
Mostrando entradas de marzo 27, 2016

Call for papers AAA 2016: At the Intersections of Anthropology and Medical Sciences: Possibilities and Risks of Interdisciplinary Collaborations

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  March 31, 2016 Location:  Minnesota, United States Subject Fields:  Anthropology, Health and Health Care, Public Health, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology Panel Title: At the Intersections of Anthropology and Medical Sciences: Possibilities and Risks of Interdisciplinary Collaborations Organizers: Nelson Arruda (Sherbrooke University) and Jorge Flores-Aranda (Sherbrooke University) Panel description: Anthropological methods and concepts have become highly used in the fields of medicine and health science as compelling tools to understand the social production of health and illness, to examine how power relations affect and are affected by the practices of individuals and to expose structural inequalities. Interdisciplinary teams constituted by anthropologists and scholars from a myriad of health related disciplines have brought ethnography into the study of social policies, public health interventions, gl

Call for Papers (AAA 2016): Gendering the Body in Traditional Medicine: Rethinking Gender, Sexuality, and Sexual Health in Non-Biomedical Discourses and Practices

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  April 8, 2016 Subject Fields:  Anthropology, Health and Health Care, Sexuality Studies, Women's & Gender History / Studies, Public Health Call for Papers - Session for the American Anthropological Association (AAA) 2016 Conference Gendering the Body in Traditional Medicine: Rethinking Gender, Sexuality, and Sexual Health in Non-Biomedical Discourses and Practices Co-organizers: Kristin Bright (Carleton University) and Venera Khalikova (University of Pittsburgh) Discussants: Lucinda Ramberg (Cornell University) and Kristin Bright (Carleton University) Studies of how gendered bodies are conceptualized and acted upon within non-biomedical traditions predominantly focus on male and/or female bodies. Scholars of what is often glossed as alternative or traditional medicine look, for example, at differences of therapeutic practices of male and female healers, the uses of ‘traditional’ and ‘herbal’ beauty and sexual health

Medical History - April 2016 Issue Out Now

The new issue of Medical History (Volume 60 - Issue 02 - April 2016) is out now. The issue features the following articles: Margaret Connolly - 'Evidence for the Continued Use of Medieval Medical Prescriptions in the Sixteenth Century: A Fifteenth-Century Remedy Book and its Later Owner' Christoph Gradmann - 'Re-Inventing Infectious Disease: Antibiotic Resistance and Drug Development at the Bayer Company 1945–80' Philip J. Havik - 'Hybridising Medicine: Illness, Healing and the Dynamics of Reciprocal Exchange on the Upper Guinea Coast (West Africa)' Claire Hilton - 'Psychogeriatrics in England: Its Route to Recognition by the Government as a Distinct Medical Specialty, c.1970–89' John Nott - 'Malnutrition in a Modernising Economy: The Changing Aetiology and Epidemiology of Malnutrition in an African Kingdom, Buganda c.1940–73' Philip Conford - ‘Smashed by the National Health’? A Closer Look at the Demise of the

Job: Research Assistant in Data Ethics - Alan Turing Institute - London

at the Alan Turing Institute (the UK Institute for Data Science) we are currently advertising a Research Assistant in Data Ethics. More information here:  https://turing.ac.uk/ jobs/research-assistant-in- data-ethics/   I would very much appreciate if you could circulate this job advertisement to any relevant person.    Please note the closing date for this role is Sunday 17th April, with a proposed interview date of Wednesday 27th April 2016.   Should you have any queries regarding the vacancy please do not hesitate to contact:    Paige Wheeler HR & Recruitment  The Alan Turing Institute 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB Tel: +44 (0)20 7412 7374 Email:  pwheeler@turing.ac.uk www.turing.ac.uk  

JOB POSTING: 4 PhD positions in philosophy of science, Hannover/Bielefeld

Please feel free to circulate widely! 4 fully funded positions for doctoral candidates in philosophy of science and/or ethics of science Starting Date: October 1st, 2016 Within the research group "Integrating Ethics and Epistemology of Science" (jointly organized by the philosophy departments of Leibniz Universität Hannover and Bielefeld University, Germany) 2 positions at Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2 at Bielefeld University Net salaries roughly between 1460 and 1580 € per month, plus benefits such as health insurance Appointment for three years Working language English, no command of German required Application Deadline: June 5th, 2016 More details under http://grk2073.org/apply For further inquiries, please contact rafael.ugarte.chacon@philos. uni-hannover.de With kind regards, Rafael

Proyecto sobre interdisciplinaridad en la historia de la Arqueología

Apreciados colegas,  estoy organizando un proyecto I+D sobre interdisciplinaridad en la historia de la Arqueología. Si a alguien de Historia de la Ciencia le interesara colaborar como miembro del equipo en este proyecto por favor poneros en contacto Sobre mi proyecto anterior y la forma que hemos tenido de trabajar https:// arqueologiasinfronteras. wordpress.com/ saludos,  Marga

Fondos Docum. Historia de Ericsson en España

Está disponible una herramienta que creemos de utilidad para los historiadores de las telecomunicaciones: un inventario de fondos documentales sobre la labor en España de la empresa sueca Ericsson (desde los años 1920) Aquí os dejamos el enlace http://historiatelefonia.com/ 2016/03/29/inventario-de- fondos-documentales-sobre- ericsson-en-espana/ Incluye documentos, con acceso a una amplia mayoría de los mismos, del Centre for Business History de Estocolmo (que custodia el Archivo histórico de Ericsson) y de terceros archivos 

Tenure-track Chancellor's Fellowship positions in social studies ofhealth and medicine, University of Edinburgh

5-year tenure-track fellowships with the possibility of an open-ended contract; Salary from £38.896-£55,389 per annum; Social Sciences, Health and Medicine, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ ANE885/chancellors- fellowships-social-sciences- health-and-medicine/ The Edinburgh Medical School has a strong tradition of excellent research, teaching and knowledge exchange in the social sciences. We are seeking two strategic appointments in this area to join the Social Studies of Health and Medicine group within the Centre for Population Health Sciences, Usher Institute to develop cutting edge programmes of work across disciplinary boundaries to interrogate the compelling questions generated by the increasing complexity of biomedicine and its interface with individuals and society. Applicants must be committed to working in a multi-disciplinary, collaborative environment and support the development of interdisciplinary research

Inspiraciència, concurs de relats d'inspiració científica

Us informem que s’ha obert la convocatòria de la sisena edició d’Inspiraciència, concurs de relats d’inspiració científica, que organitza el Consell Superior d’Investigacions Científiques amb el patrocini de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Com cada any, també s’organitza un cicle de xerrades en torn a les relacions entre ciència i literatura que aquest any està dedicat a la “Ciència als clàssics de la literatura”. A més, com a novetat d’aquesta edició, una nova secció fora de concurs , La ciència del teu clàssic, permet als participants recomanar la lectura d’un clàssic i compartir la ciència que han trobat a l’obra: Termini: fins al 19 de maig Més informació: inspiraciencia.es Organitza: Delegació del CSIC a Catalunya i Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (CSIC) Col·laboren: Instituts i delegacions del CSIC en Catalunya, Andalusia, Aragó, Euskadi, Madrid i País Valencià Amb el patrocini: Fundación Española para la Cien

ZB MED- Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de Alemania

A través de las redes sociales nos hemos informado  que la  Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina  de Alemania, que abarca  también recursos de  medioambiente, agricultura y nutrición,  conocida por sus siglas ZB Med,  (Deutsche Zentralbibliothek für Medizin  ZB MED)  http://www.zbmed.de/en/  puede cerrar http://www.zbmed.de/en/about/press/latest-news/article/a-black-day-for-zb-med-and-german-life-sciences-research/  . En el año 2012 se llevó a cabo una auditoria en la ZB MED, promovida por Leibniz Association Senate,  que solicitó una serie de reformas en la que se recomendaba que dejase de ser una biblioteca tradicional  y que iniciase un cambio hacia un nuevo mercado internacional de información especializada. Por lo que hemos podido ver en su página,  se promovió un cambio importante estos últimos años, incorporando un nuevo motor de búsqueda semántico   Livivo   https://www.livivo.de/  , desarrolló  Publiso    http://www.publisso.de/en/ ,  para apoyar los investigadores en la publi

clystere n° 49 - Avril 2016

Clystère n° 49 – Avril 2016 est paru ( April 2016 is online / Abril de 2016 acaba de salir ) : http://www.clystere.com   SOMMAIRE N° 49 – AVRIL 2016   Editorial : Achat en ventes publiques. Enchérir par téléphone. Réponse à Guy Gaboriau (Jacques Hotton) L’image du mois : Une ordonnance du docteur Petiot (Stephane Merucci) Histoire des instruments : -    L’appareil à air chaud du Docteur Miramond de Laroquette (Bernard Petitdant) -    Une curiosité : l’ozoformophore du docteur Levieux (Jean-Marie Kaiser) Histoire de la santé : -    Discussion philosophique et éthique autour du procès des médecins nazis de Nuremberg (Xavier Riaud) -    Histoire des femmes médecins dans le monde arabo-musulman (Driss Cherif) -    La maison centrale de droguerie Menier, tremplin commercial pour la maison Charrière en 1860 (Alain Ségal, Isabelle Demouy) -    Médaillons et médailles de Paul Richer (1849-1933) Olivier Walusinski Actualités En musardant sur la Toile C

AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award, Royal Society

The University of Lincoln, in partnership with the Royal Society and the Science Museum, is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified UK/EU candidate for a full-time Collaborative Doctoral Award. The award is funded by the UK AHRC to conduct research on the lives and letters of Emanuel Mendes da Costa (1717-91). Da Costa was a Royal Society secretary, conchologist, antiquarian, and member of the Sephardic London Community. He was a leading collector in the crux of a transition in natural history, moving from baroque cabinets of curiosities to Linnaean Enlightenment taxonomy. By studying his scientific works and largely unknown correspondence network in the Royal Society, British Library, the Lincoln Cathedral, and other repositories, the student will analyse both his fixed beliefs and impact of innovation in natural history.  In its analysis of Da Costa’s life and letters, the PhD’s research also will elucidate the status of Jews in Georgian England, and the social nor

CFP - Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 31, 2016 Location:  Portugal Subject Fields:  Environmental History / Studies, Film and Film History, Graduate Studies, Literature, Popular Culture Studies Science Fiction and Fantasy International Conference School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon November 16-18, 2016 CALL FOR PAPERS Science Fiction and Fantasy objects are a permanent part of today’s cultural industry.  From the margins to mainstream culture, their ubiquity demands critical debate beyond the preconception of pop culture made for mass entertainment. The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES) invites you to take part in the 4thInternational Conference Messengers From the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy to be held at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, November 16-18, 2016. We welcome papers of about 20 minutes (maximum) and also joint proposals for thematic panels consisting of 3 or 4 partici

JOB: PhD Student in ERC Project, Tilburg University

The Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS)  at Tilburg University, The Netherlands, invites applications for a  four-year PhD position (1,0 fte) in philosophy of science, starting 1   September 2016 or later this year. Candidates must hold a MA/MSc degree or equivalent by the time of appointment. Apart from philosophy graduates, candidates with degrees in other relevant disciplines (e.g., mathematics, psychology) are welcome if they can demonstrate a high level of familiarity with philosophy of science. The PhD position is funded by the European Research Council (ERC), through a Starting Investigator Grant for the research project “Making Scientific Inferences More Objective” (principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Jan Sprenger). For further information on the position, please contact the PI at j.sprenger@tilburguniversity. edu . Candidates should submit the following documents in a single pdf file: a letter of motivation, a CV, a writing sample,

Mining History Association Research Grants

Type:  Grant Date:  April 15, 2016 Subject Fields:  Business History / Studies, Labor History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Environmental History / Studies, Social History / Studies The Mining History Association (MHA) in the U.S. hosts a Research Grant Program open to all who are currently engaged in or who plan to conduct mining history research. Research may focus on technology, business, social and cultural life, the environment, or any other aspect of mining, its associated industries, and its communities. The Grants Committee may make up to three grants per year. Funding may vary, up to a maximum of $750 per grant. Announcement of the winner(s) will be made as quickly as possible, so that funds may be used in preparation for the MHA Annual Conference in the year following the award (Fairbanks, Alaska, June 15-18, 2017). Applications due on April 15, 2006. See the Mining History Association's website for more details.

American Historical Association Fellowships

Type:  Fellowship Date:  April 1, 2016 Subject Fields:  American History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Graduate Studies J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship The  J. Franklin Jameson Fellowship  in American History is sponsored jointly by the AHA and the  Library of Congress . It is awarded annually to support significant scholarly research in the collections of the Library of Congress by scholars at an early stage in their careers in history. PhD degree or equivalent required. Applicants must have received this degree within the past seven years, and must not have published or had accepted for publication a book-length historical work. The fellowship will not be awarded to complete a doctoral dissertation. The fellowship has a stipend of $5,000 that will be awarded for two to three months, as the Jameson Fellow desires, to spend in full-time residence at the Library of Congress. The application deadline is  April 1 . Fellowship in

Call for Papers for Philosophy and Technology’s special issue on Financial Technologies

Type:  Call for Papers Date:  May 1, 2016 Subject Fields:  History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Library and Information Science, Philosophy, Political Science, Sociology Call for Papers for Philosophy and Technology’s special issue on Financial Technologies GUEST EDITORS Mark Coeckelbergh (University of Vienna) Quinn DuPont (University of Toronto) Wessel Reijers (Dublin City University) INTRODUCTION The aim of this special issue is to bring together scholarship in philosophy of technology and studies of finance. Over the past decades, the world of finance has been transformed by the introduction of novel technological artefacts, systems, and practices — from ATMs and Internet banking to algorithmic trading, and most recently, the widening use of cryptocurrencies based on the blockchain protocol. While these transformations of financial systems and practices have been studied in anthropology and science and technology studies (STS),

Issue 05 of the Science Museum Group Journal now launched

The fifth issue of the Science Museum Group Journal is now available to view online: http://journal.sciencemuseum. org.uk/issues/spring-2016/ . Issue 05 of the Journal celebrates several important recent and upcoming events in the Science Museum Group. Preceding the inaugural research conference in April that marks the opening of the new Dana Research Centre and Library at the Science Museum, we feature several articles from key conference speakers discussing themes including co-production, museum visiting as a kind of research, and issues relating to the display of objects. Andrew McLean, for instance, commemorates the world famous Flying Scotsman’s flagship journey following an extensive conservation/renovation programme. His article explores the role the Flying Scotsman has played in the ‘preservation of authenticity’ in the context of Britain’s industrial heritage. Doug Millard, curator of the Cosmonauts exhibition gives his insight into the project as it moves out


The International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Division of History of Science and Technology (IUHPST/DHST) invites submissions for the fourth DHST Prize for Young Scholars, to be presented in 2017. Initiated at the 22nd International Congress of History of Science in 2005 held in Beijing, the DHST Prize is awarded by the IUHPST/DHST every four years to up to five young historians of science and technology for outstanding doctoral dissertations, completed within last four years.                  The 2017 DHST Prize does not specify distinct categories, but submissions must be on the history of science or technology in any part of the world. The Award Committee will endeavor to maintain the broadest coverage of subjects, geographical areas, chronology and civilizations (African, American, Asian, Islamic, Western and Ancient Civilisations, and others not included in the above list). Each Prize consists of a certificate, assistance with travel and a