
Mostrando entradas de junio 6, 2010

Archivo Digital de Movimientos Migratorios

Estmados colegas: El Ministerio de Cultura presentó ayer, con motivo del día internacional de los archivos, el Portal de Movimientos Migratorios Iberoamericanos ( http://pares.mcu.es/MovimientosMigratorios ). Este proyecto, coordinado por la Subdirección General de los Archivos Estatales, se ha desarrollado con el objetivo de fomentar y facilitar el acceso a los fondos documentales relativos a la emigración española y exilio a Iberoamérica en época contemporánea. El Portal inicia su andadura con 30.000 registros de emigrantes, procedentes de la documentación custodiada por el Archivo General de la Administración (España)y los Archivos Generales de la Nación de México y República Dominicana. En breve, también se incorporará documentación del Archivo Nacional de Cuba. El Portal incorpora una Guía de fuentes para el estudio de la emigración española a Iberoamérica y un buscador que permite utilizar distintos filtros onomásticos, geográficos y cronológicos. Un saludo Gabr

3a Escuela de Historia y Educación Matemática

Del 27 al 29 de octubre de 2010 se llevará a cabo en Santiago de Cali, Colombia, la Tercera Escuela Nacional de Historia y Educación Matemática con el tema "Axiomática y estructuralismo en Matemáticas". Responsable Grupo de Historia de las Matemáticas, Universidad del Valle-Universidad del Cauca. Invitados Leo Corry, Tel-Aviv University Luis Rico, Universidad de Granada, España Carlos Eduardo Vasco, Doctorado Interinstitucional en Educación Matemática Marco Panza, Universidad de París VII, Francia (Virtual) José Ferreiros, Universidad de Sevilla, España (Virtual) Informes: Universidad del Valle- Cali, Departamento de matematicas tel. 3393227 y 3334906. Instituto de Educación y Pedagogía tel.3309132 y 3212341 < enhem3@gmail.com >.


12º SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DE HISTÓRIA DA CIÊNCIA E DA TECNOLOGIA & 7º CONGRESSO LATINO-AMERICANO DE HISTÓRIA DA CIÊNCIA E DA TECNOLOGIA Simpósio 05 RELAÇÕES INTERNACIONAIS: CIÊNCIAS, MEDICINA E POLÍTICA Coordenação:        MAGALI ROMERO SÁ (COC/FIOCRUZ) HELOISA MARIA BERTOL DOMINGUES (CHC/MAST) As relações científicas internacionais têm entrado na agenda dos historiadores das ciências e, aos poucos, esse estudo começa a se constituir numa área da história social das ciências. No processo de globalização, países da Europa, das Américas, da África e da Ásia estão cada vez mais estruturando uma comunidade internacional. Historicamente, essas relações têm sido marcadas por relações de poder. O objetivo desse simpósio é debater as relações que foram se formando entre países, cientistas e instituições que, de uma hierarquia do poder, característico da Era dos Impérios, passou a uma relação de troca, influindo na própria linguagem que as definem. Do final do século XIX até o sé

Hanse Fellowships for European Studies

The Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg (HWK), Institute for Advanced Study, is a publically financed non-profit foundation. The Institute is dedicated to foster excellent research in the German North-Western region, especially the Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg. The HWK accomplishes its mission by appointing advanced researchers from universities and research institutes from all over the world as Research Fellows. The HWK announces the launch of a focus program in the area of European studies in 2010. The Fellowships are intended for advanced scholars of social sciences and neighboring disciplines (such as economy, law studies, history, ethnology, philosophy, anthropology, psychology, etc.) who want to pursue a project on Europe and whose research will benefit from the possibility to study Europe from within. Please visit our homepage for detailed information on the application process: http://www.h-w-k.de/europefellowship.html or contact Dr. Susanne Fuchs +49/4221 9160-123; sfuc

History, Cognition, and Visualisation in Science: The David Gooding Memorial Meeting. September 22-23, 2010

A conference in memory of David C. Gooding's contribution to the understanding of science will be held in the University of Bath on 22-23 September 2010. In recognition of his many contributions, papers will be given by speakers who knew David and by those whose work reflects his spirit of creative inquiry into the nature and practices of science including Tom Addis, Jan Addis, Elizabeth Cavicchi, Geoffrey Cantor, Mike Gorman, Helen Haste, Frank James and Ryan Tweney. David Gooding (1947-2009) received his Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science from Oxford University. But his many contributions transcend any easy disciplinary boundaries. His papers and books in the history of science, philosophy of science, cognitive science, and the social studies of science brought new awareness of the nature and sources of Michael Faraday's work, and, more generally, of the role of experimentation and visualization in theory development in science. His methodological approaches pioneer

12º Seminário Nacional de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia/ 7° Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia de Ciencia y Tecnología,

12º Seminário Nacional de História da Ciência e da Tecnologia/ 7° Congreso Latinoamericano de Historia de Ciencia y Tecnología, 12- 15 de noviembre de 2010 , Universidad Federal de Bahia, Salvador, Brasil Simposio 12: As instituições estatísticas oficiais: conceitos, medições, comunidades profissionais e a criação de políticas públicas Nelson de Castro Senra (pesquisador e professor no IBGE, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) Hernán González Bollo (investigador CONICET, IEHS, Tandil, Argentina) Las tres últimas décadas asistieron a una creciente atención de las estadísticas y censos como objeto de estudio entre investigadores de diferentes formaciones académicas (Sociología de la ciencia, Historia intelectual, política y social). Este Simposio procura profundizar esta tendencia entre investigadores de Brasil, América Latina y América anglosajona para, juntos, establecer estrategias comunes de indagación continental sobre una actividad, a la vez, científica y burocrática. Sin agotar las


I NTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE BIOSCIENCES White Rose IPBio Symposium and Summer School Devonshire Hall, University of Leeds, 7-8 July 2010 With the recent overturning by a US court of patents on genes associated with breast cancer, questions about the role of intellectual property in the biological sciences are high on the agenda.  This meeting, comprising a one-day symposium and a half-day summer school, and bringing together international experts in law, science policy, history, philosophy, sociology and other disciplines, will aim to clarify key issues and explore ways forward. SYMPOSIUM The symposium will take place on Wednesday 7 July 2010 and will run from 9am to 6pm as follows: 09.00-09.20 Registration 09.20-09.30 Introduction by Gregory Radick (Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, Leeds) 09.30-10.15 Robert Cook-Deegan (Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy, Duke): "Gene Patents and Policy: The Neverending Story" 10.15-11.00 Daniel Kevles

Apertura de la web de video

Queridos compañeros,     Desde hace unos años venimos organizando, dentro del Instituto de Economía, Geografía y Demografía del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, el Curso de Postgrado La Salud de la Población: Análisis Demográfico y Estadístico. El curso de especialización, dirigido a licenciados y estudiantes de tercer ciclo y abierto a profesionales de Institutos de Estadística y público en general, pretende introducir al interesado en el campo de la investigación en demografía, explorando los aspectos sociales y demográficos de la fecundidad, migraciones, nupcialidad, mortalidad y la salud de las poblaciones, contando para ello con la presencia de investigadores de primera línea españoles y extranjeros. El curso consta de 30 sesiones, de dos horas de duración, donde se tratan aspectos teóricos y prácticos en el estudio de la demografía, incidiendo especialmente en la enseñanza de técnicas estadísticas aplicadas a la demografía.     Somos conocedores del interés q

BSHS Aberdeen 2010 Registration

Intending participants in the BSHS Annual Conference in Aberdeen (22-25 July) who have not yet registered are   advised to do so as soon as possible. At present we have limited availability for overnight accommodation, but some types of room are now in very short supply.  Continued delay may mean that you will not be able to stay with the other delegates in university accommodation.   On-line registration is still available on the BSHS website- www.bshs.org.uk   If you have any queries regarding your booking please email office@bshs.org.uk     Best wishes,   Sally Horrocks BSHS Programmes Committee

PhilSci Archive

Aquest enllaç potser del vostre interés: http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/

Approaches to Ancient Medicine, Cardiff University, 23-24 August 2010

Approaches to Ancient Medicine, Cardiff University , 23-24 August 2010 Registration is now open for ‘Approaches to Ancient Medicine 2010’. Following the successful seminars held at the University of Newcastle and the University of Reading , the School of History and Archaeology at Cardiff University will be hosting a further two-day event on ‘Approaches to Ancient Medicine’ in August 2010. We aim to bring together scholars approaching ancient medicine from a variety of perspectives including medicine, medical history, philosophy, history of science, classical philology, ancient history, archaeology and social anthropology. The seminar is supported by the Wellcome Trust and the Classical Association. A limited number of Classical Association bursaries are available (please contact Dr Laurence Totelin: TotelinLM@Cardiff.ac.uk ). Students may also apply to the Society for the Social History of Medicine for bursaries ( http://www.sshm.org/content/conference-bursaries-s

The Lloyd Library and Museum is pleased to announce its newest online exhibit “In Search of Birds at the Lloyd.”

The Lloyd Library and Museum is pleased to announce its newest online exhibit “In Search of Birds at the Lloyd.”  While the Lloyd is well-known for its remarkable collection of botanical and pharmaceutical resources, perhaps only a handful of people know that its collection also includes significant holdings on diverse biological subjects.  This exhibit opens a window onto our vast resources of zoological materials with a spotlight on ornithology. Birds have long captured our imagination.  People have watched, studied, and documented bird life for centuries; and, a nice representation of this scholarship is at the Lloyd.  Ancient zoological texts sit near 20th century ornithological journals.  Works by John James Audubon complement those by William Bartram and Alexander Wilson.  We also have books for children, books about local birds, and books dedicated to feathers, nests, eggs, and skeletons; visitors to this exhibit will see selections from each. All of the works in

Ph.D fellowship, Ghent University, Dept. of Sociology, Center for Social Theory, Belgium

Ph.D fellowship, Ghent University, Dept. of Sociology, Center for Social Theory, Belgium "The construction of social classification schemata: occupational statistics in Belgium, Great-Britain and the United States" Since the nineteenth century, both Europeans and Americans have become "calculating people". Numerous statistics now inform us about both the social realities they strive to measure and the constructs which organize that measuring. Administrative statistics from the nineteenth and twentieth century are doubly precious documents about the social world they mean to describe: precious for the figures they provide, and precious for their structures or forms, which are traces of the intentions and conflicts that presided over their production. By means of a case-study, this research project aims to study the genesis of administrative statistical categories that organize our observations and representations of the social world. The focus of this research

Deadline Extension: CFP Perspectives on Science and TechnologyinSouth Asia

Call for Papers – Workshop Announcement Pre-Colonial and Colonial Perspectives on Science and Technology in South Asia Junior Research Group “Asymmetries in Cultural Information Flows: Europe and South Asia in the Global Information Network since the Nineteenth Century” Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” 23-24 September 2010, Heidelberg , Germany This workshop welcomes papers from graduate students interested in science and technology in pre-colonial and colonial South Asia . It is the workshop´s particular interest to explore the changing meanings of science and technology throughout this time, including ideas of time and space as well as the language, or translations, involved. Also of importance is the relationship between religious and scientific thought(s), the construction and circulation of scientific and technological knowledge, and the practical applications of science and technology in various domains of South Asian social life