
Mostrando entradas de abril 5, 2015

Temporary Lecturer in History of Medicine and 2 x Postdoctoral Research Associates at University of Liverpool

THE UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL FACULTY OF HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES INSTITUTE OF PSYCHOLOGY, HEALTH AND SOCIETY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND POLICY IN AFFILIATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY LECTURER GRADE 8 IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE £38,511 - £42,067 pa We are seeking to appoint a Temporary Lecturer in the Department of Public Health and Policy, in affiliation with the Department of History. You will be expected to deliver undergraduate teaching in the Faculties of Health and Life Sciences and  Humanities and Social Sciences and postgraduate teaching on the Master of Public Health course. You should have a PhD in History or a relevant discipline and duties include: delivering lectures, seminars and individual student project tutoring; assessment of coursework and examinations; development and maintenance of teaching and examination materials and attendance at staff meetings. You will also support the Development of History of Medicine within local healthcare

Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle: On How to Correct a Widely Distributed Error on the Internet

A blog post recently appeared ( http://arc-medieval.blogspot.com/2015/03/getting-words-out-and-back-in-what-to.html , 1 March 2015) summarizing an effort to correct the identification of a medieval image that had become widely distributed on the Internet. The image, showing a miniature from a medieval manuscript held by the British Library (BL) and distributed by the BL's own "Images Online" site, was mislabeled by the BL as an image depicting victims of the Black Death (i.e., plague). In fact, the image had nothing to do with plague, a fact abundantly apparent from the Latin text that surrounded the image in its original manuscript context. Rather, the image was meant to depict sufferers from leprosy , a chronic condition at the heart of the text's discussion of what interventions should take place when a cleric was chronically ill and could no longer fulfill the functions of his office. The error was described in detail in a study that appeared in December 2

CFP: Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Medicine 2015

CFP: Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Medicine October 16 - 17, 2015  University of Pennsylvania  The University of Pennsylvania is pleased to host the 13th Joint Atlantic Seminar for the History of Medicine on October 16 – 17, 2015 in Philadelphia. JAS Med is convened annually for the presentation of research by young scholars working on the history of medicine and public health. The meeting was founded in 2002 to foster a collegial intellectual community that provides a forum for sharing and critiquing graduate student research.  We welcome student presentations on any topic and time period and especially hope to receive submissions that speak to this year’s theme of Materiality Medica.  Conceived broadly, this theme directs our attention to the physicality of bodies and the implements, practical ministrations, and drugs involved in their care. Analytic focus on materiality also invites consideration of the practical ways that non-human actors, including the

AHRC PhD Studentship on Spanish Influenza, 1918-1919 with Imperial War Museums and QMUL

AHRC PhD Studentship in collaboration with Imperial War Museums (IWM) and Queen Mary University of London Applications are invited for an AHRC-funded PhD at Queen Mary, University of London: ‘A review of the worldwide effects and impact of Spanish Influenza, 1918-1919 based on IWM’s medical collections’. This is offered under the AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership programme. The partner institutions are Queen Mary, University of London and IWM. The studentship will be supervised by Dr Rhodri Hayward and Dr Mark Honigsbaum, Queen Mary, University of London, and Dr Simon Robbins of IWM London. This full-time studentship, which is funded for three years at standard AHRC rates, will begin on 1 October 2015. The Studentship This project will study the huge and far-reaching impact of the Spanish Influenza pandemic of 1918- 1919 which killed some 50-100 million people worldwide, focusing particularly on its effects on Britain and her former Empire. It will lo

CFP: HSS 2015 Panel: Histories of Environmental Impact Assessment

The implementation of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures has transformed science, nature, and societies across the planet over the last half century. The vector for this transformation has been the “environmental impact statement,” a document, prepared by teams of scientists, that incorporates the likely social and/or ecological effects of development into the design stage of major projects. Through public comment periods and review hearings, EIA has also provided citizens with unprecedented access to science and bureaucracy. Despite the force of these historical changes, historians of science have a thin understanding of EIA. EIA rarely figures into our narratives of 20 th century science, environmentalism, science in the federal government, vernacular science, (post)colonialism, or the relations of natural and social sciences. Our proposed panel would explore EIA in a variety of ways to make contributions to these narratives. We seek one or two panelists to e