
Mostrando entradas de septiembre 15, 2019

CfP: Revista Cuestiones de Género

Abierta la convocatoria para el envío de artículos originales e inéditos al monográfico nº 15 de la Revista Cuestiones de Género que versará sobre “Género, Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación” y será coordinado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina). Quienes estén interesadas/os en enviar artículos para el próximo número podrán hacerlo a través de la plataforma web procediendo con su registro como “Autor/a” y adjuntando su artículo en el mismo acto. Las personas que ya estén registradas en la plataforma pueden enviar su artículo desde su perfil. La sección “Tribuna Abierta”, acoge aportaciones con una temática diferente a la del monográfico, así como una sección para realizar reseñas de libros y películas. El plazo de recepción para el próximo número termina el 28 de febrero de 2020 Más información en: Revista Cuestiones de Género: de la igualdad y la diferencia

CfP: Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science

Consider submitting a paper or panel for the 2020 Southern Association for the History of Medicine and Science (SAHMS) conference, March 5-7. The conference will be hosted by the Oschner Medical Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. SAHMS is seeking paper submissions from students, professors, medical and legal professionals, and independent scholars with an academic interest in the history of science and or medicine. Submissions from all fields, including history, anthropology, philosophy, sociology, and related fields are welcome. Papers concerning all historical periods and international areas are encouraged. Papers do  not  need to be Southern in focus. Deadline for submissions and student travel grants is  November 1  (December 1 for medical education) .  Notification by December 20. For more information, email SAHMS President Jennifer Rogers or  sahmsconference@gmail.com .  Please visit our website:  www.sahms.net . Contact Info:  Jennifer Rogers C

Job: Postdoc, University of Turin, ERC Project

The University of Turin ( Università degli Studi di Torino ) is inviting applications for a postdoctoral researcher (“assegnista di ricerca”) in the field of philosophy of science and related disciplines. The successful candidate will work in the project “Making Scientific Inferences More Objective” ( https://msio.wordpress.com/ ), funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and directed by Professor Jan Sprenger. He or she will be affiliated to the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences and the Center for Logic, Language and Cognition (LLC) . The duration of the position is one year (12 months), starting 1 November 2019. Slight deviations from that date can be mutually agreed. Below is a summary of the most important information; detailed information is available at https://msio.wordpress.com/ contact/open-positions/ Profile and Evaluation Criteria Candidates must hold a PhD degree, or provide evidence of obtaining it before the end of 2019. They must be able to

CfP: 29th Annual WHA Conference

The World History Association (WHA) will hold its 29 th  Annual Conference, UTAH 2020, from June 25 – 27, 2020.  The conference theme will be "Sustainability & Preservation: Local + Regional + Global," although submissions on other historical themes are also welcome.  We will be located in the Foothills District of Salt Lake City, where multiple cultural attractions, museums and the University of Utah converge.  This location, in the valley of the Wasatch Mountains, affords registrants outdoor recreational options and beautiful views.   At this time, the Call for Papers (CFPs) is open and submissions due by December 16, 2019.  General information about the CFPs and the submission forms can be found on the WHA Homepage ( www.thewha.org ).  Waivers, scholarships and fellowships will be available for our 2020 conference.  Please review this information carefully ( https://www.thewha.org/ conferences/conference- scholarships/ ) for the criteria governing ea

CfP: for SAHMS 2020

The Southern Association for the History of Medicine is seeking paper submissions from students (including undergraduate, graduate, medical, and health sciences professional students), professors, medical and legal professionals, and independent scholars with an academic interest in the history of science and/or medicine. Our conference meeting this year will be hosted by the Oschner Medical Center i n New Orleans, LA. Submissions are welcome from all fields related to the historical understanding of any aspect of science, medicine, nursing, health care, and the medical and health science professions, as well as closely related topics. Papers or panels addressing issues related to science, medicine, race, disabilities, sustainability, environment, technology, and gender studies, are also welcome. Submissions do not have to be Southern in focus. For information about the conference, student travel grants, and submission guidelines, contact SAHMS President Jennifer Rogers or sahms

La Universitat de Barcelona estrena la sèrie de divulgació audiovisual «Desxifrant la taula periòdica»

L'Assemblea General de les Nacions Unides ha proclamat el 2019 Any Internacional de la Taula Periòdica dels Elements Químics. Tot just enguany es compleixen 150 anys que Dmitri Mendeléiev va fer història en aconseguir posar ordre en els elements químics. Allò va suposar un pas imprescindible per a l'avenç de la química. El que probablement no hauria imaginat mai és que la seva troballa seria tan popular i donaria tant de joc fora de l'àmbit estricte d'aquesta ciència. Amb motiu d'aquesta efemèride, la Universitat de Barcelona presenta «Desxifrant la taula periòdica», la nova sèrie de divulgació audiovisual que s'estrena avui. L'objectiu, descobrir al públic que la taula periòdica és molt més que un exercici memorístic que s'aprèn a l'escola, i que la seva influència no es limita a la química, sinó que va més enllà i arriba a altres disciplines com poden ser les belles arts, la filosofia o la filologia. Per tenir aquesta visió transve

Research Assistant in Public Engagement (part-time)

Url Looking for a research assistant to help with a project comparing the healthcare-related techno futures currently being developed in research and industry, with the futures desired by young people in Lambeth and Southwark. We will be holding a series of arts-facilitated workshops with young people to understand their hopes and fears for the future and comparing these with interviews and observations of key stakeholders. This will be followed by a series of public events where we will facilitate conversations between healthcare researchers and the general public. The post holder will be helping with ethnographic observations, a literature review, and data analysis. They will also need excellent organisational skills to assist with the organisation of research activities. Candidates should have a masters or equivalent in a social science and humanities subject and have the ability to think critically and communicate ideas to a wide range of audiences.

ERC-funded PhD position at the TU Berlin/ HRP-IAEA

The TU Berlin is opening an ERC-funded PhD position to studytheIAEA’s programs of technical assistance (TA) and explore the overlaps of science and diplomacy in deciding on the participating countries and in prioritizing research themesunder my supervision. I would appreciate if you could encourage your best students to apply.You can find the ad here https://www.personalabteilung. tu-berlin.de/menue/jobs/ stellenausschreibungen/ and here https://iaeahistory.weebly. com/our-blog For more about the program see https://iaeahistory.weebly. com/ and https://hssonline.org/ resources/publications/ newsletter/january-2018/a- diplomatic-turn-in-history-of- science/

CFP: How Quantum Mechanics Changed Philosophy

Bergische Universität Wuppertal, January 16-17, 2020 The aim of this workshop is to explore the implications of quantum mechanics for philosophy, both historically and in contemporary debates. Quantum mechanics is generally regarded as a fundamental theory of nature, and at the same time as problematic to understand. The particular issues raised by quantum mechanics have had repercussions for the general understanding of science as well as of the nature of reality. Many philosophers of natural science have been particularly interested in quantum mechanics - reflections on quantum mechanics play a role in the philosophical work of e.g. Reichenbach, Cassirer, Popper, Kuhn, Feyerabend, Putnam, Van Fraassen and Cartwright. At the same time, it has been argued that in certain areas of philosophy, quantum mechanics is unjustifiably ignored. The workshop aims to explore the roles of reflections on quantum mechanics in wider philosophical debates, from the early 20 th century until t

CfP: Universals' Locales workshop, deadline Friday

In theory, the ideas and methods of modern theoretical and mathematical sciences are born universal, ungoverned by researchers' locales and unconstrained by geopolitical borders. In practice, material and political constraints, linguistic and national barriers, and the manifold idiosyncrasies of individual research settings have historically divided theoretical and mathematical scholars more than their putatively placeless quarry has united them. Supported by the British Academy, this workshop brings together a network of early career scholars with a collection of senior mentors to attempt to articulate and engage the distinctive challenges of studying the international and global history and sociology of subjects whose universal ideals have only relatively recently corresponded to globe-crossing institutions and research communities. We aim to encourage to new collaborations and approaches to vital questions in the history and sociology of science, with implications for those c

Assistant/Associate Professor in Science Studies

Url:  https://apply.interfolio.com/68171 New York University: NYU - Domestic: Gallatin School of Individualized Study Location: New York Open Date:  Sep 9, 2019 Description The Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University (NYU) invites applications for the position of Assistant or Associate Professor in Science Studies to commence September 1, 2020. We seek an interdisciplinary scholar in the humanities or social sciences with expertise in biology, medicine or science-related studies of the body. Candidates should be able to design and teach imaginative, innovative courses that elaborate and examine scientific questions in their historical and theoretical contexts, and will be interested in teaching non-specialists and well as those concentrating in scientific fields.  A strong interest in interdisciplinary teaching and in advising individua

Featured Job Postdoctoral Faculty Fellows Liberal Studies, New York University Arts and Science

Liberal Studies at New York University invites applications for two Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow positions to begin September 1, 2020, pending administrative and budgetary approval. Liberal Studies provides a unique interdisciplinary educational experience to undergraduate students. The Liberal Studies Core consists of a two-year interdisciplinary global curriculum drawing on great works across civilizations. The Global Liberal Studies Bachelor of Arts, one of NYU’s premier liberal arts degrees, builds on the global core with an upper division set of interdisciplinary concentrations that direct students toward different areas of global study. Liberal Studies Postdoctoral Faculty Fellows teach one course for the first semester, and two courses for each subsequent semester in the Liberal Studies Core.  Fellows work closely with an assigned Faculty Mentor, they attend pedagogy workshops that explore innovative approaches to interdisciplinary global teaching, and they hav

Call for Applications: 2020 UCLA Library Special Collections Research Fellowships (deadline: 1 November 2019)

2020 UCLA Library Special Collections Research Fellowships https://www.library.ucla.edu/ special-collections/research- fellowships The UCLA Library Special Collections Research Fellowships Program supports the use of special collections materials by visiting scholars and UCLA graduate students. Collections that are administered by UCLA Library Special Collections and available for fellowship-supported research include rare books, journals, manuscripts, archives, printed ephemera, photographs and other audiovisual materials, oral history interviews, and other items in the humanities and social sciences; medical, life and physical sciences; visual and performing arts; and UCLA history. The Fellowships James and Sylvia Thayer Short-term Research Fellowships Thayer fellowships are on hiatus for 2020. They will return for 2021. Kenneth Karmiole Endowed Research Fellowship in UCLA Library Special Collections The Karmiole fellowship supports the use of UCLA

Just published: Voltaire, Notes et écrits marginaux conservés hors de la Bibliothèque nationale de Russie

Complete works of Voltaire , vol.145 Voltaire,  Notes et écrits marginaux conservés hors de la Bibliothèque nationale de Russie Complément au Corpus des notes marginales de Voltaire Sous la direction de Gillian Pink Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2019 ISBN 978-0-7294-0890-5 This volume is a complement to the Corpus des notes marginales s ubseries, reproducing marginal notes by Voltaire found in works outside of his personal library in both printed books and manuscripts. Some of the texts were annotated by Voltaire not for his own use but for friends, acquaintances and correspondents. The volume, with its 29 illustrations, therefore offers a rare glimpse of marginalia that was intended to help his contemporaries to improve their own writing, but also to impress a certain image of Voltaire himself upon the recipients of the annotated works. A general introduction to the series provides a fascinating portrait of Voltaire as a reader and explains the particular