
Mostrando entradas de junio 9, 2019

Primera Circular XXII Simposio de la SEHM 28-29 de noviembre Madrid

Bajo el título "Para una historia (de la medicina) en el presente" se celebrará en Madrid el 28 y 29 de noviembre de 2019 el XXII Simposio de  la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina El formato de esta edición consistirá en una de mesas en las que dos  ponentes dialoguen sobre un problema sanitario o médico desde la perspectiva histórica y desde la perspectiva actual, intentando valorar especialmente qué puede aportar el trabajo histórico para pensar el presente. Se adjunta la I Circular de carácter meramente informativo. En sucesivas comunicaciones se informará de los precios de inscripción y del programa detallado. http://www.sehm.es/pages/tablo n_noticias/*/reuniones-y-congr esos/2019/06/03/primera-circul ar-xxii-simposio-de-la-socieda d-espaaola-de-historia-de-la- medicina-madrid-28-y-29-de- noviembre-de-2019

Comunicació per a la salut centrada en les persones: cap a un abordatge interdisciplinari

Enllaç a la matrícula Dies: 10, 11 i 12 de juliol de 2019 Lloc: Thalasso Hotel Termas Marinas El Palasiet, Benicàssim (Castelló) Coordinació del curs: Anna Lluch, Universitat de València Vicent Montalt, Universitat Jaume I Amb la col·laboració l'Institut Interuniversitari López Piñero, seu de la Universitat Jaume I. Descripció: La comunicació verbal i no verbal és una assignatura pendent i molt necessària en els nostres entorns clínics. La bona notícia és que és una assignatura que es pot aprendre. Aquest curs d’estiu pretén fer visible i posar en relleu la importància de la comunicació en els àmbits medicosanitaris i, en particular, la comunicació entre pacients i professionals sanitaris, així com la necessitat de millorar-la constantment. Volem crear un espai de reflexió i diàleg des del qual contribuir a una comunicació veritable que no es reduïsca a la transmissió d’informació sinó que promoga la comprensió, la sensibilitat, l’empatia, l’empoderament dels

Recurso on line: Ciència democràtica: videos de les taules rodones a l'IEC

Per si és del vostre interès, aqui teniu els links dels videos de les dues sessions que hem tingut recentment dins del cicle "Ciència democràtica": Acadèmia neoliberal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBPRb5_RExU Pesticides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef0xrroKF6Y

Call for Book Proposals: PALGRAVE STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN MEDICINE (Series Editors: Jonathan Barry and Fabrizio Bigotti)

The Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR) is seeking proposals for the series  PALGRAVE STUDIES IN MEDIEVAL AND EARLY MODERN MEDICINE edited by Jonathan Barry (University of Exeter, United Kingdom) and  Fabrizio Bigotti (Julius-Maximilians- Universität Würzburg, Germany). The series provides a high-quality outlet for academic monographs and edited collections devoted to the history of medicine in the period 1100-1800. It pays particular attention to intellectual history and history of ideas , including history and philosophy of science , history of medicine and technology , history of medical institutions , medical biographies as well as mutual bearings between medical humanities and the arts (including music and architecture). Further topics include history of medical traditions and practices , philosophy of medicine   and biology and publications of medical correspondences and archival documents .  The emphasis

New open access book: Science Policy Under Thatcher

UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a brand new open access book that will be of interest to list subscribers: Science Policy under Thatcher by Jon Agar. Download it free from: http://bit.ly/317kcov ****************************** **** Science Policy under Thatcher  Jon Agar Download free: hhttp://bit.ly/317kcov ****************************** **** Margaret Thatcher was prime minister from 1979 to 1990, during which time her Conservative administration transformed the political landscape of Britain. Science Policy under Thatcher is the first book to examine systematically the interplay of science and government under her leadership. Thatcher was a working scientist before she became a professional politician, and she maintained a close watch on science matters as prime minister. Scientific knowledge and advice were important to many urgent issues of the 1980s, from late Cold War questions of defence to emerging environmental problems such

CfP: Practicing Evidence – Evidencing Practice. How is (Scientific) Knowledge Validated, Valued and Contested?

Call for Papers: Practicing Evidence – Evidencing Practice. How is (Scientific) Knowledge Validated, Valued and Contested? International Conference and Pre-Conference Workshop 19-21st February, 2020 Munich, Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung DFG Research Group 2448 DEADLINE: 15th September 2019 KEYNOTE: Angela Creager, Professor in the History of Science, Princeton University “Evidence” has been generating a lot of interest lately. The concept has become central to public controversies surrounding issues such as climate change and the anti-vaccination movement, and it served as a kind of rallying cry in the “science marches” and debates about the “post-truth” society. Campaigns for more data-driven, “evidence-based” decision-making have emerged in fields as diverse as medicine, politics and management. Meanwhile, the number of conferences and research projects reflecting on the nature and functions of the concept seem to be on the rise too. Evidence h

CfP: “La Ciencia y sus públicos: circulación, apropiación y creación científica en Iberoamérica, siglos XIX y XX”.

Url:  https://ceasmexico.wordpress.com/2019/04/16/la-ciencia-y-sus-publicos-circulacion-apropiacion-y-creacion-cientifica-en-iberoamerica-siglos-xix-y-x-x-workshop-convocatoria/ La historia tradicional ha tendido a privilegiar el modelo del “déficit” en la interpretación de las dinámicas que acompañaron la difusión de la ciencia, entendiendo a esta última como el quehacer de un grupo de expertos, que habiendo elaborado su trabajo y realizado los esperados hallazgos, difundieron sus resultados a la sociedad o públicos legos. El modelo del déficit supone una visión ortodoxa de la elaboración de conocimiento científico, que postula que el saber circula desde los expertos dentro de las instituciones, hacia los inexpertos que están fuera de estas. Esta perspectiva a su vez asume que la movilidad del saber científico opera bajo la lógica de transmisión desde el centro hacia la periferia -de lo global hacia lo local-, cuando se ha podido demostrar que el conocimiento local y popu

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 11 months full time

Salary range : £37,912 rising to £43,333 Start date : 1 September or as soon as possible thereafter Closing date for applications : 30 June 2019 The Department of History at Birkbeck College, University of London, invites applications for a full-time Post-Doctoral Research Associate post for 11 months, to work with Dr Jessica Reinisch as part of a new HERA project on The Scientific Conference: A Social, Cultural, and Political History   The project explores the evolution of scientific and medical conferences as public spaces where knowledge is defined and exchanged, communities are shaped, and international relations are performed. We will trace the history of their emergence and development over the long twentieth century, study their various forms, and identify their inclusionary and exclusionary effects. Project partners are Professor S. E. W. Widmalm (Uppsala University, Sweden), Dr Jessica Reinisch (Birkbeck), Dr Charlotte Bigg (Centre Alexandre Koyré, France)

CfA 39th Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy

39 th  National Congress of the Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy Pisa, September 9-12, 2019  http://www.sisfa.org/convegni/ pisa-2019 We invite contributions to the 39 th  Congress of the  Italian Society for the History of Physics and Astronomy (SISFA) , which will take place in Pisa on September 9-12, 2019. The main venue will be at the  Enrico Fermi Physics Department of the University of Pisa . A thematic session on the History of General Relativity will take place in Cascina, at the  European Gravitational Observatory , where the Virgo experiment is located.  The Meeting is one of a well-established series that SISFA has been organizing on a yearly basis since its foundation. It aims at promoting the research activities in the history of physics and astronomy in Italy, carried out not only by academic historians but also by independent scholars and school teachers willing to explore the role of the history of physics and astrono

Post Doctoral Fellowship in the History of Science and Technology- NYU

Location,  New York, NY Open Date,  May 30, 2019 Description The Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship for one year in the History of Science and Technology, or a related field, with the possibility for renewal for a second year. The Fellowship, which will begin September 1, 2019 , will include a $42,000 annual stipend, a $20,000 housing allowance, full medical benefits and assistance with relocation. The research of the successful candidate should be interdisciplinary in nature and complement the work of historians of science already at Gallatin, as we look to strengthen the history-of-science community within New York University and New York City. The successful candidate will advance their own research project, teach two undergraduate courses a year, assist in the execution and development of the

CfP: Science Museum Group Research Conference 2019: The Place of Industry

The 2019 Science Museum Group Research Conference will take place 4-5 November 2019, at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester.  Here, on an internationally significant industrial heritage site, in the world’s first industrial city, we will emphasise the place of industry. As ever, all Science Museum Group staff and students are invited to come and speak about their current research.  Each year we also have a central concern and this year we particularly welcome offers of papers, panels, case studies, screenings and performances on the following topics: Place-based approaches to science and industry.  From the coffee house to the technical school, from bricks and mortar to regional strategies.  What does a focus on place and space bring to our understanding of science and industry?  Interfaces and juxtapositions of industry with other disciplines and frames.  From applying a science, technology, engineering and maths lens to industry to making space for


Call for Abstracts / Registration The Centre for Philosophy of Science (ZfW) at WWU Münster, Germany will host a workshop on Thursday, July 11, 1 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. and Friday, July 12, 2019, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on (Scientific) Observation and Background Effects Conceptualization, Epistemic Issues, & Mechanisms. Venue: WWU Münster, Department of Philosophy, Room DPL 23.315, Domplatz 23, 48143 Münster, Germany. Which effects of background beliefs on scientific observation are possible, even actual? This classic question concerning the theory-ladenness of observation has recently seen renewed interest in epistemology, philosophy of mind, social philosophy ( implicit bias ), and in the neuro- and cognitive sciences ( predictive coding ). On the one hand, we are interested in effects which proceed not just from background beliefs, but from a whole range of cognitive states: desires, hopes, worries, prejudices and moods. On the other hand, we are

Santorio Award for Excellence in Research

The Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance  (CSMBR) and Fondazione Comel- Institutio Santoriana are  happy to announce the international scheme  Santorio Award for Excellence in Research.  The award is designed to support scholarly excellence in intellectual history and to promote the best PhD theses in the history of medicine and science with a focus on European and the Western traditions ( widely construed,  including interactions with, and borrowings from, other cultures/traditions/practices around the Mediterranean, especially Arabic and Hebrew) throughout the period 1100-1800.  It is named after the Italian physician and philosopher  Santorio Santori  (1561-1636), who is considered the father of quantitative experimental physiology. Nature of the Award The award consists of a cash prize (for the first position) plus a medal and a publication for the two first selected works with the series Palgrave Studies in Medieval and Early Mo