordoulis and Kostas Tampakis 2.         Science & Education Journal, Report (a) Rationale and Purpose of the Journal (b) Journal on the Web         (c) Manuscript Submissions (d) Copyediting Assistance Required for Manuscripts from Non-Anglo Authors (e) Article Downloads (f) Thematic Issues (g) Journal Reviewing 3.         Journal Thematic Issue, Call for Papers, The Interplay of Physics and Mathematics: Historical, Philosophical and Pedagogical Considerations 4.         The 3 rd Latin American Regional IHPST Conference, November 17-19, 2014, Santiago, Chile 5.         The 2 nd Asian Regional IHPST Conference, Decem