
Mostrando entradas de julio 17, 2011

CfP: Edited Volume on the History of Psychiatry in Communist Europe

CfP: Edited Volume on the History of Psychiatry in Communist Europe We invite proposals for chapters to appear in an edited volume on the history of psychiatry in Communist Europe.   Proposals on any topic of psychiatric history during the Communist era are welcomed and should initially take the form of a short 500 word abstract. The history of psychiatry is one of the most dynamic and well-researched fields within the broader history of medicine.   Despite the abundance of work done in this regard, scholarly investigations of the psychiatric developments within Eastern Europe and the former USSR remain relatively rare.    The work that has been done, meanwhile, overwhelmingly concentrates on the political misuse of psychiatry within Russia. This volume seeks to contribute to the wider fields of medical history and the history of Communism more generally.   It is interested in compiling research on psychiatry outside of the abuse paradigm but also welcomes...

New book series (Springer) in history, philosophy, theory of the life sciences

I'd like to announce, also on behalf of my co-series editors Philippe Huneman and Thomas Reydon, a new book series in History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences from Springer, with about ten titles in preparation : see http://www.springer.com/series/8916 . We are primarily focusing on works that are either historical and/or philosophical-theoretical, dealing with biology, medicine, neuroscience and other related sciences - not, e.g. the social history of medicine. Proposals of edited volumes or monographs are welcome - the website contains the relevant contact information. Sincerely Charles Wolfe Centre for History of Science, Dept of Philosophy and Moral Sciences University of Ghent Associate, Unit for History and Philosophy of Science University of Sydney


Marino Gómez Santos ha publicado recientemente el libro titulado: "MANUEL DÍAZ RUBIO. HUMANISTA DE LA MEDICINA". Adjunto enlace con la noticia: http://www.actasanitaria.com/actasanitaria/frontend/desarrollo_noticia.jsp?idCanal=6&idContenido=26584 Francisco Herrera Universidad de Cádiz

H-Net Review Publication: 'A Family Paralyzed by Polio'

Anne K. Gross.   The Polio Journals: Lessons from My Mother. Greenwood Village   Diversity Matters Press, 2011.   ii + 272 pp. $16.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-578-06591-5. Reviewed by Jacqueline Foertsch (University of North Texas) Published on H-Disability (July, 2011) Commissioned by Iain C. Hutchison A Family Paralyzed by Polio Anne K. Gross's _The Polio Journals: Lessons From My Mother_ joins a significant collection of recently published memoirs regarding polio in one's family or one's own life. They include Hugh Gregory Gallagher's _Blackbird Fly Away: Disabled in an Able-Bodied World_ (1998),_ _Mary Grimley Mason's _Life Prints: A Memoir of Healing and Discovery_ (2001),and Marc Shell's _Polio and Its Aftermath: The Paralysis of Culture_ (2005). Gross's memoir compares closest to Kathryn Black's remarkably moving _In the Shadow of Polio: A Personal and Social History_ (1996); both writers tell the story of a mother profoundly affected by polio, a...

Volume 26 (2011) of Osiris

Volume 26 (2011) of Osiris, the annual thematic journal published by the University of Chicago Press on behalf of the History of Science Society, is now available in print and electronic formats. Volume 26, titled Klima, was edited by James E. Fleming of Colby College and Vladimir Jankovic of the University of Manchester. "Climate is a rather elusive entity," wrote Helmut Landsberg in 1950 as he sorted through some twenty competing definitions. This volume delves into that elusiveness, looking at the question of what "climate" means from a historical perspective. In reaching back to the Greeks-who give the volume its title-the collection seeks to break the term free from its current exclusive association with atmospheric sciences in order to explore the term's long history of broader usage, in medical geographic, agricultural, racial and other contexts. All individual and student members of the History of Science Society receive Osiris as a benefit of memb...

La transición alimentaria en la España contemporánea (1875-1975) y su contexto internacional

En el marco de la Escuela de Verano de Salud Pública se celebra el encuentro: La transición alimentaria en la España contemporánea (1875-1975) y su contexto internacional http://www.emsp.cime.es/Contingut.aspx?IDpub=2612 Para facilitar la asistencia al mismo la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina financia dos becas de 300 euros. Los interesado enviar CV a Luis Montiel Llorente montiel@med.ucm.es Catedrático de Hª de la Ciencia UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Hª de la Medicina Enrique Perdiguero Gil quique@umh.es Profesor Titular de Hª de la Ciencia UNIVERSIDAD MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ Coordinador del encuentro junto con Josep Miquel Vidal (Director Científico del Institut Menorquí d’Estudis) Fecha límite: 7 de septiembre de 2011