
Mostrando entradas de enero 21, 2018


Zones d’intercanvi entre estudis socials i històrics sobre la ciència, la medicina i la tecnologia. L’objectiu de la trobada és explorar zones de trobada i promoure els intercanvis creatius entre les investigacions procedents de la història de la ciència, la tecnologia i la medicina (HSTM) i els realitzats des de la perspectiva dels estudis sobre ciència, tecnologia i societat (STS) fets a la Península Ibèrica. La interacció entre les dues àrees ha estat molt intensa durant les dues dècades finals del segle XX, amb abundants intercanvis teòrics, col·laboracions i creuaments de fronteres disciplinàries (v.  Isis , 2010;  Critical Inquiry , 2009). Més enllà del debat anglosaxó sobre STS i HSTM, el diàleg entre aquestes comunitats i disciplines a Espanya i Portugal ha estat mínim i aquesta trobada vol ser una oportunitat per a prestar atenció a la nostra pròpia idiosincràsia. El tema triat per a la trobada, “Ciència, política, activisme i ciutadania”, representa una àrea molt àmplia

CfP: Ciencia, Técnica y Tecnología en la Historia.IX Congreso Internacional e Interdisciplinar de Jóvenes Historiadores

CIENCIA, TÉCNICA Y TECNOLOGÍA EN LA HISTORIA IX CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL E INTERDISCIPLINAR DE JÓVENES HISTORIADORES   Url: http://www.ajhis.es/tecnica-historia   Universidad de Salamanca 21, 22 y 23 de marzo de 2018. Todos los aspectos relacionados con la ciencia, la técnica y la tecnología han sido desarrollados por y para el ser humano con la intención de mejorar sus condiciones de vida frente al espacio natural. Por otro lado, determinados inventos o teorías científicas inicialmente concebidas como hitos en pro de la humanidad, al final se revelaron de una manera opuesta a la pretendida. Dada la influencia que han tenido tales disciplinas en el progreso histórico, hemos considerado la necesidad de conceder un espacio apropiado de discusión e intercambio científicos en el que abordar el desarrollo de todas aquellas innovaciones que se han producido a lo largo de la historia y su papel en el transcurso de la misma. Al fin y al cabo, la propia producción de tales avances tiene un

Actas del VI Congreso del TICCIH España

Se han publicado recientemente las Actas del VI Congreso del TICCIH sobre patrimonio Industrial en el franquismo, celebrado en Madrid en junio de 2013. la obra se puede adquirir en la página web de la   revista Ábaco . (está incluido aquí el enlace). Además, están disponibles de forma libre los textos de las tres comunicaciones relacionadas con el sector de las telecomunicaciones, al haber autorizado sus respectivos autores su difusión. Podéis acceder a ellos en el siguiente enlace https://historiatelefonia.com/ 2018/01/26/publicadas-las- actas-del-vi-congreso-de- patrimonio-industrial-del- ticcih/

Nominations invited for BSHS Pickstone Prize 2018

Nominations are invited for British Society for the History of Science’s prestigious Pickstone Prize for 2018. The Prize aims to recognize pioneering works that advance the scholarly understanding and interpretation of the scientific past. In focusing on academic books, it complements the Society’s Dingle Prize, which rewards engagement with broader audiences. Established in 2014 with the help of the budget surplus from the 2013 International Congress of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, it honours the memory of our colleague Professor John Pickstone (1944–2014). Books published in English in 2016 and 2017 are eligible for consideration. Both single-authored and multiple-authored books are eligible, but not edited collections. Nominations can be made by anyone.  Self-nominations are allowed, as are multiple nominations by a single nominator. Nominations must be available as printed books. Please send your nomination(s) by 23:59 on 28th February to:   office@bshs.org.uk

CfA: CEU Summer School on "The Biological and the Social between 1900 and Today", 16-21 July, 2018, Apply till: Feb 14, 2018

CEU Summer School:  The Biological and the Social between 1900 and Today ,   16-21 July, 2018,   Application deadline: Feb 14, 2018 This summer school will examine critically the ways in which the social sciences and biology have been historically bound up over the course of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. From the beginning of that period, social and political theories exerted their influence on the knowledge produced by biological disciplines, while the social sciences built their understanding of human societies by drawing on what biology could tell them about human nature. The course will examine the entangled history of these disciplines and scrutinize how scientific boundaries are drawn and maintained, and how knowledge travels across them. We will evaluate what history can teach us about these exchanges and contemplate about possible joint work between social and biological scientists in the future.  Key topics of the course will include: early history of eugenics

CfP: The Sea in the 20th Century: Globalization, Science, Networks and Heritage (Lisbon, December 6 and 7, 2018)

CONFERENCE The Sea in the 20th Century: Globalization, Science, Networks and Heritage Lisbon, December 6 and 7, 2018 In analyzing the processes of globalization in the contemporary era, literature has demonstrated the importance of crossing and confronting various theoretical and methodological approaches in order to understand this phenomenon and the role of the sea in the process. Such is the case of Transnational and Global History, connected with the theories of cooperation and self-organization, which highlighted the determinants of globalization, adding to the role of States and institutions, various spaces and actors that played a relevant role in promoting networks that have crossed each other, and which have sometimes been reconfigured under various scales, while cooperating with official institutions and agents. The sea, port cities and all interconnected agents, occupy a prominent place in the understanding of the globalization process, building, at different s

CfA Spring school in Berlin : Visual History in the Twentieth Century: Bodies, Practices and Emotions

Visual History in the Twentieth Century: Bodies, Practices and Emotions Spring School organised by the ERC project “The Healthy Self as Body Capital (BodyCapital)”, 9–13 April 2018. Max Planck Institute for Human Development (Center for the History of Emotions). Berlin, Germany The twentieth century is the century in which modern mass media irreversibly permeated and transformed nearly all aspects of politics and society. This can be exemplified by the impact that film and television had on medicine, health policy and education, from early medical films that made new images of illness and therapy accessible to health experts, to the “Kulturfilme” of the 1920s that propagated a modern conception of the body to cinema- goers, to educational films produced by the state for use in schools, to ads informing people about AIDS prevention and health talk shows on TV. Visual mass media are constantly reflecting and shaping our conceptions and perceptions of the body and health, as well as the

PhD position : Early Stage Researcher in History of Geological Research in the Mediterranean

Applications are invited for a fully-funded PhD contract on the history of geological research in the Mediterranean. Project and application details are available at: http://www.ipgp.fr/sites/ default/files/esr15_herran.pdf Please send applications to: http://www.ipgp.fr/fr/ positions-available

Vacancy at Royal Museums Greenwich: Curator of Time

The Royal Observatory Greenwich holds some of history's most iconic timepieces. Here, at the home of Greenwich Mean Time, visitors can discover the fascinating stories behind our national collection of marine chronometers and precision timekeeping devices, including the Harrison timekeepers, Charles Shepherd's 'master clock', and the Greenwich Time Ball. The richness of its horological collections reflects the Observatory’s importance - and the history of an institution that stretches back to the seventeenth century. You’ll act as champion for these collections, building your expertise around the objects themselves and their links with global scientific, cultural, social and economic developments. Working collaboratively across the Museum, your goal will be to ensure that the collections and their related subjects are not only accessible, but relevant, contemporary and interesting to a full range of audiences. In other words, we need you to look for new and innovative