
Mostrando entradas de octubre 16, 2016

Call for sessions: Third International Conference on Food History and Cultures

1-2 June 2017 – Tours (France) We are pleased to announce that the European Institute for Food History and Cultures (the  IEHCA, Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation) is organizing the third  edition of its annual international conferences, to be held on Thursday 1 and Friday 2 June  2017 in Tours (France). The event falls within the scope of the continuation of initiatives  carried out by the IEHCA for the past fifteen years through its editorial policy, its support for  research and its efforts to facilitate networking opportunities among Food Studies researchers. The success of previous conferences, demonstrated by the participation of almost 150  researchers each year, has reinforced our desire to ensure it becomes an annual gathering and  benchmark event, organized in partnership with the Food Studies team (L’Equipe  Alimentation - LEA) at François-Rabelais University in Tours. All proposals pertaining to Food Studies will be considered and all

Novedad Editorial: Cometas, ciencia y religión. La polémica Galileo-Grassi

Introducción y Notas: Antonio Beltrán Marí Traducción: Antonio Beltrán Marí y Esther Artigas Álvarez En este volumen se presentan y se traducen los textos de la llamada "polémica de los cometas" que mantuvieron Galileo, Guiducci y Grassi: la Disertación sobre los tres cometas de Grassi, el Discurso sobre los cometas de Galileo, la Libra astronómica de Grassi, la carta de Guiducci a Tarquinio Galluzzi y el Ensayador de Galileo. La polémica sobre los cometas no fue en absoluto un debate científico sobre la naturaleza y movimientos de tales fenómenos celestes, sino que tras todo ello se ocultaba la discusión cosmológica entre, por un lado, la desfalleciente doctrina de Ptolomeo-Aristóteles y, por otro, la emergente de Copérnico-Galileo. Entre medias flotaba el compromiso de Brahe, puramente programático y nunca desarrollado, amén de físicamente inexplicable, que conoció un breve favor público por parte de quienes, como los jesuitas, deseaban huir de la alter

Duke University, History of Medicine Travel Grants

The History of Medicine Collections in the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University is accepting applications for our travel grant program.  http://library.duke.edu/ rubenstein/history-of- medicine/grants Research grants of up to $1,000 will be offered to researchers whose work would benefit from access to the historical medical collections at the Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Our holdings include over 20,000 print items and 4,500 unique manuscripts along with photographs, prints, and over 800 medical instruments and artifacts including a large collection of ivory anatomical manikins. Collection strengths include but are not limited to anatomical atlases, human sexuality, materia medica, pediatrics, psychiatry, and obstetrics & gynecology,. Any faculty member, graduate or undergraduate student, or independent scholar with a research project requiring the use of materials held by the History of Medicine Collect

Linda Hall Library’s 2017/18 Fellowship Program

The Library funds research stays in Kansas City from one week to a full academic year for predocs, postdocs, and independent scholars in the history of science and related STS fields. Please help us spread the word by sharing this information with grad students and colleagues.  The Library offers outstanding primary sources that document the sciences, technology, and engineering disciplines from the 15th century to the present, as well as co-located secondary sources and a vibrant intellectual community. This year, we’re also launching a new 80/20 Fellowship for pre-doctoral students. This opportunity will allow grad students to spend 80 percent of their time doing dissertation research and 20 percent planning and curating an exhibition about their project under the mentorship of our VP for Public Programs. This is a great way for grad students to expand their skill sets for greater career diversity! Please share this email with grad students, colleagues

CfP: Revista Culturas Psi/Psy Cultures. Psicoanálisis y Literatura en Europa y las Américas /Psychoanalysis and LIterature in Europe and the Americas

Guest Editor/Editora Invitada: Anne-Cécile Druet (Université Paris Est, Marne-la-Vallée) Una de las disciplinas que más se prestan al estudio de las diversas reformulaciones y apropiaciones que ha sufrido el psicoanálisis a lo largo de su viaje transcultural es la literatura. La historia de los encuentros y desencuentros entre las dos disciplinas ha dejado una huella tan profunda en ambas que difícilmente se puede estudiar una sin aludir a la otra. Desde el mismo Freud hasta la actualidad, las temáticas literarias han recorrido las teorías psicoanalíticas que unas veces se inspiran en ellas, otras las convierten en objeto de análisis a través de procesos interpretativos que nutren el desarrollo del pensamiento psicoanalítico, al tiempo que el mismo pretende ofrecer una clave de lectura para el género literario. Por otra parte, la historia de la literatura del siglo XX no se puede escribir dejando de lado las relaciones de amor y odio de tantos autores – entre los que destacan algu

Predoctoral Fellowship: History of Cosmology, MPIWG

The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Department I (Prof. Jürgen Renn), announces a three-year predoctoral position starting at the earliest in January 2017 (with the possibility of extension). Outstanding junior scholars are invited to apply. The position is awarded as part of the research project CRC 980 “Episteme in Bewegung (Episteme in Motion),” Sub-project B6 “Formation of Cosmological Knowledge in the Pre-Modern Era: Transmission and Change in Diachronic and Transcultural Perspectives” ( http://www.sfb-episteme.de/en /teilprojekte/zeigen/B06/index .html ). The predoctoral fellow is also expected to participate in at least one other research project of the Institute. Research projects should concern the medieval and early modern history of astronomy, including its cultural and social embedment (see http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de /en/research/projects/dept1_72 0omodeo-cosmology ). We encourage interdisciplinary projects, especially in t

CfP: Knowing Nature conference in Beijing

KNOWING NATURE: The Changing Foundations of Environmental Knowledge  An international conference to be held in Beijing, Renmin University of China, 25-27 May 2017  Co-Sponsored by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, and the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, Beijing, with the collaboration of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin. Who knows nature best? Over the past 10,000 years competing communities of knowledge have evolved, each with formalized standards and processes. Peasants have competed against craftsmen, religious leaders, and urban experts. In modern societies based on science and technology, the claims to knowledge have changed even more dramatically, although scientific knowledge still competes with other bodies of knowledge. And always, who gets to define knowledge can have profound consequences for the natural world. For our conference we seek proposals that e

CfP: New Approaches to Medieval Water Studies

Recent scholarship in water studies has generated several germane streams of new methodological approaches, each relevant to medieval history. This  OLH Special Collection  will showcase the state of the field for medieval water studies, tease out its salient themes, and demonstrate possible futures for the field. In the last decade, new attention has been paid to the role of water as both a literary metaphor and a cultural reality in the Middle Ages, with exciting results. In  The Sea and Medieval Literature  (2007), Sebastian Sobecki fruitfully explored how water is used to communicate ‘Englishness’ in various different medieval texts. In environmental history, Ellen Arnold’s  Negotiating the Landscape: Environment and Monastic Identity in the Medieval Ardennes  (2013) has initiated a new assessment of medieval spiritual relationships with the environment, and has led to a subsequent project on early medieval rivers and waterways. Carole Rawcliffe has shed new light

Fellowships in the Center for Philosophy of Science, Pittsburgh

The Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for Fellowships supporting visits in the Center for a term or an academic year.  For details, visit the Center Website, www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr and see: Postdoctoral Fellowship Visiting Fellowship The Center has invited Colin Allen to be the Senior Visiting Fellow for the academic year September 2017 - April 2018.  We encourage applications for Postdoctoral and Visiting Fellowships from scholars whose research intersects with Professor Allen’s. We also invite applications for the academic year September 2018 - April 2019 for the position of Senior Visiting Fellow.  For details, see: Senior Visiting Fellowship at www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr