CFP: AAHPSSS in Sydney, July 9-11, 2010
CFP: AAHPSSS in Sydney, July 9-11, 2010 The next conference of AAHPSSS (the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science) will take place at the University of Sydney, in the Unit for History and Philosophy of Science (New Law School building), on July 9-11 , 2010. Information about accommodation and registration is on the AAHPSSS website at . If you need accommodation you are strongly encouraged to book early as the hotels and hostels will fill up. The conference will take place immediately after the AAP meeting at UNSW in Sydney (more information at ) . Membership in AAHPSSS (now 25 $ yearly, 10 $ for students) allows you to register for the conference at a lower fee. Members register at a cost of 40$ for both days or 20$ / day; non-members register at a cost of 80$ for both days or 40$ /day. Students and unwaged: 20 $ / day or 40 $ /