
Mostrando entradas de mayo 9, 2010

CFP: AAHPSSS in Sydney, July 9-11, 2010

CFP: AAHPSSS in Sydney, July 9-11, 2010 The next conference of AAHPSSS (the Australasian Association for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science) will take place at the University of Sydney, in the Unit for History and Philosophy of Science (New Law School building), on July 9-11 , 2010. Information about accommodation and registration is on the AAHPSSS website at   http://www.usyd.edu.au/aahpsss/AAHPSSS2010-conference.html . If you need accommodation you are strongly encouraged to book early as the hotels and hostels will fill up. The conference will take place immediately after the AAP meeting at UNSW in Sydney (more information at http://www.aap-conferences.org.au/ ) . Membership in AAHPSSS (now 25 $ yearly, 10 $ for students) allows you to register for the conference at a lower fee. Members register at a cost of 40$ for both days or 20$ / day; non-members register at a cost of 80$ for both days or 40$ /day. Students and unwaged: 20 $ / day or 40 $ /

Closing date for Applications to the 2010 Award Scheme 31st May 2010

Closing date for Applications to the 2010 Award Scheme 31st May 2010.  Details of the scheme are below. The Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry would like to invite applications for its award scheme for 2010.  Two types of award are available: support for research into the history of chemistry or history of alchemy by New Scholars and support for Subject Development of either history of chemistry or history of alchemy. The New Scholars Award is open to post-graduate students (both masters and doctoral students) and those who have obtained a PhD within five years of 1 January of the year in which the application is made.  Awards of up to £500 will be made to cover research expenses, including travel, accommodation, subsistence, the reproduction of documents, and library fees.  Applications may also include the costs of reproducing images for publication.  The scheme will not fund the purchase of equipment or course fees. In addition, post-graduate students only may ap

Three AHRC Collaborative PhD Studentships in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Leeds

T hree AHRC Collaborative PhD Studentships in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at the University of Leeds Three AHRC-funded PhD studentships are available from 1 October 2010 for collaborative research projects between the Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Leeds, and  three partner institutions: the BT Archives, the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), and the Leeds Library. (1) “Whose call? Mapping the Early Usage and Non-Usage of the Telephone in Britain ”—a project in collaboration with BT Archives Who used telephones in the UK from the late 1870s, and why—and also who didn’t…? We know these devices were deployed in roles as varied as entertainment, experimentation, and business transactions – and latterly even conversation. This project seeks to map the previously uncharted social, geographical and gender profiles of their users.  An equally important question is: why did others continue to use instea


======== ALMAGEST: FIRST ISSUE =============================================== Dear Colleagues, We are glad to announce the first issue of Almagest, the new international journal for the history of scientific ideas, diffused by Brepols publishers.  Please find a leaflet with the description of the journal and details for subscription at: http://www.brepols.net/Pages/GetFile.aspx?dlfi=39 The journal’s webpage at the HPDST website is: http://www.hpdst.gr/publications/almagest Editorial board of the journal: Ana Barahona, Fabio Bevilacqua, Michel Blay, Konstantinos Chatzis, Christopher Cullen, Sergei Demidov, Silvia Figueirôa, Robert Halleux, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, Vincent Jullien, Eberhard Knobloch, Alexandre Kostov, Liu Dun, Ronald Numbers, Tomislav Petkovic, Alexandar Petrovic, Sabine,Rommevaux, Annette.Vogt. Editors: Efthymios Nicolaidis and Constantine Skordoulis

Final Call: HSS Reingold Prize for Student Essay. Deadline 1 June 2010

Final Call The History of Science Society's Nathan Reingold Prize for an original graduate student essay on the history of science and its cultural influences. Deadline for Submission: 1 June 2010 The deadline for the History of Science Society's 2010 Reingold Prize for an essay by a graduate student is 1 June 2010. Please share this information with the scholars and students in your department and encourage students to enter their essays. For more information on the Reingold prize, visit the HSS website at http://www.hssonline.org/about/society_reingold.html . The ideal Reingold Prize paper should be original; historiographically sophisticated; based on primary sources, either published or archival; clearly argued; well written; and interesting. Successful papers in the past have come from parts of dissertations in progress or revised seminar papers. The prize recognizes an original and unpublished article (articles that have been accepted for publication are ineligibl


CALL FOR PUBLICATION, MONOGRAPHIC ISSUE CATALAN REVIEW We are seeking one or two articles for a monographic issue devoted to the experience of Catalans in French Concentration Camps (1939-1945) to be published in the Catalan Review, international scholarly journal devoted to all aspects of Catalan culture. Articles should have an extension of 15-20 pages (4500 and 6200 words) and should be written either in English or in Catalan. Deadline for the final version, October 1, 2010 . You are invited to submit your questions and proposals as soon as possible to Marta Marín-Dòmine (editor of the issue): mmarin@wlu.ca  or marindomine@gmail.com     Marta Marín-Dòmine Department of Languages and Literaturses Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo , Ontario , Canada mmarin@wlu.ca

Metaphysical thought in SF and Utopia (Society for Utopian Studies, Milwaukee, October 28-31, 2010) Location: Wisconsin, United States

Metaphysical thought in SF and Utopia (Society for Utopian Studies, Milwaukee , October 28-31 , 2010) Location: Wisconsin , United States Papers are invited for one or more panels that explore relationships between the broad genre of sf and utopia and the broad category of metaphysical thought and belief. Historical or theoretical approaches from any discipline are welcome. Papers that touch on the theme of this year’s Society for Utopian Studies conference—civil rights, social justice, and the Midwest —are especially encouraged. Relationships between religion and utopian intentional communities are well documented, and the importance of religion in pre-20th century literary utopias (beginning with More’s original) is clear. In the 20th century, religion and metaphysics came to be associated with the dangers of mass ideologies and frequently played a prominent role in dystopian literature. With the development of more nuanced genres at the end of the century—critical

ELN Issue 49.1 "Transnational Exchange" Submission Deadline 10/1/10 Call for Papers

ELN Issue 49.1 "Transnational Exchange" Submission Deadline 10/1/10 Call for Papers Call for Papers - Submission Deadline 10/1/10 ELN (English Language Notes) 49.1 (Spring/Summer 2011) “Transnational Exchange” As global flows of texts, media, persons, goods and cultures traverse national borders, what is gained, what is lost? How do we compare these modes of being, knowing and aesthetic expression as they move from one context to another? From what critical ground? This special issue of ELN invites contributions that investigate the epistemological, aesthetic, economic, cultural, social, political and/or disciplinary histories and methodologies of transnational exchange in an effort to determine critically the stakes and premises of such exchange. For instance, if we think of transnational exchange as having been drawn from the Western philosophical tradition of cosmopolitanism with its conceptions of responsibility and attentiveness to the foreign and

Popular Entertainment Studies: call for papers Call for Papers Date: 2010-07-18

Popular Entertainment Studies: call for papers Call for Papers Date: 2010-07-18  Popular Entertainment Studies CALL FOR PAPERS Volume 1, number 2 Popular Entertainment Studies is a peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary eJournal dedicated to the exploration of all aspects of popular entertainment. Its aim is to stimulate international debate and the exchange of ideas in a field whose meaning and definition remain widely contested. We invite expressions of interest by scholars from a range of complementary disciplines: theatre and performance studies, health, history, psychology, dance, fine art and music, as well as performing arts curators and archivists, which address any aspect of popular entertainments, their genres, styles, audiences, spaces, performers and performances. In the first instance, an expression of interest should be sent to the General Editor ( Victor.Emeljanow@newcastle.edu.au ). The second issue will be published in September 2010 and the deadline

CW Post, Long Island University - Early Modern European history

CW Post, Long Island University - Early Modern European history New York , United States College/University Visiting Assistant Professor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Category: Early Modern History  Secondary Categories:   Medieval History European History The Department of History of the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University invites applications for a one-year visiting professorship in Early Modern Europe for 2010-2011 academic year. Teaching responsibilities: three courses per semester, including sections of Western or World civilization to 1789, upper-level (and possibly graduate) courses in areas of expertise. PhD preferred; advanced ABD’s considered. Teaching experience required. Long Island University is an AA/EOE employer. Send cover letter, CV, two letters of recommendation, and sample syllabi to: Professor Jeanie Attie, Chair, Department of History, C. W. Post, Long Island University , 720 No

3 jobs on the Darwin Correspondence Project

* Research Associate - Darwin and Human Nature (Temporary) - Darwin Correspondence Project* *Grade:* 7 *Salary Range:* £27,319 - £35,646 pa *Limit of tenure: 2 years from date of appointment* The Darwin Correspondence Project (http://www.darwinproject.ac.uk/) is a small externally-funded team of researchers and editors, based in Cambridge University Library, which is making available complete transcripts of all known letters written by or to the naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–82). The post of "Research Associate - Darwin and human nature" is a new, temporary post funded as part of a sub-project on “Exploring Evolutionary Views Of Human Nature Through Darwin's Correspondence” supported by a grant from The John Templeton Foundation, and is a two-year full-time post. *This post is available from June 2010.* Working with the Project editors, and with a web development team at the University’s Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies, the postholder wil

Final Roy Porter Lecture

With the announcement of the closure of the Centre by UCL and the Wellcome Trust and the uncertainty regarding the precise details of the two-year wind-down the 2010 Roy Porter Memorial lecture will be the last. Professor Quentin Skinner will talk on Political Liberty: The Enlightenment Debate, a subject Roy would have particularly enjoyed. The lecture will be held on Wednesday May 26th in the Wellcome Building, 183 Euston Road. Attendance is free on receipt of an e-ticket which may be obtained by emailing: hom-events@ucl.ac.uk This is essential as space is limited. Further details may be found here: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/histmed/library/PORTER-26-05-10 -- Dr Rhodri Hayward Department of History Queen Mary, University of London LONDON E1 4NS

Call for Nomination for 4S Edge Prize for STS articles

David Edge Prize* *Nominations Due June 15^th , 2010.* Awarded annually for the best article in the area of science and technology studies by the 4S. The third annual award David Edge Prize will be made at the 4S Annual Meeting in August 2010. Please submit article nominations (complete bibliographic information and, whenever possible, a pdf-file to the Secretary, Wesley Shrum (shrum@lsu.edu < mailto:shrum@lsu.edu >) and prize committee chair, Michelle Murphy ( michelle.murphy@utoronto.ca ). The Prize is named in memory of David Edge (1932-2003). David was trained in astronomy, and worked with the BBC before becoming the first Director of the Science Studies Unit at the University of Edinburgh in 1966. He had a strong administrative and intellectual role in the development of science and technology studies, as we know it today. He was active with the 4S from its beginning, and served as President and received the Bernal award for lifetime achievement. Throughout his lif